How was NaNoWriMo 2019

The new NaNoWriMo website

For the November 2019 NaNoWriMo there was a new revamped website.  I am going to start with how I got on using it and how it affected my NaNoWriMo experience.

Wrimo Buddies

All the old information had transferred over except connections.  I sent invites out to those I remembered and added some new ones I made via other social media sites.  If you would like to add me, I am Redfae on NaNoWriMo.  


I still feel the social side of the NaNoWriMo site isn’t really working for me.  I can’t figure out the forums but I didn’t have much time to explore them.  Maybe they will get easier to navigate as the site develops.


OMG!  I love the Stats.  I used to have to create spreadsheets to record where I was with my word count and calculate if I am on or off track and how many words I need to do to keep up but the new website does this for you and can tell you cool facts like when and where you like to write.

I found it really motivating to see my overall progress  It helped to visually see when I was falling below the line and knew I needed to step up the pace.

NaNoWriMo Stat Overall Progress

You can choose between a bar of line chart.  In the above chart you can see my overall progress.  I started off ahead of target but after an unfortunate week and a spell of not writing, I struggled to stay on track and then fell behind target.  The rest of my NaNo progress is trying to get back on track.  On a positive note, you can see that I didn’t give up and the line does keep going up even if it’s not as steep as I needed.

NaNoWriMo Stat Daily Word Count

The last few days I really pushed myself to catch up and managed to write 6k on the final day!  That was my best daily word count all month. This bar chart really highlights the days I skipped.  Those days were detrimental to me reaching 50k, but sometimes I need to take a break for my own well being and I didn’t want to burnout.

Here are links to my weekly writers diary for you to learn more about how my NaNo weeks went (click on the picture):

copy of copy of nanowrimo nov 2019

copy of copy of nanowrimo nov 2019copy of copy of nanowrimo nov 2019copy of copy of nanowrimo nov 2019

Here are the last final two days of my writers diary:

Fri, 29 Nov

I dropped Noah off at school.  I then needed to call the doctor about Aria’s shoulder making an odd popping sound (they booked me in for a call back).  I had to call Very because they had sent me my order twice and charged me twice – no thank you.   Once that was done, I decided to take Aria to a local playgroup as she missed out last week.  I kept my phone on so I could hear if it rang.

When I was about to leave the playgroup I saw I had a text from the doctor’s surgery to say they had tried to call but there was no answer and I needed to call if I still wanted to be called.  It was odd because there was no missed call on my phone. I rang to get put back on the waiting list.  Although Aria isn’t in any pain, I want her to be seen as she is always doing crazy stuff all the time and I worry she may have hurt herself and just not let us know.

Finally, I got a call back and had to accept an appointment when Aria usually naps.  I dreaded I was in for a grizzly afternoon but she wasn’t too bad at the doctors.  In fact, being sleepy probably helped as she wasn’t tearing up the place.  The nurse that saw her wasn’t concerned about Aria’s shoulder and said to keep an eye on it. If Aria appears to be in pain then take her straight back otherwise hopefully it will go on its own (I’m to keep an eye on it for 1 to 2 months).

I then did school pick up and as Noah was trying really hard to be good, I took him to a local sports club that he has been banned from (by us) for four weeks.  Noah got so excited at the class that he was bouncing off the walls, crazy, embarrassing, very naughty.  Needless to say, the ban is back.

We got home and had dinner.  Then I got on the PC and forced myself to write although I was still quite upset about earlier and feeling a little put out that I am so far behind and unlikely to make 50k.  I am now aiming for 40k.  I did pretty well and ended the night at 39k.  I feel motivated that I can meet my new goal tomorrow.

Sat, 30 Nov

My husband let me have a lay in which I used to write an impressive 2k, on my mobile phone, in bed.  It made me feel great knowing I have achieved over 40k today when I thought it would be impossible as I have a very busy day planned.  One appointment cancelled, giving me a little more breathing space.

My husband took Noah to get his hair cut.  Then, I took both children for a Christmas photo shoot.  I booked it because I really struggle to get nice pictures of them.  They are both full of energy and struggle to stay still.

Sadly, Noah was still in his silly mood.  He was photo-bombing Aria’s pictures and running in-front of the light and casting shadows.  He was messing around with the props and climbing all over the furniture and trying to touch the very expensive camera.  The photographer polite and patient with him but I am not hopeful that we managed to get any pictures – I now have to wait and see.  Once out, I asked Noah why he did it.  He was ‘excited’ and he wanted more pictures.

Aria was no angel either.  She didn’t want to stay on the set or sit still – this is the reason my pictures of her are a blur or she’s half out the shot. I really felt like giving up and then I saw a cute picture of her on my phone that I took on holiday.  I posted it to Instagram and it shared to Facebook.  One of my friends commented “She’s gorgeous but she would look even prettier without the dummy x”.  It broke my heart.  I thought it was a cute picture and I was being judged for allowing my baby a soother.  People are always judging parents and I was at breaking point. I wanted to send her the study on Sudden Infant Cot Death that showed dummy use reduced cot death by 90%.  Yeah she might not look pretty with it, but she’s happy, she’s safe, she’s sleepy and I have a photo of her.  But, I didn’t fight back.  I was exhausted, feeling like a terrible mother and I just cried.

