You may have caught my previous post where I reflected on my progress so far this year towards my annual goal. As we enter into Spring, I am evaluating where I am at and setting myself some new goals for the next quarter.
Social Media
Blog (Word Press): To continue to post at least twice a week keeping to my content schedule as much as possible.
Instagram: To maintain the new connections I have made and continue to engage with them and share content about my writing.
Twitter: Continue to share links to my content on Twitter and connect with writers on the platform.
Facebook page: To brainstorm how I can use this to connect with more writers.
YouTube: To be brave and get in front of the camera and start sharing video content.
Tumblr: Share Instagram and Word Press content to this platform.
Red Dresses (formerly Scarlet House): To start writing a new novel. I shall use Camp NaNo to make progress towards this goal in April.
Jewel of the sea: To edit Act 2 and hopefully begun editing Act 3.
Working Together Course: Complete this course and decide what my plans are as my maternity leave comes to an end.
Scrapbook/Journal: Start using a planner to get more organised.
Read at least three books by the end of June: I have already read one this year so I just have two more to go to get back on track of my goal of six books by the end of the year.
Writer courses: Continue to take advantage of any free courses that come my way if I have the time to do these.
Save the Cat Writes a Novel: Finish reading this fabulous resource on novel writing.
What are your goals?
I shall review these again at the end of June. I often feel like I haven’t achieved much until I acknowledge what I have managed to do. Will you be setting any goals?
Here is an infographic of the goals set for this year and whether I’ve achieved them or not:
Social Media
Blog: Keep up with two posts a week. Start including links to my previous posts within new posts. Rework old posts to give new life & build an advice collection.
Posting twice a week has proven more challenging than I expected but I have discovered the IFTTT app. This app is able to convert Instagram posts into draft blog posts. When I have struggled for time this has been a game changer. I highly recommend it.
I have also revamped old posts and started referring readers with links to previous content they may like.
Instagram: Try to post three photos/videos a week
I have been posting two to three times a day! I have over exceeded this goal. I’m so pleased with myself and connected with lots of cool new writer friends as a result.
New: Discord (new) & Facebook Group (new)
This wasn’t in my plans but a lot of IG writing groups have invited me to their Facebook group and discord channel so we can chat more easily as IG limits chat groups to 30 people. I have also created a Facebook Page of my own which I hope to utilise in the near future.
Online events:
Twitter: Take part in Twitter events like #PitMad or #AskAnna
As I’ve ripped Jewel of the Sea apart I have nothing to query. #WriteMentor did a pitch event to earn a place on their rolling course with a mentor. I didn’t win but I gave it a go as I’ve worked hard on improving my pitch.
“Mariah has a magic-meddling mum, and about to discover she’s a storm summoning mermaid that needs to gain control of her emotion-connected powers ready for the impending battle with the powerful, unstoppable death crows!”
I’ve also taken part in IG events like monthly photo prompts and joined #FellowCreativeMinds and #HustlingWritersCommunity. If Aria wasn’t unwell I would have also got more involved in #STCExperiment – there is still time.
YouTube: Try making a video once each quarter, working towards once a month
I still haven’t braved the camera. But, I took baby steps and made two Instagram story videos which has helped me feel more confident. It is still something I am keen to do and I’ve started following more writers on YouTube. I really enjoy their content and they help inspire me to create my own.
About: “24. Writer. Reader. Full-time final year Creative Writing graduate. Full Time Ride Operator in a children’s play centre. Books are my passion, especially YA fantasy fiction. Email me at [email protected]. I’d love to chat with any of you guys! “
About: “A channel to give help, support and encouragement to creative minds everywhere! I post twice a week. Once on Wednesday, usually a reading your writing, and then I post another video each week at a random time. To join the growing creative minds community, join our Discord and follow lizthewritingwiz on Instagram. Happy Creating! ?”
About: “I’m an author of science fiction and fantasy novels, as well as a writing coach over on Patreon, and obviously, a youtuber! (AKA authortuber :) This channel also used to be dedicated to music, so if you look back far enough you’ll find some fun songs.”
About: “Hello friends! My name is Brittany Wang and I’m an aspiring author currently working on my YA Fantasy Novel. If you’re looking for writerly insights as well as writing community, you’re in the right place and I hope you’ll subscribe so you don’t miss a thing! If you’d like to interact more with me and my writer’s community, join our Plotter Life Writer’s Facebook Group and come hang out with me on Instagram where I’m active daily!”
