
Useful hashtags for writers (part 7) – Seasons

If you want to read part 6, click here.

Seasonal Hashtags

If you are still struggling for ideas on what to post then use the seasons as inspiration.

Colder months

During the colder months you can post pictures of books with candles, blankets and hot drinks. Post pictures of writing indoors with a hot drink.

You can post pictures using harvest as inspiration in autumn including root vegetables or fiery and golden leaves.

Leading up to Christmas recommend bookish and writer gift ideas. Use Christmas decorations in flat lays.

#winter #winterreads #snowday #bookishcandles #evergreen #allwrappedup #booksandblankets #snowflakes #snowangels #icicles #uptosnowgood #sweaterweather #snowhappens #winterwonderland #letitsnow #snowmuchfun #winterwonderland #fallingforwinter #morejacketsplease #tistheseason #minttobe #doyouwanttobuildasnowman #sleighallday #snowflakekisses #frostymornings #moremugsandhugs #babyitscoldoutside #hellowinter #snowplacelikehome #staycozy #wakemeupwhenitssummer #keepcalmandsnuggleon #itsasnowday #snowlife #coldweather #winteradventures #winterweekend #butfirsthotcoffee #frostyfriday #winterfun #gotsnow

#autumn #autumnequniox #fallvibes #blusteryday #hellofall #fallsosoon #unbeleafablefall #goodbyesummer #cuddleseason #fallfoliage #pumpkinpatchseason #pumpkins #pumpkintime #leafkicker #iloveautumn #fallforyou #fallingforyou #newleaf #loveleafs #bundleup #whatthefall #autumnsky #autumnevening #youautumnlovethis #leafingsummerbehind #instaautumn #beautifulnature #beautifulautumn #orangeleaves #herefortheleaves #dropitlikeitsfall #bootsaremadeforwalking

Warmer months

During the warmer months you can post pictures of reading or writing outside, perhaps a book by a pool with a cool drink like a cocktail. In flat lays you could decorate with fresh fruit and fresh flowers.

With spring there is new life. Get out to farms to see newborn animals, meadows to see wildflowers.

Recommend books to take on holiday. Attend book festivals – check out my calendar.

#spring #springshowers #springreads #springequniox #springflowers #instaspring #saltairsandinhair #girlsjustwannahavesun #beachplease #sunsout #seathebeauty #lettheseasetyoufree #seastheday #letsgotothebeach #betteratthebeach #sunglassesselfie #beachvibes #hangingwithmybeaches #instabeach #forshore #sunrisetosunset #restingbeachface #whaleyoubemine #whaleofatime #letsgetnautical #keeppalmcarryon #hightidesgoodvibes #wateryoudoing #springtime #tropiclikeitshot #happinesscomesinwaves #wavehello #seayounextwave #namastayatthebeach #youmesea #sunshineinmypocket #swimsuitselfie #mermaidtime #sandytoessunkissednose

#summer #summerreads #holidayreads #writingoutside #readingoutside #beachreads #summerdays #summertime #endlesssummer #summerfeeling #summermood #summersunsets #youhadmeataloha #summertimefun #sunshine #summerselfie #summergoals #dontworrybeachhappy #thosesummernights #thatsummerfeeling #flipflopseason #sandleseason #paradisefound #flipflopfeet #mermaidforeachother #mermaidlife #mermaidhair #mermaidhairdontcare #poolselfie #sunkissed #summerdaze #sandsunsummer #ilovesummer #hellosummer

This is the end of my hashtag series.  I shall create a post with the collection all together to make them easy to find.  

In the meantime, you would love:

Day 18 – Sunshine

Sun protection

The Beast From the East

The Best Children’s Books for Christmas

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Write 50k words in 30 days

Are you doing NaNo? NaNoWriMo in November is the big annual challenge to write 50k words in just 30 days.

I’ve done it a few times before but never won but that doesn’t deter me. My feeling is that as long as I take part, I am still making progress towards my goal. If you want to be buddies on NaNo, I am Redfae (add me and when I log on, I’ll add you back).

The Project

I’ve spent most of September and October plotting Diamond in the Sky ready for NaNoWriMo. I’ve been plotting using Save the Cat. I still have some work to do to develop my B Story characters but I think I am ready enough for 1 November.

