Useful hashtags for writers (Part 6) – Month

If you would like to read part 5, please click here.

This was the most time consuming post in the series to write because sometimes dates change. I have selected those I felt would most interest writers.

Use the list as a reference but search to find out more about these special dates to check when they are running and how to get involved.


#januarygoals #goalsetting #goals #goalsetter #goalgetter #goaldigger #youcan #writergoals #writinggoals #annualgoals #muchtodo #januaryreads #readinggoals

#thankgoditsmondayday (first Monday of the year)



1. #happynewyear #newyearnewme #januaryfirst

2. #sciencefictionday #sfday

3. #jrrtolkienday

6. #cuddleupday #curlupwithabook

14. #nationalcleanyourdeskday

17. #gettoknowyourcustomersday

18. #theasarusday #nationaltheasurusday

23. #nationalhandwritingday

31. #inspireyourheartwithartday


#takeyourchildtothelibrary #librarylover (first Saturday in February)

1. #getup #nationalgetupday

1. #worldreadaloudday #readaloudday #readaloud

11. #dontcryoverspilledmilkday

14. #valentinesday #happyvalentinesday #valentine

15. #singlesawarenessday #single

17. #randomactsofkindnessday

20. #nationalloveyourpetday

26. #tellafairytaleday #tellafairytale #tellatale


#campnanoprep #campnanoprepApril #campnanoprepApril2019


#borrowedbooks #returnborrowedbooksweek #returningbooks #ebooks #readanebookweek

4. #natonalgrammarday #grammarday

5. #worldbookday

11. #nationalworshipoftoolsday

14. #nationalwriteyourstoryday #writeyourstoryday

17. #stpatrickday

21. #worldpoetryday

30. #nationalpencilday

31. #nationalcrayonday


#nationallibarymonth #libraryloversmonth #schoollibarymonth

#nationallibraryweek (7-13 each year there’s a new theme) #libraryweek , #nationallibraryworkersday (Tuesday of library week) , #nationalbookmobileday & #supportteenliterature (Both on Thursday of library week). According to Wikipedia.

#nationallibraryday #nationalbooklibraryday #celebrateteenliteratureday

#childrensbookweek #childrensbookday


#napowrimo #instapoems #poetrymonth #poemsforapril #nationalpoetrymonth


#campnano #nanoapril #campnano2019 #campnanoapril2019 #campnanogoals #campnanoprogress #nanocabin #cabinmates #nanocabinmates #nanobuddies

1. #aprilfoolsday

2. #internationalchildrensbookday

4. #nationalschoollibrarianday #schoollibrarianday #schoollibraryday

5. #flashdriveday

5. #worldbookday

16. #wearyourpyjamastoworkday

17. #gettoknowyourcustomersday

27. #nationaltellastoryday #tellastoryday #tellastory

27. #independentbookstoreday

28. #nationalsuperheroesday #superheroes

28. #greatpoetryreadingday





#readingisfunweek (12 – 18)

2. #harrypotterday

30. #nationalcreativityday


#campnanoprep #campnanoprepJuly #campnanoprepJuly2019


1. #saysomethingniceday

3. #nationalrepeatday

6. #nationaleyewearday

10. #ballpointpenday

11. #makinglifebeautifulday

12. #nationallovingday

15. #smilepowerday

16. #nationalfathersday

18. #nationalsplurgeday

21. #nationalselfieday

21. #summerbegins #summersolstice #longestday

30. #socialmediaday



#campnano #nanojuly #campnano2019 #campnanojuly2019 #campnanogoals #campnanoprogress #nanocabin #cabinmates #nanocabinmates #nanobuddies



#happinesshappensmonth #romanceawarenessmonth

1. #worldwidewebday #wwwday

2. #colouringbookday #nationalcolouringbookday

5. #worklikeadogday

9. #bookloversday #booklovers

10. #vloggingday #vlogging #vlog #vlogger

10. #loveyourbookshopday

14. #calligraphyday

18. #badpoetryday

21. #poetsday

31. #welovememoirsday



#bannedbooksweek (last week of September)

