Suspendisse ac lobortis

Suspendisse ac lobortis tortor. Ut sed scelerisque lectus, in eleifend lorem. Suspendisse lobortis nisi nisi, quis aliquam tellus commodo ac. Donec efficitur euismod nibh, vehicula rutrum tortor tempus non. Suspendisse bibendum urna vel iaculis porta. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam non molestie lectus, et tincidunt arcu. Aenean porttitor gravida massa convallis tincidunt. Morbi ultrices dolor at nisi consequat, vel blandit libero sodales. Sed sagittis euismod mauris, nec condimentum ex varius vitae. Integer at augue ut urna ornare vulputate ac et felis. Donec in turpis a tortor elementum vehicula. Curabitur molestie venenatis dictum. Mauris sit amet pharetra quam, in sodales est. Vivamus tortor magna, mollis vel mi vel, ornare sollicitudin enim. Sed ac dolor dolor.

Proin a nunc odio. Duis ultricies, nisl non lobortis auctor, urna quam vulputate urna, ac cursus metus leo a neque. Aliquam nec lacus maximus neque vehicula suscipit. Cras feugiat semper justo vel rhoncus. Donec ut neque quis mauris lacinia dapibus. Proin eget erat pharetra, blandit urna sed, accumsan orci. Sed velit turpis, hendrerit quis dolor at, laoreet molestie risus. In auctor, lorem at rutrum sollicitudin, ante libero tincidunt ipsum, sit amet ultricies urna nibh in tellus. Pellentesque at massa nec metus vulputate ultrices a nec sem.

Ut ultricies, nisl sed pellentesque mattis, odio metus luctus est, ut convallis felis dui quis mauris. Mauris dictum, nisl pharetra tincidunt pretium, diam massa porta lectus, vitae interdum nulla turpis ut metus. Duis vitae tempor lorem. Integer sit amet nisi et magna sollicitudin lacinia. Aliquam in nulla ligula. In pulvinar sollicitudin mauris eu dignissim. Nunc gravida tellus nec felis pharetra, quis blandit arcu gravida. Quisque sodales molestie ipsum, quis pulvinar tortor mattis non. Nunc dictum sapien venenatis erat iaculis fermentum. Cras sed libero nec libero auctor imperdiet. Vivamus sodales eros justo, sed tempus felis lacinia sed.

Vivamus mollis imperdiet nibh at maximus. Ut venenatis odio et ante varius, ac facilisis nunc molestie. Morbi eu varius orci. Quisque at elit dapibus, hendrerit mauris sit amet, commodo est. Curabitur felis eros, tempus in lacus in, iaculis fermentum enim. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris lacinia turpis quis magna egestas, ut ullamcorper eros finibus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce gravida, urna ut aliquam scelerisque, neque dui aliquam ex, at varius odio sapien et leo. Proin ultrices condimentum risus eget vestibulum. Praesent volutpat mattis rutrum. Mauris in diam odio. Aliquam dictum tempor libero non feugiat. Pellentesque finibus, elit ac viverra scelerisque, augue eros semper enim, nec blandit erat metus sed neque.