Diamond in the Sky is a spin off novel from Jewel of the Sea, following Kya’s life spiral out of control after getting dumped.

Get involved

Writing can be a rather solitary experience but together with some other members of World Indie Warriors, we shall be hosting live write-ins.

I shall be doing lives every Monday in November at 9pm on Instagram. These will be a chance to chat about how our writing projects are going and get motivated for the week ahead. Even if you aren’t doing NaNo, feel free to join in the chats and cheer everyone on.

On Monday, 21 October, I did my first ever Instagram live with Jodie Groom. I was really nervous so she offered to join me online as a test run to figure things out before November and support me.

To see the live from last Monday you will need to be a member of World Indie Warriors Closed Facebook Group. It’s easy to join. Just click the join button on Facebook.

If Monday’s aren’t for you then you’ll be hyped to hear there will be other write-ins during the week. Check out the schedule to discover other days and times to join WIW online.  Some members will be doing adhoc write-ins.


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Useful hashtags for writers (Part 6) – Month

If you would like to read part 5, please click here.

This was the most time consuming post in the series to write because sometimes dates change. I have selected those I felt would most interest writers.

Use the list as a reference but search to find out more about these special dates to check when they are running and how to get involved.


#januarygoals #goalsetting #goals #goalsetter #goalgetter #goaldigger #youcan #writergoals #writinggoals #annualgoals #muchtodo #januaryreads #readinggoals

#thankgoditsmondayday (first Monday of the year)



1. #happynewyear #newyearnewme #januaryfirst

2. #sciencefictionday #sfday

3. #jrrtolkienday

6. #cuddleupday #curlupwithabook

14. #nationalcleanyourdeskday

17. #gettoknowyourcustomersday

18. #theasarusday #nationaltheasurusday

23. #nationalhandwritingday

31. #inspireyourheartwithartday


#takeyourchildtothelibrary #librarylover (first Saturday in February)

1. #getup #nationalgetupday

1. #worldreadaloudday #readaloudday #readaloud

11. #dontcryoverspilledmilkday

14. #valentinesday #happyvalentinesday #valentine

15. #singlesawarenessday #single

17. #randomactsofkindnessday

20. #nationalloveyourpetday

26. #tellafairytaleday #tellafairytale #tellatale


#campnanoprep #campnanoprepApril #campnanoprepApril2019


#borrowedbooks #returnborrowedbooksweek #returningbooks #ebooks #readanebookweek

4. #natonalgrammarday #grammarday

5. #worldbookday

11. #nationalworshipoftoolsday

14. #nationalwriteyourstoryday #writeyourstoryday

17. #stpatrickday

21. #worldpoetryday

30. #nationalpencilday

31. #nationalcrayonday


#nationallibarymonth #libraryloversmonth #schoollibarymonth

#nationallibraryweek (7-13 each year there’s a new theme) #libraryweek , #nationallibraryworkersday (Tuesday of library week) , #nationalbookmobileday & #supportteenliterature (Both on Thursday of library week). According to Wikipedia.

#nationallibraryday #nationalbooklibraryday #celebrateteenliteratureday

#childrensbookweek #childrensbookday


#napowrimo #instapoems #poetrymonth #poemsforapril #nationalpoetrymonth


#campnano #nanoapril #campnano2019 #campnanoapril2019 #campnanogoals #campnanoprogress #nanocabin #cabinmates #nanocabinmates #nanobuddies

1. #aprilfoolsday

2. #internationalchildrensbookday

4. #nationalschoollibrarianday #schoollibrarianday #schoollibraryday

5. #flashdriveday

5. #worldbookday

16. #wearyourpyjamastoworkday

17. #gettoknowyourcustomersday

27. #nationaltellastoryday #tellastoryday #tellastory

27. #independentbookstoreday

28. #nationalsuperheroesday #superheroes

28. #greatpoetryreadingday





#readingisfunweek (12 – 18)

