
Day 8 – Magic

She kissed his lips and took his life

And gave him a new one full of ice

His fingers blue as he played with his gift

Hoarfrost alive building on his finger tips

Snow blew around in a blizzard of his

Drawn to the woman who granted him this


He looked into her eyes searching for answers

Should he be scared of this new power


Someone was coming, it was not safe

Quickly she took him in her embrace

Down into the water their bodies crushed

Safely hidden from the intruders eyes

Her kiss feeding him oxygen, keeping him alive

And what was this, upon her neck

The little slits looked like gills

Her pupils stretched like a reptiles


Day 8’s challenge

For Day 8 the challenge was to “write poems in which mysterious and magical things occur. Your poem could take the form of a spell, for example, or simply describe an event that can’t be understood literally. Feel free to incorporate crystal balls, fauns, lightning storms, or whatever seems fierce and free and strange.”

I loved this challenge and had so many ideas, I couldn’t focus. I thought about a statute coming to life, that is the perfect manly figure, capturing the hearts of women but he can’t be touch or you’ll turn to stone and he has a graveyard of statues of women that hadn’t been able to resist him.  I will save that story idea for another day…

Drift - cover

Instead, I wrote the poem based on one of my favorite scenes from my novel Drift (querying as Jewel of the sea).  The whole novel is on Wattpad for feedback and the chapters this poem relates to are titled 26. Don’t Tell and 27.  Revelation.

The version I’m sending for query has been edited a lot and has different chapter names but I still value any feedback you can give me.  The novel is marked private so only followers can view (to prevent pirate/mirror sites).

If you don’t have Wattpad, you’ll be pleased to know that I have posted the two chapters to my blog. Click here to read.


Day 7 – Suspense

Full of excitement


Wish I could rush

To the moment I’m waiting

Day 7’s challenge

For Day 7 the challenge was “In our interview, Kyle Dargan suggests writing out a list of all of your different layers of identity. For example, you might be a wife, a grandmother, a Philadelphian, a dental assistant, a rabid Phillies fan, a seamstress, retiree, agnostic, cancer survivor, etc.. These are all ways you could be described or lenses you could be viewed through. Now divide all of those things into lists of what makes you feel powerful and what makes you feel vulnerable. Now write a poem in which one of the identities from the first list contends or talks with an identity from the second list. This might turn out to be kind of a “heavy” exercise, emotionally, but I hope you will find the results enlightening.”

This challenge feels a bit deep and revealing and I just don’t have the time. I was at a party this morning and another this afternoon. Busy, busy, busy. I decided to just write whatever I feel like…

Now, I have that blank page feeling…

With no idea what write…

But finally, I came up with something short and sweet. I hope you enjoy ?

Baby Announcement

I’ve been keeping a secret for a while now.  Let me catch you up….

Positive test

Pregnancy tests.png

Friday, 24 November 2017:  I took a paper test (Ultra Early – 10mIU Pregnancy strip test) and got a positive result before I even missed a period (10DPO).  I repeated the test when my husband came home from work.  Then, did another test the next morning with first morning wee to be certain and ordered a Clear Blue Digital test from Amazon.

Monday, 27 November 2017:  The Clear Blue test arrived and spelled out the result “Pregnant”.  The test predicted I was 2-3 weeks (4-5 weeks pregnant) which was further along than I expected but this happened with my last pregnancy – I must have higher HcG than most women.

Clear Blue results

Above screenshot from Clear Blue website on interpreting the results of their test.

Based on the first day of my last period being 1 November 2018, I calculated I was 3 weeks pregnant (not 4 to 5 weeks like Clear Blue Digital) and that the baby would be due on 8 August 2018.

We headed off on a family holiday at Centre Parc.  It was lovely to have that time to ourselves as a family and celebrate our news.

Saturday, 2 December 2017:  We returned to holiday and I did two more tests.  To see if the line showed darker on the paper test and to see if the weeks progressed on the digital.