Mauris pulvinar urna rhoncus euismod sagittis. Integer bibendum vitae sapien et laoreet. Vivamus ultricies id lorem at porta. Nulla aliquet nibh id congue sollicitudin. Maecenas nunc mauris, sollicitudin nec sapien at, fermentum lacinia odio. Donec tincidunt lorem porta, viverra erat ac, blandit magna. Aenean scelerisque elit quis lorem sodales, at pulvinar libero fringilla. Cras mattis eu purus ac suscipit. Aenean mauris leo, lobortis non ullamcorper vitae, tincidunt sed justo. Curabitur eros lorem, tempus quis luctus in, ullamcorper nec augue. Vivamus facilisis in ipsum ac aliquet. Nunc elementum magna et pulvinar dignissim. In ut mi eget nunc pretium ultrices. Fusce viverra lorem ultricies felis lacinia, et lobortis nisl dictum. Etiam facilisis sapien sed posuere congue. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Donec in nulla lacinia, venenatis diam vitae, accumsan nunc. Duis vitae sollicitudin nulla. Pellentesque ultrices porta felis quis sollicitudin. Fusce eget lacinia orci. Vivamus tristique, velit ut laoreet egestas, dolor arcu semper urna, cursus volutpat velit odio sed lacus. Suspendisse tempor a leo in sollicitudin. Proin nec luctus dolor. Cras egestas vehicula odio, id dapibus nunc. Nulla tristique venenatis sem in ullamcorper. Nunc id lacus in sem varius maximus sit amet non orci. Suspendisse eu posuere nisl. Integer at felis vitae risus porttitor faucibus eget et tellus.

Proin a nunc odio

Suspendisse ac lobortis tortor. Ut sed scelerisque lectus, in eleifend lorem. Suspendisse lobortis nisi nisi, quis aliquam tellus commodo ac. Donec efficitur euismod nibh, vehicula rutrum tortor tempus non. Suspendisse bibendum urna vel iaculis porta. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam non molestie lectus, et tincidunt arcu. Aenean porttitor gravida massa convallis tincidunt. Morbi ultrices dolor at nisi consequat, vel blandit libero sodales. Sed sagittis euismod mauris, nec condimentum ex varius vitae. Integer at augue ut urna ornare vulputate ac et felis. Donec in turpis a tortor elementum vehicula. Curabitur molestie venenatis dictum. Mauris sit amet pharetra quam, in sodales est. Vivamus tortor magna, mollis vel mi vel, ornare sollicitudin enim. Sed ac dolor dolor.

Proin a nunc odio. Duis ultricies, nisl non lobortis auctor, urna quam vulputate urna, ac cursus metus leo a neque. Aliquam nec lacus maximus neque vehicula suscipit. Cras feugiat semper justo vel rhoncus. Donec ut neque quis mauris lacinia dapibus. Proin eget erat pharetra, blandit urna sed, accumsan orci. Sed velit turpis, hendrerit quis dolor at, laoreet molestie risus. In auctor, lorem at rutrum sollicitudin, ante libero tincidunt ipsum, sit amet ultricies urna nibh in tellus. Pellentesque at massa nec metus vulputate ultrices a nec sem.

Ut ultricies, nisl sed pellentesque mattis, odio metus luctus est, ut convallis felis dui quis mauris. Mauris dictum, nisl pharetra tincidunt pretium, diam massa porta lectus, vitae interdum nulla turpis ut metus. Duis vitae tempor lorem. Integer sit amet nisi et magna sollicitudin lacinia. Aliquam in nulla ligula. In pulvinar sollicitudin mauris eu dignissim. Nunc gravida tellus nec felis pharetra, quis blandit arcu gravida. Quisque sodales molestie ipsum, quis pulvinar tortor mattis non. Nunc dictum sapien venenatis erat iaculis fermentum. Cras sed libero nec libero auctor imperdiet. Vivamus sodales eros justo, sed tempus felis lacinia sed.

Vivamus mollis imperdiet nibh at maximus. Ut venenatis odio et ante varius, ac facilisis nunc molestie. Morbi eu varius orci. Quisque at elit dapibus, hendrerit mauris sit amet, commodo est. Curabitur felis eros, tempus in lacus in, iaculis fermentum enim. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris lacinia turpis quis magna egestas, ut ullamcorper eros finibus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce gravida, urna ut aliquam scelerisque, neque dui aliquam ex, at varius odio sapien et leo. Proin ultrices condimentum risus eget vestibulum. Praesent volutpat mattis rutrum. Mauris in diam odio. Aliquam dictum tempor libero non feugiat. Pellentesque finibus, elit ac viverra scelerisque, augue eros semper enim, nec blandit erat metus sed neque.