6. #readabookday

8. #literacyday #internationalliteracyday

13. #positivethinkingday

13. #roalddahl #roalddahlmonth #roalddahlday

15. #internationaldotday

22. #hobbitday #lotr

22. #deardiaryday

24. #punctuationday

25. #comicbookday #nationalcomicbookday

30. #internationalpodcastday



#teentober (previously #teenreadweek)

#wrimoprep #nanoprep

#libariesweek2019 #libariesweek (7-12 Oct) #libarydayuk #nationallibariesweek

Link to all Library Days in Europe and Library Week UK Org

6. #madhatterday

10. #worldmentalhealthday #wmhd #mentallyaware #mentalawareness

16. #nationaldictionaryday #dictionaryday

20. #nationaldayofwriting #dayofwriting

31. #halloween #samhain




#nationalfamilyliteracymonth #nationalfamilyliteracy


#nationalnovelwritingmonth #nano #nanowrimo #nanowrimo2019 #nanogoals #nanowrimogoals #nanoprogress #nanowrimoprogress #nanowinner #nanowrimowinner #wrimo

#nationalnonfictionday (first Thursday)

#blackfriday #blackfridaydeals

#smallbusinesssaturday #nationalsmallbusinesssaturday #smallbizsaturday #shopsmall

#cybermonday #nationalcybermonday

1. #allsaintsday

1. #nationalauthorsday

2. #dayofthedead

3. #nationalbookloversday #bookloversday #nationalbookloverday #bookloverday

5. #guyfawkesnight #guyfawkes #bonfirenight #guyfawkesday #gunpowderday #happybonfirenight #nationalgunpowderday #fireworks #bonfire #fireworkdisplay

15. #ilovetowriteday



#christmasholidays #happyholidays #uglychristmasjumper #uglychristmassweater #christmasdecorations #christmasdecor #christmasstyle #christmasfashion #christmasshopping #latenightshopping #christmasparty #christmasdinner #christmastime #christmastree #underthemistletoe #mistletoekisses #christmasreads #festivereads #jolly #presents #gifts #picoftheday #santa #fatherchristmas #saintnicholas

21. #celebrateshortfictionday

21. #firstdayofwinter #wintersolstice #shortestdayoftheyear

21. #crosswordpuzzleday

24. #christmaseve

25. #christmas #christmasmorning #christmasday #xmas

26. #boxingday #thankyounoteday

31. #newyearseve #nye

There is one more post in this series to come…

If you enjoyed this post, you will like:

More than 10 Extravagant Ultimate Gifts for writers

More than 10 Affordable Ultimate Gifts for writers

Goals for the year ahead – 2019

Reflecting on Camp NaNo July 2019

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Useful hashtags for writers (part 5) – Days of the Week

If you want to check out part 4, click here.

Sometimes when I’m not sure what to post I find these daily themes useful.


#mondaymotivation #mondaymadness #mondaymuse #mondayoff #manicuremonday #manicmonday #musicmonday #mancrushmonday #mustreadmonday #mermaidmonday #mermaidmondays


#tuesdaytip #tuesdaytruth #transformationtuesday #tuesdayshoesday #goodnewstues #takemebacktuesday #tastytuesday


#waybackwednesday #woofwednesday #wednesdaywisdom #wednesdayworkout #wednesdaywriting #wednesdaywords #wednesdaygrind #wellnesswednesday #winitwednesday #womancrushwednesday


#throwbackthursday #tbt #thursdaythoughts #thursdaytruth #thursdaygrind #thankfulthursday #thoughtfulthursday #thankgoditsthursday #tgit


#followfriday #ff #fridayface #fridayoff #fridayfun #fridayreads #flashbackfriday #fbf #fictionfriday #featurefriday #factfriday #freebiefriday #flashfictionfriday #thankgoditsfriday #tgif


#caturday #saturdaysnippets #saturdaylove #saturdaystyle #saturdayswag #saturdayshoutout #ss


#socksunday #sundayread #spotlightsunday #selfiesunday #weekendvibes #sundaybrunch #shoutoutsunday #selfpromotesunday #sundayshelfie #shelfiesunday

There is still two more hashtag posts in this series to come…

In the meantime, please enjoy:

Why I love YALC

Felixstowe Book Festival and My White Knight

Planner Meet

Aria’s Alice in Wonderland themed First Birthday

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Useful hashtags for writers (part 4) – Interests

If you would like to read part 3, click here.