Copy of Pregnancy tests.png

First midwife appointment (Booking In)

5 January 2018:  My midwife wasn’t in so I saw a different midwife that was covering.  She went through the questionnaire with me about my family and history (lots of personal information) and ran some tests, took a urine sample and some blood samples.  She agreed with my LMP Due Date of 8 August 2018.

Bump pic.png

First Scan (Dating Scan) – 13 weeks, 4 days

29 January 2018:  So this was supposed to be my 12 week scan but the Sonographer measured the baby and estimated that I should was  further along than I predicted!  My due date was changed to 4 August 2018 and they booked a date for my mid-trimester scan.

First Scan (1).png

Meet the Midwife (Antenatal Check)

9 February 2018:  Finally, got to meet my midwife and she’s lovely.  She updated my paperwork with results of my blood tests and discussed my scan.

Mid-trimester Scan – 21 weeks

Saturday, 24 March 2018:  This scan was brought forward to 21 weeks as I had a few problems recently with bleeding.  It’s been pretty scary.

I heard the baby’s heartbeat on Thursday and again on Saturday – good strong healthy heart beat. The scan shows everything is as it should be and the placenta is not over my cervix.  I had a cervical exam which finally identified what was causing the bleeding.

I have an ectopia on my cervix (cervical ectropion).  Unfortunately, this can’t be treated whilst pregnant so I am going to have to put up with some bleeding.  The tricky thing will be deciding if I need to be checked out in future i.e. is the bleed accompanied with pain, or is their a lot of blood. I’ve come up with a plan with my midwife to help with this.

I feel better knowing that both the baby and myself are healthy. It is still scary to see blood though.

I’m pleased to say, over the Easter holidays I haven’t had anymore bleeding so hopefully that worry is over. *finger crossed*

Baby announcement IG - 21w.png

Gender Reveal

We did find out the sex and I am having a Gender Reveal party today with close friends and family to celebrate with us. I think it will be fun for Noah to discover if he is getting a brother or a sister with everyone around him.  I’m so excited and can’t wait to spill the beans.   Feel free to take a guess at the sex if you like…

Ally plus text

Day 6 – Motherhood

Today is my day off

But I won’t get to relax

I’m up early with my son

Arguing with him

Until he’s clothed and fed

We need to dash out the door

But he won’t cooperate

won’t put on his shoes

Won’t put on his coat

He won’t do a damn thing I want

We begin a battle of wills

To the post office to collect a parcel

He tries to run into the road and around the car park

I strap him into his car seat

And sigh with relief

He wasn’t interested in the farm

Took him there to have some fun

We try making slime together but he throws it at me and sometimes I wonder..

Why do I

even bother?

He argues with me whilst I drive

Says I’m going the wrong way

We’re going home – I snap at him

He screams he wants to visit his nan

I turn the radio up

He throws his stuff on the floor

Before I’ve even closed the door

We’re home

I’m shattered

But still can’t rest

I said no sweets but he’s found some

I said no crisps but he’s got them too

You’ll spoil you lunch – I confiscate

He tells me he won’t eat

He doesn’t want a healthy plate

We fight defining healthy meals

And snacks are not allowed

He thinks I’m being mean

He’s not talking to me now

I cry

I know it’s silly

But I try so hard to be a good mum

I make his lunch

Relief as he eats

I eat too

There’s so much still to be done

I start to tidy up the rooms

Tomorrow we’re having a party

I’ve also got food to prepare

I’m getting


As quickly as I put away

He’s getting it all back out

I try to negotiate

If you help me by being tidy

You can have it all back





Reluctantly he helps

Even putting things away in draws

I’m too tired to make food

I’m going to buy ready made

Still need to get out to the shops

But I’m shattered

I need to


Day 6 – Challenge

Today’s challenge for Day 6 “Today, we’d like to challenge you to write a poem that stretches your comfort zone with line breaks. That could be a poem with very long lines, or very short lines. Or a poem that blends the two. You might break to emphasize (or de-emphasize) sounds or rhymes, or to create a moment of hesitation in the middle of a thought.”