I feel I should mention Pagan as although she’s not on YouTube she does post videos to Facebook and helped me with advice on how to get started. Click here to read about my review of her Facebook Group.
I have been fortunate enough to get some feedback on my novel that has helped me see what I need to do.
I’ve also been following the principles in Save the Cat Writes a Novel. It has really helped with pacing. If you have not read it, you are missing out. Once I’ve finished the book I will write a review.
It started out well but once I realised the extensive edit needed to finish Jewel of the Sea, I decided I needed to focus completely on one project.
Diamond in the Sky has been put on hold for now.
Scarlet House
First Quarter: Start novel #NewYearNewNovel
This did not even happen even a little bit. I was struggling with time for my other projects so something had to go and this is what got the chop.
My plan is for this to be my Camp NaNo project next month. I shall use Save the Cat Writes a Novel to have an outline ready for April.
Article Writing
All year: Submit to Little Mum Mag & to Ginger Parrot
I have been so tied up with my own projects I have not had time to write for others.
First Quarter: Get my bodacious body back (diet & exercise programme to achieve a more healthy me)
This has gone so well. Eating paleo has been a life style choice and I hope to write blog post to share more. I feel more healthy and my figure is looking great.
All year: Scrapbooking (my son is now 5y old and I still haven’t started his. I need to do this).
I haven’t had time to do this. At the moment I can’t see when I will have time which is sad as those memories are precocious. I showed my son my baby album and he loved it. Maybe if I print his pictures at the very least I can put them in an album.
All year: Crochet – I learnt to crochet in 2018 and if I don’t want to lose the skill I need to keep practising.
Well… I still haven’t finished the blanket. How embarrassing is that! I hope I finish it before Aria turns one.
All year: Journal – I’ve always wanted to get into it as I love the creative way of expressing yourself and being organised.
I have tried a few times but over think it. I’m going to a meet up at the end of the month with some local planner girls. I am hoping these women will share their wisdom with me and help me get started. I want to use it to help me organise my writing.
Read a book every two months
I’ve read Rebel of the Sands (review coming soon) but I am a little behind target. I’ve started Red Queen but doubt I will finish it by the end of April.
Working together course (be able to effectively support my sons school)
I have now started this course. I feel nervous about volunteering at the school (first volunteer session is on 27 March). It is so silly but I am scared of the little kids (lol). I feel supported by my peers and the staff at the school and I am sure that once I have done it, I will feel better about it.
I feel this course and the experience will boost my career. I would like to work in a school as the hours would be good for my children and there is also the aspect that once I am published, I would love to visit schools in Suffolk and inspire the next generation of writers.
New: #WriteMentor
This wasn’t in my plans but when the opportunity to try it out for free came up, I went for it. For February, I was fortunate enough to be part of the exclusive private Slack group for writer #WriteMentor. I need to write a blog post for you to truly appreciate how amazing this opportunity is and why when I return to work I plan to subscribe as a paid member.
What’s next
I’m going to evaluate how I am doing and set some new goals for the next quarter.
Let me know how you are progressing towards your goals and whether you check in on yourself too?
For this image, I used Unsplash to find an image of someone that looks like Kya. Mariah doesn’t really look up to anyone but she gets envious. Kya is someone she compares heself to and wishes she was more like.
My favourites
I really love how these challenges encourage me to share my writing with my instagram followers and on day 18 I got to post my favourite scene. Initially, I was going to share the underwater kiss as it is the scene that sparked the whole story. As I was looking for it, I decided to go with the moment before when Mariah’s life is changed forever.
Day 18 #FavouriteScene
March Challenge #WomenWritingFiction #WWFChallenge2019
This month I have decided to go with another Instagramers prompts. @Courtnimax has created the following Women Writing Fiction Daily Challenge for March 2019.
I hope you find these examples of the images I posted for February’s prompts interesting and inspiring. If you are a writer on Instagram please connect with me as I would love to see how you share your writing on the platform too.
This is the first time I have done a photo prompt challenge but I really enjoyed it. It got me posting everyday and gave me a range of ways to share my writing and passion through photos.
Here are the highlights:
Top three photos from the challenge
This pictures are the ones that recieved the highest engagement on Instagram.
I have never had a photo do so well. I thing it was boosted by the increased engagement due to the daily activity but I got over 300 likes in less than 24 hours. This is ten times more than what I would get on a popular photo.
I think my new writer following was able to relate to this photo as I regramed a photo from @gracethewriter8 that really resonated with my dream. It is that hope that one day I will make it that keeps me going.