Mauris pulvinar urna rhoncus euismod sagittis. Integer bibendum vitae sapien et laoreet. Vivamus ultricies id lorem at porta. Nulla aliquet nibh id congue sollicitudin. Maecenas nunc mauris, sollicitudin nec sapien at, fermentum lacinia odio. Donec tincidunt lorem porta, viverra erat ac, blandit magna. Aenean scelerisque elit quis lorem sodales, at pulvinar libero fringilla. Cras mattis eu purus ac suscipit. Aenean mauris leo, lobortis non ullamcorper vitae, tincidunt sed justo. Curabitur eros lorem, tempus quis luctus in, ullamcorper nec augue. Vivamus facilisis in ipsum ac aliquet. Nunc elementum magna et pulvinar dignissim. In ut mi eget nunc pretium ultrices. Fusce viverra lorem ultricies felis lacinia, et lobortis nisl dictum. Etiam facilisis sapien sed posuere congue. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Donec in nulla lacinia, venenatis diam vitae, accumsan nunc. Duis vitae sollicitudin nulla. Pellentesque ultrices porta felis quis sollicitudin. Fusce eget lacinia orci. Vivamus tristique, velit ut laoreet egestas, dolor arcu semper urna, cursus volutpat velit odio sed lacus. Suspendisse tempor a leo in sollicitudin. Proin nec luctus dolor. Cras egestas vehicula odio, id dapibus nunc. Nulla tristique venenatis sem in ullamcorper. Nunc id lacus in sem varius maximus sit amet non orci. Suspendisse eu posuere nisl. Integer at felis vitae risus porttitor faucibus eget et tellus.

Reflecting on 2018

The year is coming to an end and as I look back I am really pleased with what I have achieved.

What I used from 2017

I ended 2017 by reflecting on what I had learnt in my first year of blogging. 

When I look back at my Reflecting on 2017 post, I still use a lot of the tools and tricks I learnt in my first year of blogging. 

Things I no longer do is embed Instagram pictures within my blog posts as they no longer seem to work.  I also stopped using LoCal.

I am disappionted that I didn’t put what I learnt about creative writing into practice.  Writing blog posts feels easier than writing a novel as I can dip in and out more easily, whereas when I write a novel I like to get into the chapter and write a chunk – nowadays, I struggle to find the time for that.

Progress towards 2018 Goals

I have acheieved 82% of the goals I set at the start of 2018.  I’ve also achieved goals that I hadn’t anticipated such as article writing for an online magazine.  I particpated in NaPoWriMo (poetry writing) which is outside my confort zone and really stretched and challenged me.  I also hit my NaNoWriMo word count goal.

Personal life

I’ve also felt positive about my personal achievements this year.  I completed my CIPD HR Diploma which is a professional qualification.  I gave birth to my beautiful daughter Aria Rose. 

I’ve also been making the most of my materntiy leave by being actively involved in activities at my son’s school such as parent phonic classes and parent maths classes (so I can better support him with his homework).  I have also been making it to the Stay & Play sessions.  I am out attending groups with my baby and making new mum friends for her and we are currently doing baby massage classes together.  

I have really enjoyed including some blogs posts about my personal life and will continue to do so next year.

What is in store for 2019?

Well more personal posts for sure but I need to set some goals to get my focus back on my fiction writing as getting published is my lifelong ambition. Check back early January to see the goals I set to keep progressing.

If you have enjoyed this post, you may like:

Reflection on 2017

Goals for 2018

Reflecting on NaPoWriMo

NaNo Progress Diary (the end)

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Winter literary festivals

Earlier this year, I wrote a blog post listing literary festivals taking place in the UK throughout the UK that have caught my eye.  To read the full list, please click here.

This post is to remind you of those taking place this Winter.

It looks like December and January are a downtime for book festivals so this list starts and ends with February.


