How was NaNoWriMo 2019

The new NaNoWriMo website

For the November 2019 NaNoWriMo there was a new revamped website.  I am going to start with how I got on using it and how it affected my NaNoWriMo experience.

Wrimo Buddies

All the old information had transferred over except connections.  I sent invites out to those I remembered and added some new ones I made via other social media sites.  If you would like to add me, I am Redfae on NaNoWriMo.  


I still feel the social side of the NaNoWriMo site isn’t really working for me.  I can’t figure out the forums but I didn’t have much time to explore them.  Maybe they will get easier to navigate as the site develops.


OMG!  I love the Stats.  I used to have to create spreadsheets to record where I was with my word count and calculate if I am on or off track and how many words I need to do to keep up but the new website does this for you and can tell you cool facts like when and where you like to write.

I found it really motivating to see my overall progress  It helped to visually see when I was falling below the line and knew I needed to step up the pace.

NaNoWriMo Stat Overall Progress

You can choose between a bar of line chart.  In the above chart you can see my overall progress.  I started off ahead of target but after an unfortunate week and a spell of not writing, I struggled to stay on track and then fell behind target.  The rest of my NaNo progress is trying to get back on track.  On a positive note, you can see that I didn’t give up and the line does keep going up even if it’s not as steep as I needed.

NaNoWriMo Stat Daily Word Count

The last few days I really pushed myself to catch up and managed to write 6k on the final day!  That was my best daily word count all month. This bar chart really highlights the days I skipped.  Those days were detrimental to me reaching 50k, but sometimes I need to take a break for my own well being and I didn’t want to burnout.

Here are links to my weekly writers diary for you to learn more about how my NaNo weeks went (click on the picture):

copy of copy of nanowrimo nov 2019

copy of copy of nanowrimo nov 2019copy of copy of nanowrimo nov 2019copy of copy of nanowrimo nov 2019

Here are the last final two days of my writers diary:

Fri, 29 Nov

I dropped Noah off at school.  I then needed to call the doctor about Aria’s shoulder making an odd popping sound (they booked me in for a call back).  I had to call Very because they had sent me my order twice and charged me twice – no thank you.   Once that was done, I decided to take Aria to a local playgroup as she missed out last week.  I kept my phone on so I could hear if it rang.

When I was about to leave the playgroup I saw I had a text from the doctor’s surgery to say they had tried to call but there was no answer and I needed to call if I still wanted to be called.  It was odd because there was no missed call on my phone. I rang to get put back on the waiting list.  Although Aria isn’t in any pain, I want her to be seen as she is always doing crazy stuff all the time and I worry she may have hurt herself and just not let us know.

Finally, I got a call back and had to accept an appointment when Aria usually naps.  I dreaded I was in for a grizzly afternoon but she wasn’t too bad at the doctors.  In fact, being sleepy probably helped as she wasn’t tearing up the place.  The nurse that saw her wasn’t concerned about Aria’s shoulder and said to keep an eye on it. If Aria appears to be in pain then take her straight back otherwise hopefully it will go on its own (I’m to keep an eye on it for 1 to 2 months).

I then did school pick up and as Noah was trying really hard to be good, I took him to a local sports club that he has been banned from (by us) for four weeks.  Noah got so excited at the class that he was bouncing off the walls, crazy, embarrassing, very naughty.  Needless to say, the ban is back.

We got home and had dinner.  Then I got on the PC and forced myself to write although I was still quite upset about earlier and feeling a little put out that I am so far behind and unlikely to make 50k.  I am now aiming for 40k.  I did pretty well and ended the night at 39k.  I feel motivated that I can meet my new goal tomorrow.

Sat, 30 Nov

My husband let me have a lay in which I used to write an impressive 2k, on my mobile phone, in bed.  It made me feel great knowing I have achieved over 40k today when I thought it would be impossible as I have a very busy day planned.  One appointment cancelled, giving me a little more breathing space.

My husband took Noah to get his hair cut.  Then, I took both children for a Christmas photo shoot.  I booked it because I really struggle to get nice pictures of them.  They are both full of energy and struggle to stay still.

Sadly, Noah was still in his silly mood.  He was photo-bombing Aria’s pictures and running in-front of the light and casting shadows.  He was messing around with the props and climbing all over the furniture and trying to touch the very expensive camera.  The photographer polite and patient with him but I am not hopeful that we managed to get any pictures – I now have to wait and see.  Once out, I asked Noah why he did it.  He was ‘excited’ and he wanted more pictures.