I decided to focus on just Jace as he is the love interest in both the projects I am working on. It is a love triangle and I decided to write it from both girls sides as seperate stories.
I went for the villian that is the catalyst for the story. Even though she doesn’t feature in Jewel of the sea, her actions is what send the crows to go soul snatching on their doorstep.
I’m excited and motivated for 2019 and the goals I am setting. There is a lot I wish to achieve so staying motivated will be key to keeping on track.
Jewel of the sea (formerly Drift)
First Quarter:Another edit
Second Quarter: Query agents
Third Quarter: (if no bite) Self Publish
Fourth Quarter: Promote novel
Diamond in the sky (formerly Glide)
First Quarter:Finish novel
Second Quarter: Edit novel
Third Quarter: Query agents
Fourth Quarter: (if no bite) Self Publish
First Quarter:N/A
Second Quarter: Finish novel
Third Quarter: Edit novel
Fourth Quarter: Query agents
Scarlet House
First Quarter:Start novel #NewYearNewNovel
Second Quarter: N/A
Third Quarter: N/A
Fourth Quarter: N/A
Article Writing
All year: Submit to Little Mum Mag & to Ginger Parrot
Social Media
Blog: Keep up with two posts a week
Blog: Start including links to my previous posts within new posts
Blog: Rework old posts to give new life & build advice collections
Blog: Aim to read 6 books a year (or more)
Instagram: Try to post three photos/videos a week
Twitter: Take part in Twitter events like #PitMad or #AskAnna
NaNo/NaPo: Take part in challenges that don’t distract from my overall goals
YouTube: Try making a video once each quarter, working towards once a month
First Quarter: Get my bodacious body back (diet & exercise programme to achieve a more healthy me)
First to second Quarter: Working together course (be able to effectively support my sons school)
Third Quarter: Enjoy the summer & making memories
Fourth Quarter: Return to work (will be requesting part-time hours but may have to work full-time)
All year: Scrapbooking (my son is now 5y old and I still haven’t started his. I need to do this).
All year: Crochet – I learnt to crochet in 2018 and if I don’t want to lose the skill I need to keep practicing.
All year: Journal – I’ve always wanted to get into it as I love the creative way of expressing yourself and being organised.
Working together course: See above
Write story books for children course: finish course
Write romance stories: start & finish stories
I know it will be hard as my children will always come first. If they need me (i.e poorly) then I’ll lose my evenings when I’m most able to work on my goals. But, I won’t give up.
I’ll check in on my goals through out the year and adapt them when necessary. For example, if I got an agent, whatever they need me to do would take priority. Returning to work will be an adjustment and if it’s too much I may have to lower my ambitions so they are manageable.
Any progress is better than nothing at all. I often focus on what I haven’t done so checking in on myself is actually quite rewarding. It makes me acknowledge what I have achieved and adjust my plans so I am pushing myself sufficiently without killing myself.
Do you set personal goals or new year resolutions? What are your plans for 2019?
The year is coming to an end and as I look back I am really pleased with what I have achieved.
What I used from 2017
I ended 2017 by reflecting on what I had learnt in my first year of blogging.
When I look back at my Reflecting on 2017 post, I still use a lot of the tools and tricks I learnt in my first year of blogging.
Things I no longer do is embed Instagram pictures within my blog posts as they no longer seem to work. I also stopped using LoCal.
I am disappionted that I didn’t put what I learnt about creative writing into practice. Writing blog posts feels easier than writing a novel as I can dip in and out more easily, whereas when I write a novel I like to get into the chapter and write a chunk – nowadays, I struggle to find the time for that.
Progress towards 2018 Goals
I have acheieved 82% of the goals I set at the start of 2018. I’ve also achieved goals that I hadn’t anticipated such as article writing for an online magazine. I particpated in NaPoWriMo (poetry writing) which is outside my confort zone and really stretched and challenged me. I also hit my NaNoWriMo word count goal.
Personal life
I’ve also felt positive about my personal achievements this year. I completed my CIPD HR Diploma which is a professional qualification. I gave birth to my beautiful daughter Aria Rose.
I’ve also been making the most of my materntiy leave by being actively involved in activities at my son’s school such as parent phonic classes and parent maths classes (so I can better support him with his homework). I have also been making it to the Stay & Play sessions. I am out attending groups with my baby and making new mum friends for her and we are currently doing baby massage classes together.
I have really enjoyed including some blogs posts about my personal life and will continue to do so next year.
What is in store for 2019?
Well more personal posts for sure but I need to set some goals to get my focus back on my fiction writing as getting published is my lifelong ambition. Check back early January to see the goals I set to keep progressing.