Verve Poetry Festival

  • Date: 14-17 February 2019
  • Location:  Birmingham
  • Tickets:  Fee (£4 to £35)

“A four day festival of world class poetry and spoken word, with readings, performances, and workshops taking place in the heart of Birmingham.”

Faversham Literary Festival 

  • Date: 21 to 24 February 2019
  • Location:  Faversham
  • Tickets:  Various

“Our inaugural festival in 2018 was a great success with a line-up including Man Booker-shortlisted author Deborah Levy, journalist Martin Bell, psychogeographer Iain Sinclair and performance poet John Hegley. We featured over thirty events with writers from Kent and further afield, as well as writing workshops, poetry events, and more.

We hope you will join us again in February 2019. We have another exciting programme of events and activities planned for book lovers of all ages and persuasions, featuring author talks, discussions, creative workshops and spoken word events.”

Limerick Literary Festival

  • Date: 22 to 24 February 2019
  • Location:  Limerick
  • Tickets:  TBC

“The Festival, formerly known as Kate O’Brien Weekend, is this year celebrating its 35th edition. The event continues to honour the life and works of the Limerick author, while attracting prominent participants from all over the world. Building on this significant history, the Limerick Literary Festival seeks to promote Limerick nationally as a place of literary excellence and to provide a platform where readers can meet their favourite authors and other readers.”  

If you like this post, you may also like:

#PitMad December 2018

Uk Literary Festival tour dates

NaNo Progress Diary (week four)

More than 10 Extravagant Ultimate Gifts for writers

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My top 10 beauty products of 2018!

So to wrap up the year, I am having a look back at what my favourite beauty products were.  These are the ones that got all used up and needed to be replaced.

Axicology lipstick – Goodness

This shade of lipstick gives my lips a natural but better look.  In addition, when I am in a rush, I have applied it to my cheeks as a highlighter/blush and think it looks awesome.

In addition, I love the tube of these lipsticks.  You click the bottom to pop the lipstick up.

Nui Costmetics Foundation Intense Kanapa

This foundation is brilliant. Not only is it all the good stuff and none of the bad stuff but it is also a really effective foundation. You can build up the coverage until you are happy and it has a really nice smell.

Pacifica Beauty Multi Mineral BB Cream

This can be used as a primer or just as a light product to even out your skin tone. I use it everyday for the school run as it gives a really natural look and is light on my skin.

Benecos Natural Eyeshadow – Rose Quartz

This eyeshadow is a lovely rose gold. It gives a slight shimmer but isn’t over powering.  Its a nice natural everyday shade.

Simply Redheads Henna Shampoo/Conditioner

I’ve had my eye on this shampoo for ages and glad that I finally gave it a go.  This shampoo makes my hair feel so good.  I was seriously impressed by the customer service in answering my queries.

I bought two massive bottles and they have lasted ages so they are really reasonably priced.  It is almost empty and I know I will have to repurchase.

A.S Apothacary – Wild Beauty Balm Concerntrate

Whenever my skin needs a little TLC, I reach for this moisturiser.  It comes out in a yellow colour but it is full of so much goodness and my skin really soaks it up.

Butter Bar Soapery Body Polish

As someone who finds no joy in body scrubs as they are scatchy and nasty, this one has truly converted me.  It scrubs the skin but it is so rich in moisture your skin doesn’t feel raw afterwards.  I look forward to using it as it is a real treat.

Roques O’Neil Therapie Bath Detox Salts

I saved these salts for after labour to help with healing and loved them.  I look forward to when I can find time to have a bath to enjoy these are they are a real treat.

NK Naturals Delicate Healing Cleansing Balm

Whenever hormones makes my skin play up, this cleanser brings it back to being balanced.  It is so gentle I have even used it to remove eye makeup.  I like the strong honey smell but that might not suit everyone.

BAO Skincare Apricot Rose Face Polish

I never thought I would trust a scrub on my face but this polish is really gentle and feels like a treat on my skin. 