Aria was no angel either.  She didn’t want to stay on the set or sit still – this is the reason my pictures of her are a blur or she’s half out the shot. I really felt like giving up and then I saw a cute picture of her on my phone that I took on holiday.  I posted it to Instagram and it shared to Facebook.  One of my friends commented “She’s gorgeous but she would look even prettier without the dummy x”.  It broke my heart.  I thought it was a cute picture and I was being judged for allowing my baby a soother.  People are always judging parents and I was at breaking point. I wanted to send her the study on Sudden Infant Cot Death that showed dummy use reduced cot death by 90%.  Yeah she might not look pretty with it, but she’s happy, she’s safe, she’s sleepy and I have a photo of her.  But, I didn’t fight back.  I was exhausted, feeling like a terrible mother and I just cried.

My husband gave me a prep talk and helped me feel better about myself.  They are both going through tricky stages. Noah will learn to control his energy.  Aria is just running everywhere and climbing everything because she’s discovered she can and the novelty will wear off – hopefully, soon before she hurts herself.

I got on the PC straight away and decided to write to see how close to 50k I could get.  I finished at 45,062 words.  It might not be 50k but I a damn proud of myself.

World Indie Warriors Live

Another massive achievement for me was going live on Facebook.  I did on the World Indie Warrior Facebook group and hosted a live write in. It was lots of fun and really motivating.

I don’t know about you but Monday are meh.  But, getting online and chatting with other writers reminded me that I am not alone. I am part of team.  This indie community is so supportive and we cheered each other on.  We shared what we were working on and I read out samples of their projects that they share with me (including some very steamy scenes).

If you want to be party of this group, head over to their Facebook group, World Indie Warriors Members to get involved.

Diamond in the Sky

As I completed chapters during NaNoWriMo, I posted them to Wattpad.  You can read them here in my novel Diamond in the Sky.  I warn you it is a real first draft!

I’m really pleased with the progress I have made and can see me finishing this novel.  NaNoWriMo estimates it will be finished by 5 December but it needs to be more than 50k to be done.

I am going to continue writing it whilst Jewel of the Sea is getting edited.  That’s right!  I paid for an editor for my birthday and I am taking those first steps to publish my debut novel.  Wish me luck.

Book cover for Diamond in the Sky by Ally Aldridge.

I created this cover in Canva using an image from Unsplash.

If you enjoyed this you may also like:

NaNoWriMo Diary – Week 1 (November 2019)

NaNoWriMo Diary – Week 2 (November 2019)

NaNoWriMo Diary – Week 3 (November 2019)

NaNoWriMo Diary – Week 4 (November 2019)

Reflecting on Camp NaNo July 2019

My Books



NaNo Progress Diary (the end)

Thursday, 29th November 2018


I am super tired and it would be so easy to quit right now.  I’m feeling pretty defeated with about 8k to go and only today and tomorrow to achieve my goal of 25k.

But, I am no quitter!  If I don’t make it, I’d rather know I tried my absolute hardest and achieved my best than to cop out.

So, I managed to get about 500 words done in the day and then tonight, I added some more, making today’s contribution 1,520 words, taking the grand total to 19,645 words.

I’m not feeling confident that I’ll reach 25k but 20k looks doable and that would still be a great achievement.

Friday, 30th November 2018

11:50pm 5457

Today, has started with a goal of 5,452 words to achieve my NaNo goal of 25k this month.  It feels impossible with my daily average not peaking 1k and my best ever not even being half of today’s goal.  I shall do my best to have a word marathon today and finish with as many words as I can.

Our boiler has gone, so I’ve cancelled my plans and had to stay in for the enginereer.  This has given me the perfect excuse to spend all day in front of my laptop, whenever Aria naps.  As a result, I got 700 words written.

Then, when I collected Noah from school, we got home and did his homework together.  After, he asked if he could go on his Kindle and I could go on my laptop.  Well, I wasn’t going to argue with that and managed to add another 700 words to the total.

Tonight, I bathed both the little ones in the hope they would fall into a deep sleep so I could get on with my writing – it worked!  But, when I got downstairs my husband’s best friend was round and chatty.  I chatted with him until I plucked up the courage to be anti social and dedicated to my art and sat at my laptop – luckily he is lovely and a great supporter of my writing.

Finally, I get writting and I’m thiniking 4k to go is not going to happen.  Twenty minutes in and my husband’s best friend asks what I am writing and I quickly explain NaNoWriMo and when I check my word count, I have only 3k to go!  If I can keep that up, maybe I can do it.

I find myself word count watching and the closer I get, the more i am checking.  The more I am checking, the more pressure I am feeling.  The more pressure I feel, the harder it is to write.  Then, Dabble Writer bursts into fireworks to celebrate me reaching 25k.  I did it!  I can’t quite believe it but I have.