I really didn’t like this challenge. It might be because I’m too busy to give it the thought needed. I hope you forgive my attempt.

So busy…

I tried to give the challenge a go despite having a chaotic day and a little boy that doesn’t want to comply. He’s very strong willed and he doesn’t understand why I ask him to do things he doesn’t want to do like eat cereal or brush his teeth. I try to get him out the house otherwise he would spend all day on the kindle or iPad (or asking for them). I promise he’s not a bad boy. We did enjoy making slime together despite him throwing it at me.

As I’m so busy today I could only focus on one thing at a time and that is getting everything sorted for the party. I hope it goes well tomorrow and that you are having a happy stress-free weekend.

back to party prep…

Review: The Pip Box (March)

What is it?

The Pip Box is a beauty subscription box with a selection of cruelty free products.  A donation from the cost of the box goes to an animal friendly charity (This month is Animal Free Research).  The box contains a selection of five products – skincare, body care, makeup and occasionally a sweet treat too.

Cost:  £13.50 (+£3.95 P&P) subscription, UK

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The Pip Box (March) Unboxing ?

A post shared by Author Ally Aldridge (@redfae) on

How to get a free box?

In each box is a card encouraging consumers to share their pictures on social media.  They then choose a winner to get their next box free.  Last month, they chose my February pictures and I got my March box free.

What was in my box?

The box came with an information card to tell me all about the products inside and their value.


Dr Botanicals:  Tropical Invigorating Cream (website RRP £29.00, Sheet lists price as £44.00)

Dr Botanicals is a London based vegan skincare brand and made from pure natural ingredients, paraben-free and no harmful preservatives.  They pride themselves on their products being kind to your skin and animals.

The cream is really light but moisturising and sinks in fast. The tropical smell isn’t strong and reminds me of grapefruit but that’s not listed as an active ingredient.  These are:

  • Elderflower:  to protect the skin from free radical damage
  • Chamomile Flower Extract: to heal and soothe irritated and damaged skin
  • Tiara Flower Extract:  to deeply nourish and purify the skin

I’m still really enjoying their day cream from last months edit too – click here to read.


Saturated Colour:  Make Me Matt (website and sheet RRP £8.00) and Moisturising Lipstick – Naked Pink (website and sheet RRP £7.00)

This month I got two products by Saturated Colour.  This is a UK brand (Essex), cruelty free and vegan friendly.  The brand is affordable and they products have great colour and some clever ideas.

The Naked Pink lipstick is a gorgeous colour that would suit almost anyone.  It is a daytime pink and you could wear it to work.  The ‘make me matt’ is a clever product that can turn any lipstick matt.  If you have an old favourite that is the perfect shade but want it to be matt, then this is for you.  I think it is genius.

Her are some pics and swatches of the lipstick, Make It Matt and Lip Lock (another Saturated Colour product for longer lasting lip colour).

Top pic: Make it Matt (over lipstick)

Middle pic (L to R): swatch of lipstick alone, lipstick with Make it Matt, lipstick with Lip Lock, lipstick with Make it Matt & Lip Lock

Bottom pic: Naked Pink Lipstick


Okko Skincare:  ‘Try me’ Natural foot balm stick (£21.00 RRP for 50g on the website, £3 on the sheet for 4.5g ‘try me’ size)

Okko Skincare use natural and organic ingredients in their products.  They are proud of their balms in a stick format as this enables you to throw it in your bag without the risk of spills.

I was impressed go easily the stick was to apply to my foot. It instantly turned into an oil. I used it straight out my morning shower but think this would be better before bed to allow the oil more time to penetrate. It has a nice smell and I’d be interested in trying more of their sticks.


Raw-Ganic:  Refreshing Aloe and Green Tea Facial Wipes (£2.99 on the sheet and website)

Raw-Ganic is an English brand (Oxford).  The brand uses natural and organic ingredients that are environmentally sustainable and affordable.  It is vegan and cruelty free.

I like these wipes. I’ve used them to remove Make-up before bed and in the morning. I also tested them on removing the searches from my arm and it came off easily, even the swatches with Lip Lock. I’m thinking of putting them away in my overnight bag or next to my bed for when I’m too tired to take my makeup off with a full cleanse.