2. #harrypotterday

30. #nationalcreativityday


#campnanoprep #campnanoprepJuly #campnanoprepJuly2019


1. #saysomethingniceday

3. #nationalrepeatday

6. #nationaleyewearday

10. #ballpointpenday

11. #makinglifebeautifulday

12. #nationallovingday

15. #smilepowerday

16. #nationalfathersday

18. #nationalsplurgeday

21. #nationalselfieday

21. #summerbegins #summersolstice #longestday

30. #socialmediaday



#campnano #nanojuly #campnano2019 #campnanojuly2019 #campnanogoals #campnanoprogress #nanocabin #cabinmates #nanocabinmates #nanobuddies



#happinesshappensmonth #romanceawarenessmonth

1. #worldwidewebday #wwwday

2. #colouringbookday #nationalcolouringbookday

5. #worklikeadogday

9. #bookloversday #booklovers

10. #vloggingday #vlogging #vlog #vlogger

10. #loveyourbookshopday

14. #calligraphyday

18. #badpoetryday

21. #poetsday

31. #welovememoirsday



#bannedbooksweek (last week of September)

6. #readabookday

8. #literacyday #internationalliteracyday

13. #positivethinkingday

13. #roalddahl #roalddahlmonth #roalddahlday

15. #internationaldotday

22. #hobbitday #lotr

22. #deardiaryday

24. #punctuationday

25. #comicbookday #nationalcomicbookday

30. #internationalpodcastday



#teentober (previously #teenreadweek)

#wrimoprep #nanoprep

#libariesweek2019 #libariesweek (7-12 Oct) #libarydayuk #nationallibariesweek

Link to all Library Days in Europe and Library Week UK Org

6. #madhatterday

10. #worldmentalhealthday #wmhd #mentallyaware #mentalawareness

16. #nationaldictionaryday #dictionaryday

20. #nationaldayofwriting #dayofwriting

31. #halloween #samhain




#nationalfamilyliteracymonth #nationalfamilyliteracy


#nationalnovelwritingmonth #nano #nanowrimo #nanowrimo2019 #nanogoals #nanowrimogoals #nanoprogress #nanowrimoprogress #nanowinner #nanowrimowinner #wrimo

#nationalnonfictionday (first Thursday)

#blackfriday #blackfridaydeals

#smallbusinesssaturday #nationalsmallbusinesssaturday #smallbizsaturday #shopsmall

#cybermonday #nationalcybermonday

1. #allsaintsday

1. #nationalauthorsday

2. #dayofthedead

3. #nationalbookloversday #bookloversday #nationalbookloverday #bookloverday

5. #guyfawkesnight #guyfawkes #bonfirenight #guyfawkesday #gunpowderday #happybonfirenight #nationalgunpowderday #fireworks #bonfire #fireworkdisplay

15. #ilovetowriteday



#christmasholidays #happyholidays #uglychristmasjumper #uglychristmassweater #christmasdecorations #christmasdecor #christmasstyle #christmasfashion #christmasshopping #latenightshopping #christmasparty #christmasdinner #christmastime #christmastree #underthemistletoe #mistletoekisses #christmasreads #festivereads #jolly #presents #gifts #picoftheday #santa #fatherchristmas #saintnicholas

21. #celebrateshortfictionday

21. #firstdayofwinter #wintersolstice #shortestdayoftheyear

21. #crosswordpuzzleday

24. #christmaseve

25. #christmas #christmasmorning #christmasday #xmas

26. #boxingday #thankyounoteday

31. #newyearseve #nye

There is one more post in this series to come…

If you enjoyed this post, you will like:

More than 10 Extravagant Ultimate Gifts for writers

More than 10 Affordable Ultimate Gifts for writers

Goals for the year ahead – 2019

Reflecting on Camp NaNo July 2019

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NaNoWriMo Preparations

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.” Sudden Death by Rita Mae Brown

50k words in 30 days!

I’ve never achieved it.  If that makes me insane to keep trying then I will happily own it.  I believe all writers are a little crazy.  Who wouldn’t be with the powers of creation at their fingertips.

I also refuse to give up on my dream.  Even if I don’t make 50k in 30 days, I will still have made progress on my project.  I call it tenacity rather than insanity.  I’m forever hopeful.  My hope won’t allow me to give up.