This is a really quick post as I can’t believe my blog now has over 200+ followers! Wow!
Thank you. I couldn’t have done it without all you amazing people who click ‘follow’. It means so much to me. That’s why I follow back most people who follow me.
When I first started blogging, I was scared to click post. I had this fear people would judge my writing and laugh at my amature content. I was intimidated by the thought of coming up with subjects to write and thought I would run out of ideas or be boring.
At the time, I had no idea how much I would enjoy blogging. I have suprised myself with how I always have a generous stream of ideas for blog posts. The most challenging this has been finding the time to write and take pictures for posts. I’ve learnt to schedule my posts to space them out and this also keeps me organised.
This year is the first year I have been consistent throughout. I used to post immediatley and I’d end up with a batch together. Learning to schedule is one of the most useful tools I have discovered.
Blogging has been a big commitment and I once my daughter was born I had to reduce my schedule a little. But, I couldn’t stop bloggin now. I love it!
There will defiitley be more blogging next year. I am seriously considering paying for my blog as I use it every week and love interacting with others that share my interests.
To some people 200 might not seem a lot but for me it is. I am really proud of myself and I’m daring to set myself a goal to double my followers by the end of next year. Can you imagine that!
I hope you are loving your blogging journey too.
Please comment and let me know how long you have been blogging and what you blog about. Do you pay for your blog – do you recommend it?
I am super tired and it would be so easy to quit right now. I’m feeling pretty defeated with about 8k to go and only today and tomorrow to achieve my goal of 25k.
But, I am no quitter! If I don’t make it, I’d rather know I tried my absolute hardest and achieved my best than to cop out.
So, I managed to get about 500 words done in the day and then tonight, I added some more, making today’s contribution 1,520 words, taking the grand total to 19,645 words.
I’m not feeling confident that I’ll reach 25k but 20k looks doable and that would still be a great achievement.
Friday, 30th November 2018
11:50pm 5457
Today, has started with a goal of 5,452 words to achieve my NaNo goal of 25k this month. It feels impossible with my daily average not peaking 1k and my best ever not even being half of today’s goal. I shall do my best to have a word marathon today and finish with as many words as I can.
Our boiler has gone, so I’ve cancelled my plans and had to stay in for the enginereer. This has given me the perfect excuse to spend all day in front of my laptop, whenever Aria naps. As a result, I got 700 words written.
Then, when I collected Noah from school, we got home and did his homework together. After, he asked if he could go on his Kindle and I could go on my laptop. Well, I wasn’t going to argue with that and managed to add another 700 words to the total.
Tonight, I bathed both the little ones in the hope they would fall into a deep sleep so I could get on with my writing – it worked! But, when I got downstairs my husband’s best friend was round and chatty. I chatted with him until I plucked up the courage to be anti social and dedicated to my art and sat at my laptop – luckily he is lovely and a great supporter of my writing.
Finally, I get writting and I’m thiniking 4k to go is not going to happen. Twenty minutes in and my husband’s best friend asks what I am writing and I quickly explain NaNoWriMo and when I check my word count, I have only 3k to go! If I can keep that up, maybe I can do it.
I find myself word count watching and the closer I get, the more i am checking. The more I am checking, the more pressure I am feeling. The more pressure I feel, the harder it is to write. Then, Dabble Writer bursts into fireworks to celebrate me reaching 25k. I did it! I can’t quite believe it but I have.
Today, I have written 5,457 words (my highest daily word count ever) making my grand total 25,005 words. I have now achieved the 25k NaNo Badge!
Reflecting on NaNo
I am so proud of myself for my achievement. I know I didn’t do the full 50k but I did achieve my goal of 25k and got a new NaNo Badge. Plus, I now have a new daily word count best that is going to be a hard one to beat.
My husband’s best friend was cheering me on which was a great help. Afterwards he asked, “What goal will you set next?” I’m not ready to answer that yet as I’m exhausted and relieved it is over. But, I am going to set some soon, as it does help.
My motto for this NaNoWriMo is “You’ve got to be in it to win it!” If I hadn’t tried, I would never have made it. There were plenty of occasions I felt like giving up and wondered why I was even bothering when my chances looked so bleak. But, I proved myself wrong and it feels great!
I thought Aria would never go to sleep but, finally, she did. I am super keen to make sure that week 3 goes better than week 2. To stay on track for 25k I needed to write 955 words… I managed to write 973 word! *phew*
I did get a little distracted today looking up a name for my word cutter/huntsman character. Then, I didn’t even use it!
