Baby Announcement

I’ve been keeping a secret for a while now.  Let me catch you up….

Positive test

Pregnancy tests.png

Friday, 24 November 2017:  I took a paper test (Ultra Early – 10mIU Pregnancy strip test) and got a positive result before I even missed a period (10DPO).  I repeated the test when my husband came home from work.  Then, did another test the next morning with first morning wee to be certain and ordered a Clear Blue Digital test from Amazon.

Monday, 27 November 2017:  The Clear Blue test arrived and spelled out the result “Pregnant”.  The test predicted I was 2-3 weeks (4-5 weeks pregnant) which was further along than I expected but this happened with my last pregnancy – I must have higher HcG than most women.

Clear Blue results

Above screenshot from Clear Blue website on interpreting the results of their test.

Based on the first day of my last period being 1 November 2018, I calculated I was 3 weeks pregnant (not 4 to 5 weeks like Clear Blue Digital) and that the baby would be due on 8 August 2018.

We headed off on a family holiday at Centre Parc.  It was lovely to have that time to ourselves as a family and celebrate our news.

Saturday, 2 December 2017:  We returned to holiday and I did two more tests.  To see if the line showed darker on the paper test and to see if the weeks progressed on the digital.

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First midwife appointment (Booking In)

5 January 2018:  My midwife wasn’t in so I saw a different midwife that was covering.  She went through the questionnaire with me about my family and history (lots of personal information) and ran some tests, took a urine sample and some blood samples.  She agreed with my LMP Due Date of 8 August 2018.

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First Scan (Dating Scan) – 13 weeks, 4 days

29 January 2018:  So this was supposed to be my 12 week scan but the Sonographer measured the baby and estimated that I should was  further along than I predicted!  My due date was changed to 4 August 2018 and they booked a date for my mid-trimester scan.

First Scan (1).png

Meet the Midwife (Antenatal Check)

9 February 2018:  Finally, got to meet my midwife and she’s lovely.  She updated my paperwork with results of my blood tests and discussed my scan.

Mid-trimester Scan – 21 weeks

Saturday, 24 March 2018:  This scan was brought forward to 21 weeks as I had a few problems recently with bleeding.  It’s been pretty scary.

I heard the baby’s heartbeat on Thursday and again on Saturday – good strong healthy heart beat. The scan shows everything is as it should be and the placenta is not over my cervix.  I had a cervical exam which finally identified what was causing the bleeding.

I have an ectopia on my cervix (cervical ectropion).  Unfortunately, this can’t be treated whilst pregnant so I am going to have to put up with some bleeding.  The tricky thing will be deciding if I need to be checked out in future i.e. is the bleed accompanied with pain, or is their a lot of blood. I’ve come up with a plan with my midwife to help with this.

I feel better knowing that both the baby and myself are healthy. It is still scary to see blood though.

I’m pleased to say, over the Easter holidays I haven’t had anymore bleeding so hopefully that worry is over. *finger crossed*

Baby announcement IG - 21w.png

Gender Reveal

We did find out the sex and I am having a Gender Reveal party today with close friends and family to celebrate with us. I think it will be fun for Noah to discover if he is getting a brother or a sister with everyone around him.  I’m so excited and can’t wait to spill the beans.   Feel free to take a guess at the sex if you like…

Ally plus text