What I want in 2019

I discovered a lot of the above products through my Skin Organics Clean Beauty Box.  If I can afford to subscribe again then I definitley will.

Other than replacing the above products when they run out, I would be interested in trying out other products by the brands.

I also enjoyed using a lot of lip balms, body oils and facial spritz but although I loved using them, I wasn’t in love with one that it was my most favourite.  I think in 2019, I would like to try more of those products to find the one.

Have you tried any of the above products?  Have you got any recomendations for me.

If you liked this post then you may enjoy:

Why subscribe to Skin Organics beauty box

Simply Redheads Review

Why subscribe to The Pip Box

Review product from my Naturismo box

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#PitMad – December 2018

I took part in the Pitch Wars event on 6 December 2018.

This event takes place on Twitter on scheduled dates throughout the year and is for Unagented writers, editors and agents. Dates for 2019 are:

  • March 7, 2019 (8AM – 8PM EDT)
  • June 6, 2019 (8AM – 8PM EDT)
  • September 5, 2019 (8AM – 8PM EDT)
  • December 5, 2019 (8AM – 8PM EST)


The unagented writers must have completed, polished manuscripts. They can write up to three pitches per story. pitches must include the #PitMad tag. It should also have tags to show what genre the story is.

If their tweet is liked, they can submit to that editor or agent. Here are my pitches: 


The Little Mermaid crossed with XMen in a British high school.  

Being a storm summoning mermaid gives a new meaning to ‘it’s complicated’. #YA #UF #PITMAD #Mermaid

This coming of age story has all the firsts as well as magic and shape shifting.


She’s crushing on her BFF, rivalling with the swim team star and about to discover she’s a mermaid! With a magic meddling mum & an impending battle with the death crows,  she must gain control of her storm summoning powers before she kills! #YA #UF #PITMAD #Mermaid



In this ‘fishy tail’, Mariah’s love life is just the ‘spark’ of her problems!  ‬

‪Her storm summoning powers are connected to her emotions & if she can’t control them then the death crows will come for her soul!  ‬

‪#YA #UF #PITMAD #Mermaid ‬



If they like a pitch, its a request. They should make their submission criteria clear. It is up to the writer whether they want to submit – they are under no obligation to do so.

Other Twitters

They can share or comment on your pitches to support you but must avoid temptation to like because.., see editor/agent above.


How did it go?
I didn’t get any requests which is a shame as that was my ultimate goal.
This time, I do feel better about my pitches but there is always room for improvement.  I managed to spread my tweets out over the course of the event. I also enjoyed discovering lots of new Twitter writers to follow who write in the same genre as me.
Have you given #PitMad a go or are you thinking about it?
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What am I watching THIS CHRISTMAS!

Everyone has a favourite Christmas movie don’t they?  But, when I first thought about it I drew a blank. 

What is my favourite? 

All I could think of was Home Alone.  Is it really my favourite?  Yes and No.  I asked my husband and he just likes watching movies, usually Marvel ones and not necessarily Christmas specific films.  

So, I gave it some thought…

My Christmas movie list in date order:

The Snowman (1982)

The first Christmas movie I ever loved has got to be The Snowman.  A lovely tale of a little boy’s snowman coming to life and taking him on an adventure.

Home Alone (1990)

I find Home Alone a little cheesy today and the humour is very slapstick, however, it brings back memories of watching it as a kid and remember how much I loved it.  It also seems to be on every year so it has become a Christmas classic.

The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)

This animated Christmas movie is a different tale from the rest with Jack trying to take on Christmas and stars Sally (a redhead) ragdoll that is in love with Jack.

 How The Grinch Stole Christmas (2000)

This is new on the list and the love for this film has blossomed through my son’s love of the Dr Seuss books.  The Grinch is one of his favourites for the line “Pooh Pooh to the Whos” which sadly isn’t in the movie.  But, he still love the film adptation and now so do I.

