Jewel of the Sea – Chapter 25

This is the chapter where the snippet comes from:

Still crouching under the table like a naughty little fairy, I had enough happy thoughts to fly me to Neverland.  

So, all the chapters are finished now although I’d like to go over the new content once more as I find when the writing is fresh it is hard for me to spot my own mistakes.  Then, I will be putting the manuscript together and preparing to query.

Today, I attended a live workshop with Kathy Ver Eecke called Secrets of Getting a Book Deal.  I sat there with my notepad taking notes on the 20 things that writers do wrong when querying.  This webinar was a sales pitch for her paid services but she spent an hour demonstrating her wealth of knowledge and answering questions.  She made some brilliant points and if I wasn’t on zero money right now, I would have been very tempted by her offers.  Would you pay for help with getting a Literary Agent?

Click here to read chapter 25

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Jewel of the Sea – Chapter 24

Jewel of the Sea – Chapter 23

The Story Snippets Challenge

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