NaPoWriMo progress (Day 6 to 15)

So, I said I’d update every 5 days but was so busy I didn’t!  So this is a 10 day diary on how NaPoWriMo is going, covering day 6 to 15.

Setting the goal

My goal is to write 25k to finish my novel titled Glide. I’ve called the project Diamond In The Sky as this is what I am considering renaming the novel.  You can click here to see my post about setting the goal.

Day 1 to 5

If you want to read how the first 5 days went, please click here to view the post.

Day 6 to 15

We are now half way through the challenge and it is challenging…  Here is how day 6 to 15 have gone:

Day 6 to 10.png

Day 6

I wrote 0 words.  I started the day trying to get some laundry done in the morning.  The afternoon was my son’s graduation ceremony at nursery which was an amazing day.  When I got home, I told my husband all about how proud I was and just didn’t do any writing.

Day 7

I wrote 1,289.  I decided to skip a chapter that I was struggling to get motivated to write and instead wrote the next chapter.  Now, I feel clearer about the chapter I skipped and ready to go back and write it.

Day 8

I wrote 1,493.  I feel clearer about where my story is going now and was able to write the next chapter. It wasn’t the most exciting chapter but it was necessary and setting the path for what is to come.

Day 9

I got a refer on one of my CIPD assignments – I had hoped the course was finish so I could concentrate on other projects like NaPoWriMo.  The time after work that I would have spent writing had to be put on hold as I needed respond to my lecturers feedback and resubmit ASAP.  I want to finish before I have my baby and my due date feels like a ticking bomb!

Day 10

Today, was my Hypnobirthing class.  I love Hyponbirthing.  It is so relaxing.  The only problem is that I am so chilled out afterwards that I can’t do anything.  Word count was zero.

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Day 11

I was determined when I got home from work to catch up with my word count but I got as far as about 426 words before my son started being sick.  I then spent an uncomfortable night with him, comforting him as it came out of both ends.  He was amazingly tough though.

Day 12

Hubby took the day off to look after my son as it would be very difficult for me to rearrange my appointments at work, especially with only 6 days of work left before maternity leave starts.  On next to no sleep, I did a full days work (let’s call it newborn training).  When I arrived home I was too tired to write.

Day 13

Yay, my son is better.  Just as well as we had a busy day planned.  I cancelled visiting a friend with a newborn as a precaution – my son could be contagious – instead, we did jobs in town (pay library fines, allergy test for my pampering next weekend, etc).  Then we went home for lunch. In the afternoon, we visited the school he will be starting in September to take part in a preparing for school activity.  Then my husband’s best friend came over and we chatted until I had to go to bed.

Day 14

Our house is a mess!  We spent most the morning doing chores at home and popped out to buy paint for the nursery.  I then played with my son in the garden in this glorious sunshine.  It’s so good to see him happy and well.

Then once he was in bed, I got ready for a night on the sea front with one of my best friends – something we want to enjoy before life gets complicated with a new born.  Word count was zero though.

Day 15

Today, my hubby has been great keeping my son busy so I could get in front of the PC during the day because I’m often too tired in the evening. I manged to achieve 2.5k!  That is my personal best this month and it is only midday so there is chance I could add to that later on.

I also really like what I have written. There was a bit of adding to earlier chapters as well as adding a new chapter.  I got to write about her casting and developing her powers and confronting Mariah and I loved it.  The boys are back now but I will be looking for any chance to sneak off and write some more.


I’m so pleased with my achievement today.  If only I could have more days like that. I have seen what I can achieve if I can get the time to be able to write.  I still love that feeling of creating my story, the world, characters and the magic.  It is what I love and even when I felt like quitting, I couldn’t.  This is me.

I am still behind target though, however, I have had some unexpected challenges that halted my progress. I thought I had finished my CIPD course and I had not anticipated my son being ill.

I have still managed to keep my blog posts regular and sent an article to a publication (fingers crossed they like it).  I’d like to get ahead of my blog schedule as I’m sure I’ll be distracted once the baby is here and I don’t want to fall silent.