I haven’t yet been to see the new Grinch movie but looking forward to watching that tool.

The Holiday (2006)

Talking about Christmas films that bring back lots of good nostalgia, I do love the holiday.  It is an amazing feel good romance about two women who swap houses for the Christmas holiday.  Although, I still wonder why anyone would leave that gorgeous home in America to live in a tiny English cottage?

Frozen (2013)

Whilst we are on the topic of animation, I think most familys will be watching this popular disney movie that is set in a snowy Scandinavian lanscape.  A loving tale about the love of two sisters, one of which has a dangerous power.

New films I’m looking forward to watching this year…

Absolutley Fabulous:  The Movie (2016)

I have loved Edina and Patsy since they first hit our TVs in the 90s and still find the episodes funny now.  I’ve not seen the movie and hoping to catch it this year.  Apparently Patsy kills Kate Moss at a party and the two BFFs are on the run.  I am going to piss myself laughing when she falls out the cab. I always do.  I love it.

Angela’s Christmas (2018)

This film features a little redhead girl (I love how cartoonists love using their red pen for the main character) so I have to check it out.  It looks really good and is about a little girl that steals baby Jesus from a churches nativity scene.  And, that’s all I know…

I’ve already watched Arthur Christmas, Nativity!, The Princess Switch and The Christmas Chronicles.  

This year I have loved watching The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina and now there is a holiday special called Chapter 11: A Midwinters Tale. I can’t wait to watch it!

As I have Netflix, I will also give the following codes a try:

  • 1474017 – Christmas Children & Family Films
  • 1394527 – Romantic Christmas Films
  • 1394522 – Family-friendly Christmas Films
  • 1475066 – Feel-good Christmas Children & Family Films
  • 1475071 – Goofy Christmas Children & Family Films
  • 1527064 – British Christmas Children & Family Films

Age related:

  • 1477201 – Christmas Children & Family Films for ages 5 to 7
  • 1477204 – Christmas Children & Family Films for ages 8 to 10
  • 1477206 – Christmas Children & Family Films for ages 11 to 12
  • 1476024 – Christmas Children & Family Films from the 1990s

More codes here.

What will you be watching over the holidays?  Do you have a favourite Christmas movie?  Let me know in the comments.  

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The Best Children’s Books for Christmas

One of the best things about having kids is the children’s books.  I am a huge fan! What started out as one shelf in our front room for children’s books quickly turned into three shelves and a bookcase upstairs!

I find it really hard to persuade Father Christmas not to buy more books becuase he loves them as much as I do! Today, I am going to share the books that I enjoy sharing with my son, the most, at Christmas time.

The Velveteen Rabbit by Margarey Williams

Be warned that this famous beloved tale isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. At the end the boy has to get rid of his rabbit but because he loved it so much, it becomes real.

The Snowman And The Snowdog (pop up & light up book)

This beloved tale about a boys Snowman coming to life and taking him on adventure is available in lots of formats but the pop up and light up book is a real treasure.  There is something facinating about pages that jump off the page but at the end of this book, the stars twinkle due to a built in sensor and built in tiny lights


The Jolly Christmas Postman by Janet Ahlberg

All the Jolly Postman books are amazing.  Children love the little envolpes (from and to fairy tale characters) and finding out what is inside.  The letters sometimes contain a gift like a puzzle or a comic.  This book makes a lovely gift (thank you aunty Heather) and the snowy variation of this book is great to share over the winter months.

Stickman by Julia Donaldson

I don’t own this book, we borrowed it from the library.  Borrowing books is a great way to discover new books for free.  Stickman is about a stick that gets seperated from his family.  He ends up on a dangerous adventure as he tries to get home to his family.  On his adventure he helps Santa who in return helps him get home.

Another, wintery tale by Julia Donaldson is The Gruffalo’s Child.  The sequel to the popular Gruffalo.  The brave Gruffalo Child sneaks out of the cave on a dark snowy night to find the Big Bad Mouse.  Once again, the quick witted mouse out smarts this little Gruffalo.

