What I did for World Book Day!

I delivered my first ever face-to-face author event for World Book Day. It was extra special because I got to attend the high school where my book Ocean Heart is set.

The Setting

Ocean Heart is set in Felixstowe. When I started writing the novel there were two high schools in the town. Deben High School and Orwell High School, both named after local rivers. The two schools had some rivalry and I didn’t want my book about that so I merged the schools together and made Felixstowe High School.

Little did I know that the council were going to do this. The old schools were knocked down and a new modern building erected.

I’ve never had the opportunity to visit the high school so it was really fun to see if it was anything like I imagined. The school was lovely, and very modern, and a lot bigger. I was very impressed.

The students

I met up with groups of five to six students from Key Stage 3. The plan was to introduce myself, and my book, and discuss what had inspired my writing.

I’m not great at public speaking, so I took a notebook with some conversation bullet points to boost my confidence and feel more prepared. I’m not sure what I’m scared will happen, other than making a fool of myself.

The students were very sweet and polite. Once I flipped the attention off myself and onto them, I was able to relax and the conversation flowed better.

We discussed my writing, debut novel, and reading. The students came up with some great questions for me, some that madrWhen we discussed their interests they even had some book recommendations for me.

The book recommendations

My notebook came in handy to write down the books the students recommended I read.


I’m so thankful to Felixstowe High School for having me. I appreciated that Deputy Head, Darren M arranged for me to chat with a small groups rather than in-front of a large audience.

Darren also got me thinking about delivering some leisure learning courses for Creative Writing. I’ve been going over old books, notes from courses I’ve done, to explore the idea. Ifurther

I think the more I do, the easier it will get. As a natural introvert, I have to push myself outside my comfort zone but this is good for my professional development. Plus, afterwards I was buzzing that I did it.

Discover Ocean Heart

You can pick up Ocean Heart from all good book shops and online retailers, and borrow through your library or Overdrive.

End the Year with a Book Bargain!

Ocean Heart has 50% Off in the Smashwords End of Year Sale!

Why Smashwords?

Smashwords enables you to read your eBooks on whatever device/app you prefer. This puts you, the reader, in control of your books.

The Smashwords End Of Year Sale

The Sale is a great way to discover new books and authors, and grab a bargain. Go check out what is on offer. You might find a new favourite!

Click here to browse the Smashwords End Of Year Sale!

Book format and buying options…

Buy it!

There are tons of ways to own your very own copy of Ocean Heart. Check out my webpage About Ocean Heart for full details, but here are a few:

Some of these links are affiliate links. Please visit my about Affiliate Links page for more details.

Signed Copy

You can buy a signed copy of Ocean Heart from Ko-Fi, and there are two options:

Personalised & Hand Signed

This is limited to the UK due to postage costs. First, I order the book, sign it, and then send to you. If you’d like a personalised message for you or someone special, I can do this.

This was the method used for the first 20 copies of Ocean Heart bought during my book signing event at Stillwater Books.

Now, you can get a hand signed copy by supporting me on Ko-Fi & visiting my Ko-Fi Shop.

Personalise & Digitally Signed

This is limited to countries with an Ingram printing facility. I will design a personalised page for you, that will be added to the book when printed. Ingram then will send out directly to you (saving on international postage costs/emissions).

Currently there is only one copy of Ocean Heart like this that I gifted to a TikToker.

Now, you can get a digitally signed copy by supporting me on Ko-Fi & visiting my Ko-Fi Shop.



I recently blogged a ton of reasons to shop with Bookshop.org but the main one is to support your local independent bookshop.


Amazon encourages shoppers to leave product reviews, helping consumers to make more informed decisions.

If you are not UK/US, try this universal link to find Ocean Heart at your local Zon: http://getbook.at/OceanHeart



The great thing about Smashwords is you can buy your eBook and choose the format, enabling you to read on whatever device is your favourite. In addition your eBook is saved to your Smashwords library, so you keep it forever.


Kindle is one of the most popular eReaders both as a tablet and app.

If Smashwords and Amazon aren’t your thing, you can get Ocean Heart from many other popular eBook stores. Click this link to discover more eBook buying options: https://books2read.com/OceanHeart


If you have enjoyed this, you’ll like:

About Ocean Heart

A Little Trip to the Library

Ocean Heart was free on Google Play

Happy MerMay 2021

A little trip to the library…

If you know me, you’ll know I’m very naughty when it comes to returning books. In addition, I lose books! And, my youngest destroys books. Library fines are common.

But, during the pandemic my fines got to a point where they barred my account! ?

I was a bit scared & embarrassed to go into the library to pay my fines. But, as always, the local librarians were lovely. We sorted it out and I can borrow books again.

Ocean Heart never at the library…

When I released Ocean Heart last year, I approached my local library to recommend they stock a copy. And, they did!

