I recently enjoyed a blog post on the pros and cons of writing by hand. It got me thinking about how I like to write.
Many people find it beneficial to write by hand. They feel the connection between the pen and paper and their words flow more clearly.
As a teen, I always wrote my stories in a notebook. I liked to write my ideas in the back and then fill it from the front, chapter by chapter. I liked to write in bed and my sheets were covered in ink stains
It wasn’t until I decided to take writing seriously that I began creating at a PC. I have never quite found a digital way to develop ideas that works like the back of a notebook but I do prefer writing on a computer. It’s easier to read than my handwriting, and editing is neater. Once finished I can easily prepare it for submissions.
Since switching to write electronic I haven’t used my notebooks for writing until recently.
Recently, I had an Instagram challenge to write somewhere different. It was a challenge to also boost creativity and it worked.
In fact, I enjoyed writing in my notebook so much I have since used it again. It makes developing my story and exploring ideas so much easier. Moving forward, I think I will continue to use it this way. Perhaps, treat myself to some new stationery…
Who was the inspirational blogger?
It was Rachel F Walton from the blog Wordlander. Click here to read her blog post ”Can writing by hand boost creativity?”
Rachel enjoys writes fantasy, horror and sci-fi. She currently had two ebooks published and is working on a trilogy that sounds like my cup of tea.