How The Grinch Stole Christmas by Dr Seuss

My son absolutley loved the Grinch.  This descpicable character feelings towards Christmas is quoted as “hate, hate, double hate, loathe entirely”.  His hate for Christmas is very entertaining and when he says “Poo poo to the whos” my son laughs and makes me read that line over and over again.  Don’t worry, in the end, the Grinch learns that there is more to Christmas than giving gifts.

My Rhyme Time Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

This is an all year favourite for bedtime but when I was asking my son to help me pick the books for this post, he inisited on this one as he like the twinkle star nursery rhyme and at Christmas time we change the words to “Twinke twinkle Christmas star”.  The book is filled with traditional nursery rhymes and illustrated beautifully by Miles Kelly.

The Christmas Show by Rebecca Patterson

This book was a gift from my son’s nursery.  He isn’t the easiest kid to keep in line so I am not sure if this book was chosen especially for him in mind or just a lucky chance that he got it.  It is all about the children preparing for the nativity play, the main little boy doesn’t really pay attention and on the big day he gets it all wrong but his performance is still loved by his family and he is told to ignore the mean words of the head angel.  

Thank you for reading

Are any of the above your favourites?  Can you recommend any more that I should add to my collection?

If you enjoyed this post, you may also enjoy:

My top 5 Pop Up Books

Happy Roald Dahl Month – My Childhood Memories of his books

Learning through art with Arty Mouse

If you love the Gruffalo, you may enjoy my review of Good Bubble, The Gruffalo skincare range.

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Why subscribe to Skin Organics beauty box

I’ve had a total of six Skin Organic beauty subscription boxes!  At the end of this article, I will include links to reviews and first impressions of those boxes.  

When I started taking more interest in the ingredients used in my heart products, I was horrified. There I was thinking I was treating myself only to discover all the harmful chemicals I was putting on my skin.

Switching to organic skincare wasn’t easy and I had to do it gradually.  I began by switching the product I use most first – my cleanser. I wish I had known about the Skin Organics box back then as it is a great affordable way to discover new organic products and brands.

What ingredients to avoid?

There are many harmful ingredients in highsteet/designer  makeup and skincare products.  Once you are aware what these ingredients can do to your body it is shocking that they are even allowed.

Here are some examples to give you a taste of what you might be putting into your body through your skin everyday.

Parabens: can cause breast cancer, skin cancer, decrease sperm count.  Some types will disrupt the endocrine system, cause reporductive and development disorders.  

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS):  can cause skin irratiations, canker sores, disrupt natural oil balance, eye damage and cystic acne.

Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA): can cause skin depigmentation, liver damage, stomache cancer, interferes with the repoducitve system and thyroid hormone leveles.

There are more but that is not the purpose of this post. I just want to illustrate why you might want to rethink ‘treating’ yourself and start looking into products created using natural and organic ingredients.

Why get a Skin Organics subscription?

Skin Organics Clean Beauty is a subscription box with a selection of non-toxic, cruelty-free, organic and natural products.  These may be skincare, body care or beauty products.  Their aim is to help you discover clean, green and cruelty-free products and brands.  They dispatch on 20th of the month.

Your box will contain five products.  All of these will be free from nasty harmful ingredients like Parabens, SLS, pthalates, petrochemicals, suylphastes, silicones and GM ingredients. And, the brands with be ethical and cruelty free. 

Cost:  £19.00 (+£3.95 P&P) subscription, UK

Click here to subscribe.

If you don’t want to subscribe you can buy a one off box (or send one as a gift), you can also buy gift vouchers and buy seasonal boxes (for example, this Chrsitmas they have a Christmas Gift box with 5 festive products or a Mini Christmas box with 2-3 festive products).