It felt too good to be true. So, I searched using Suffolk County Libraries app to check it was really there. It was, but out on loan, with another Suffolk library!

A few weeks later, I checked to see if it was back. It had returned to Felixstowe but was on the Reserved Shelf.

When I paid my fines, I asked what the Reserved Shelf meant. It meant someone had requested it! My book is in demand! And, it had already been collected! ?

I must say I’m relieved. I love my library and would hate them to waste money on an unwanted book. As a new author building my audience, I worried I might be too unknown. I feared nobody would be interested in Ocean Heart. It makes me so happy to see it’s always checked out.

If you want to borrow the paperback, you’ll need to reserve it. It is in their collection, but there’s a queue. ?

For students of Felixstowe Academy, there are a few copies available from their school library.

Ocean Heart on Overdrive App

Overdrive is an eBook app used by libraries. You can search for Ocean Heart and request a copy to read. I don’t think they’ve ordered the eBook yet but all you have to do is ask.

If you love reading eBooks, supporting your library, and supporting authors, get this app and start enjoying a vast range of eBooks for FREE using your library card.

Ocean Heart ISBNs

It’s easy to find my book searching by title or my name, but to be certain you found the right copy, use the ISBN.

Ocean Heart ISBN, paperback 978-1-8382084-0-0, eBook 978-1-8382084-1-7

Paperback or eBook?

There you have it, Ocean Heart is available for you to read for free using your library card. If it’s not currently stocked by your local library, just ask them to order it in.

Buy Ocean Heart

Below are some affiliate links for buying Ocean Heart. You can learn more about these on my Affilate Disclosure Page.



Why you should shop at Bookshop.org

This post will contain affiliate links. You can learn more about these on my Affiliate Disclosure page.

There are tons of good reasons to support bookshop.org which was why I created an affiliate account with them. But, I strongly believe you shouldn’t recommend something you have not tried yourself. So…

What a good excuse to go book shopping!

Joy’s Summer Love Playlist by Piper Bee

I won some book merchandise in an Instagram giveaway from this author. I then felt compelled to buy the matching book. How could I not?

Ordering was super simple. I searched Bookshop.org, found Joy’s Summer Love Playlist, added it to my basket, and checked out like I would any other online store.

The only extra step was choosing which bookshop to support. Bookshop.org gives the sale to independent bookshops. I choose my local bookshop, Stillwater Books, to support my local high street.

My book arrived in a cardboard book mail envelope – exactly like Amazon would.

Red Wolf by Rachel Vincent

Just to be sure that my first buy wasn’t a fluke, I had to buy another book – a great excuse to preorder my all time favourite authors latest release!


#favouriteauthor #newrelease #bookmail #redwolf #yafantasy #yafiction #fairytaleretelling #redridinghood #bookshoporg #bookshop #hardback #unboxing

♬ Wolves #1 – Selena Gomez

Again, my order came packed perfectly. No damage. No issues. And, so incredibly gorgeous.

More reasons to shop with Bookshop.org

Supporting Independent Bookshops

Bookshop.org support local bookstores by creating an easy to use online store to rival Amazon. I’ve nothing against Amazon but I don’t want to see independent bookshops wiped from the high street because they can’t compete with Goliath. Thanks to Bookshop.org the battle field is more even, giving consumers more choice.

Bookstores can earn commission for supporting Bookshop.org. They get 30% if a buyer uses their affiliate link. In addition 10% from sales goes into a kitty that is shared between all bookstores in the program, so they can make money even if they didn’t make a sale!

Bookshop.org will tell customers about upcoming events and book deals at their favourite store, and give the store your email so they can keep in touch to with their newsletter.

Bookshop.org do all the leg work for the sale. Books are distributed by Gardners, and they promise to keep deliveries Carbon Neutral.

Bookshop.org can connect people with their local bookshop. I expect you know where yours is. But, if you’re on holiday in the UK, use their map to find when the nearest independent bookstore is.

They have an awesome affiliate program!

You may have seen my Affiliate links on my site. One of the affiliate programs I’ve joined is Bookshop.org

My own Bookshop

It’s only virtual but to have my own bookshop is a dream come true. Okay, it’s not a real bookshop, it’s an affiliate shop, but I get to pick the books to go on my “shelves” aka lists.

Check out Redfae Bookshop

Book List Recommendations

Not only can you share links to your books, but you can create book lists to recommend a collection of books.

Here’s a Book List I created for my Redfae bookshop.org to showcase indie books. I definitely should be using this feature more!

Anything else…

Bookshop.org accept National Book Tokens. If you got one as a gift, add it to your account and spend it.

Any issues…

Well, the only problems I’ve had are that I can only create affiliate links for the UK Bookshop.org. I’ve applied for a US account too but they’ve not approved me, so, I think it is restricted to my own country.