Would I recommend?

I am a regular subscriber to The Pip Box and never been disappointed by the contents.  It was really rewarding to get my box for free and goes to show that the company really do care about their customers.

I’m starting to grow a nice collection of Saturated Colour and Dr Botanics products and I am interested in buying more. I like being introduced to new brands I may not have discovered otherwise like Okko Skincare and Raw-Ganic both organic brands with great ethics.


Ally plus text

Day 5 – Photograph

Life is better with friends

Capture the moments through the lens

Disposable, instant, digital camera

Store the prints for another era

Photo albums always filled

Shoe boxes that over spilled

Now we upload to social media

Digital albums from a digital camera

Selfies snapped with a smart phone

Nights out and back at home

Over the years our pictures changed

From real life to touch ups and filters

The memories are always great

When they’re full of fun with your mates

Day 5’s challenge

For Day 5, the prompt was to write a poem about a photo in one language and then in another… I didn’t quite get it because I struggle with foreign languages.   I decided to use Canva to find a random image and write a poem about that instead.

Whilst looking for a picture of a camera/photo for my blog title image, I came across this picture and decided to write my poem today about this.

About my BFFs

I am really blessed with my best friends.  We have known each other since we were three years old.  Yes, we have had fall outs over the years but they never last long and we always come back together.   We have been there for each other through the hard times and to celebrate the best times.

Being 80s girls, we had shoeboxes of photos, hand written letters and ticket stubs or event flyers.  You couldn’t check the image until it was printed – there are some awful pictures of us out there.  Today, you can retake a picture, delete it or even edit it with a filter or Photoshop.  Sadly, I don’t think as many pictures get printed even though they look better.  Instead there are too many photos taken and they get lost in the mass.

As teens we spent all out summers together but now we don’t get to see each other as much as we would like as our lives are full with work and family.  When we are together, we tend to take pictures of our babies (kids or pets).  But, when we do get to meet up it’s like time has stood still and we just pick up where we left off.  They really are my chosen sisters: Aimee, Jo, Laura and Maile – alphabetically because we don’t do favourites.

The last picture I can find of us altogether is from my best friend Aimee’s baby shower (I’m pregnant too in the picture) taken over 4 years ago!

Day 4 – Content

Pintrest - Poem April 4

Trusty old comfy well worn shoes

Full of comfort and often used

Never rubs, tears or bruises

First choice for everyday uses

No nasty surprises, safe and warm

Dependable old comfy shoes worn


Day 4’s challenge

For Day 4 the challenge was to use concrete nouns to describe an abstract theme like an emotion, i.e. sadness.

When I was struggling with chronic stress I wrote a lot of abstract poems to express the darkness I was battling without feeling too revealing. I already felt vulnerable enough without exposing myself. I’ve also used it for erotica but I am shy about how others might judge me for anything filthy. I thought about using it to express a strong emotion but I’m just happy, so I wrote about being content.


Review: Agent Hunter

Agent Hunter.png

What is Agent Hunter

Agent Hunter is a resource you can use to find agents that may be interested in your manuscript.  If you want to be able to search the directory and save results then you will need to subscribe.  Different subscriptions offer different benefits.


I contacted them to see about a discount as a blogger and they offered me a 6 month trial with basic access in return for my review.

There are four plans:

Agent Hunter Subscriptions

For comparison, in the past, I have bought The Agents and Writers Yearbook.  This book is updated every summer and is a directory of agents and publishers.  The book also contains useful articles of interest to writers.  Unfortunately, the market and agency needs are constantly changing and the book quickly becomes out of date.  The cost of the book is about £16 to £17 when it is 6 months out of date.

My initial impressions

During January, I used the site to create a list of potential agents that might be interested in my manuscript.