Here is a collection of other useful hashtags that are popular with writers.

General Writing Challenge hashtags

You could take part in challenges for writers like Nano and post progress updates on IG or do a photo prompt challenge and add any of these tags that are relevant.

#writerschallenge #writingchallenge #writingprompt #poetrychallenge #writingprompts #writingchallenge

Writers/Authors Supporting Each Other

These are great tags for when your post is aiming to help others.

#writingtip #writerstip #writingtips #writerstips

#writerssupport #supportingpoets #supportauthors #supportwriters #supportwritersandauthors #supportingauthors #authorssupportingauthors

#featurepoem #featuredpoet #featuredauthor #featuredwriter #authorspotlight

Tags for writers/authors that blog

If you are a writer that also blogs here are some general tags for you although you will also want to add some that are specific to the content you’ve created.

#Blogging #blog #blogger #bloggingforfun #writersblog #bloggingcommunity #bloggingsecrets #bloggingUK #BlogAnniversary #NewPostUp #amBlogging #BloggerofIG #blogginggoals #bloggoals #bloggingtip #bloggingyourway #Wordpress #WordPressBlog #WordPressBlogger #BloggingItUp #BloggingIsFun #blogaboutwriting #wwwblogs

Tags for writers that use Planners

I know many writers are stationery addicts and can’t resist a planner. If you are sharing your planner, here are some general tags although you may also wish to add tags relating to the type of planner you are using too.

#planner #plannersgonnaplan #lovetoplan #goalsetter #goaldigger #bigplans #schedule #myschedule

#plannergirl #plannergirls #craftyladdies

#plannermeet #plannermeetup

#plannertips #plannertipsandtricks #plannerinspiration #planneraccessories #plannerstickers #stickerfanatic #plannersupplies #planneraddict #planneraddicts #plannerdecoration #stickeraddict

Tags for writers that read and review books

I only discovered recently how important reviews are especially for indie books. If you can find the time, write a review, share it on IG and everywhere else to help it get discovered.

When tagging you may also want to tag the picture with the books genre, where you bought it and what media it is. See part 2 for bibliophile tags or part 3 for genre tags.

#Book #Kindle #kobo #ereader #books #audiobooks #ebook #ebooks

#tbr #toberead #tbrwishlist

#reading #amreading #readingnook #readinginunusualplaces #epicreads

#yalovin #iloveya #yabookstagram #youngadultbook #instabookstagram

#indiebookshop #indiebookstore #bookshop #bookstore #bookshelves #shelfie #amazon #waterstones #bookhaul

#library #librarylove #loveofreading #borrowedbooks #booksonloan

#bookreview #bookblogger #bookblog #goodreads

#bookstagramer #childrensbookstagram #yabookstagram

This is not the end of the series, there is more to come!

In the meantime, you should check out:

Two year blogging anniversary!

My new Carpe Diem planner

Handwrite to boost creativity

Book Review: Red Queen

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Useful hashtags for writers (part 3) – Manuscript

To read part 2, click here.

For today’s part of the series the hashtags will focus on your work in progress.

Tags for your work in progress

Your followers want to see your process, they want to be there for your ups and downs. They want to know what you are up to.

