Catch up with a cuppa Ko-Fi (June 2022)

Here is the low down on what I posted on Ko-Fi last month, so you don’t miss out!

Sky Heart Chapter 3

Another draft chapter on Ko-Fi. I wonder how this will compare to final version once Sky Heart is edited, formatted, and published.

Sky Heart Coming Soon

Busy Week

I can’t wait for the holidays and to relax. My best friends wedding was a busy weekend but the lead up to finishing school has been crazy. I’m literally taking one day at a time.

Sky Heart – Sent off to the editor

This is a HUGE milestone. I can’t wait to see what my editor has to say. She is fabulous at slapping me with the truth in a way that doesn’t hurt and helps me make my story better. I know there will be a lot of work but I’m ready for it.

Summer Sale

Just a quick reminder that Ocean Heart is half price in the Smashwords Summer Sale. Grab a copy on discount before the end of July.

Follow me on Ko-Fi

It’s free to follow me on Ko-Fi and be sure you don’t miss out on my latest news, or any freebies. You can buy me a virtual cuppa or merchandise from my shop, including a signed copy of my book.


More About Sky Heart

Catch up with a cuppa Ko-Fi (May 2022)

Here is the low down on what I posted on Ko-Fi last month, so you don’t miss out!

Sky Heart by Ally Aldridge

Sky Heart Chapter 2

This month I posted another chapter of Sky Heart. Now you can read two chapters on Ko-Fi.

Update on my website

I realised I hadn’t shared how my website update went so finally did this.

Sky Heart Coming Soon

Sky Heart Update

I’m getting close to finishing my self edit and shared where I’m up to with the plot hole fixes.

Follow me on Ko-Fi

It’s free to follow me on Ko-Fi and be sure you don’t miss out on my latest news, or any freebies. You can buy me a virtual cuppa or merchandise from my shop, including a signed copy of my book.


More About Sky Heart

Catch up with a cuppa Ko-Fi (Apr 2022)

Here is the low down on what I posted on Ko-Fi last month, so you don’t miss out!

I’m doing Camp NaNo

In this post I introduce my Camp NaNo project and goals.

Sky Heart by Ally Aldridge

Sky Heart – Chapter 1

I share my first chapter of Sky Heart. This has only been self edited and needs to go through professional edits but I thought it’d be fun to share a little of my work in progress.

Sky Heart – NaNo Update

I shared how I was progressing towards my NaNo goal, what has gone well and what I still need to work on.

Sky Heart Coming Soon

Follow me on Ko-Fi

It’s free to follow me on Ko-Fi and be sure you don’t miss out on my latest news, or any freebies. You can buy me a virtual cuppa or merchandise from my shop, including a signed copy of my book.


More About Sky Heart

What I did for World Book Day!

I delivered my first ever face-to-face author event for World Book Day. It was extra special because I got to attend the high school where my book Ocean Heart is set.

The Setting

Ocean Heart is set in Felixstowe. When I started writing the novel there were two high schools in the town. Deben High School and Orwell High School, both named after local rivers. The two schools had some rivalry and I didn’t want my book about that so I merged the schools together and made Felixstowe High School.

Little did I know that the council were going to do this. The old schools were knocked down and a new modern building erected.

I’ve never had the opportunity to visit the high school so it was really fun to see if it was anything like I imagined. The school was lovely, and very modern, and a lot bigger. I was very impressed.

The students

I met up with groups of five to six students from Key Stage 3. The plan was to introduce myself, and my book, and discuss what had inspired my writing.

I’m not great at public speaking, so I took a notebook with some conversation bullet points to boost my confidence and feel more prepared. I’m not sure what I’m scared will happen, other than making a fool of myself.

The students were very sweet and polite. Once I flipped the attention off myself and onto them, I was able to relax and the conversation flowed better.

We discussed my writing, debut novel, and reading. The students came up with some great questions for me, some that madrWhen we discussed their interests they even had some book recommendations for me.

The book recommendations

My notebook came in handy to write down the books the students recommended I read.


I’m so thankful to Felixstowe High School for having me. I appreciated that Deputy Head, Darren M arranged for me to chat with a small groups rather than in-front of a large audience.

