Fortunately, I have never been in an abusive relationship but wanting to understanding them leaves me fascinated. There is a grip to watching shows or films about it, like a thriller. You know the person is in danger and you on the edge of your seat, wanting them to get out but knowing its not straight forward.
Shows I have enjoyed for this reason are:
Big Little Lies (2017)
I watched this because of the big names in it. The character played by Nicole Kidman is done incredibly well. I believe it was based on a book.
Dirty John (2018)
This series is based on a true story of one of John Meehan’s victims. There is also a documentary about the many victims of John Meehan.
You (2018)
I partly loved this series because it has a writer in it but that’s not what makes it compelling to watch. That would be the tension of the show told from the viewpoint of the stalker, come murdering boyfriend.
Envy by J D Groom
If you loved the above shows, then you are bound to love Envy by J D Groom. It is a a short story available on Amazon for Kindle.
Here is the blurb:
Kate had it all; a job she excelled at, friends, family and an apartment to call her own. Then she fell for her boss.
Finding herself stuck in his web, will she continue to live under his rule and be lost forever? Sometimes help can come from the most unexpected of places.
Blurb from Envy by J D Groom
What is it about?
If you haven’t figured it out yet, the story is about a main character trapped in a toxic relationship. Jodie doesn’t glamorise the situation by making it romantic or dramatise it with extreme scenes. She slowly builds the danger with all the control from the spouse, his sudden mood swings and unpredictability, the repressed freedom where the MC’s every move is tracked.
You get sucked into the dark tension and when the MC, Kate, has an opportunity to escape you feel her fear, her hesitation and you’re right there encouraging her to go but know the odds are stacked against her. Will her plan work, can she reach safety? Well… you’ll have to read to find out.
Would I recommend it?
100% Yes! This is a short story that packs a punch. If you want a quick read, then this short pacey page turner is for you.
Someone said that they can see my novel Jewel Of The Sea as a series on Netflix. That really would be a dream come true. I have so many ideas for the world I have created, I am sure I could come up with more stories.
On that note, I thought I would share with you my favourite TV Series that are about mermaids.
Mako Mermaids (2013)
This is the story of three mermaids that are banished due to an incident with a human boy. They have to adapt to life on land whilst tracking the dangerous merman before he discovers the trident.
The Australian shows off the beauitful country with a funny and entertaining show that you can watch with a little one around.
H20: Just Add Water (2006)
Three girls are transformed into mermaids when they visit the mysterious Mako Island. I like that they each have powers as well as the ability to shift.
When I was pregant I got emotional seeing Phoebe Tonkin and Claire Holt as young actresses in a series together because I am a fan of the Originals and they are in there together. It was sweet to think they have been friends from childhood to the present day.
Siren (2018)
If you want somethings a lot more edgier, check out Siren. The story is about the fishermen over fishing and causing the Sirens to have to venture further to get food. It results in one getting caught. Her sister then comes to land to find her but although she may appear human, she is anything but.
Tidelands (2018)
The main character is shrouded in mystery. She returns to her hometown where her family (especially her mum) don’t really welcome her back. She then gets involved with a group that are half-sire, half-human and starts to uncover the secrets around her life.
Bubble Guppies (2011)
This is a sweet cartoon about the guppies which are mermaids and mermen going to school under the sea. It is for young children so you can enjoy it with the kids.
Any more…
I really do love mermaids. If you know of any more shows that I might love please let me know and I would love to hear your thoughts on the above shows if you have watched them too.
This month, I thought I would share with you some of the best TV series and movies to watch if you love witches.
Practical Magic
Genre: Fantasy Romance
This film is based on a novel by Alice Hoffman, a best selling author. If you haven’t checked out her novels, I recommend them.
The film is about the sisters overcoming a curse to find true love and keep their man. It is just as much about the bond of sisters as it is about magic, curse and romance.
The Craft
Genre: Fantasy/Teen Drama
The main characters are the girls that don’t fit in and I think we have all felt like that which makes them instantly likeable. They become ‘sisters’ and unlock the secrets of witch craft enabling them to make their biggest wish come true.