#writing #amwriting #amwritingfiction #writerswrite #writewritewrite

#themestated #midpoint #startingpoint #act1 #act2 #act3 #act4 #storybeats #ending #theend #exposition #incitingincident #climax #pointofnoreturn #plottwist #catalyst #debate #falsedefeat #falsevictory #allislost #finale

#editing #amediting #selfediting

#plotting #pantser #research #researching #snowflakemethod #stc #savethecat #theheroesjourney #bookendmethod

#writersblock #writersproblems #creativeblock #perfectionistblock #impostersyndrome #selfdoubt #innercritique #scenetrouble

#charactergoals #loveinterest #antagonist #mc #maincharacter #characterarc #characterdevelopment #likeablecharacters

#betareaders #arc #advancedreadercopy #critiquepartner

#amquerying #querying #novelpitching #synopsiswriting

#workinprogress #writingproject #writingtime #writinganovel #writingabook #manuscript

#wordcount #wordgoals #writergoals

Tags for sharing your writing

#excerpt #storysnippet #storysnippets #teaser #blurb #pitch #novelexcerpt

Also, check out #storysnippetssaturday where each week @jjotisauthor @bridieblake @amandalyncreek @rynthewriter and @sondaewrites host a weekly prompt to encourage everyone to share a snippet from their work in progress.

Writing by genre

When publishing you have to pin point your novel to a specific genre so bookshops know where to put it on the shelf but when you are tagging you can put every genre that applies to your novel.

Think about your target audience too – what age is the intended audience. Think about the length of your story too. Think about the setting and time period.

In that regard, this list is endless but here are a few examples get to get you started.



#fiction #nonfiction #genrefiction #biography #memoir #novel #novella #shortstory #anthology #flashfiction #series #spinoff #prequel #sequel #saga

#ya #yafiction #newadult #childrensfiction #adultfiction #middlegrade

#romance #romancefiction #yaromance #romcom #paranormalromance #historicalromance #erotica #contemporaryromance #slowburn #swoonworthy #lgbt #secondchances

#fantasy #contemporaryfantasy #urbanfantasy #highfantasy #yafantasy #mythandmagic #magicalrealism #darkfantasy #mythology #fairytaleretelling #superheroes #vampirestory #werewolfstory #mermaidstory #magic #sciencefiction #modernfantasy #urbanfantasy #fables #fairytales #swordandsorcery

#action #adventure #spyfiction #espionage #girlswithguns #militaryfiction #warstory

#dystopianfiction #utopianfiction #spaceopera #steampunk #historialfiction #futuristicfiction #western #wildwildwest

#zombiestory #postapocolyptic #postapocolypticworld #alieninvasion #ai #robots

#horror #ghoststory #slasher

#comedy #darkcomedy #romanticcomedy #talltale #parody #blackcomedy #satire

#crime #drama #thriller #suspense #courtroomdrama #mystery #detectivestory #whodunnit #gangster #juvenille #murdermystery #cosymystery #psychologicalthriller #crimethriller

#drama #comedydrama #horrordrama #medicaldrama #historicalperioddrama #crimedrama #romanticdrama #teendrama

#picturebooks #pb #boardbooks #graphicnovel #comic

#childrensfiction #kidslit #earlyreader #chapterbook #firstchapterbook

#bookofpoetry #instapoetry #poetryisnotdead #poetrybook #poetry #instagrampoetry #poemsofinstagram

#selfhelp #resourcebook #reciepebook #helpbook #textbook

Personal Writers/Authors Hashtags

#writerslife #writerslifeforme #authorslife #redheadwriter #womenwritingfiction #aspiringwriter #aspiringauthor

#writingspace #writingden #writersdesk #writingoutside #writingoutandabout #writersretreat #writersworld

If you are posting a picture of yourself then use: #me #selfie

Tags for writers tools

#music #playlist #booksoundtrack #storysoundtrack #youtube

#Stationery #pen #pencil #highlighter #handwriting #handwritten

#planner #notebooks #stationery #bulletjournal #bookmaking #stationeryaddict #stationeryaddicts #stationeryaddict

#Notebook #notebookaddict #pentopaper #bulletjournal #bujo #discbound

#computer #pc #laptop #tablet #keyboardwarrior

There are more hashtags to come so make sure you are following this series.

If you enjoyed this post, you may also like:

What is your genre?

Book Review: Save the Cat – Writes a Novel

Jewel of the Sea – Chapter 29, 30 and 31

Writing Tools — Ally Aldridge

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Useful hashtags for writers (part 2) – writing communities

To read part 1, please click here.

For part 2, I am going to share tags for more general communities that are not hosted by anyone.