Darren also got me thinking about delivering some leisure learning courses for Creative Writing. I’ve been going over old books, notes from courses I’ve done, to explore the idea. Ifurther

I think the more I do, the easier it will get. As a natural introvert, I have to push myself outside my comfort zone but this is good for my professional development. Plus, afterwards I was buzzing that I did it.

Discover Ocean Heart

You can pick up Ocean Heart from all good book shops and online retailers, and borrow through your library or Overdrive.

All The Twos Reading Challenge

This post contains affiliate links. To learn more, please visit my Affiliate Disclosure page.

I’ve set myself a challenge for 2022 to read as many book twos as I can. I often start a series and never get to the next book so I have plenty of choice. Join in with the hashtag #AllTheTwos

Check out the link at the end to get a free printable to track you books read!

I’m planning to publish book two this year. Enjoying amazing book twos is sure to keep me motivated to publish mine.

Here are ten, 2nd in the series, books I’m looking forward to reading in 2022:

Sea Witch Rising by Sarah Henning

You can read my review of book one, Sea Witch, here:

Glass Sword by Victoria Aveyard

You can read my review of book one, Red Queen, here:

Holiday Date by Debbie Ioanna

You can read my review of book one, Blind Date, here:

Kairos by Naomi Kelly

You can read my review of book one, Meraki, here:

Essentia by Hannah Reed

You can read my review of book one, Tenebrasco, here:

Awaken by K.S Marsden

You can read my review of book one, Winter Trials, here:

This Poison Heart by Kalynn Bayron

You can read my review of this authors debut novel, Cinderella is Dead, here:

A Court of Mist & Fury by Sarah J Mass

You can read my review of book one, A Court of Thorns and Roses, here:

Dance of Despair by Kara S Weaver

You can read my review of book one, Crown of Conspiracy, here:

The Almost Boyfriend by Christina Benjamin

You can read my review of book one, The Practice Boyfriend, here:

Bright New Penny by Grace Herbst

You can read my review of book one, Brave New Girl, here:

Wiccan Romance: Sam’s Story by Nicola Hebron

You can read my review of book one, Wiccan Romance: Amelia’s Story, here:

Forever Frozen by Trinity Lemm

I am currently reading book one, Forever Burn, but hopefully should have a review very soon!

FREE Book Tracker

I created this freebie for my followers on Ko-Fi. It’s free to follow me there and in return you will updates on my writing, be able to buy exclusive merchandise, and access to my Freebies.

Link to product in Redfae’s Ko-Fi Shop:


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End the Year with a Book Bargain!

Ocean Heart has 50% Off in the Smashwords End of Year Sale!

Why Smashwords?

Smashwords enables you to read your eBooks on whatever device/app you prefer. This puts you, the reader, in control of your books.

The Smashwords End Of Year Sale

The Sale is a great way to discover new books and authors, and grab a bargain. Go check out what is on offer. You might find a new favourite!

Click here to browse the Smashwords End Of Year Sale!

NaNoWriMo Project

My NaNoWriMo Project

New Moon (working title)

This project is set in the same low fantasy world of The Soul Heart Series. In fact, for readers of Ocean Heart they may recognise the main character, Denny.

This story is a prequel. It’s set in the 90s, back when Denny was a teen herself. It will cover how she became friends with Gwyn, started her Sparkle Cake business, and the highs and lows as a new mum.


I feel more prepared now I have created a title, cover, and blurb. Of course these are all just a work in progress, so could change but it helps me feel more focused.

I’ve started writing an outline. I intended for this to be a novella but I already have a sneaky suspicion this could become a full length novel.

I’ve also made a spreadsheet to help me track my word count. If this works successfully, I will look at making a version available to my followers on Ko-Fi.

The Goal

I’m going to aim for the big Five-O (50,000 words). If I don’t make it, I will still have made progress, but if I do, it’d make me so happy.

I’ve been struggling with motivation because Sky Heart is on hold until I can afford the professional services I need to move it forward. I’ve also been bummed out with all the germs (sick kids) ruining September, and fracturing my ankle ruining October.

I really want to get back into the habit of writing again. My ultimate goal for November is this: To write!

