For fun, I created a mini trailer for Sky Heart.
Sky Heart – Coming Soon
My Author Life – October 2023
Published to YouTube on 26 Nov 2023.
Catch up with a cuppa Ko-Fi (July 2022)
Here is the low down on what I posted on Ko-Fi last month, so you don’t miss out!
Sky Heart – Briefed my cover designer
Taking those next steps towards publishing book two is very exciting. It’s still a way off, but I’ve reached out to my cover designer to discuss ideas and book in.
An update on what I was doing in July. Originally I’d toyed with the idea of doing a project for Camp NaNo.
Instead, I was busy planning my husband’s secret party, and attending all the end of school/nursery events for my kids.
In the end, I was working on remaining present on social media by developing content. This included opportunities to feature in Felixstowe Magazine and interviews with other bloggers.
Smashwords Summer Sale (July)
I posted at the start and end of July to make people aware that Ocean Heart was in the Smashwords sale at 50% off. This needed some prompting and content to spread the word.
Coming Soon – Author Diaries
I’ve also been busy working on this collaborative project, and developing content to start promoting.
Subscribe to my YouTube channel and stay tuned for more info coming soon.
Follow me on Ko-Fi
It’s free to follow me on Ko-Fi and be sure you don’t miss out on my latest news, or any freebies. You can buy me a virtual cuppa or merchandise from my shop, including a signed copy of my book.
Catch up with a cuppa Ko-Fi (June 2022)
Here is the low down on what I posted on Ko-Fi last month, so you don’t miss out!
Another draft chapter on Ko-Fi. I wonder how this will compare to final version once Sky Heart is edited, formatted, and published.

I can’t wait for the holidays and to relax. My best friends wedding was a busy weekend but the lead up to finishing school has been crazy. I’m literally taking one day at a time.
Sky Heart – Sent off to the editor
This is a HUGE milestone. I can’t wait to see what my editor has to say. She is fabulous at slapping me with the truth in a way that doesn’t hurt and helps me make my story better. I know there will be a lot of work but I’m ready for it.
Summer Sale
Just a quick reminder that Ocean Heart is half price in the Smashwords Summer Sale. Grab a copy on discount before the end of July.
Follow me on Ko-Fi
It’s free to follow me on Ko-Fi and be sure you don’t miss out on my latest news, or any freebies. You can buy me a virtual cuppa or merchandise from my shop, including a signed copy of my book.
Catch up with a cuppa Ko-Fi (May 2022)
Here is the low down on what I posted on Ko-Fi last month, so you don’t miss out!

This month I posted another chapter of Sky Heart. Now you can read two chapters on Ko-Fi.
I realised I hadn’t shared how my website update went so finally did this.

I’m getting close to finishing my self edit and shared where I’m up to with the plot hole fixes.
Follow me on Ko-Fi
It’s free to follow me on Ko-Fi and be sure you don’t miss out on my latest news, or any freebies. You can buy me a virtual cuppa or merchandise from my shop, including a signed copy of my book.
Catch up with a cuppa Ko-Fi (Mar 2022)
Here is the low down on what I posted on Ko-Fi this month, so you don’t miss out!
I spilled the beans on some exciting news in the works with Ipswich’s largest bookshop.
Behind the scenes for World Book Day
I shared what I got up to on Ko-Fi first but for my followers there I got more personal about what happened leading up to the event, and how it went.
Michelle Raab Marketing Post (Part 3):
I linn to the final instalment of Michelle’s marketing series featuring me.

WIP Cover Reveal for Forest Heart
After updating my website I realised I needed a WIP cover for my next project, Forest Heart. I really enjoyed making it and revealing it on Ko-Fi.
Follow me on Ko-Fi
It’s free to follow me on Ko-Fi and be sure you don’t miss out on my latest news, or any freebies. You can buy me a virtual cuppa or merchandise from my shop, including a signed copy of my book.
Catch up with a cuppa Ko-Fi (Jan 2022)
As I post more on Ko-Fi, I don’t want you to miss out so here’s a brief summary of what I posted over on Ko-Fi in January.
My 2021 Reads
This post had a link to my YouTube video that show cased the books I read last year and included a link to the template I created in Canva for you to use.
My 2022 Goals
I really struggled to set my annual goals. We had a lot of germs in January which demotivated me. I kind of surprised that I’ve already completed 66% of my goals for the first quarter.
Want to see my goals? Visit here:
Editing Sky Heart
I had to give an update on how book two is progressing. Publishing Sky Heart is my big goal for this year. If you want to find out how it’s going, visit here:
All The Twos
I invite you to join in on my all the twos challenge. Read the second book in a series, or a second book by an author you’ve only read once. I thought this would be a fun way to celebrate Sky Heart (hopefully) releasing this year!
However, currently all my reads are first books.
Website Evaluation
I know my website needs updating. I evaluated how it currently looks, compared it to other popular authors sites, and made a plan to improve it. Check it out here:
Follow me on Ko-Fi
It’s free to follow me on Ko-Fi and be sure you don’t miss out on my latest news, or any freebies. You can buy me a virtual cuppa or merchandise from my shop, including a signed copy of my book.

Collaborating on a New Exciting Project

Elzevera of Willowtree Editing needed some extra help in managing her Mighty Network: Under the Willow
I joined the Mighty Network back in 2019 and Elzevera helped me with self editing, Ocean Heart.
It inspired me to want to create my own Mighty Network and I set this as a goal at the start of 2020.
I have been exploring creating a Mighty Network. It is a social site for creatives. I’m currently a member of a Mighty Network by Willow Editing. I have been Beta Testing a self-editing course by Elzevera of Willow Editing.
I am considering the network as a potential way to share extra bits with my readers. I am also exploring it as a space to share writing resources as many of my followers are fellow writers. 2020/
But, I’d also decided to self publish Ocean Heart, and this was my priority and keeping me very busy. I didn’t have time to build my own Mighty Network. I ended up abandoning the goal to focus on my debut novel.
Early this year, I stepped back from my volunteer role with World Indie Warriors. I created their indie books brochure and eZine. Collecting all the info and publishing four times a year was taking over too much of my free time. When I started a new job, I didn’t have the energy to continue with both. It was hard to let go but I’m still very close with the members and support them however I can.
Now I’ve settled into my new role, I have more energy again. When I saw Elzevera call for help on Instagram, it sounded like a perfect new fresh challenge for me.
I applied to help, and we had a little chat about what she’d need me to do. From October, I shall be Elzevera’s new co-host. I’m excited to take on this new role.
Under the Willow is inline with my original Mighty Network goal. Elzevera’s created her network to empower writers to have the tools they need to self edit their work, and improve their writing craft in a supportive community.
If you want to join a supportive group of writers and improve your craft, please do come join us on Mighty Networks in Under the Willow

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