Like a rain cloud that cannot be seen
You sense the threat of rain
Like energy in the air
Being sucked away from your being
You put on a brave face
To distract them from the shadows
Every breath is an effort
You feel like you’ve run a marathon
Living is like breaking nails
A tireless journey with no respite
Your desperate for the ending
To cut it short with a knife
Food tastes has no appeal
Like eating cotton wool
The weight on your shoulders
Feels like heavy boulders
Hearing others happy and laugh
You want to drown in a bath
Submerged under the watery bliss
Bubbles tickling your nose like a mother’s kiss
You can’t get out of bed
For the doctor to give you meds
Little pills to numb your feelings
Not really offering any healing
Don’t speak and lock your jaw
To others you slam your inner door
Like a fish in the desert
You don’t belong in this world
There’s something not coded right
Disconnected wires on a motherboard
Day 26’s challenge
For Day 26 the prompt is to write a poem “that includes images that engage all five senses. Try to be as concrete and exact as possible with the “feel” of what the poem invites the reader to see, smell, touch, taste and hear.”
At first, I was excited to write something exploring the senses but when I saw the examples I was blown away and intimidated. This challenge is more technical than I expected and I have just a few hours (or minutes in my bust schedule) to get something written…
Sadly, I am making this entry a day late. I decided to write about mental health as I think it is tricky concept for those that have not experienced it to understand. When I was struggling with issues myself, I really got into poetry and I felt it was a way I could express myself more easily. I decided to be brave last October (for Mental Health Awareness month) and shared a collection of these to Wattpad in a book titled “Inner Demons“.
I promise I am in a much stronger place now. I hope anyone that is struggling with their own demons can find hope in that, it is a battle but you can win.