When I think about all I am juggling, I am achieving an awful lot – even if I do say so myself.

Let me know if you are doing the challenge and how you are getting on?

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Ally plus text

NaPoWriMo progress

I’m not going to post an update every day as I think that will be too much, but I thought every 5 days would be a nice spacing. Here is how it is going…

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#nanowrimo Progress so far…

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Setting the goal

I only discovered that NaNoWriMo can be done in July (not just November) the night before it was due to start.  I quickly created my account and set my goal.  You can click here to see my post about this.

My goal is to write 25k to finish my novel titled Glide. I’ve called the project Diamond In The Sky as this is what I am considering renaming the novel as. Here’s how I am getting on towards the challenge.

Day 1

To achieve 25k, Camp NaNo suggested my daily goal be 807 words.  I was very pleased when I kicked off with 806 words.

It was a fun chapter to start with involving the battle where Kiara loses her soul and becomes a crow.

Day 2

I achieved 442 words which wasn’t as great as I hoped but it was the first day back at work and I was shattered when I got home.

It’s not so much the word count I was disappointed with but with what I wrote. This chapter was the first time Kiara got to fly. For something so exciting I think the chapter needs more to it. When I come to edit, I think I’ll spend a bit of time improving this part.

Day 3

Today, I went to my first hypnobirth class and returned home so chilled out, I could barely move.  I couldn’t write, I couldn’t do anything but be relaxed.  I think everyone should do the course (pregnant or not). We live in a busy world and learning to find your zen is crucial.

Sadly, the result was a terrible word count of zero.  On a plus note, I wrote some notes on what needs to happen in the story to give myself some focus.

Day 4

I wanted to make up for skipping yesterday so despite a hard day at work I got in front of the keyboard and added a further 1,973 (the best word count so far!).  My focus notes really helped me get started which saved time and got me writing. Perhaps, day 3 was more productive than I realised.

Day 5

There is no denying that I’m tired now. I went to work wearing odd shoes (one navy, one black). In my defence, my bump is so big now, I can’t see my feet when I am slipping on my shoes. At least they were the same style. I would show you a pic but my feet look awful, so swollen, like trolls feet.

When I got home, I tried to put my feet up but my little boy wasn’t himself. He had this foul eggy burps and I thought he was going to be up all night being sick. I decided it best to conserve my energy and go to bed early. In the end, he was only up twice to use the loo but no sickness – phew.


The first 5 days has gone okay. I would like to have done better but I am fighting against my body and juggling my responsibilities. Now is the weekend, I’m hoping to get in front of the keyboard, get ahead and set a new best. I’ll let you know how I get on by day 10.

Personally, I would like to achieve the challenge early incase my baby comes early.

Are you doing the challenge? How are you getting on?

Reflecting on Goals set in January

To start the year, I set myself some goals for the year ahead.  I plan to check how I’m getting on with that periodically during the year to check I’m on track.  If you set yourself goals it is important to check on yourself to make sure you are on target and to re-focus yourself.

On Reflection

Summary:  Considering these were annual targets I think I’ve kicked off the year with a really good start at achieving them.  I’m not sure listing my goals as bullet points was the best idea, so to re-focus I shall put my goals into a table.

March 2018 goals

Blogging Goals Review

  • ACHIEVED:  I migrated both my blogs into one blog and I am using categories to split the content up from ‘writing’ topics and ‘beauty topics.
  • ACHIEVED:  I planned to post at least once a week and I have been exceeding this – posting two to three times a week.  Sometimes as often as four times.  Taking the pressure off has increased my productivity.
  • ACHIEVED:  I’ve reduced my scheduled posts on LoCal so that they only run for two weeks so if I run out of time to change them, I am not Constantly spamming people with the same things for weeks with no end.
  • ACHIEVED:  I have started including some personal posts on my blog such as my son’s World Book Day and What I’ve Been Watching.
  • ALMOST ACHIEVED:  I wanted to start vlogging.  This has involved researching how to do it and plucking up the courage.  In addition, I need the house to be quiet for recording which doesn’t happen often.  However, I have posted a video on YouTube reviewing Agent Hunter (see below) and I have a scheduled blog post about this coming soon.Wri
  • NOT ACHIEVED:  I haven’t approached any brands to see if they’d like me to represent them. However, my Instagram pics of my The Pip Box won and I got my March box free (review of the free box coming April).

