The Sky Heart Press Release

As you know from my self-publishing diary, I wrote a press release for Sky Heart. It took me a while to send it out to news outlets as I felt I ought to take a picture of myself with Sky Heart, my new book releasing on 7th February.

First, I had to wait to receive my copy of Sky Heart from the printers. Then I felt too tired to do it in the evening after work but felt too tired. And, when I finally got around to take some pics, they looked awful. It is so dark at the moment, with the bad stormy weather. All the pictures came out gloomy. I returned to the drawing board and used Canva to update an old picture of myself – the one I use as my author pic – to include Sky Heart.

It wasn’t until 26th January that I finally sent it out. Yesterday, on 31st January, I heard back from good old Felixstowe Magazine to let me know that they were including my Press Release for Sky Heart. I am so thankful to Felixstowe Magazine, who always encourage and support me in my author journey.

The article is live and can be viewed here: New Book Release “Sky Heart” by local Gal, Ally Aldridge

Sky Heart can be bought from all good bookstores. Check out the Sky Heart page for up-to-date details on all the places you can buy Sky Heart.

Signed copies will be available to buy from Stillwater Books in Felixstowe, on Saturday, 8th February from 10:45am.

Or buy direct from my Redfae PayHip store.

Do you have anything published?


If you follow my blog then you will already know that my big plan for 2020 is to publish my debut novel.  Publishing a novel has always been my big dream.  I want to see my book in bookshops, online stores, on bookstagrams but not just one book, many.  

I’m so focused on publishing my novel I often forget about my previous published works.  Today, I am going to delve down memory lane and share my previously printed work.  


I was born in East London and raised a Leyton Orient Football Club fan.  My dad took me to matches every Saturday.  We would sit in the stands,  eating a hot-dog and listening to Tijuana Taxi and chanting, “Come on you Os!” and some other chants with naughty words that you wouldn’t believe crossed my lips.

The Os Fanzine were the first official publication to print my writing.  I was just a kid but I decided to design kits and merchandise for fans (especially kids) and they shared my article and drawings in the magazine.  

Since then I have written a number of blog articles on a wide range of topics (writing, gaming, sex and fashion).  The most recent was on conservation regarding Orangutans for Ginger Parrot.


These pics were taken in 2010 when my short contemporary romance, Cherry Blossom, was printed in the Scribblers Anthology. The proceeds of the sale went to charity.

Scriblers is a local writing group in Felixstowe that I once was a regular member.  The fortnightly writing challenges were a lot of fun but the best part about the group was meeting up with other writers that were as passionate as me.  I like to check in with them from time to time and it is always a joy to see familiar faces.  

Have you published anything?

 I often don’t count any of the above as be published, but the articles and anthology have been stepping stones towards my ultimate goal.  I am so thankful for opportunities I have been given and that the above deemed me worthy of printing.  

Sometimes I am so focused on what I’m trying to achieve I fail to acknowledge my achievement along the way.  This year, I am going to try to be more mindful and take a moment to acknowledge how far I have come.  

I’m not an aspiring author, I am an author.  I have published works.  Next, year, I hope to be able to add novel to this list of accomplishments.

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Ally plus text

Do you have anything published?

Do you have anything published?

I had to dig out these pictures as they were taken in 2010 when my short contemporary romance was printed in the Scribblers Anthology. The proceeds of the sale went to charity, I think it was the East Anglian Childrens Hospice.

My first article was published when I just a kid by Leyton Orient in their fanzine. Over the years I’ve written a number of blog articles on a wide range of topics (writing, gaming, sex, fashion, conservation, etc).

My dream is to be a published author. I’ve lost count of the number of years I’ve worked towards this dream. One day, I will see my novel in a bookshop, I just feel like it is what I am meant to do. How about you?

#writerslife #instagramwriters #me #booklaunch #redhead #writersofig #writerschallenge
#aspiringauthor #writerscommunity #redheadwriter #discoverunder3k #fellowcreativeminds #ampublished

Here’s my pic for day 11’s prompt #womenwritingfiction #wwfchallenge2019

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