Today is my day off

But I won’t get to relax

I’m up early with my son

Arguing with him

Until he’s clothed and fed

We need to dash out the door

But he won’t cooperate

won’t put on his shoes

Won’t put on his coat

He won’t do a damn thing I want

We begin a battle of wills

To the post office to collect a parcel

He tries to run into the road and around the car park

I strap him into his car seat

And sigh with relief

He wasn’t interested in the farm

Took him there to have some fun

We try making slime together but he throws it at me and sometimes I wonder..

Why do I

even bother?

He argues with me whilst I drive

Says I’m going the wrong way

We’re going home – I snap at him

He screams he wants to visit his nan

I turn the radio up

He throws his stuff on the floor

Before I’ve even closed the door

We’re home

I’m shattered

But still can’t rest

I said no sweets but he’s found some

I said no crisps but he’s got them too

You’ll spoil you lunch – I confiscate

He tells me he won’t eat

He doesn’t want a healthy plate

We fight defining healthy meals

And snacks are not allowed

He thinks I’m being mean

He’s not talking to me now

I cry

I know it’s silly

But I try so hard to be a good mum

I make his lunch

Relief as he eats

I eat too

There’s so much still to be done

I start to tidy up the rooms

Tomorrow we’re having a party

I’ve also got food to prepare

I’m getting


As quickly as I put away

He’s getting it all back out

I try to negotiate

If you help me by being tidy

You can have it all back





Reluctantly he helps

Even putting things away in draws

I’m too tired to make food

I’m going to buy ready made

Still need to get out to the shops

But I’m shattered

I need to


Day 6 – Challenge

Today’s challenge for Day 6 “Today, we’d like to challenge you to write a poem that stretches your comfort zone with line breaks. That could be a poem with very long lines, or very short lines. Or a poem that blends the two. You might break to emphasize (or de-emphasize) sounds or rhymes, or to create a moment of hesitation in the middle of a thought.”

I really didn’t like this challenge. It might be because I’m too busy to give it the thought needed. I hope you forgive my attempt.

So busy…

I tried to give the challenge a go despite having a chaotic day and a little boy that doesn’t want to comply. He’s very strong willed and he doesn’t understand why I ask him to do things he doesn’t want to do like eat cereal or brush his teeth. I try to get him out the house otherwise he would spend all day on the kindle or iPad (or asking for them). I promise he’s not a bad boy. We did enjoy making slime together despite him throwing it at me.

As I’m so busy today I could only focus on one thing at a time and that is getting everything sorted for the party. I hope it goes well tomorrow and that you are having a happy stress-free weekend.

back to party prep…

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