Writing Goals Review

  • ACHIEVED:  I have stopped editing Drift and started querying.
  • NOT ACHIEVED:  I have not started work on finishing Glide. I have been really busy with my course at college and work.  However, I have three weeks off for Easter break and hope to re-visit this project over the coming weeks.
  • NOT ACHIEVED:  I have not started a new story idea – not that I’m not full of ideas.
  • NOT ACHIEVED:  I’ve not had time to read the programme for Felixstowe Book Festival but intend to buy tickets and go. I have decided to miss YALC this year (will explain more soon).
  • NOT ACHIEVED:  Completing a writing course is on hold until I finish my current course at college.
  • ALMOST ACHIEVED:  I have been reading more since getting my Kindle.  I have almost finished The Gender Game and will review the title and my Kindle once I have.  I am a slow reader with only a few chances to read.
  • NOT ACHIEVED:  I have not found out more about how Twitter queries work.  However, I have been networking more on Instagram and meeting lots of writers online this way.

Ally plus text

Review: Dabble Writer

What is it?

Dabble is an online writing platform for plotting, writing and editing.  It works best in Google or by using their app but can be used in any browser.


  • Dabble Account and cloud storage
  • Plotting tool
  • Export to Word/text file
  • Word counts
  • Novel series
  • App (works on a PC)

During November, they offered a free trial to NaNoWriMo participants.  We were able to use the site for free and they enabled a word count tracker – nifty!


Dabble Writer usually costs $9.99 but at the moment there is an introduction offer of $4.99 which if you subscribe will be at 50% forever.

Dabble Writer is an official sponsor of NaNoWriMo. If you took part, check the NaNoWriMo offers page to see if there are any exclusive additional offers for NaNoWriMoers.



I created two projects to test out the software.  One was Daisy Chain (my NaNoWriMo project) and the other was Jewel of the Sea (aka Drift).

  • Daisy Chain:  This required regular updates so I needed to work on the story whenever I was able to.  Switching between computers (and browsers) did cause a little technical issue but the support guys at Dabble were awesome.  The site runs best in Google chrome and the app.  There is also a little cloud that you can click to save your progress and ensure it has been backed up.
  • Jewel of the sea:  I uploaded this so I could experiment the downloading to word feature. I was really impressed.  It puts it into the correct format for agents so all you need to worry about is the line spacing.

Word Count

  • Word Count total:  There is a tracker that shows your overall word count for the novel (or project).
  • NaNoWriMo Tracker:  The word count tracker for NaNoWriMo was incredibly intuitive.  It deducted words if I deleted any and updated my daily goal based on how many words I needed to reach to keep on target based on my total.  They are currently developing a personal goal tracker so writers can set their own word count goal at anytime in the year.

Plotting Tools

This was one of the features I enjoyed using the most as I currently have nothing like it.

It looks a like pin board with post it notes stuck on it.  You can create different boards for tracking different things.

On the board you create different headings (or timelines).  I found it easiest to use it to track my characters developments within the story and plan I needed to happen and when.  It was easy to move and edit these too so it didn’t feel like a digital hindrance.

The ‘post it note’ (tile) has a heading and brief description.  You click on it to open up and a little note paper where you can go into more detail about the plot line.

This is a great planning aid and helped me to visualize the story.

Story notes

This is another great feature.  I’ve never shared my story notes *cringe*.

Dabble Writer - story notes

I split my notes into two categories (headings) ‘Characters’ and ‘World Building’.  Within those sections I create a note on different things that are important.

It is really handy to have everything stored in the same place and organised instead of loads of files saved in different places or programs.  I love having some where to stash my ideas and notes about the story.

Novel series

Within a ‘project’ you can create multiple books.  This enables you to track a whole series all in one place.  Genius!

