Do you write Book Reviews? If so, good for you. Reviews not only help readers make more informed choices on their next read but it also support authors.

I don’t get much time to read. I’m constantly surrounded by distractions. But, I wanted that to change. So last year, I set my target low at 6 books.

There were times I feared 6 books was ambitious and it highlighted how little time I get. As I actively tried to combat it, I found more time to read. By the end of 2019 I had exceeded my goal.

Here is the collection of 2019 reviews.

Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton


Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard


Save the Cat Writes a Novel by Jessica Brody


Duet Rubato by Claerie Kavanaugh

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Envy by J D Groom

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You Stole My Heart… Do I have to take your name? By Sarah Neofield

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Deepest Blue by Sarah Beth Durst

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The Lost Prince by Julie Kagawa


That’s not all. There are books I finished and have yet to write my review. But, I will post them. Look out for my upcoming reviews of the following:

Crown of Conspiracy by Kara S Weaver

Good Reads:  Trust me by Maddie James

I think I will look at making a book review page on my website to make finding these easier for readers.  

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