You may have caught my previous post where I reflected on my progress so far this year towards my annual goal. As we enter into Autumn, I am evaluating where I am at and setting myself some new goals for the next quarter.
Social Media
Blog (Word Press): I have enough post ideas to post twice a week but my new plan is to plan posts a month ahead and if I only have enough for one post a week, I’ll be happy.
Instagram: Continue engaging with my new connections. October, I am taking part in a photo prompt challenge and will be aiming to post once a day. However in August, I trialled three posts a week and this was easy to maintain. I think this is something I will be moving towards.
Twitter: I still share content to Twitter and get involved in Twitter events but it isn’t my main social platform. I’ll continue in this manner.
Facebook page: Currently, this is not my main focus. I share content here. I think when I publish, I will use this platform for giveaways and live chats, etc.
YouTube: It’s not only plucking up the courage to go infront of the camera but also to find the time and correct conditions (not exhausted or surrounded by kids). Until my life calms down, this is being shelved.
Tumblr: Share Instagram and Word Press content to this platform.
Jewel of the Sea: Use feedback from Beta’s to improve novel. Complete Willow Editing’s course and use what I learn to improve Jewel of the Sea. Whilst saving for an editor, find out more about self publishing. Query agents that show an interest.
Diamond in the Sky: Re-plot novel, edit existing version and write ending. There’s a lot to write so I will be working on this for NaNoWriMo.
Tinsel Tiger: Research Literary Agents/Publishers of picture books and consider querying.
Read six or more books: I’ve hit my goal of six books but I will continue to read more.
Self care: Sadly, I’ve neglected myself. I think I would love to have a spa day, get my nails done, get my eye lashes done, maybe use a face mask. Surely this can be achieve within the next three months.
Willow Editing: I am so lucky that Willow Editing has given me access to her editing course. I really struggle with editing as I’m not confident in my use of English Language and the more I think ‘is that right?’ the more I second guess myself.
Resource book: During the last quarter, my goal was to buy another resource and I failed. So, this time I will set: Buy two resource books on writing!
What are your goals?
I shall review these again at the end of December. I often feel like I haven’t achieved much until I acknowledge what I have managed to do. Will you be setting any goals?
If you enjoyed this post, you may also enjoy:
My plans for the third quarter
#BoostMyBio for Pitch Wars 2019
Book Review: Save the Cat – Writes a Novel
Best of luck!