Doing things differently

Okay, perhaps, I’m not doing things exactly the same as before.  I do try to learn from my mistakes.  Every year, I decide I will plot and plan in October but often cram in any preparation in the last week, day or not at all, like some terrible exam I forgot about.

This year, I started preparing in September!

Together with my trusty plotting partner, Save The Cat, I managed to figure out all the beats from start to finish.  I have some characters I need to flesh out a bit – they don’t even have names yet!  But, I am feeling much more prepared for this than ever before.

My project!

For NaNoWriMo 2019, I am going to work on finishing Diamond in the Sky.


The blurb (above) and cover needs a little work as it says nothing about the theme of the novel.  The theme is about learning to love yourself and not needing validation from others.  Kya starts off feeling obliged to do things her friends tell her she should be doing, she feels like she needs a boyfriend to be attractive. Over the course of a few paranormal events, deaths and more than one romance, Kya discovers herself.  Well, that’s my goal.

Wish me luck…

If you would like to follow my progress on NaNo and be buddies, you can add me.  My username is Redfae and you can read my stories on Wattpad.

Going Live

In addition, tonight, Monday, 21 October 2019 at 9pm (GMT), I will be going live on Instagram.  Please join me

I’ll be chatting with Jodie Groom about what World Indie Warriors will be doing for NaNoWriMo, such as live write-ins and how we can all support each other.  I’m a little nervous as I’ve never done anything like this before.  

If you enjoyed this, you will enjoy:

Reflecting on Camp NaNo July 2019

Book Review: Save the Cat – Writes a Novel

Tips on naming your character

NaNo Progress Diary (the end) – NaNoWriMo 2018

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Useful hashtags for writers (part 5) – Days of the Week

If you want to check out part 4, click here.

Sometimes when I’m not sure what to post I find these daily themes useful.


#mondaymotivation #mondaymadness #mondaymuse #mondayoff #manicuremonday #manicmonday #musicmonday #mancrushmonday #mustreadmonday #mermaidmonday #mermaidmondays


#tuesdaytip #tuesdaytruth #transformationtuesday #tuesdayshoesday #goodnewstues #takemebacktuesday #tastytuesday


#waybackwednesday #woofwednesday #wednesdaywisdom #wednesdayworkout #wednesdaywriting #wednesdaywords #wednesdaygrind #wellnesswednesday #winitwednesday #womancrushwednesday


#throwbackthursday #tbt #thursdaythoughts #thursdaytruth #thursdaygrind #thankfulthursday #thoughtfulthursday #thankgoditsthursday #tgit


#followfriday #ff #fridayface #fridayoff #fridayfun #fridayreads #flashbackfriday #fbf #fictionfriday #featurefriday #factfriday #freebiefriday #flashfictionfriday #thankgoditsfriday #tgif


#caturday #saturdaysnippets #saturdaylove #saturdaystyle #saturdayswag #saturdayshoutout #ss


#socksunday #sundayread #spotlightsunday #selfiesunday #weekendvibes #sundaybrunch #shoutoutsunday #selfpromotesunday #sundayshelfie #shelfiesunday

There is still two more hashtag posts in this series to come…

In the meantime, please enjoy:

Why I love YALC

Felixstowe Book Festival and My White Knight

Planner Meet

Aria’s Alice in Wonderland themed First Birthday

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Book Review: Envy by J D Groom

Fortunately, I have never been in an abusive relationship but wanting to understanding them leaves me fascinated. There is a grip to watching shows or films about it, like a thriller. You know the person is in danger and you on the edge of your seat, wanting them to get out but knowing its not straight forward. 

Shows I have enjoyed for this reason are:

Big Little Lies (2017)

I watched this because of the big names in it. The character played by Nicole Kidman is done incredibly well. I believe it was based on a book.

Dirty John (2018)

This series is based on a true story of one of John Meehan’s victims. There is also a documentary about the many victims of John Meehan.

You (2018)

I partly loved this series because it has a writer in it but that’s not what makes it compelling to watch.  That would be the tension of the show told from the viewpoint of the stalker, come murdering boyfriend.

Envy by J D Groom

If you loved the above shows, then you are bound to love Envy by J D Groom. It is a a short story available on Amazon for Kindle.

