Fall in love with writing again

I had a lovely Valentines Day and one of my kids got an award at school. It was also the start of half term meaning the kids are now off for a week. We haven’t planned much so it’s a chance to recharge.

A writing challenge

I need to write book three, Forest Heart. It’s hard going back to writing a rough draft after working with a polished formatted printed book. Sky Heart released on 7th Feb, so I’ve only had a week to chill since its launch.

To get my head back into Forest Heart I’ve set myself a writing challenge. All I have to do is fall back in love with my novel.

No goals.

No word counts.

No pressure.

Half Term: Saturday, 15th February to Sunday, 23rd February

How did it going?

Sat, 15th February

I’m loving it. Saturday, I announced my challenge and then read through what I’d already drafted. This resulted in me deleting about 3k to 4k words, and only adding about 300 words. It felt a little like I was moving backwards but writing isn’t a linear process.

Sun, 16th February

Sunday my husband asked about the novels ending. Of all the plot points I have already, I don’t yet have an ending. We mulled it over and finally I think I have something. It did get me rethinking the timeline of the novel and I created a spreadsheet to map out where different key events happen in the series and how the books overlap. This doesn’t look like writing a novel, but it most definitely is.

Mon, 17th February

Monday, I actually did some writing and I was really pleased with what I got and feel excited about the direction of the story. As a family we tidied the house ready for the kids to have their friends over tomorrow.

Image created in Canva to represent my main character, Eve

Tue, 18th February

Tuesday, we tidied some more in the morning. Then after lunch, my kids had their friends over today. They weren’t too crazy and afterwards I was very impressed that they tidied up their bedrooms without me having to ask them.

Wed, 19th February

Wednesday was awesome. I’m into Forest Heart and have a clear vision for the upcoming scenes. Finally, my word count is back where I started.

Thu, 20th February

Thursday, wasn’t a good day for writing. We had lots of plans – it felt like everyone wanted to see us and I felt overwhelmed and guilty that I couldn’t make everyone happy. It resulted in me getting a headache. I didn’t write anything. And, I only read enough to maintain my reading streak. In the evening, my son went out with his mates and I managed to read some Onyx Storm to calm my nerves while I waited for him to return.

Image generated in Canva using AI

Fri, 21st February

Friday, no headache. Determined to make some progress, I started my day off writing. Now I have the writing bug I keep sneaking off to write whenever I can. I don’t want to go back to work next week. I want to write, write, write. I’m going to make the most of the time I have. Today, I finished chapter four.

Sat, 22nd February

Saturday, was a busy day and I did lots of authorprener jobs but no writing. My family had some bad news with the loss of someone very important. Keeping busy was my way of handling it. As a result, I didn’t write anything.

Sun, 23rd February

Sunday, I started the day chatting with my sister. Then called my family up North. They don’t live close by so the loss didn’t feel real until I spoke to them. Speaking with them made me accept it and I cried a little.

Me and Uncle Rob

I’m trying to keep this post about my progress with the writing challenge but my emotions did impact me. I think it’s important to acknowledge that life sometimes throws unexpected curve balls and it’s okay to stop what you’re doing to deal with it.

Allowing myself time meant that by the afternoon I was able to add a few words. Adding an extra 600 words means I’ve finished the challenge with 15,418 words.

Did I achieve my goal?

The goal for this novel is to have a final word count between 85,000 and 95,000 words. There’s still a way to go but I have achieved my goal of getting my head back into Forest Heart.

As I’m back to work next week and have a lot on my mind, I think my progress will slow. As for Forest Heart, my mind is clear on the direction of the story and once I’m ready and have time, I’m confident I can get it finished.

This has been a really productive challenge, I think I’ll do this every half term to fall in love with writing. Maybe, next time, you’ll join in.

Signed Copies at Stillwater Books

I’m not a salesperson. Every time I have to approach a bookshop to stock my book, I’m filled with nerves. There’s no way I’m even attempting to pitch if I have the kids with me, which happens whenever my husband has a weekend shift.

First, I waited until I had my copy of Sky Heart to check that there were no issues with the print quality. Then I had to wait for a weekend when I was free. When I finally plucked up the courage to go, I found the bookshop closed. A note was pinned to the door saying he was away on holiday. Nooooooo! But at least this explained why he’d not responded to my email.

,It had felt right to approach Stillwater Books first because they were the first bookshop to stock Ocean Heart. It was released during lockdown so I couldn’t have a traditional book signing. Together we managed to sort something out that worked within the rules allowed.

He should be back the following weekend so I braced myself to try again. Thankfully, when I entered the shop, it was quiet, so I didn’t have an audience. William was absolutely lovely. We got chatting about books, reading, genres, and stocking my books. He put my books on the shelves so I could take some pics and a short reel for social media.

It’s so silly that I get myself so worked up about approaching bookshops. From my experience, they have always been so lovely. There is this fear that they’ll say no, and I’ll have to leave with my tail between my legs.

I’m excited to return next Saturday, 8th February, around 10:45 am, with my signed books for his shop. There will be five signed copies of Ocean Heart and 10 signed copies of Sky Heart. If you want to make sure you get a copy, preorder by letting him know and he will put a copy aside for you to collect.

Visit Stillwaters Books website here: https://www.stillwaterfelixstowe.co.uk/

If you can’t get to Felixstowe, you can order a signed copy from my Ko-Fi shop, or order from any good bookshop.