This is the sort of story I would love to write. Maybe, one day…
Hocus Pocus
Genre: Childrens
This film is by Disney so you know it is going to be good. The three sisters are absolutely hilarious and today you can find memes online from the film. “Sisters!”
Kiki’s Delivery Service
Genre: Childrens/Anime
This is from Studio Ghibli famous for their brilliant Japanese animation films. This film is about a young witch finding work at a small seaside town. She makes friends becomes part of the community and improves her broomstick flying skills. It’s a sweet story about believing in your self and trying your hardest.
The Witches
Genre: Childrens This is based on a Roald Dahl novel. As a child the book was terrifying and I found the film scary in parts too. The child hating witches are from children’s nightmare but do not fear, as it is a children’s film, the brave little boy (or mouse) and his grandma, will stop their wicked plan!
Witches of East End
Genre: Fantasy/Drama
The mother has kept the truth from her daughters that they are witches but it is about to come out. This series follows the daughters discovering and learning their powers and all the trouble that comes with it. Family secrets are uncovered and deadly truths.
American Horror Story (Season 3)
Genre: Horror
Of all the American Horror Story seasons I have watched, this one of my favorite as I loved the magic of the witches. Each season is a new story so you don’t need to watch the previous seasons to watch this one. It is a horror series aimed at adults so you can’t watch this with the kids.
The Secret Circle
Genre: Fantasy/Teen Drama
This series was great. The main character doesn’t know she is a witch as her mother has tried to keep her away from it all. When her mum dies, she goes to live with her grandmother and discovers she is a witch. With her return the circle is complete and the local teen population’s powers are fully awoken and now, others are coming for them.
Salem (series)
Genre: Historical/Horror
This period drama is about witches hiding in plain sight. It is gory, nasty and twisted. These are not your sweet love potion witches, these are the ones that manipulate and have the power. It’s gory in places but has a lot of the traditional nastiness of witches like demon worship and familiars like reptiles (toads, snakes, etc).
I loved this show. It is a little dated as it’s set in a time when the dutiful housewife runs around after their husband but there is a very wholesome sweetness about this show. There’s the meddling mother, the nosy neighbour and crazy aunt Clara.
A few years later, a film with the same name based was created based on the TV show starting Nicole Kidman.
Just add magic
I started watching this when I had Amazon Prime but never finished it. First impressions, it is a great series for young girls (and those that enjoy kids shows). The main character discovers a ’cookery’ book. It turns out to be a spell book. The friends start using the ’recipes’ to help although often something goes wrong. Magic is so unpredictable.
Many more…
There are many more TV series and films with witches in and I’ll probably kick myself later when I remember those I should have included.
My all time favourite witch has to be Willow from Buffy but that isn’t until towards the end of the series. At the start she is just the nerdy best friend of the slayer. She’s also a redhead so she gets extra points for that.
There is also Charmed but although I watched it I wouldn’t say it made my favourite list.
Quite a few films based on fairy tales like Hansel & Gretel or The Huntsman (Winter’s War) that all feature witches are films I love but my list was getting long so I may make a fairytale list another day.
Do you love any of the above? Can you think of any witch films that I’ve forgotten or you think I’d love, please do recommend.
Here are the shows I have loved these past months.
The Originals (season 5)
Genre: Fantasy
The Originals is a spin-off series from The Vampire Diaries. The Vampire Diaries story is about a high school girl and her friends. During the seasons, they attract the attention of the original vampire and werewolf family.
The Originals series is about that family and has flashbacks to explain more about their origins. The series has a more mature tone as the characters are much older (they are the oldest!).
Last season, the family went their separate ways for safety, due to some very powerful dark magic cast against them by angry dead witches (this is a very brief summary). This season involves them all coming back together to take back control.
With The Originals you can expect complex family relationships and drama caused by ancient feuds. There is magic and blood and politics (their laws) in every episode. It is a great series and did not disappoint.
Handmaid’s Tale (season 2)
Genre: Drama – post apocalyptic
Wow, this season opened with an episode that had me on the edge of my seat. There were plenty of shocks in this season and I’ve found myself counting down the days until the next episode is released. It did slow a little in the middles but it was building suspense and laying down what was to come.