My husband gave me a prep talk and helped me feel better about myself.  They are both going through tricky stages. Noah will learn to control his energy.  Aria is just running everywhere and climbing everything because she’s discovered she can and the novelty will wear off – hopefully, soon before she hurts herself.

I got on the PC straight away and decided to write to see how close to 50k I could get.  I finished at 45,062 words.  It might not be 50k but I a damn proud of myself.

World Indie Warriors Live

Another massive achievement for me was going live on Facebook.  I did on the World Indie Warrior Facebook group and hosted a live write in. It was lots of fun and really motivating.

I don’t know about you but Monday are meh.  But, getting online and chatting with other writers reminded me that I am not alone. I am part of team.  This indie community is so supportive and we cheered each other on.  We shared what we were working on and I read out samples of their projects that they share with me (including some very steamy scenes).

If you want to be party of this group, head over to their Facebook group, World Indie Warriors Members to get involved.

Diamond in the Sky

As I completed chapters during NaNoWriMo, I posted them to Wattpad.  You can read them here in my novel Diamond in the Sky.  I warn you it is a real first draft!

I’m really pleased with the progress I have made and can see me finishing this novel.  NaNoWriMo estimates it will be finished by 5 December but it needs to be more than 50k to be done.

I am going to continue writing it whilst Jewel of the Sea is getting edited.  That’s right!  I paid for an editor for my birthday and I am taking those first steps to publish my debut novel.  Wish me luck.

Book cover for Diamond in the Sky by Ally Aldridge.

I created this cover in Canva using an image from Unsplash.

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NaNoWriMo Diary – Week 1 (November 2019)

NaNoWriMo Diary – Week 2 (November 2019)

NaNoWriMo Diary – Week 3 (November 2019)

NaNoWriMo Diary – Week 4 (November 2019)

Reflecting on Camp NaNo July 2019

My Books



NaNoWriMo Diary – Week 2 (November 2019)

Fri, 8 Nov

I had the worst nights sleep. Aria was up every hour – maybe she’s having a growth spurt. We had to wash & sterilise her bottles in the middle of the night as we ran out. We heard Evie have two seizures. And, I had a killer headache, borderline migraine.

In the morning, Rob was going to take Noah to school so I could have a little lay in but it’s hard to sleep with all the noise of people rushing around so I got up. Sadly Evie had a seizure while Noah ate his breakfast. It was the first time he has seen it.l, although we told him she is poorly, it really upset him. Afterwards he claimed he was poorly with a tummy ache and begged to stay home and watch Evie. I let the school know what happened as I couldn’t be sure if he was ill or expressing his sadness, either way he wasn’t going to be any good for class.

I had wanted Noah out the way as we needed to pack for our holiday and help my mum with how to care for Evie and give her medicine. We managed to get it down in time and Noah appeared much better now he had cheered up – phew (he’s usually ill in November).

We arrived at Forest Holidays. Unpacked, ordered pizza, got the kids to bed – Noah was a little tricky to get to sleep as he found the new sounds disturbing. Once they went to sleep my hubby and I enjoyed the hot tub.

Sat, 9 Nov

We woke up after a brilliant nights sleep and our first breast at our lodge.

We headed to the Forest Retreat and got details of the “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt!” trail. Noah read the map and lead us through the forest. He answered the questions, wrote down the answers and read us the field facts. I was very proud of him. We then returned to the Forest Retreat to claim our prize – a copy of the book that inspired the trail. We then stayed for lunch.

Aria was tired and fed, making her a happy content baby that agreed to go down for her nap. Once asleep, we let Noah check out the hot tub. He loved it. He was ready to get out just as the timer went off for 20minutes which is the max allowed for safety.

Afterwards, I tried to get on my laptop to write but it decided to do an update! Why does this always happen when you have limited time? Once done, I managed almost 500 words before Aria woke.

We had a chilled out afternoon watching Incredibles 2. We had dinner, put the kids to bed and then I spent time with my husband. I was then tired and read Crown of Conspiracy by Kara S Weaver before bed.

Sun, 10 Nov

Both kids slept like angels. I gave them breakfast but Aria was in a naughty mood and made so much mess. While I cleaned the dinning room & kitchen, she headed off to the bathroom to throw toilet paper everywhere and empty the bin. She brought me a dirty nappy she had opened to alert me to the next disaster.

We went for a walk before lunch where Aria threw away her hat – no idea where it is. We had lunch, she slept, Noah and I took advantage of the hot tub.

Now, I’m trying to write but do you think my laptop will turn on? It’s been charging all night and now… playing dead. I’m going to have to write on my mobile. Grrr!

Later, we watched a film, had dinner, put the kids to bed and enjoyed our last night here together.

Mon, 11 Nov

I didn’t want to leave the forest but it was time to travel home. Mum gave us an update on the cats and Evie had a bloody paws. It looked like she’d broken her back claws during a seizure. I rang the vet and as she wasn’t in pain and the blood was dry, we agreed to keep her home as bringing her in could cause more distress. The meds seem to be working.