 Here is the blurb:

Kate had it all; a job she excelled at, friends, family and an apartment to call her own. Then she fell for her boss.

Finding herself stuck in his web, will she continue to live under his rule and be lost forever? Sometimes help can come from the most unexpected of places.

Blurb from Envy by J D Groom

What is it about?

If you haven’t figured it out yet, the story is about a main character trapped in a toxic relationship. Jodie doesn’t glamorise the situation by making it romantic or dramatise it with extreme scenes. She slowly builds the danger with all the control from the spouse, his sudden mood swings and unpredictability, the repressed freedom where the MC’s every move is tracked.

You get sucked into the dark tension and when the MC, Kate, has an opportunity to escape you feel her fear, her hesitation and you’re right there encouraging her to go but know the odds are stacked against her. Will her plan work, can she reach safety? Well… you’ll have to read to find out.

Would I recommend it?

100% Yes! This is a short story that packs a punch. If you want a quick read, then this short pacey page turner is for you.

Useful hashtags for writers (part 4) – Interests

If you would like to read part 3, click here.

Here is a collection of other useful hashtags that are popular with writers.

General Writing Challenge hashtags

You could take part in challenges for writers like Nano and post progress updates on IG or do a photo prompt challenge and add any of these tags that are relevant.

#writerschallenge #writingchallenge #writingprompt #poetrychallenge #writingprompts #writingchallenge

Writers/Authors Supporting Each Other

These are great tags for when your post is aiming to help others.

#writingtip #writerstip #writingtips #writerstips

#writerssupport #supportingpoets #supportauthors #supportwriters #supportwritersandauthors #supportingauthors #authorssupportingauthors

#featurepoem #featuredpoet #featuredauthor #featuredwriter #authorspotlight

Tags for writers/authors that blog

If you are a writer that also blogs here are some general tags for you although you will also want to add some that are specific to the content you’ve created.

#Blogging #blog #blogger #bloggingforfun #writersblog #bloggingcommunity #bloggingsecrets #bloggingUK #BlogAnniversary #NewPostUp #amBlogging #BloggerofIG #blogginggoals #bloggoals #bloggingtip #bloggingyourway #Wordpress #WordPressBlog #WordPressBlogger #BloggingItUp #BloggingIsFun #blogaboutwriting #wwwblogs

Tags for writers that use Planners

I know many writers are stationery addicts and can’t resist a planner. If you are sharing your planner, here are some general tags although you may also wish to add tags relating to the type of planner you are using too.

#planner #plannersgonnaplan #lovetoplan #goalsetter #goaldigger #bigplans #schedule #myschedule

#plannergirl #plannergirls #craftyladdies

#plannermeet #plannermeetup

#plannertips #plannertipsandtricks #plannerinspiration #planneraccessories #plannerstickers #stickerfanatic #plannersupplies #planneraddict #planneraddicts #plannerdecoration #stickeraddict

Tags for writers that read and review books

I only discovered recently how important reviews are especially for indie books. If you can find the time, write a review, share it on IG and everywhere else to help it get discovered.

When tagging you may also want to tag the picture with the books genre, where you bought it and what media it is. See part 2 for bibliophile tags or part 3 for genre tags.

#Book #Kindle #kobo #ereader #books #audiobooks #ebook #ebooks

#tbr #toberead #tbrwishlist

#reading #amreading #readingnook #readinginunusualplaces #epicreads

#yalovin #iloveya #yabookstagram #youngadultbook #instabookstagram

#indiebookshop #indiebookstore #bookshop #bookstore #bookshelves #shelfie #amazon #waterstones #bookhaul

#library #librarylove #loveofreading #borrowedbooks #booksonloan

#bookreview #bookblogger #bookblog #goodreads

#bookstagramer #childrensbookstagram #yabookstagram

This is not the end of the series, there is more to come!

In the meantime, you should check out:

Two year blogging anniversary!

My new Carpe Diem planner

Handwrite to boost creativity

Book Review: Red Queen

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My plans for the fourth quarter

You may have caught my previous post where I reflected on my progress so far this year towards my annual goal. As we enter into Autumn, I am evaluating where I am at and setting myself some new goals for the next quarter.

