Signed Copies at Stillwater Books

I’m not a salesperson. Every time I have to approach a bookshop to stock my book, I’m filled with nerves. There’s no way I’m even attempting to pitch if I have the kids with me, which happens whenever my husband has a weekend shift.

First, I waited until I had my copy of Sky Heart to check that there were no issues with the print quality. Then I had to wait for a weekend when I was free. When I finally plucked up the courage to go, I found the bookshop closed. A note was pinned to the door saying he was away on holiday. Nooooooo! But at least this explained why he’d not responded to my email.

,It had felt right to approach Stillwater Books first because they were the first bookshop to stock Ocean Heart. It was released during lockdown so I couldn’t have a traditional book signing. Together we managed to sort something out that worked within the rules allowed.

He should be back the following weekend so I braced myself to try again. Thankfully, when I entered the shop, it was quiet, so I didn’t have an audience. William was absolutely lovely. We got chatting about books, reading, genres, and stocking my books. He put my books on the shelves so I could take some pics and a short reel for social media.

It’s so silly that I get myself so worked up about approaching bookshops. From my experience, they have always been so lovely. There is this fear that they’ll say no, and I’ll have to leave with my tail between my legs.

I’m excited to return next Saturday, 8th February, around 10:45 am, with my signed books for his shop. There will be five signed copies of Ocean Heart and 10 signed copies of Sky Heart. If you want to make sure you get a copy, preorder by letting him know and he will put a copy aside for you to collect.

Visit Stillwaters Books website here:

If you can’t get to Felixstowe, you can order a signed copy from my Ko-Fi shop, or order from any good bookshop.

Reflecting on my 2024 Book Festivals

During 2024, I did nine in-person author events. Some of these were two day events!

8 December – Pop Up Stall at Dunelm, Bury St Edmunds

1 December – Felixstowe Christmas Craft and Gift Fair, Brackenbury Sports Centre, Felixstowe

12 October – WAM Fest, Harvest House, Felixstowe

14 September – One Day at the Library, Stowmarket Library

4 August – Legends Comic Con, Stonham Barns

3 August – Legends Comic Con, Stonham Barns

21 July – CapCon, Trinity Park, Ipswich

20 Jul – CapCon, Trinity Park, Ipswich

30 June – Felixstowe Book Festival at Two Sisters Art Centre, Trimley St Mary

19 May – Herts Book Fest at Hertford Castle

18 May – Herts Book Fest at Southern Maltings, Ware

11 Feb – Foreword Festival: Love Your Local Authors at Bury St Edmunds

I have booked no events yet for 2025. I want to organise an event at a bookshop for Sky Heart‘s launch but I only got all the files back yesterday. Uploading those will be my first priority, and then I can start marketing.

But, I would love it to be released on Fri, 7th Feb which is my sister’s birthday. Book one, Ocean Heart, launched on my brother’s birthday during lockdown.

Herts Book Fest is amazing, but staying overnight (due to distance) makes it quite costly. I’m on the fence about going this year. It was the first book festival I ever did and holds a special place in my heart. The location is stunning and I’ve met many fabulous people here. I want to go but need to think about it.

Check out my book recommendations list from of authors who attend Herts Book Festival:

Capcon was one of my best events, despite having to go to the first aid tent because of an eye issue making them sore. Sadly, 2024 was their last year, so I can’t book this event for 2025. As you can see in the pictures, the cosplayers were super friendly. Their energy and enthusiasm bring such a positive vibe.

Talking about positive vibes, WAM Fest was amazing. The whole event celebrates women in Arts and Music and their achievements. Together with other women that have self-published, I got to speak on a panel about my author journey.

I’m a big fan of the library. It was exciting to be invited to Stowmarket Library to be part of their YA event. We got to meet teens and chat with them about writing and reading. They got excited about my book which filled my heart with joy.

Check out my book recommendations list from of authors that were at the YA Event (Foreword Festival):

Because of the cost of doing in-person events, the ones close to home were more profitable. Smaller events charge less for the stall and therefore the offset means they can make more money even with fewer sales.

I’m having a hard think about what events to do in 2025. Being seen sells books. In addition, I met other authors and learned a lot from them, and they introduced me to more opportunities. I want to do more author events in 2025, but need to be more selective about which ones I do.

Check out my book recommendations list from of indies authors:

Edible Felixstowe

This morning I was at Great Eastern Square for a photoshoot of people taking part in WAM Fest. Whilst I was there, I checked out the Edible Felixstowe pop up event.

This Sunday 29th September, get down to Great Eastern Square Felixstowe.

There is an exciting event taking place called Edible Felixstowe. There are activities for the kids such as a treasure hunt and potato stamping. There is a bike powered smoothie makers that the Mayor has tested and approves of.

There are some lovely things to buy like the beautiful handmade wooden decorations, or the organic teas and soothing balm made with ingredients found in Felixstowe, and you can get fresh produce like apples, onions, honey, mead, and a selection of herbs. All harvested from Felixstowe and many are just asking for a donation.

I treated myself to the Tea LC Brew that has ingredients to boost your immunity, and a healing balm made with local ingredients. Then I got the Mead which I’ve never tried before, and only heard of in Fantasy novels, but I love honey so I’m excited to try it. I also got the local honey for my medicine cupboard as it helps during high pollen seasons. And I got an onion and some apples and made a donation.

I also took away details about the community gardening initiative where locals meet by the library on a Thursday at 5pm and work together to grow local produce that are free to all. One spot is the triangle in town. I had no idea this was happening but it’s such an amazing idea and I know someone I think would love to help.

Not long now until WAM Fest. Make sure you get your tickets so you don’t miss out on the next event!

Author Life Highlights of 2023

Published on YouTube on 7th January 2024

I think the biggest highlight of 2023 was author events. I got to meet YA Fantasy readers and chat about my books. I got to meet fellow authors and make new friends. I’ve learned so much and surprised myself.


💛 Dial Lane Books, Ipswich where I signed copies of Ocean Heart & the owner displayed a copy in the front window.

💛 Herts Book Festival, Hertfordshire was my first book festival. I had so much fun, I was buzzing! Was like an author getaway, meeting up with two of my long time author friends.

💛 Felixstowe Book Festival, Let’s Talk Fantasy – This was a long time dream of mine coming true & made a new friend that I shared the event with. 🥰

💛 Legends Comic Con, Stonham Barns where I got to befriend the Bury & Beyond Writers thanks to an intro by author Rachel Churcher. I’m looking forward to doing more with this bunch.

💛 MK Lit Fest, Milton Keynes was another excuse to meet up with some author buddies and we got interviewed about our books.

As a shy person, my dreams of being an author involve hiding in a cupboard to write with no peopling. I definitely did not want to make any public appearances! But, the author community is so welcoming and supportive, they gave me the confidence to get out there. Moving into 2024, high on my plans is to do more events. With each one, I get more confident and look forward to the next.

For 2024, I am already booked to do the Foreword Festival on 11 February in Bury St Edmunds’s. And, looking at another Comic Con in the Summer. Please come along and meet the authors. There’s such a good vibe, it’s infectious.