Agent Hunter hom


You can search by:

  • Agent:  You can search for a specific name or by the genre they represent.  You can also narrow the list further by selecting options such as agent’s experience, number of clients, size of the agency, or include keywords.  There is also a way to search for an agent that represents a specific author.
  • Agency:  Search by the name of an agency, size of an agency, whether they take email submissions and if they are an AAA member.
  • Publisher: Search by a publisher’s name, type of publisher, if they accept unrepresented submissions or by a keyword.

Favourites list

If you find an agent, agency or publisher you like, you can add them to your ‘favourites list’ so you can find them easily again.

Saved search

I did an agent search for ‘Children’s fiction’ as I would like to query for my YA novel.  The result was about 8 pages of names, like a directory of literary agents involved in representing this genre.

Being able to save the search was really useful as I only have a limited amount of time.  Whenever I had time to research my long list to create a shortlist, I focused on one page a session.

I clicked the name to read the agent’s profile.  I’d identify what agency they work for. I would open their page and check that they are currently still interested in YA fiction and if my novel would meet their tastes.  I’d also check that they are accepting queries and what their requirements are.  I then recorded my research on a spreadsheet on my Google Drive.

Saving the search, meant I could return to the site at a later date and continue working through the list (you can’t do that with a search engine). I just made a note of where I got so I wouldn’t forget.

If I liked an agent (and thought they had potential), I added them to my shortlist.


The profiles on the site vary.  Some are quite detailed as the agent has cooperated in providing information or has a strong online presence making information easily accessible.

The profiles talk about works the agent has been involved with previously so you can get a feel for their tastes, together with information about what they have said they are looking for.  For example, if they are interested in Picture Books or hate fantasy, then I know we will not be a match.


So far, I have found the site to be a good resource with a wealth of information.  I could have searched online for literary agencies and found the information myself, however,  I have tried this and it is a much slower process as the results are not as defined.

Being able to save my progress has been a huge benefit too.  The profiles are pretty up-to-date but agents are constantly changing their needs and preferences, so you still need to do your research once you have a name and agency.

The website is incredibly easy to navigate.  I can’t imagine anyone struggling to use it.

Their packages are honest with no hidden costs – I love that. I think they are good value for money. The information is constantly being updated.

Yes – I recommend Agent Hunter for anyone looking for a UK Agent, Agency or Publisher.

Video review and tutorial

Please check out my video review and tutorial for using Agent Hunter.

Ally plus text


Day 3 – Romance Title

Pintrest - Poem April 3.pngForbidden love

Opposites attract

Fire and ice

The kissing app


Secret desires

The millionaire

Rose and thorns

Chuck and Blair


Passionate encounter

Hot summer nights

An unlikely pair

A lovers plight


Two become one

Secrets of the manor

A promise made

Bad boys banter


Alpha promised

Pirates bounty

Bewitched master

Across the county


Day 3’s challenge

For Day 3 the challenge was to write a poem using band names or book titles (you can make them up).

I wasn’t sure what to make of today’s theme but as a fan of a good romance novel, I thought maybe I could come up with something decent to do with their titles…

I’ve not had much time today so glad I managed to get this post done on time.

Romance writers connect

Here’s the pic from Instagram I am trying figure out how to ‘Regram’ without loosing the rules:

Day 2 – Perspective

Pintrest - Poem April 2.png

I will not amount to much

I have no style

I am not smart

I invest in others

Trust too much


Your nature’s sweet

You’re very kind

But you lack ambition

Have no drive

You don’t even try to fit in


What they lack in confidence

They may up in persistence

Unique and cool

Accepting of all

Laughing off being a fool


Day 2’s challenge

For Day 2 the challenge was to write a poem changing the point of view. At first I had no clue what to write the poem about, then I thought about it from a fiction writers perspective.

Point of view 2018.png

Click here to read my article on Point of Views.

This challenge made me think about the reliability of characters especially in first person as it is all about how they see themselves and the world.  It can be very bias. By flipping view points in a story you can give the reader a completely different experience.

I love writing in first person and find writing in third person the hardest.  I enjoy experimenting and pushing myself to try new things.

Let me know what you think and if you gave this challenge a go.

Ally plus text