Today, I have written 5,457 words (my highest daily word count ever) making my grand total 25,005 words.  I have now achieved the 25k NaNo Badge!

Reflecting on NaNo

I am so proud of myself for my achievement.  I know I didn’t do the full 50k but I did achieve my goal of 25k and got a new NaNo Badge.  Plus, I now have a new daily word count best that is going to be a hard one to beat.

My husband’s best friend was cheering me on which was a great help. Afterwards he asked, “What goal will you set next?” I’m not ready to answer that yet as I’m exhausted and relieved it is over. But, I am going to set some soon, as it does help.

My motto for this NaNoWriMo is “You’ve got to be in it to win it!”  If I hadn’t tried, I would never have made it. There were plenty of occasions I felt like giving up and wondered why I was even bothering when my chances looked so bleak. But, I proved myself wrong and it feels great!

Did you do NaNoWriMo?  How did you get on? If you like this post, then you may enjoy reading about my NaNoWriMo Project or read my NaNoWriMo diary entries for Week One, Week Two, Week Three or Week Four.

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Ally plus text

NaNo Progress Diary (week four)

Thursday, 22nd November 2018


Admittedly, I have not done any writing this evening but my plan is to get my blog posts written and out of the way so I can focus on just novel writing for the rest of the month… Wasn’t quite as productive as I hoped.

Friday, 23rd November 2018


Guess who is ill now? Me! I have a cold and I think Aria knows as she has been impossible to settle tonight. She has finally gone to sleep and I’m shattered. Just wanted to quickly update my diary before going to sleep. I didn’t even get to grab some Black Friday bargins.

Saturday, 24th November 2018


I’m officially full of cold.  I finished a rather lengthy blog post (Christmas Gifts for writers – coming soon) and once the little ones were in bed, I actually got to write.As there has been a bit of a break I was slow to get strarted but once I got going I really enjoyed it and I’m enjoying where the story is going again as my characters are now on a quest for dragon’s fire.To finish my 25k in time, Dabble worked out I needed to write 1,432 words but I managed to smash that and wrote 1,571.  I love how Dabble’s interface clears whilst you are typing on your manuscript making it void of distractions.  I also loved how it notified me that I had met my daily goal so I didn’t have to keep track of how many words I had typed.

Sunday, 25th November 2018


I’m not sure what has gotten into Aria tonight but she wasn’t in agreement to go to sleep.  I have only managed to just get her down and now I am too tired to write – Boo!

Monday, 26th November 2018


Shamefully, I didn’t manage to do any writing today.  Aria carried only waking up every hour last night so I am shattered today.  It has taken its toll on me and together with my cold I am in desperate need of an early night.

Tuesday, 27th November 2018


Wow, what a busy day!  This morning was the last parent maths class.  I then hurried over for the first day of baby massage class.  I then went home for lunch and decided to skip the baby singing group which Aria loves because I needed a chance to breathe.Then, I picked my son up from school.  Had dinner then went to a Tropics Ambassador event (I am interested in joining).  When I got home it was late and I had to start the battle with Aria to get her to sleep.There was barely a moment today to even think about my story, let alone write.  I wish I had written more yesterday.

Wednesday, 28th November 2018


Aghhh, I am feeling the pressure of Christmas coming and birthday parties, so I had to cram in a bit of online shopping before writing.  I also don’t want my blog to go radio silent, so in the background I have been drafting the outline of some posts.I’m pleased to confirm that I also managed to write.  I added another 1480 words to my word count.

Reflecting on week 4

I am so tired, I feel like I am running on empty at the moment.  Any energy I have left I am spending on my children. I have found that keeping a NaNo diary is makng me feel more unaccountable for my word count because I really am cringing everytime I have to explain to you guys why my daily word count is zero. I’m also finding Dabble great at helping me see how many words I need to write each day to achieve.  It is really motivating and also after skipping a few days I can see the impact of my actions (or lack of it).   My motto for this week’s NaNoWriMo is “Any progress, no matter how small, is better, than no progress at all”  Are you doing NaNoWriMo?  How are you getting on? If you like this post, then you may enjoy my week three diary for NaNoWriMo November 2018 or NaNo Done. If you want to know what I have been working on, please check out my NaNoWriMo Project post.

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Ally plus text

NaNo Progress Diary (week three)

Thursday, 15th November 2018

10:20 pm

I thought Aria would never go to sleep but, finally, she did.  I am super keen to make sure that week 3 goes better than week 2.  To stay on track for 25k I needed to write 955 words… I managed to write 973 word! *phew*

I did get a little distracted today looking up a name for my word cutter/huntsman character.  Then, I didn’t even use it!

Friday, 16th November 2018

11:00 pm

Tonight, I have been blogging and researching content for my blog. 