Are you doing NaNoWriMo? What’s your project, goal, and how do you prepare?


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About Ocean Heart

About Sky Heart

About Work In Progress

About Ko-Fi

Book format and buying options…

Buy it!

There are tons of ways to own your very own copy of Ocean Heart. Check out my webpage About Ocean Heart for full details, but here are a few:

Some of these links are affiliate links. Please visit my about Affiliate Links page for more details.

Signed Copy

You can buy a signed copy of Ocean Heart from Ko-Fi, and there are two options:

Personalised & Hand Signed

This is limited to the UK due to postage costs. First, I order the book, sign it, and then send to you. If you’d like a personalised message for you or someone special, I can do this.

This was the method used for the first 20 copies of Ocean Heart bought during my book signing event at Stillwater Books.

Now, you can get a hand signed copy by supporting me on Ko-Fi & visiting my Ko-Fi Shop.

Personalise & Digitally Signed

This is limited to countries with an Ingram printing facility. I will design a personalised page for you, that will be added to the book when printed. Ingram then will send out directly to you (saving on international postage costs/emissions).

Currently there is only one copy of Ocean Heart like this that I gifted to a TikToker.

Now, you can get a digitally signed copy by supporting me on Ko-Fi & visiting my Ko-Fi Shop.


I recently blogged a ton of reasons to shop with but the main one is to support your local independent bookshop.


Amazon encourages shoppers to leave product reviews, helping consumers to make more informed decisions.

If you are not UK/US, try this universal link to find Ocean Heart at your local Zon:



The great thing about Smashwords is you can buy your eBook and choose the format, enabling you to read on whatever device is your favourite. In addition your eBook is saved to your Smashwords library, so you keep it forever.


Kindle is one of the most popular eReaders both as a tablet and app.

If Smashwords and Amazon aren’t your thing, you can get Ocean Heart from many other popular eBook stores. Click this link to discover more eBook buying options:


If you have enjoyed this, you’ll like:

About Ocean Heart

A Little Trip to the Library

Ocean Heart was free on Google Play

Happy MerMay 2021

A little trip to the library…

If you know me, you’ll know I’m very naughty when it comes to returning books. In addition, I lose books! And, my youngest destroys books. Library fines are common.

But, during the pandemic my fines got to a point where they barred my account! ?

I was a bit scared & embarrassed to go into the library to pay my fines. But, as always, the local librarians were lovely. We sorted it out and I can borrow books again.

Ocean Heart never at the library…

When I released Ocean Heart last year, I approached my local library to recommend they stock a copy. And, they did!

It felt too good to be true. So, I searched using Suffolk County Libraries app to check it was really there. It was, but out on loan, with another Suffolk library!

A few weeks later, I checked to see if it was back. It had returned to Felixstowe but was on the Reserved Shelf.

When I paid my fines, I asked what the Reserved Shelf meant. It meant someone had requested it! My book is in demand! And, it had already been collected! ?

I must say I’m relieved. I love my library and would hate them to waste money on an unwanted book. As a new author building my audience, I worried I might be too unknown. I feared nobody would be interested in Ocean Heart. It makes me so happy to see it’s always checked out.

If you want to borrow the paperback, you’ll need to reserve it. It is in their collection, but there’s a queue. ?

For students of Felixstowe Academy, there are a few copies available from their school library.

Ocean Heart on Overdrive App

Overdrive is an eBook app used by libraries. You can search for Ocean Heart and request a copy to read. I don’t think they’ve ordered the eBook yet but all you have to do is ask.

If you love reading eBooks, supporting your library, and supporting authors, get this app and start enjoying a vast range of eBooks for FREE using your library card.

Ocean Heart ISBNs

It’s easy to find my book searching by title or my name, but to be certain you found the right copy, use the ISBN.

Ocean Heart ISBN, paperback 978-1-8382084-0-0, eBook 978-1-8382084-1-7

Paperback or eBook?

There you have it, Ocean Heart is available for you to read for free using your library card. If it’s not currently stocked by your local library, just ask them to order it in.

Buy Ocean Heart

Below are some affiliate links for buying Ocean Heart. You can learn more about these on my Affilate Disclosure Page.
