Here is an update on how I have progressed towards the goals I set in September 2019 (towards achieving my annual goals set in January).

Social Media
Blog (Word Press): To continue to post at least twice a week keeping to my content schedule as much as possible.
I am so proud of myself for keeping up with this goal. Even during NaNoWriMo I managed to post twice a week.
Instagram: To maintain the new connections I have made and continue to engage with them and share content about my writing.
My posts have slowed down but I am still posting regularly. Recently my post have been every two days.
Twitter: Continue to share links to my content on Twitter and connect with writers on the platform.
I took part in #RevPit and was one of the winners. I keep meaning to write a blog post about it. Basically, winners get to email their first 5 pages and query letter to an editor. The editor then tweets about the ten submissions they have with advice on how to improve – this advice is useful to all writers so worth following the hashtag. The next day, winners get an email to let them know which tweets were about their work.
I did Boost My Bio for Pitch Wars then forgot to enter the main competition for a mentor – OMG I was so cross with myself (serious understatement). It had been a busy weekend with two book festivals!
Facebook page: To brainstorm how I can use this to connect with more writers.
I haven’t done anything new to my page but it is getting more traffic. I have also been active on World Indie Warriros Facebook page. I did my first Live via their page. Then during NaNoWriMo, I did three live write-ins and I’ve hosted a midweek chat in December.
YouTube: To be brave and get in front of the camera and start sharing video content.
I’m not sure I understand the change in terms for YouTube videos so I’ve not pushed myself to do this but I am super proud of myself for getting in front of the camera (see Facebook above).
Tumblr: Share Instagram and Word Press content to this platform.
This happens all the time as my other sites are set up to automatically share there.
I sent out my second newsletter at the end of October. This also included a full guide on using Hashtags on Instagram. My next newsletter is due out at the end of December. Click here to sign up.

Jewel of the sea (formerly Drift)
Enter into the Wattys. Put novel out to Beta Readers. Take part in September’s #PitMad. Work on my query letter.
I entered Wattys but wasn’t a winner. I also entered Wattpairs Mentorship Challenge on Wattpad but wasn’t chosen to be a mentee. My Beta Readers went quiet… I didn’t let these things halt my progress towards my dream.
At the end of December it will be 10 years that I have been chasing traditional publishing. I have decided it is time to be brave and self publish. With my birthday money I have booked an editor and taken that first step towards making it happen.
Diamond in the sky (formerly Glide)
Re-plot novel, edit existing version and write ending.
I edited the first few chapters and updated Diamond in the Sky on Wattpad. I then used Save the Cat to plot and develop the remaining chapters. Then during November, I worked on this novel for NaNoWriMo. I managed to write a further 45k words, bringing the book up to 60k words. There is still more to be written but I am so pleased with my progress and I know how it end now.
Red Dresses
#NewYearNewNovel start a new novel for 2019
This is the new novel I started in April this year. I plotted out the first few chapters and wrote the first 15k words to see how I got on. I really enjoyed this novel. I envision it being a steamy new adult romance. I definitely plan to return to this project at a later date.
Tinsel Tiger (picture book)
Research publishers and Literary Agents and pitch events to consider querying. Consider whether to commission an artist to do the images and then self publish.
I haven’t had any time to make any further progress on this project so it has taken a back seat.
In October, I volunteered to write the World Indie Warriors brochure, ready for December.
I planned to have the brochure completed by the end of October so it would not distract me during NaNoWriMo. It turned out to be really hard to get all the details required from all the creatives involved.
During November, there was still missing information I was chasing. I set aside Sundays to make time to get it finished and I managed to get everything by 1 December 2019.
It was my first time creating a brochure and it was a steep learning curve but I really enjoyed doing it. I wish I could do something like this everyday for a living. You can view the World Indie Warriors brochure here.
Writing Course/Writing Festivals
Attend writing festivals
I got to attend The Ingram Sparks Print Facility Tour which was part of the Milton Keyne’s literary festival #MKLitFest.
I also attended WoW Con which is an online Literary Festival run by Write Mentor. I also paid for a one-to-one via Skype with a Literary Agent. I intended to write a blog post about it but just haven’t had the time.

Make time at least once a week: Planner: continue to use Carpe Diem planner; Pocket letter: write another pocket letter; Scrapbook: Do at least one page; Crochet: Finish Aria’s blanket for her birthday.
I haven’t found anytime for crafts. I haven’t been using my planner, written any letters or created any cards. I haven’t added to my scrapbook or finished Aria’s blanket.
I did attend the Festive Planner Meet in Felixstowe. I can’t even begin to express how amazing it was to spend time with these girls doing crafts for a few hours. It had made me feel motivated to do more crafty things in 2020.
For Christmas, I have brought brown paper and festive stamps to decorate it with. That counts as a craft, right?
Read at least four and a half books by the end of September (annual goal 6 books)
I’ve exceed this goal and read a total of 11 books. I will be sharing a post in early 2020 with a collection of all the book reviews posted in 2019.
I have also read The Practice Boyfriend by Christina Benjamin (review scheduled for January 2020) and Crown of Conspiracy by Kara S Weaver (review scheduled for February 2020) and Trust Me by Maddie James (review scheduled for March 2020).
I have also signed up to Net Galley to be able to review new releases. I will write a review on how I get on with the site and I’ll post about any books that I manage to read (time is always my biggest challenge).
Writer courses: Continue to take advantage of any free courses that come my way if I have the time to do these.
I desperately want to enrol on Page Malcolm’s courses, especially her author academy, but it is beyond what I can afford. I keep missing her live videos as they are when I am asleep but I always try to catch the replay as the content is valuable.
I am also incredibly lucky that Willow Editing has given me access to her self-publishing course to beta test it. I started it at the end of October but then had to stop due to NaNoWriMo. I intend to make good use of this during December. She is so friendly in the videos she actually gets me excited about editing which is you knew how much I hate editing then you’d understand how awesome she is.
Resource book: Buy another writing help book. I am considering the Emotion Thesaurus.
I haven’t ordered any resource book but my wish list has got longer. lol!
What’s next
I am really pleased with what I have achieved this year and I’m feeling positive that 2020 is going to be even better. I am actively pursuing self-publishing and I love being part of World Indie Warriors.
How did your goals go this year? Are you feeling positive about 2020?
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