Here are the highlights:

Here are links to my first impressions and reviews of the Skin Organics box when I was a subscriber. I’ve also tried really hard to choose a favourite product each month.

My last Skin Organics box – August (review published 27 September 2018) 

I am not a fan of scrubs but I loved  Revive Body Polish by Butter Bar SoaperyI am going to buy it as a gift for people at Christmas (and for myself).  And, I’ve shocked myself by loving BAO Skincare‘s Apricot Rose Face Polish.  Both of these are products I never would have bought myself but I now look forward to using as a treat.   

Review:  Skin Organic Box – July (review published 1 September 2018)

I have loved most of the items in this box.  I must confess I’ve not really used the Lola’s Apothecary Body & Massage oils but everything else is well used.  It’s trick to pick just the one but I am going to go with the Green People‘s Damask Rose moisturiser and face oil.  

Review:  The Pip Box – June (review published 27 July 2018)

From this box, I have still not used the Lucidlure Allava Hair Mask although due to my hormones changing, my hair is currenlty falling out so I have been thinking about using this – just need some me time.  The Bespoke Aroma Peppermint and Lomongrass Pulse Point Oil was a life saver when I got a cold whilst pregnant.  I also loved their facial mist in the hot weather.  

Review:  The Skin Organics – May (review published 5 July 2018)

This has to be one of my favourite edits as I am really struggling to choose a favourie.  I’m going to tell you my three favourites!  A.S Apothecary‘s  Wild Beauty Balm is so good that I am wondering how I will afford it on materntiy leave – it makes my skin so happy.  I also love Roques O’Neil Himalayan Detox Bath Salts.  These were my go to after labour for a soothing bath and now I can’t get enough of them.  Sadly, I did not like the dark chocolate – yuck, not for me!

Review:  The Skin Organics – April (review published 7 June 2018)

I absolutley loved the Mono Facial Steam but sadly it was a limited edition and can’t be bought.  

Review:  The Skin Organics box  – March (review published 26 April 2018)

I really love NKnaturals‘ London’s Delicate – Healing Cleansing Balm. It has been so delecate I have used it to on my eyes to remove make up.  Although it is delicate it has still removed waterproof makeup.  I must re-buy this!

My first impressions of this box can be found here.  

Overall thoughts…

If I could afford to subscribe to only one beauty box, it would be this one.  I love the chemical free, cruelty free and ethical products and brands that I recieved.  All the products were of good quality and didn’t cause me any irritation.  My only wish is that they’d sometimes include a makeup item.

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Thank you for helping me reach 200+ Followers

This is a really quick post as I can’t believe my blog now has over 200+ followers!  Wow!

Thank you.  I couldn’t have done it without all you amazing people who click ‘follow’.  It means so much to me.  That’s why I follow back most people who follow me.

When I first started blogging, I was scared to click post.  I had this fear people would judge my writing and laugh at my amature content.  I was intimidated by the thought of coming up with subjects to write and thought I would run out of ideas or be boring.

At the time, I had no idea how much I would enjoy blogging.  I have suprised myself with how I always have a generous stream of ideas for blog posts.  The most challenging this has been finding the time to write and take pictures for posts.  I’ve learnt to schedule my posts to space them out and this also keeps me organised.

This year is the first year I have been consistent throughout.  I used to post immediatley and I’d end up with a batch together.  Learning to schedule is one of the most useful tools I have discovered. 

Blogging has been a big commitment and I once my daughter was born I had to reduce my schedule a little.  But, I couldn’t stop bloggin now.  I love it! 

There will defiitley be more blogging next year.  I am seriously considering paying for my blog as I use it every week and love interacting with others that share my interests.  

To some people 200 might not seem a lot but for me it is.  I am really proud of myself and I’m daring to set myself a goal to double my followers by the end of next year.  Can you imagine that!

I hope you are loving your blogging journey too. 

Please comment and let me know how long you have been blogging and what you blog about.  Do you pay for your blog – do you recommend it? 

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