The Sky Heart Press Release

As you know from my self-publishing diary, I wrote a press release for Sky Heart. It took me a while to send it out to news outlets as I felt I ought to take a picture of myself with Sky Heart, my new book releasing on 7th February.

First, I had to wait to receive my copy of Sky Heart from the printers. Then I felt too tired to do it in the evening after work but felt too tired. And, when I finally got around to take some pics, they looked awful. It is so dark at the moment, with the bad stormy weather. All the pictures came out gloomy. I returned to the drawing board and used Canva to update an old picture of myself – the one I use as my author pic – to include Sky Heart.

It wasn’t until 26th January that I finally sent it out. Yesterday, on 31st January, I heard back from good old Felixstowe Magazine to let me know that they were including my Press Release for Sky Heart. I am so thankful to Felixstowe Magazine, who always encourage and support me in my author journey.

The article is live and can be viewed here: New Book Release “Sky Heart” by local Gal, Ally Aldridge

Sky Heart can be bought from all good bookstores. Check out the Sky Heart page for up-to-date details on all the places you can buy Sky Heart.

Signed copies will be available to buy from Stillwater Books in Felixstowe, on Saturday, 8th February from 10:45am.

Or buy direct from my Redfae PayHip store.

Ocean Heart was in the Press

I was reading a post on Linked by local author Rachel Churcher where she shared an article from the Bury St Edmund’s Flyer on recommended books set in Suffolk.

It was a lovely surprise to see my YA Fantasy Romance novel included. Ocean Heart is set in Felixstowe and the story is of a teenage girl that has no idea she’s a mermaid until her messy love life awaken her dormant dangerous powers.

If you know any local Romantasy fans that this might appeal too, there’s still time to get a copy for Christmas. Plus books are a nice easy shape to wrap.

If you’d prefer a different genre, then check out the article and see if you can discover a new local author today! https://e-magazine.flyeronline.co.uk/p/bury-st-edmunds/21-11-2024/r/11/20-21/6959/1717391

WAM Fest is next weekend!

What a lovely surprise to discover a display in the library, showing me and my book, to promote WAM Fest happening next week.

WAM Fest is a celebration of Women in Arts and Music. I’ll be attending on Saturday. I will have a stall and be on the lunchtime jam panel with other authors.

You do need a ticket to attend this event. These can be bought from the WAM Fest website.

Edible Felixstowe

This morning I was at Great Eastern Square for a photoshoot of people taking part in WAM Fest. Whilst I was there, I checked out the Edible Felixstowe pop up event.

This Sunday 29th September, get down to Great Eastern Square Felixstowe.

There is an exciting event taking place called Edible Felixstowe. There are activities for the kids such as a treasure hunt and potato stamping. There is a bike powered smoothie makers that the Mayor has tested and approves of.

There are some lovely things to buy like the beautiful handmade wooden decorations, or the organic teas and soothing balm made with ingredients found in Felixstowe, and you can get fresh produce like apples, onions, honey, mead, and a selection of herbs. All harvested from Felixstowe and many are just asking for a donation.

I treated myself to the Tea LC Brew that has ingredients to boost your immunity, and a healing balm made with local ingredients. Then I got the Mead which I’ve never tried before, and only heard of in Fantasy novels, but I love honey so I’m excited to try it. I also got the local honey for my medicine cupboard as it helps during high pollen seasons. And I got an onion and some apples and made a donation.

I also took away details about the community gardening initiative where locals meet by the library on a Thursday at 5pm and work together to grow local produce that are free to all. One spot is the triangle in town. I had no idea this was happening but it’s such an amazing idea and I know someone I think would love to help.

Not long now until WAM Fest. Make sure you get your tickets so you don’t miss out on the next event!

Yes! I’ve moved my website.

Wow! September has not been my best month.

It started with the kids going back to school and myself back to work full time. I was exited for normalcy and routine and was feeling great as we’d made some great memories over the summer.

But, my son managed to split his lip open and had to be rushed to A&E. after having sutures he needed a week off school due to the pain and swelling. So, his attendance is already looking bad – eek!

Then my husband and I got really ill with colds. The kids thankfully (fingers crossed) dodged that one. I managed to get through work but when I got home I had to do everything as he was really poorly. Needless to say I was too shattered to work on Sky Heart.

Then, I get the notification that my website hosting is about to expire and they want to charge me £168 to stay with them. So on Tuesday, I worked on moving my website to another host for £35. Everything was going great but my domain (with another provider) needed to point to my new website and this can take anywhere between 48h and 72h to know if it worked. 😱. I figured out how to put a maintenance page up whilst it moved, but after several days it was still showing the maintenance page. I started to panic. It turns out, the magic happened in the background and this morning I turned the staging page off. Every year, I learn a little more.

I discovered a new printer for my books. I ordered one copy and was impressed with the quality so I ordered 10 for my next event, WAM Fest. But, the books were delivered on Friday bashed and wet. I’ve emailed the printer to try to resolve this but they don’t work weekends so I have to wait until next week to fix this. I doubt I will be able to get more stock in time, and currently only have five books left.

The low stock is due to the highlight of this month, which was the fabulous YA Lit Fest at Stowmarket Library, part of @forewordfestivaluk . 🥰

My website is back, my son’s lip is healing nicely, and I’m feeling much better. Things are on the up, so I’ll get back to finishing Sky Heart.

#authorlife #authorwebsite #authorproblems #authorupdate #oceanheart #skyheart #yafiction