Handmaids is set in the future where women are struggling to fall pregnant, deliver and sustain a healthy baby. This has made people desperate for a child but can’t, fertile women are valuable and a new world order is implemented. They use religion to doctor their new idea and oppress their people. The population is captured and ‘trained’ for their new role in society and they are constantly watched by armed guards. Disobedience has severe consequences, including death as an example to others.
The handmaids are the fertile women. Their duty is to get pregnant and deliver a baby to the household they have been allocated to. The main character, June, is renamed OfFred to denote who she belongs to, I.e Fred is her master, the commander of the house she’s been allocated to. Conception is done by a biblical reading and then a ceremony involving the handmaid lying between the wife’s legs so the husband can impregnate the handmaids whilst looking at his wife. It is cold and rather disturbing.
The first season was great, so I had high expectations for season two and it didn’t disappoint. In this season, OfFred is heavily pregnant and fearing for the world the baby will be born into. Serena (the lady of the house – the Commander’s wife) starts breaking rules and appears to not be as devoted to her husband as she was originally.
Other countries are looking to Gilead to support them with their fertility crisis. There is a suicide bomber terrorist attack against the Commanders. Letters written by the oppressed women manages to be smuggled and released into Canada shedding light on what is really going on in America (now called Gilead) and damages their alliance with this country.
I’ve not finished this season but I am hooked.
Greys Anatomy (season 14)
Genre: Drama – medical
I still enjoy the medical emergencies and relationships between their staff but since Meredith lost her husband, it’s not quite the same. Their complicated love life helped push the series along and now there isn’t a strong storyline pulling the season together. I’ll keep watching but I don’t feel as attached anymore.
Rain (season 1)
Genre: Dystopia
This is a Danish TV Series. The world has been infected by a virus transmitted by the rain. Two children are hidden in a bunker by their parents. The children stay hidden there for years living off the survival supplies until they decide to venture out and try and find their dad. The world is quite dangerous as the survivors of the world are desperate for food and shelter. The siblings make friends with another party and travel together.
At first their accents were a little strange but I got used to it. Each episode finishes with a conclusion rather than a cliff hanger, often I felt the season would have been more compelling if it ended at a different point in the episode. My husband found the rain unbelievable as he felt they all would be infected with no survivors as sometimes it rains without warning (very true in the UK).
I would still recommend giving it a go as it is a different idea and it is great to see what is being created by other countries that often don’t make it to our TV screens.
I haven’t quite finished it yet as the episodes don’t leave me needing to know ’what next?’ But I will continue to watch this.
Siren (season 1)
Genre: Fantasy
I love mermaids and I love how they’ve made them so real in this series. The mermaids (or sirens) can shift into human form. They fear humans as we have hurt them in the past and stay hidden deep in the ocean. Due to over fishing, there is a lack of food and the mermaids need to come up higher to eat. One gets caught and that starts the catalyst for the whole season as another mermaid comes out of the sea to look for her sister. She has to quickly learn our ways and those helping and protecting her need to learn hers. When a mermaid feels threatened they are incredibly dangerous, in addition, they have a pretty song that can drive people crazy. There is a military group looking for the sirens to capture and experiment on.
The series was brilliant and I’m really pleased I watched it. I can’t wait for the next season – there needs to be more.
The only way is Essex (series 1 to 14)
Genre: Reality (sort of)
Oh no, what happened! I just put this on as some background TV and now I keep watching it. I call this ‘tacky tv’. It won’t enrich your life but it will kill time.
It follows a group of young adults social lives in Essex. Some things are set up for example two people who don’t like each other will end up in the same restaurant/club – resulting in having ’words’. Most of the guys are notorious cheats and lie. They deny it, the girls believe their lies and hates on anyone saying the truth but eventually it is so obvious they admit it and break up. The girls and guys love to gossip and often make situations within the groups even more tense.
You do end up liking some characters. I really like nanny Pat – she is a star. I think Jasmin is often treated unfairly by others who are jealous of her, she’s beautiful and never done anything wrong. I thought Amy was the nicest girl and it’s a shame she wasn’t in it for long. Tom is the nicest of the guys but there is still time for him to disappoint me and become a lying cheat.
They are all loaded but most of them don’t seem to work – they mostly open a shop or a night club but they are always out meeting for coffee/lunch (gossiping) or partying and on holiday (scandal & drama). The only character that appeared to have a real job was Amy Child’s who leaves after season 1 – I really liked her.