They also don’t have book reviews or ratings. I like readings reviews as they help me decide if a book is right for me.

I’ve not yet made any money from it but I’m not bothered about that as I see it as a free tool to embed books in my website that is aesthetically pleasing.

These things are very minor and don’t put me off using or recommending Bookshop.org . And, maybe one day in the future they will have those features or it’ll become an income venue for me.

Final thoughts…

You should look at getting a Bookshop.org account if you recommend books for others to read. I love it, the ethics, and how easy it is to use.

If you are thinking of buying a product using an affiliate link, you should because it costs you nothing extra. It just helps out the person making the recommendation, and in this case it also helps independent bookshops.

Also, buy Ocean Heart by Ally Aldridge. ?


If you enjoyed this you will like:

About Ocean Heart

How to fund your creativity?

My Process – How to publish a book

Different self publishing platforms

Summer Reading Challenge

Summer Reading Challenge

World Indie Warriors is a nonprofit organisation that has a mission to bring indie authors together so they can collaborate and help each other. They are a lovely bunch and a joy to work with.


Over on Instagram @worldindiewarriors have created a reading challenge for indie books.

Readers are encouraged to get a line of three by reading books on the bingo cards.

When readers post their review, WIW would like readers to tag them in it.

My debut novel Ocean Heart is featured on one of the bingo boards!

Fantasy books to read this summer!
Romance books to read this summer!
YA books to read this summer!

If you want to join in, you might be interested to know that Ocean Heart is available to borrow from all good libraries. The library might need the ISBN to order it in. You may find this pic useful.

Ocean Heart ISBN

As a supporter of indie authors & indie books, I already have a few of the books ticked off the bingo card, but no lines.

Check out the reviews below:

Crown of Conspiracy by Kara S. Weaver review

Sorceress of Truth by J.D. Groom review

Agent Undone by Cassidy Reyne review

Duet Rubato by Claerie Kavanaugh review

Amelia’s Story by Nicola Hebron review

Brave New Girl by Grace Herbst review

Red Blood by Kaitlyn Legaspi review

Read the first 3 chapters of Ocean Heart

I’ve been meaning to post the first three chapters of Ocean Heart online ever since I published. I wanted people to be able to sample the book before they buy it.

Amazon does allow a peep inside but not everyone shops with Amazon.

I decided to post Ocean Heart to two places:


Ocean Heart on Wattpad

I’ve been on Wattpad for years but I’ve struggled to get seen amongst all the voices there. I liked how easy it was to use.

You can follow me @Redfae on Wattpad and read Ocean Heart there.


Ocean Heart on Movellas

I’ve had an account here for years but never really used it as I didn’t find it as user friendly. I recently got encouraged to give it another go as it’s being revamped.

So far, I am impressed. It’s a lot more user friendly appears to be more social and engaging than Wattpad. I’m looking forward to their new app coming soon.

You can follow me @Redfae on Movellas and read Ocean Heart there.

Ocean Heart for Free

Both the above sites are currently free to join. Writers post their stories (content) and readers enjoy it, comment, and rate it.

I also included in the books about when Ocean Heart has been given away free. This isn’t something I can do all the time.

Ocean Heart by Ally Aldridge ISBN

I also reminded people that Ocean Heart can be ordered in by libraries. If you have a library card, you can borrow and read Ocean Heart if your library stock it. If they don’t, you can ask them and they’ll need the ISBN.

I hope you enjoy the chapters enough to treat yourself to a full copy. I also look forward to connecting with you on either platform or social media.

If you enjoyed this, you will like:

About Ocean Heart

Ocean Heart is free on Smashwords

About Sky Heart

Sky Heart needs Beta Readers


Mermaids in Felixstowe Magazine!

Felixstowe Magazine recently reached out to me and asked if I’d be willing to do an interview with them about my book Ocean Heart.

We set on the title Mermaids in Felixstowe and I was set questions to answer. You can read the article using the link below.


More News

For a month where I didn’t have much planned, it is filling up fast. Here are the highlights I don’t want you to miss!

Sky Heart needs Beta Readers

If you’re interested in helping me out by Beta Reading Sky Heart, please check out my post asking for sign ups!

Ocean Heart is free for July

To celebrate Ocean Heart now being available on Smashwords it is in their Sale, making it free for July 2021.

Indie Summer Book Fayre (31 July to 1 Aug)?

I am one of the authors taking part in this event. You can see the full line up in my recent blog post!


Indie Author Summer Fayre

Indie Author Summer Fayre 2021

I’m excited to be one of the authors taking part in the Indie Author Summer Fayre 2021.

It’s a great opportunity to discover new books by UK Indie authors. Here is the summer fayre line up!

This event is happening over two days on Facebook. Join using the link below ?

Also, these seems like a good time to remind you that Ocean Heart is currently free on Smashwords for July 2021.
