I was reading a post on Linked by local author Rachel Churcher where she shared an article from the Bury St Edmund’s Flyer on recommended books set in Suffolk.
It was a lovely surprise to see my YA Fantasy Romance novel included. Ocean Heart is set in Felixstowe and the story is of a teenage girl that has no idea she’s a mermaid until her messy love life awaken her dormant dangerous powers.
If you know any local Romantasy fans that this might appeal too, there’s still time to get a copy for Christmas. Plus books are a nice easy shape to wrap.
If you’d prefer a different genre, then check out the article and see if you can discover a new local author today! https://e-magazine.flyeronline.co.uk/p/bury-st-edmunds/21-11-2024/r/11/20-21/6959/1717391