It you have time to kill, it’s not bad. Be warned you can get sucked in and cringe a lot.
Final thoughts…
Siren and The Handmaid’s Tale are my top two recommendations. Both were amazing for different reasons. They are the sort of shows that capture your imagination and leave you wanting (needing) more.I would love to know if you’ve watched any of the above (or planning to) and your thoughts on the shows.
Also, now you can see what I enjoyed watching this month you may have some ideas on what else I should be watching – please do make recommendations.
This month, I’ve got so many seasons on the go that I haven’t managed to finish watching any of them! Most are new out so I’m waiting for episodes to be released – Aghh!
So, instead, I thought I would share with you some of my favourites TV shows with superpowers.
Misfits – Series
Genre: Comedy
This TV series follows a group of young adults that are completing their community service as punishment for crimes. They are hit by a storm that alters their bodies to have super abilities. This leads to some funny moments and an original story line.
It’s a similar crude humour to Imbetweeners. If you enjoyed that, you’ll also love those. One of the main characters is played by Robert Sheehan who has a gorgeous head of dark curls.
Heroes – series
Genre: Fantasy/Sci-Fi Drama
You must have heard of this one! There are a range of diverse characters and abilities and I love how they have integrated the powers into everyday life. The main story follows cheerleader, Claire Bennet, bringing all the characters together through various storylines.
One of my favourite powers is the main villian, Skylar. I loved how his ability was linked to his profession as a clock maker but they didn’t give him an obvious power connected to his trade like time manipulation. I also loved when Tracy Straus turns someone to ice and then they shatter. Ali Larter is one of my favourite actresses and she got to play a few characters in this series.
Gifted – series (Marvel)
Genre: Fantasy/Sci-Fi Drama
This show is set in a world where superpowers are feared. Anyone with a power needs to be monitored and often find themselves punished for their abilities. Naturally, power groups get together to protect each other and hide from the authorities.
The show follows a family where the dad is employed to capture ‘gifted’ people who go to trial and then prison. His children discover they have powers and now they are wanted. The dad turns against the law and seeks the help from a rebel group to escape, in return he offers them inside information.
To me the show explores how we are all unique and people fear what they don’t understand. It’s told as a fantasy story but in some parts of the world people are really ostracised for being different.
Runaways (Marvel)
Genre: Fantasy/Sci-Fi Drama
This show is about a group of teens that hang out because their parents are friends. Whilst hanging out, they uncover a sinister dark side to their parent’s relationships that suggest they are in a cult that sacrifices people! During the series the teens not only discover more about their parent’s secrets but also about their own hidden super abilities.
This TV series has a real comic book feel – there is even a dinosaur!
Alphas – series
Genre: Fantasy/Sci-Fi Drama
This series is about a group of colleagues that have super abilities. They work together to capture criminals that have used their powers to break the law, that a regular human officer would be unable to handle without being in danger.
One of the delightful things about this series is how ordinary some of the characters are. For example, Gary Bell is an agent but has autism. It is great to see an employer (although fictional), showing how the work environment is adaptable to enable this young man to be part of the work force and bring his valuable assets to the team. If this was seen in more TV shows, I think it would enable more employers to realise the possibilities.
Many more…
There are many more TV series with superpowers in and I’ll probably kick myself later when I remember one I should have included.
I had wanted to include a TV Show from when I was a kid (decades ago). I think it was called Ali Mac but I can’t remember. It was about a school girl that during a road accident with a truck got coated in a toxic chemical that then granted her the ability to turn into liquid. If you know the show, please let me know what it is called?
The main contributor to this collection is Marvel – they love super powers. Here are more shows by Marvel:
Jessica Jones
Luke Cage
Iron Fist
Agents of Shields
If there’s a show you think I’d love, please do recommend.
Here are the shows I have loved this month. I’m surprised how many I have got through considering it was such a busy month.
Magicians (season 3)
Genre: Fantasy
You know a series is good when you are still investing your time to watch it by the third series. And, it didn’t disappoint.
Magic has gone but don’t worry the gang will quest together to obtain keys to bring magic back. There was more to do with the faeries in this series and lots of travelling to and fro Fillory.
