I did #FebWritersChallenge

The challenge was on Instagram and set by @marielipscombwriting.

I enjoyed the first challenge so much that I decided to give it another go. Here are the highlights from February:

My top three photos from the challenge

These pictures are the ones that recieved the highest engagement on Instagram.

Day 1 #CurrentlyReading

This video clip was viewed over 200 times. It was one of the rare occasions when Aria wasn’t asleep on me so I was able to relax and read my book.

Day 13 #MCsHair

I created this layout using images from my Pintrest board on my main character Mariah.

Day 25 #WhoDoesYourMCAdmire

For this image, I used Unsplash to find an image of someone that looks like Kya. Mariah doesn’t really look up to anyone but she gets envious. Kya is someone she compares heself to and wishes she was more like.

My favourites

I really love how these challenges encourage me to share my writing with my instagram followers and on day 18 I got to post my favourite scene. Initially, I was going to share the underwater kiss as it is the scene that sparked the whole story. As I was looking for it, I decided to go with the moment before when Mariah’s life is changed forever.

Day 18 #FavouriteScene

March Challenge #WomenWritingFiction #WWFChallenge2019

This month I have decided to go with another Instagramers prompts. @Courtnimax has created the following Women Writing Fiction Daily Challenge for March 2019.

I hope you find these examples of the images I posted for February’s prompts interesting and inspiring. If you are a writer on Instagram please connect with me as I would love to see how you share your writing on the platform too.

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I did #JanWritersChallenge

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Day 5 – Photograph

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I did #JanWritersChallenge

The challenge was on Instagram and set by @marielipscombwriting.

This is the first time I have done a photo prompt challenge but I really enjoyed it. It got me posting everyday and gave me a range of ways to share my writing and passion through photos.

Here are the highlights:

Top three photos from the challenge

This pictures are the ones that recieved the highest engagement on Instagram.

Day 25 #AuthorSelfie

I have never had a photo do so well. I thing it was boosted by the increased engagement due to the daily activity but I got over 300 likes in less than 24 hours. This is ten times more than what I would get on a popular photo.

Day 9 #WhatMotivatesYou

I think my new writer following was able to relate to this photo as I regramed a photo from @gracethewriter8 that really resonated with my dream. It is that hope that one day I will make it that keeps me going.

Day 15 #BeProud

This was the day that I shared a picture of myself with my family.

My favourites

I couldn’t see how to share my writing online unless it was text. I really enoyed these photos as I was able to share with people my stories:

Day 17 #TheUltimateDream

I felt embarassed to admit my dream but then I thought “What the heck!” It turns out that a lot of writers share my dream.

Day 19 #MoodBoard

I decided to do the Mood Board for Jewel of the sea to give a feel of the novel. It was my first time creating one.

Day 4 #CharacterFlaw

It actually made me think about what makes my characters weak or unattractive.

Day 5 #CharacterStrength

I found reflecting on their weaknesses helped me to identify their strengths. It also made me want to go back and edit their weaknesses.

Day 6 #TheLoveInterest

I decided to focus on just Jace as he is the love interest in both the projects I am working on. It is a love triangle and I decided to write it from both girls sides as seperate stories.

Day 7 #TheVillans

I went for the villian that is the catalyst for the story. Even though she doesn’t feature in Jewel of the sea, her actions is what send the crows to go soul snatching on their doorstep.

Day 10 #FavouriteLine

I really enjoyed this as I have a few favourite lines in my project. The ones that I smile whenever I read and I hope my readers enjoy too.

Day 13 #Weather

The Brits love talking about the weather and my novel is no exception because in Jewel of the sea, Mariah has weather maniuplation powers.

Day 23 #YourMCsHands

For some, I guess this might not have been a very exciting prompt but for Mariah it was another excuse to show offer her powers.


I enjoyed January’s challenge so much that I am going to do it again!
@marielipscombwriting has created a new list of promps for this month.

Do you use Instagram to share your writing projects with followers?  Have you done a writing challenge?

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How to work with your social media platforms

How to work with your social media platforms
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