The new chapter has taken a few days to edit. Here are the challenges I faced whilst editing this chapter.
The main delay was due to changing the role of Ana in the story.
In the original version, she goes away to see a specialist doctor in America to get help with her sleep disorder. This resulted in her being away for most of the story.
In my current rewrite I have decided Ana will have a bigger part to play. She doesn’t go away, Mariah confides in her and together they experiment with magic. I’m enjoying writing the new content but it is slowing me down.
In addition, chapter 13 is 3.5k words long. This is long for me as my chapters generally tend to be half that.
The last delay on this chapter is that Aria is going through a nocturnal stage so I’m spending more of my evening settling her than working on my novel.
If you would like to see the new chapter on Wattpad, click here.
Here is the last half of my Camp NaNo diary, covering mid April to the end of April. It will also include whether I am a winner or not. If you would like to read the first half of my diary, click here.
Update 6
Update 7
Update 8
Update 9
Update 10
I am so pleased that I achieved Camp NaNo. During the Easter Holidays it felt so impossible I almost quit. I guess it goes to show what perseverance can achieve.
I like Red Dresses more than my November project and will likely return at a later date to finish this novel.
What’s next?
As soon as Camp NaNo was over, I got straight back into editing Jewel of the Sea. My goal is to try and edit three chapters a week to get it query ready.
You may have noticed that recently I have begun sharing updates on my blog with links to Wattpad as I finish editing. If you are on Wattpad, follow me, I follow back.
I’m really impressed that I managed to get a chapter edited today. Aria has refused to nap all day so I am shattered but I really wanted to get another one done.
I think the next chapter will be tricky because I have changed the role of Ana in the new outline. This will impact the next chapter as I will need to add in some new content to make it work.
I find editing really hard but I will write a post soon covering the methods I use that make it a little easier. But, I would love to hear the methods you use?
If you would like to see the new chapter on Wattpad, click here.
My main time to write is in the evenings. I started working on this chapter on Wednesday but since then there have been a number of personal distractions.
One of my best friends is in hospital with her baby and I wanted to do something to cheer her up. I gave up an evening to work on creating her a special letter and gift. Another evening was lost to looking at my families finances and trying to work out how we will afford everything this month as I am no longer bringing in any money on maternity leave.
Today, I have taken every chance I have had to get some writing done and I have finally finished editing the chapter to post on Wattpad. If you have time to take a look, please do give it a read and let me know what you think.
How are you progressing towards your writing goals?
You may have caught my previous post where I reflected on my progress so far this year towards my annual goal. As we enter into Spring, I am evaluating where I am at and setting myself some new goals for the next quarter.
Social Media
Blog (Word Press): To continue to post at least twice a week keeping to my content schedule as much as possible.
Instagram: To maintain the new connections I have made and continue to engage with them and share content about my writing.
Twitter: Continue to share links to my content on Twitter and connect with writers on the platform.
Facebook page: To brainstorm how I can use this to connect with more writers.
YouTube: To be brave and get in front of the camera and start sharing video content.
Tumblr: Share Instagram and Word Press content to this platform.
Red Dresses (formerly Scarlet House): To start writing a new novel. I shall use Camp NaNo to make progress towards this goal in April.
Jewel of the sea: To edit Act 2 and hopefully begun editing Act 3.
Working Together Course: Complete this course and decide what my plans are as my maternity leave comes to an end.
Scrapbook/Journal: Start using a planner to get more organised.
Read at least three books by the end of June: I have already read one this year so I just have two more to go to get back on track of my goal of six books by the end of the year.
Writer courses: Continue to take advantage of any free courses that come my way if I have the time to do these.
Save the Cat Writes a Novel: Finish reading this fabulous resource on novel writing.
What are your goals?
I shall review these again at the end of June. I often feel like I haven’t achieved much until I acknowledge what I have managed to do. Will you be setting any goals?