The Story Snippets Challenge

I love the photo prompt challenges on Instagram, especially those that inspire and encourage me to share my writing.

The #StorySnippetsChallenge was hosted by the following authors on Instagram: @amandalyncreek , @bridieblake , @jjotisauthor , @sireyourstory and @son_dae_writes .

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Tomorrow is the start of #StrorySnippetChallenge. I'm going to join in. To find details of the writers hosting the event and how to take part, see below: Repost from @amandalyncreek using @RepostRegramApp – So excited to co-host the #storysnippetschallenge with @bridieblake, @jjotisauthor, @sireyourstory, and @son_dae_writes! ⁣⠀And a big thanks to @authorbrittanywang for bringing us together in her Patreon group. ⁣⠀ The challenge will happen during the week of May 20th- 26th if you want to join us. This will also be the first time I reveal anything about my work in progress. I'm what I like to call nervcited to share, although I've received good feedback so far from my teacher and my classmates. ?⁣⠀ ⁣⠀ Each day of the challenge has a prompt and a corresponding hashtag. Here they are:⁣⠀ ⁣⠀ Day 1: #MeettheMainCharacter (tell us anything you want about your protagonist!)⁣⠀ Day 2: #TeaserTuesday (Share something that will make your audience want to read your work in progress!)⁣⠀ Day⁣ 3: #SettingSetup (Describe your world/setting to show the mood/tone of your WIP)⁣⠀ Day 4: #FirstLines (She a snippet of the beginning.)⁣⠀ Day 5: #ThemeStated (What's your overall theme in your WIP?)⁣⠀ Day 6: #ExcitingMoment (This can be your inciting incident or midpoint. No spoilers, though.)⁣⠀ Day 7: FunDialogue (Show off one of your favorite conversations in your WIP)⁣⠀ ⁣⠀ If you're an author and want to join, be sure to share this image and use the hashtag #storysnippetschallenge!⁣⠀ ⁣⠀ Let's do this! :)⁣⠀

A post shared by Author Ally Aldridge (@redfae) on

My story snippets

Here, in this blog post I am going to collate and share all my snippets in one place that I posted during Monday, 20 May 2019 to Sunday, 26 May 2019. These are snippets from a work in progress so may change by the final edited version:








Reflecting on the challenge

I really enjoyed this challenge. It made me think about different parts of my story. I’ve lost count of the number of times I have edited my manuscript but I was still checking over and fine tuning the snippets before posting.

Most of all, I love sharing my writing and this was a great opportunity to give my followers snippets and tease them into wanting to read more. I think using snippets like this would be a great way to promote a published book too as it gives people a taste of your writing and the story, like a little appetiser.

It was great fun seeing what others writers were working on too. Writing a novel can be lonely but taking part gave a sense of being part of something bigger – I was not alone in my writing journey. It gave something to connect with other writers over.

I was flattered when someone commented on how much they liked the way I presented my snippets. This was a huge compliment as I am no professional. They are all created for free in Canva. On Thursday, I created my image in Canva and then used the Video Typer app to animate my text – again this was free.

Have you ever shared snippets of your novel?

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Instagram For Writers — Ally Aldridge

April, I featured poets – what’s next?

Camp NaNoWriMo Diary (midpoint April 2019)

Camp NaNoWriMo Diary (middle to end)

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Ally plus text

Day 8 – Magic

She kissed his lips and took his life

And gave him a new one full of ice

His fingers blue as he played with his gift

Hoarfrost alive building on his finger tips

Snow blew around in a blizzard of his

Drawn to the woman who granted him this


He looked into her eyes searching for answers

Should he be scared of this new power


Someone was coming, it was not safe

Quickly she took him in her embrace

Down into the water their bodies crushed

Safely hidden from the intruders eyes

Her kiss feeding him oxygen, keeping him alive

And what was this, upon her neck

The little slits looked like gills

Her pupils stretched like a reptiles


Day 8’s challenge

For Day 8 the challenge was to “write poems in which mysterious and magical things occur. Your poem could take the form of a spell, for example, or simply describe an event that can’t be understood literally. Feel free to incorporate crystal balls, fauns, lightning storms, or whatever seems fierce and free and strange.”

I loved this challenge and had so many ideas, I couldn’t focus. I thought about a statute coming to life, that is the perfect manly figure, capturing the hearts of women but he can’t be touch or you’ll turn to stone and he has a graveyard of statues of women that hadn’t been able to resist him.  I will save that story idea for another day…

Drift - cover

Instead, I wrote the poem based on one of my favorite scenes from my novel Drift (querying as Jewel of the sea).  The whole novel is on Wattpad for feedback and the chapters this poem relates to are titled 26. Don’t Tell and 27.  Revelation.

The version I’m sending for query has been edited a lot and has different chapter names but I still value any feedback you can give me.  The novel is marked private so only followers can view (to prevent pirate/mirror sites).

If you don’t have Wattpad, you’ll be pleased to know that I have posted the two chapters to my blog. Click here to read.