The idea of no magic doesn’t sound great for the show but the writers did an amazing job and overcoming this obstacle made a compelling season.
How to Get Away With Murder (season 1)
Genre: Drama – crime
I wasn’t drawn to this show, it didn’t sound like my thing. Discovering Shonda Rhimes was involved in producing the series, I decided to give it a go as I loved Greys Anatomy. I am pleased I did.
Top law students are working at their tutors firm. There are a few flashbacks and flash forwards to tease viewers as to what is going on. Through a series of events, these young adults find themselves in a position where they are using their degree to cover up a murder.
All the characters are well developed and despite the shocking theme for the show the plot is believable. The twists and turns of the characters and the predicaments that they find themselves in means you will keep watching to make sure they get out of their mess.
Fear the Walking Dead (season 3)
Genre: Drama – horror
I’ve loved The Walking Dead for years and when fans needed more we were given Fear the Walking Dead. This series follows another group of survivors with new problems to overcome.
Season 3, sees the main family reunited and residing in a ‘safe’ community. In typical apocalyptic style, ‘safe’ is a temporary illusion. With survivors desperate for water to survive, everyone finds themselves making tough choices to stay alive.
You can trust the writers to deliver plenty of strong character development which is one of the reasons I love the show. Everyone has a background and the possibility to grow as a person. Plus, there is the nail biting action that makes it impossible to look away.
Altered Carbon (season 1)
Genre: Sci Fi
This was my husband’s choice and I wasn’t sure I’d like it. The series brought new ideas alive in a futuristic world, where death is possible to evade if you can afford to keep buying ‘skins’. You can only be permanently killed if your backup is destroyed (memories, thoughts, etc). Otherwise, your back up can be stored until a skin is available and you are immortal.
The main character is resurrected into a ‘skin’ to help solve a case. There is a love interest (or more) which I enjoyed following alongside the main story.
It had a complex storyline with twists to keep you guessing until the end. The new world and its problems are well thought out. I’m so glad I watched this.
Game of Thrones (season 7)
Genre: Fantasy
This season was very short but you’ll see the remaining Starks finally being reunited. There was lots of dragon footage, which looked amazing. Alliances were built to take the iron throne but plans are put on hold when they realise their immediate threat is the army of white walkers. This battle needs the living need to unite to stand any chance of winning but with each kingdom at war and historically hating each other, alliances are not easy to form.
I really enjoyed this season and I wish it had been longer but I assume the brevity was due to the cost of bringing dragons to life.
Final thoughts…
I am surprised that no comedies made the list. We do watch Friends whilst eating dinner and last month we were enjoying Grace & Frankie. I’d love a new comedy, if you can recommend one, please comment and let me know.
I would love to know if you’ve watched any of the above (or planning to) and if you enjoyed them as much as me.
Also, now you can see what I enjoyed watching this month you may have some ideas on what else I should be watching – please do make recommendations.
I watched on Netflik and it was rated mature and described: “A budding teen psychopath and a rebel hungry for adventure embark on a star-crossed road trip in this darkly comic series based on a graphic novel.”
Here’s the trailer:
What did I think?
To be honest, I almost switched it off in the first few seconds. It opens with the male lead killing animals (he’s a budding psychopath – see description). You know when something is really awful and you want to look but you can’t… that happened. I ended up watching the whole series and loved it.
The two characters are brilliantly created. They are so complex and messed up, it makes them likeable – I never thought I’d say that about a ‘buddying psychopath’. Their background stories reveal what drives them and how they became who they are. The writer of the series did a brilliant job.
As the pair rebel against their parents and go on the run, they find themselves in some crazy situations and breaking some serious laws. The Police are after them and… I won’t spoil the ending.
I ended up binge watching the series because every episode ended on a cliff hanger and by the end I really cared for the pair and wanted them to be alright.
Do I recommend?
Yes, but be warned there are some shocking, disturbing and dark elements to the series – it got its mature rating for a reason.
Who wrote it?
Charles S. Forsman (as Chuck Forsman) wrote the Graphic Novel that the series is based on. Then, Jonathan Entwistle wrote the screenplay and directed the series.