Two year blogging anniversary!

The other day, I got my badge notifiying me that I have been running my blog now for two years!

Here are the top five lessons I have learnt:

Focus on one blog

I started off with three blogs, one for writing, one for beauty and one to share it all. Now, I have one blog. And, it is so much more easier. Don’t restrict yourself, write whatever you are passionate about – chances are, other people are too. I now have the problem that I have so many ideas and not enough time to write it all!

Schedule content

I’ve learnt the importance of having a content schedule and using the ‘schedule’ feature in Word Press. This has enabled me to ensure that I am delivering a variety of content and keeps me accountable to a regular timetable.

Link back

When I started my blog , I didn’t have many followers. There are posts that I think would benefit my readers but didn’t reach the audience. By linking back, I can refer people to old content that is still relevant. I’m also looking at reworking some of these to give fresh content.

Use images

Images make your posts stand out. It is great if you are able to produce your own images but it is not always possible. I have discovered a great royalty free website that has loads of free photos for you to use. Another great site I use all the time is as they have brilliant templates to make blog titles, instagram pictures, etc.

Share to social media

At first, I was quite shy to tell people that I was blogging. I still am shy about it but I am getting better. Whenever a post goes live, it automatically shares to Twitter and Goggle+. In addition, I often post to Instagram a prompt to tell my followers what new content is on the blog.

I am still learning everyday, but I love blogging and I am getting more confident with it.  Have you got any tips for me?

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