Social Media

Blog (Word Press):  I have enough post ideas to post twice a week but my new plan is to plan posts a month ahead and if I only have enough for one post a week, I’ll be happy.

Instagram:  Continue engaging with my new connections.  October, I am taking part in a photo prompt challenge and will be aiming to post once a day.  However in August, I trialled three posts a week and this was easy to maintain.  I think this is something I will be moving towards.

Twitter:  I still share content to Twitter and get involved in Twitter events but it isn’t my main social platform.  I’ll continue in this manner.

Facebook page:  Currently, this is not my main focus. I share content here. I think when I publish, I will use this platform for giveaways and live chats, etc.  

YouTube: It’s not only plucking up the courage to go infront of the camera but also to find the time and correct conditions (not exhausted or surrounded by kids).  Until my life calms down, this is being shelved. 

Tumblr: Share Instagram and Word Press content to this platform.


Jewel of the Sea:  Use feedback from Beta’s to improve novel.  Complete Willow Editing’s course and use what I learn to improve Jewel of the Sea.  Whilst saving for an editor, find out more about self publishing.  Query agents that show an interest.

Diamond in the Sky: Re-plot novel, edit existing version and write ending.  There’s a lot to write so I will be working on this for NaNoWriMo.

Tinsel Tiger: Research Literary Agents/Publishers of picture books and consider querying.


Read six or more books:  I’ve hit my goal of six books but I will continue to read more.

Self care:  Sadly, I’ve neglected myself. I think I would love to have a spa day, get my nails done, get my eye lashes done, maybe use a face mask.  Surely this can be achieve within the next three months.  


Willow Editing:  I am so lucky that Willow Editing has given me access to her editing course.  I really struggle with editing as I’m not confident in my use of English Language and the more I think ‘is that right?’ the more I second guess myself.  

Resource book:  During the last quarter, my goal was to buy another resource and I failed.  So, this time I will set:  Buy two resource books on writing!

What are your goals?

I shall review these again at the end of December.  I often feel like I haven’t achieved much until I acknowledge what I have managed to do.  Will you be setting any goals?

If you enjoyed this post, you may also enjoy:

My plans for the third quarter

#BoostMyBio for Pitch Wars 2019

Book Review: Save the Cat – Writes a Novel

My Books

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Ally plus text

Useful hashtags for writers (part 3) – Manuscript

To read part 2, click here.

For today’s part of the series the hashtags will focus on your work in progress.

Tags for your work in progress

Your followers want to see your process, they want to be there for your ups and downs. They want to know what you are up to.

#writing #amwriting #amwritingfiction #writerswrite #writewritewrite

#themestated #midpoint #startingpoint #act1 #act2 #act3 #act4 #storybeats #ending #theend #exposition #incitingincident #climax #pointofnoreturn #plottwist #catalyst #debate #falsedefeat #falsevictory #allislost #finale

#editing #amediting #selfediting

#plotting #pantser #research #researching #snowflakemethod #stc #savethecat #theheroesjourney #bookendmethod

#writersblock #writersproblems #creativeblock #perfectionistblock #impostersyndrome #selfdoubt #innercritique #scenetrouble

#charactergoals #loveinterest #antagonist #mc #maincharacter #characterarc #characterdevelopment #likeablecharacters

#betareaders #arc #advancedreadercopy #critiquepartner

#amquerying #querying #novelpitching #synopsiswriting

#workinprogress #writingproject #writingtime #writinganovel #writingabook #manuscript

#wordcount #wordgoals #writergoals

Tags for sharing your writing

#excerpt #storysnippet #storysnippets #teaser #blurb #pitch #novelexcerpt

Also, check out #storysnippetssaturday where each week @jjotisauthor @bridieblake @amandalyncreek @rynthewriter and @sondaewrites host a weekly prompt to encourage everyone to share a snippet from their work in progress.

Writing by genre

When publishing you have to pin point your novel to a specific genre so bookshops know where to put it on the shelf but when you are tagging you can put every genre that applies to your novel.

Think about your target audience too – what age is the intended audience. Think about the length of your story too. Think about the setting and time period.

In that regard, this list is endless but here are a few examples get to get you started.