General writing community

#writer #writers #writerofig #writersofig #writerofinstagram #writersofinstagram #instagramwriter #instagramwriters #igwriter #igwriters #writingcommunityofinstagram #fellowwriters #writersofinsta #writerscommunity #writingcommunity

General author community

#author #authors #authorscommunity #authorschallenge #authorsofig #instagramauthors #authorsofinstagram #igauthor #igauthors #aspiringauthor #aspiringauthor #authorsofinstagram #authorcommunityofinstagram #authorslifeforme #fellowauthors #authorcommunity #authornetwork #authorsonig #authorsofinsta

General indie author community

#indieauthor #indieauthors #indie #indieauthorsofinstagram #indieauthorsofig #indieauthorsofinsta #indiecreatives #fellowcreatives #indiewriter #indiesareworthit

General poets community

#instapoet #poetsofinsta #poetsofig #poetsofinstagram #poetrycommunity #poetsandwriters #igpoets

General bibliophile community

#bibliophile #bookstagram #bookstagramer #newbookstagramer #bookworm #bookdragon #booklover #bookish #abookaday

There are more bookish hashtags coming but they have been listed under other categories such as genres and book bloggers.

If you find these useful, please stay tuned for the rest of the series coming every Thursday.

In the meantime, you will enjoy:

I did #FebWritersChallenge

April, I featured poets – what’s next?

Me being featured!

Book Review: Duet Rubato

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Useful hashtags for writers (part 1) – writing groups

If you’ve been following my blog you may have noticed that this year I’ve been really enjoying Instagram. I recently achieve 3,000 followers and I created next months #WIWOctober photo prompt for @worldindiewarriors.

My idea for this post was to share my personal collection of hashtags but as I started writing it I realised it was getting too long! So, I have broken it down into a series of posts.

I am going to start off with tags associated with writing communities I have connected with via Instagram.

Tags for writing communities

There are lots of people looking to connect on Instagram. Here are some of my favourites and tags associates with them:

World Indie Warriors

This is a great group for any creative or indie looking to collaborate and make meaningful connections. This supportive group share tips, resources and support each other’s growth.

Follow @worldindiewarriors and join their group on Facebook. Use hashtags: #wiw #worldindiewarriors

Founder @michelleraabwrites also encourages the use of the hashtags #readersheart #everyonehasastory

Hustling Writers Community

This group is aimed at anyone that aspires to be an author but has to juggle writing alongside other commitments making your dream the side hustle. There are people working full time, studying, parents, carers etc but they are all dedicated to squeezing writing in wherever they can.

Follow @midnightstarlightwrites and become part of her group on Facebook. Use the hashtag #hustlingwriterscommunity

Fellow Creative Minds

This is a networking group to connect creatives together. There is a good mix of artists, writers, musicians, etc. If you would like to meet fellow creatives follow @lizthewritingwiz and join her Fellow Creative Minds group on discord. Use the hashtag #fellowcreativeminds

Authors Challenge 2019

Follow @debratorreswrites and pm her to take part in her monthly challenge. She will add you to an IG chat group so you can get to know other authors taking part in the challenge.

Use the hashtag #authorschallenge2019 and post pictures for the daily picture prompt.

Tags for Wattpad

One of the most popular online platforms for sharing writing is Wattpad so it is no surprise that people are posting to IG about it. You don’t have to follow @wattpad but it is a great way to stay up-to-date regarding the platform.

If you are a Wattpader (reader/writer) here are some tags you may find useful.

#wattpad #wattpadstories #wattpadwriter #wattpadquotes #wattpadmemes #wattpader #watpaders #wattpadbook #wattpadcover #wattpadstory #wattpadauthor #wattpadlove #wattpadislove #wattpadlife #wattpadnovel #wattpadreader #wattpadbookclub #wattpadaddict #wattpadlover #wattpadlovers #wattpadteenfiction #wattys #wattpadrecomendation

If you enjoyed this post, stay tuned for the rest in the series.

In the meantime, you will also like:

Instagram For Writers — Ally Aldridge

Why I Love World Indie Warriors

A Group For Writers with a Side Hustle

I did #JanWritersChallenge