Friday, 16th November 2018
11:00 pm
Tonight, I have been blogging and researching content for my blog.
This week I have also been meeting with companies to discuss at home business opportunities as I am looking into ways to bring in a little income without compromising my commitment to my children. I’ve got some serious thinking to do and it has been quite distracting.
Saturday, 17th November 2018
11:00 pm
I didn’t feel motivated to write this evening as I feel stuck in my story and I’m still beating myself up about how poorly I did last week and that I didn’t write last night.
I’m so glad that I put my butt in the seat because I managed to write 1,352 words tonight and once I got into the chapter, I really enjoyed writing it. I wrote in third person tonight which isn’t my usual style (I’m a die hard first person POV write) but I was writing from another characters perspective and I think using a different style helped me get past the point I am stuck.
I’ve no idea where the story will take me tomorrow. I didn’t have much time to plan an outline for this one and I have no idea where the story is going just an idea of what I want it to achieve. The vagueness is now causing me problems. I used to be a pantser but with my limited writing time available, these days I really do need a plan.
My 25k goal is still doable but there is no chance I will achieve 50k. I’m glad I set a more realistic goal for myself.
Sunday, 18th November 2018
10:30 pm
Do you ever feel like everything is working against you? I thought today might be tricky to write as it was also my son’s joint birthday party.
Unfortunately, my son woke up and was sick. As it was a joint party it still went ahead but without him. I ran around town making sure that my contribution (money, food, etc) was still made available to the other mums. The whole point of a joint party was to share the costs.
Once I got both little ones to bed I went to my PC, only to find that my cat had made herself comfortable on my chair. She had that look on her face that told me she would not be moving. After, coaxing her off the chair I logged onto the PC. By then, my husband and his friend were watching a new TV series on Netflix – it looked pretty good and kept distracting me.
However, I am pleased to say I did manage to write, even if it was only 607 words.
Monday, 19th November 2018
9:00 pm
Noah had to be kept off school due to the 48h rule to prevent him passing on his tummy bug, however, he has been absolutely fine all day which meant he wanted entertaining. There was no opportunity to sneak in a few extra words for my manuscript. I made him do homework every time he said “I’m hungry,” before giving him a snack. Which if you know any 4 year olds, that is a lot of homework.
Now, both the little ones are in bed it it my time. But, I am struggling to focus on my project when I can feel Christmas fast approaching and all the Black Friday sales have started early! I’m always looking for ways to save money so I’m finding it hard to resist temptation to shop.
10:30 pm
I managed to write 1,022 words before being called away mid sentence by a hungry baby. I just felt like I was getting back into it too. It is too late to go back downstairs and I’m tired, so, sweet dreams all. Tomorrow, I’m going to try and double my daily word count.
Tuesday, 20th November 2018
10:10 pm
Noah was well enough to go to school today. Today was Stay and Play at school so I was there for the afternoon.
Tonight, neither of the little ones wanted to go to sleep. The oldest one kept claiming to need the loo and needs reminding about hand washing. And, the little one seemed to know when I left the room, despite my expert ginger ninga skills and would start crying.
So, despite challenging conditions, I have managed to write 927 words. To get back on track, I currently need to be doing 1,029 words per day. I am behind target but I’m no quitter!
Wednesday, 21st November 2018
I’m so pleased that this afternoon I got to write. Noah is at school and Aria is asleep. But, now it’s time to go and pick him up so I’m going to end there with my 359 words and hope I get a chance to add some more this evening.
I’m glad I got to write earlier as Aria has been difficult to settle tonight. She is teething and experiencing her first cold, bless her, so really struggled to fall asleep – it could be a long night.
I am not going to write tonight, however, I did chat with a friend about my project which helped generate some fresh ideas to work on. I also drew a picture earlier today of one of the villains in the story.
Reflecting on week 3
Obviously, I hadn’t anticipated a sick boy or a restless baby but despite these challenges, I feel week 3 has gone better than week 2. But, I still want to do better!
Not writing an outline for my novel or doing any preparation is really taking its toll now. I’m struggling to know what direction to take the story in and every time a new character is introduced I have to come up with a name and think about what makes them who they are.
Plus, ‘Black Friday’ sales are cropping up everywhere and reminding me that it is Christmas next month and although we don’t go overboard… I haven’t done anything.
My motto for this week’s NaNoWriMo is “If you take time to plan, you save time in the long run.” Are you doing NaNoWriMo? How are you getting on?