#fiction #nonfiction #genrefiction #biography #memoir #novel #novella #shortstory #anthology #flashfiction #series #spinoff #prequel #sequel #saga

#ya #yafiction #newadult #childrensfiction #adultfiction #middlegrade

#romance #romancefiction #yaromance #romcom #paranormalromance #historicalromance #erotica #contemporaryromance #slowburn #swoonworthy #lgbt #secondchances

#fantasy #contemporaryfantasy #urbanfantasy #highfantasy #yafantasy #mythandmagic #magicalrealism #darkfantasy #mythology #fairytaleretelling #superheroes #vampirestory #werewolfstory #mermaidstory #magic #sciencefiction #modernfantasy #urbanfantasy #fables #fairytales #swordandsorcery

#action #adventure #spyfiction #espionage #girlswithguns #militaryfiction #warstory

#dystopianfiction #utopianfiction #spaceopera #steampunk #historialfiction #futuristicfiction #western #wildwildwest

#zombiestory #postapocolyptic #postapocolypticworld #alieninvasion #ai #robots

#horror #ghoststory #slasher

#comedy #darkcomedy #romanticcomedy #talltale #parody #blackcomedy #satire

#crime #drama #thriller #suspense #courtroomdrama #mystery #detectivestory #whodunnit #gangster #juvenille #murdermystery #cosymystery #psychologicalthriller #crimethriller

#drama #comedydrama #horrordrama #medicaldrama #historicalperioddrama #crimedrama #romanticdrama #teendrama

#picturebooks #pb #boardbooks #graphicnovel #comic

#childrensfiction #kidslit #earlyreader #chapterbook #firstchapterbook

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There are more hashtags to come so make sure you are following this series.

If you enjoyed this post, you may also like:

What is your genre?

Book Review: Save the Cat – Writes a Novel

Jewel of the Sea – Chapter 29, 30 and 31

Writing Tools — Ally Aldridge

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Goals: Progress Since June 2019

Here is an update on how I have progressed towards the goals I set in March 2019 (towards achieving my annual goals set in January).

Social Media

Blog (Word Press):  To continue to post at least twice a week keeping to my content schedule as much as possible. 

This has been happening even though it has been challenging to find time since returning to work.  With my hashtag series, I’ve got quite a few posts already scheduled so I should be able to post twice a week for a little while still.

Instagram:  To maintain the new connections I have made and continue to engage with them and share content about my writing.

This has definitely happened and I there are some writers that stand out to me as we have been chatting off Instagram (I even met three of them in person).

On Instagram, I took part in the #WIWJulyChallenge by @worldindiewarriors.  I have continued to post for the #StorySnippetsSaturday challenge and I took part in their week long #WritingJourneyChallenge in August by the same hosts.  For September, I have been doing the #aestheticWIPup photo challenge (I’ll share my highlights soon).  

I got to create the October Instagram photo challenge #WIWOctober for @worldindiewarriors , so I need to post daily for that – eek. 

Twitter:  Continue to share links to my content on Twitter and connect with writers on the platform.

Twitter is a platform I’ve neglected as Instagram has taken precedent and I tend to only use it for events.  On Twitter, I took part in #SFFpit September,  #PitMad September.  I am also taking part in #PitchWars.  

Facebook page:  To brainstorm how I can use this to connect with more writers.

I haven’t really done this.

YouTube: To be brave and get in front of the camera and start sharing video content.  

I just don’t have the opportunity to create videos. With an ambitious, mischievous, one year old that rarely naps, I think I will have to put this goal on hold until she moves out.  

Tumblr: Share Instagram and Word Press content to this platform.

This happens all the time. 


I managed to send out my first ever newsletter (sign up here).


Jewel of the sea (formerly Drift)

  • Edit: Enter into the Wattys.  Put novel out to Beta Readers.  Take part in September’s #PitMad.  Work on my query letter. 

I’ve attended a few pitch events and got some requests. As a result, I had to work on my query letter (which I am rubbish at) and send to the interested parties.

I didn’t put my novel on Beta Readers but I did email it to some writer friends to read for me. I’m saving up for an editor and I think once I finish the next edit, I’ll try out the Beta Readers site.

