I love that Felixstowe Book Festival is on my doorstep. They offer a range of events, talks, and workshops. It’s also very affordable. For example, this year, you can attend a full day writing workshop for only £9.99!
To find out more about the various events and to buy tickets head over to the Felixstowe Book Festival website.
You may have already guessed or seen on Instagram, I’ve bought tickets for this years full day writing workshop for the bargain price of £9.99! It is being help in a stunning historic building, the sort that can inspire stories.
I haven’t attended every year, or blogged about every event I have attended. Below are links to my posts about some of the talks or workshops I did attend.

2019 FBF and How to connect with local writers
2019 FBF and The Publishing Industry
2019 FBF and Children’s Events

2018 FBF and Arts & Crafts with Arty Mouse
2018 FBF and Who Runs the World (YA author lunch)
2018 FBF and Learning Through Art

2017 FBF and Alwyn Hamilton – Rebel of the Sands
2017 FBF and All About Picture Book Publishing