This week I have also been meeting with companies to discuss at home business opportunities as I am looking into ways to bring in a little income without compromising my commitment to my children.  I’ve got some serious thinking to do and it has been quite distracting.  

Saturday, 17th November 2018

11:00 pm

I didn’t feel motivated to write this evening as I feel stuck in my story and I’m still beating myself up about how poorly I did last week and that I didn’t write last night.

I’m so glad that I put my butt in the seat because I managed to write 1,352 words tonight and once I got into the chapter, I really enjoyed writing it.  I wrote in third person tonight which isn’t my usual style (I’m a die hard first person POV write) but I was writing from another characters perspective and I think using a different style helped me get past the point I am stuck. 

I’ve no idea where the story will take me tomorrow.  I didn’t have much time to plan an outline for this one and I have no idea where the story is going just an idea of what I want it to achieve.  The vagueness is now causing me problems. I used to be a pantser but with my limited writing time available, these days I really do need a plan.  

My 25k goal is still doable but there is no chance I will achieve 50k.  I’m glad I set a more realistic goal for myself.

Sunday, 18th November 2018

10:30 pm

Do you ever feel like everything is working against you?  I thought today might be tricky to write as it was also my son’s joint birthday party.

Unfortunately, my son woke up and was sick.  As it was a joint party it still went ahead but without him.  I ran around town making sure that my contribution (money, food, etc) was still made available to the other mums.  The whole point of a joint party was to share the costs. 

Once I got both little ones to bed I went to my PC, only to find that my cat had made herself comfortable on my chair.  She had that look on her face that told me she would not be moving.  After, coaxing her off the chair I logged onto the PC.  By then, my husband and his friend were watching a new TV series on Netflix – it looked pretty good and kept distracting me. 

However, I am pleased to say I did manage to write, even if it was only 607 words. 

Monday, 19th November 2018

9:00 pm

Noah had to be kept off school due to the 48h rule to prevent him passing on his tummy bug, however, he has been absolutely fine all day which meant he wanted entertaining.  There was no opportunity to sneak in a few extra words for my manuscript.  I made him do homework every time he said “I’m hungry,” before giving him a snack.  Which if you know any 4 year olds, that is a lot of homework.  

Now, both the little ones are in bed it it my time.  But, I am struggling to focus on my project when I can feel Christmas fast approaching and all the Black Friday sales have started early!  I’m always looking for ways to save money so I’m finding it hard to resist temptation to shop.

10:30 pm

I managed to write 1,022 words before being called away mid sentence by a hungry baby. I just felt like I was getting back into it too. It is too late to go back downstairs and I’m tired, so, sweet dreams all. Tomorrow, I’m going to try and double my daily word count. 

Tuesday, 20th November 2018

10:10 pm

Noah was well enough to go to school today.  Today was Stay and Play at school so I was there for the afternoon. 

Tonight, neither of the little ones wanted to go to sleep.  The oldest one kept claiming to need the loo and needs reminding about hand washing.  And, the little one seemed to know when I left the room, despite my expert ginger ninga skills and would start crying. 

So, despite challenging conditions, I have managed to write 927 words.  To get back on track, I currently need to be doing 1,029 words per day.  I am behind target but I’m no quitter!

Wednesday, 21st November 2018


I’m so pleased that this afternoon I got to write.  Noah is at school and Aria is asleep.  But, now it’s time to go and pick him up so I’m going to end there with my 359 words and hope I get a chance to add some more this evening.


I’m glad I got to write earlier as Aria has been difficult to settle tonight.  She is teething and experiencing her first cold, bless her, so really struggled to fall asleep – it could be a long night. 

I am not going to write tonight, however, I did chat with a friend about my project which helped generate some fresh ideas to work on.  I also drew a picture earlier today of one of the villains in the story.

Reflecting on week 3

Obviously, I hadn’t anticipated a sick boy or a restless baby but despite these challenges, I feel week 3 has gone better than week 2.  But, I still want to do better!

Not writing an outline for my novel or doing any preparation is really taking its toll now.  I’m struggling to know what direction to take the story in and every time a new character is introduced I have to come up with a name and think about what makes them who they are.  

Plus, ‘Black Friday’ sales are cropping up everywhere and reminding me that it is Christmas next month and although we don’t go overboard… I haven’t done anything.

My motto for this week’s NaNoWriMo is “If you take time to plan, you save time in the long run.”  Are you doing NaNoWriMo?  How are you getting on?

If you like this post, then you may enjoy my week two diary for NaNoWriMo November 2018 or Week Four.  If you want to know what I have been working on then check out my NaNoWriMo Project post.

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Ally plus text