I entered Wattys 2019 and as I write this post I don’t yet know the results. They are released today! Wish me luck.

Diamond in the sky (formerly Glide)

  • Finish & edit:  Diamond in the Sky has been on hold but work on this is possible to start in July or August but I plan to give myself a little break.

I went back to the drawing board. I’ve got a new notebook and I’m exploring all the characters – even the side ones – to make them more real. I’ve also been use Save the Cat to work out the plot and beats as I’m struggling with how to put the pieces together towards Act 3 and 4. I know what I want to happen and can see certain scenes in my head but I need to put it together. The aestheticWIPup challenge this month has really helped me discover where the gaps are.

Tinsel Tiger (picture book)

  • EXTRA: I needed a picture book to enter a competition.  I decided to edit a poem I had written into a picture book format and submitted it. I also pitched it during #PitMad.

I have pitched my picture book a few times but not had any interest. Is it the pitch or the story? I don’t know.

I have thought about researching agents and querying them. I love the story but I’ve not written a picture book before so perhaps I’m doing it wrong.

I’ve also thought about another poem I wrote that I think could be edited into a fun picture book.

Writing Course/Writing Festivals

  • Third Quarter: Attend writing festivals

I’ve attended a few Literary Festivals over the summer and they’ve been a wealth of information.  Granted these weren’t free to attend but I made the most of what I got for my money:

  • Felixstowe Book Festival – Felixstowe
  • YALC Book Festival – London
  • MKLit Festival (blog post coming soon) – Milton Keynes
  • Wow-Con (blog post coming soon) – online


Working Together Course:  Finish this course.

I’ve got a certificate and everything. *happy dance*

Crafts: Make time at least once a week:

  • Planner:  continue to use Carpe Diem planner
  • Pocket letter:  write another pocket letter
  • Scrapbook:  Do at least one page
  • Crochet:  Finish Aria’s blanket for her birthday

Over the summer crafts has taken a nose dive. I did take Noah to a local craft cafe to do some activities but the challenge is Aria.

This week she removed a painting from the wall, took the leg off a table and climbed up a chest of drawer to throw pens at us. If you restrain her (car seat, cot or a high chair), she just screams. Until Aria is more easy going, she needs someone to play with her so I can help Noah do crafts or even his homework.

In the evenings, I’ve been focused on reading/writing and it’s left no time for anything else. The local craft cafe also do evening activities for grown ups so once Aria is better at night, I’m going to a scrapbook evening.

Read at least four and a half books by the end of September (annual goal 6 books):

I’ve smashed this. I’ve finished my annual reading goal. This summer I have read Envy, The Deepest Blue (book reviews of the last two are coming).

I bought lots of books at YALC. I’ve also been sent some books by authors for me to review and I’ve borrowed books from the library. I’ve got ebooks on my Kindle. I’ve even got sample books and guide books from Ingram Spark. I’ve got more books than time!

I’ve almost finished You Stole My Heart, Do I have To Take Your Name and I’m reading The Lost Prince on loan from the library and got The Cruel Prince waiting on my Kindle.

That’s enough about my goals, did you achieve yours? Let me know in the comments. If you enjoyed this post, you will like:




  • Writer courses:  Continue to take advantage of any free courses that come my way if I have the time to do these. 

These have mainly been the workshops at the book festivals, etc.  However, a friend on Instagram recently sent me access to her self editing course for me to review which I am eager to take a look at as editing is one of my major struggles.

  • Resource book:  Buy another writing help book.  I am considering the Emotion Thesaurus.

I downloaded a sample on my Kindle but haven’t looked at it yet.  The other day someone posted on Instagram a picture of a book they are using for plotting and it looked awesome and now I want that one too.  And, I’ve been toying with buying the Writers and Artists Yearbook but can’t decide if I need the children’s one or adults…

What’s next

I’m going to evaluate how I am doing and set some new goals for the next quarter.  

Let me know how you are progressing towards your goals and whether you check in on yourself too?

If you enjoyed this post, you may also like:

Goals: Progress Since March 2019

Felixstowe Book Festival – How to connect with local writers?

Why I love YALC

Book Review: Save the Cat, Writes a Novel


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