We unpacked, I did laundry and prepared for work. I knew Ofsted were in so I wanted to double check my plan for the day except… where was my diary. I was in a blind panic, cursing myself for unpacking my handbag to use it for a day at the spa. It took me a full hour to figure out where it was. It was then dinner time, putting the kids to bed and then… going live.

Yes, tonight I finally did it. I logged onto World Indie Warriors Facebook group and did a live write-in. We chatted about our projects and writing and did three writing sprints. Once finished I was excited about my novel again and super proud of myself for braving the camera.

Tue, 12 Nov

Today was my long day at work. It felt even longer with Ofsted in as many people were tense, making sure their lessons were perfect. I think everyone did well and I’m silently confident.

Tonight I added over 1k to my word count. I would have liked to have done better but my neck is in pain (I think I slept on it funny).

Wed, 13 Nov

Today was my short day at work. It doesn’t mean I get more free time. As soon as I’m home I’m busy with the kids. Tonight, Rob & I we’re busy wrapping presents for Noah’s birthday. By the time always done I had no time to write.

Thurs, 14 Nov

Today, is Noah’s birthday but I had an early start at work so he only had time for one card and present before breakfast Club.

I expected to be visited by Ofsted today as they have not yet seen me or any of my learners but they didn’t. Although, lots of my colleagues were visited. Today was my last day of work for the week so I will find out how we scored next week. However during my lunch break I wrote a few words and emailed them to myself.

I finished work late so when I got home it was dinner time. Noah waited for me before unwrapping his presents and having cake before bed.

I’m conscious that I am falling behind so I made sure I write tonight. Adding almost 2k to my total.

Week one total

Finishing the second week my grand total is: 14,783

To be on track I need to have reached 23,333 so I am behind.

I’m 9k behind so it is doubtful I will catch up in time to make 50k but the important thing is the progress I have made and will continue to make. I’m not giving up and even if I need a few more months, I will finish this novel.

Check back next Thursday to see my progress.

If you liked this, then you will enjoy:

NaNoWriMo Diary – Week 1 (November 2019)

Goals: Progress Since June 2019

How I edited my novel – 12 tips for self editing

Book Review: You stole my heart… Do I have to take your name?

Click my link tree to discover more ways to connect with me.@Redfae


Write 50k words in 30 days

Are you doing NaNo? NaNoWriMo in November is the big annual challenge to write 50k words in just 30 days.

I’ve done it a few times before but never won but that doesn’t deter me. My feeling is that as long as I take part, I am still making progress towards my goal. If you want to be buddies on NaNo, I am Redfae (add me and when I log on, I’ll add you back).

The Project

I’ve spent most of September and October plotting Diamond in the Sky ready for NaNoWriMo. I’ve been plotting using Save the Cat. I still have some work to do to develop my B Story characters but I think I am ready enough for 1 November.

Diamond in the Sky is a spin off novel from Jewel of the Sea, following Kya’s life spiral out of control after getting dumped.

Get involved

Writing can be a rather solitary experience but together with some other members of World Indie Warriors, we shall be hosting live write-ins.

I shall be doing lives every Monday in November at 9pm on Instagram. These will be a chance to chat about how our writing projects are going and get motivated for the week ahead. Even if you aren’t doing NaNo, feel free to join in the chats and cheer everyone on.

On Monday, 21 October, I did my first ever Instagram live with Jodie Groom. I was really nervous so she offered to join me online as a test run to figure things out before November and support me.

To see the live from last Monday you will need to be a member of World Indie Warriors Closed Facebook Group. It’s easy to join. Just click the join button on Facebook.

If Monday’s aren’t for you then you’ll be hyped to hear there will be other write-ins during the week. Check out the schedule to discover other days and times to join WIW online.  Some members will be doing adhoc write-ins.


Click My Link Tree
To Connect On Social Media
Click My Link Tree
To Connect On Social Media

Camp NaNoWriMo Diary (middle to end)

Here is the last half of my Camp NaNo diary, covering mid April to the end of April. It will also include whether I am a winner or not. If you would like to read the first half of my diary, click here.

Update 6

Update 7

Update 8

Update 9

Update 10

I am so pleased that I achieved Camp NaNo. During the Easter Holidays it felt so impossible I almost quit. I guess it goes to show what perseverance can achieve.

I like Red Dresses more than my November project and will likely return at a later date to finish this novel.

What’s next?

As soon as Camp NaNo was over, I got straight back into editing Jewel of the Sea. My goal is to try and edit three chapters a week to get it query ready.

You may have noticed that recently I have begun sharing updates on my blog with links to Wattpad as I finish editing. If you are on Wattpad, follow me, I follow back.

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Ally plus text

Camp NaNoWriMo Diary (midpoint April 2019)

Here is my midpoint diary on my Camp NaNo project, how I prepared and how I am progressing told through my Instagram photos.

Project – Red Dresses


Update 1

Update 2

Update 3

Update 4

Update 5

I hope when I post in early May on how I got on that I will have good news and be able to share my success with you. Wish me luck!

Update: Click here to read my diary for middle to the end.

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