Dabble future?

Customer Service:  The team at Dabble are extremely responsive to their customers and I think this will take the company forward to a bright future.  They were always on hand whenever I had a question about using the site.  No problem was too big or too small.  I wondered if they ever slept.

Development:  They have developed the site a lot from Sept to Nov so I’ve no doubt that they’ll make true on their promise to continue improving and bringing out new features.  They also ask their subscribers to suggest features and vote on features to help them prioritize what their users want the most.   Here are some of the features coming soon that excite me the most:

  • Goal tracking – set your own word count goal any time of the year (not just for NaNoWriMo)
  • Images in story notes (save a picture of your world map or the engagement ring or a celebrity that looks like you character)
  • Editing mark up (you can highlight a section you know you need to rework)
  • Novel cover (upload an image for you novel cover)
  • Character image (upload an image of how your character looks) and character tools
  • Restore a previous version as a new file
  • More ways to import and export including dragging a project to your desktop to save it
  • Social – enable word count competitions and stats to be shared socially

Am I subscribing?

I am very tempted to subscribe but currently I have a lot going on that I don’t think I will have the time to really make the most of having a subscription.

However, Dabble Writer is something I would definitely consider in the future as I found it a very easy to use interface, fantastic customer service and the features were exactly what a writer needs.

Ally plus text


Goals for the year ahead – 2018

If you read my earlier post from today, you’ll know that I’ve reflected on how 2017 went.  This inspired me to set my goals for the year ahead.

Making 2018 even better


I now absolutely love blogging.  I’m addicted.  It is has raised in my ranks of importance.  Here are my goals for 2018:

  • Categories:  Currently, I am running three blogs.  One for beauty review, one for anything related to writing and books and another that shares the posts by both.  It is very time consuming and exhausting!  I shall now be migrating them all to this blog and using categories to present content relevant to the readers interests.
  • Schedule:  
    • I was trying to post two articles a week and did pretty well but sometimes it was hard.   I need post regularly but once a week is sufficient and I can schedule posts.
    • I’ve been using loCal (free online calendar) to schedule my tweets.  I was unwell in December and never updated my tweets!  Aghh!  My poor followers had the same tweets for another month *cringe*.  Setting an end date is important.
  • Personal:  Keeping to my categories has meant that when life is busy I haven’t anything relevant to post whereas if I start sharing more about me (like being a mum or working in education), I could have more content and make my life easier.
  • Vlogging:  I did my first video blog this year and I was really impressed at how easy it was. I know I have more to learn to make my videos better but you’ve got to start somewhere.  I’ve also done some ‘unboxing’ videos on my instagram.
  • Product reviews:  I need to not be shy to contact brands that I love to see if they’ll support me reviewing their product.  I hope that in 2018 I will get the chance to review more products as I really enjoyed my experience of reviewing Saal Digital’s photo book.


My dream is still to be published and I still would love to go down the traditional route but not found an agent (or publisher) but some of that is my fault as I don’t query enough.

  • Drift/Jewel of the sea:  Stop editing and start querying!
  • Glide:  I know how this story ends and I need to finish it.  Readers who loved Drift (on Wattpad) want to read the next book in the series.  I have had so much support and encouragement and one user even sent me pictures of Scotland to help me.
  • Start a fresh new story:  I don’t want this to distract from the above goals but I’ve got lots of new story ideas and I really need to start something fresh.  I hope to make a start on this later in 2018.
  • Conventions: I love attending YALC and Felixstowe Book Festival last year and I would love to be able to go again.
  • Writer courses:  I’m very busy at the moment with a course for work but once that is out of the way I’d like to continue my studies with Write Story Books for Children and Write Romance fiction.  I’m enrolled on both these courses ready to complete when I have time.  I also would happily do another Curtis Brown Creative course online.
  • Reading:  I got a Kindle at last!  I plan to start reading more in 2018 and hope to discover some amazing reads to review on my blog (and Good Reads).
  • Twitter queries:  I need to learn when these are running so ~I

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