Here is a collection of other useful hashtags that are popular with writers.
General Writing Challenge hashtags
You could take part in challenges for writers like Nano and post progress updates on IG or do a photo prompt challenge and add any of these tags that are relevant.
If you are a writer that also blogs here are some general tags for you although you will also want to add some that are specific to the content you’ve created.
I know many writers are stationery addicts and can’t resist a planner. If you are sharing your planner, here are some general tags although you may also wish to add tags relating to the type of planner you are using too.
I only discovered recently how important reviews are especially for indie books. If you can find the time, write a review, share it on IG and everywhere else to help it get discovered.
When tagging you may also want to tag the picture with the books genre, where you bought it and what media it is. See part 2 for bibliophile tags or part 3 for genre tags.
Also, check out #storysnippetssaturday where each week @jjotisauthor @bridieblake @amandalyncreek @rynthewriter and @sondaewrites host a weekly prompt to encourage everyone to share a snippet from their work in progress.
When publishing you have to pin point your novel to a specific genre so bookshops know where to put it on the shelf but when you are tagging you can put every genre that applies to your novel.
Think about your target audience too – what age is the intended audience. Think about the length of your story too. Think about the setting and time period.
In that regard, this list is endless but here are a few examples get to get you started.
Here is an update on how I have progressed towards the goals I set in March 2019 (towards achieving my annual goals set in January).
Social Media
Blog (Word Press): To continue to post at least twice a week keeping to my content schedule as much as possible.
This has been happening even though it has been challenging to find time since returning to work. With my hashtag series, I’ve got quite a few posts already scheduled so I should be able to post twice a week for a little while still.
Instagram: To maintain the new connections I have made and continue to engage with them and share content about my writing.
This has definitely happened and I there are some writers that stand out to me as we have been chatting off Instagram (I even met three of them in person).
On Instagram, I took part in the #WIWJulyChallenge by @worldindiewarriors. I have continued to post for the #StorySnippetsSaturday challenge and I took part in their week long #WritingJourneyChallenge in August by the same hosts. For September, I have been doing the #aestheticWIPup photo challenge (I’ll share my highlights soon).
I got to create the October Instagram photo challenge #WIWOctober for @worldindiewarriors , so I need to post daily for that – eek.
Twitter: Continue to share links to my content on Twitter and connect with writers on the platform.
Twitter is a platform I’ve neglected as Instagram has taken precedent and I tend to only use it for events. On Twitter, I took part in #SFFpit September, #PitMad September. I am also taking part in #PitchWars.
Facebook page: To brainstorm how I can use this to connect with more writers.
I haven’t really done this.
YouTube: To be brave and get in front of the camera and start sharing video content.
I just don’t have the opportunity to create videos. With an ambitious, mischievous, one year old that rarely naps, I think I will have to put this goal on hold until she moves out.
Tumblr: Share Instagram and Word Press content to this platform.
This happens all the time.
I managed to send out my first ever newsletter (sign up here).
Edit: Enter into the Wattys. Put novel out to Beta Readers. Take part in September’s #PitMad. Work on my query letter.
I’ve attended a few pitch events and got some requests. As a result, I had to work on my query letter (which I am rubbish at) and send to the interested parties.
I didn’t put my novel on Beta Readers but I did email it to some writer friends to read for me. I’m saving up for an editor and I think once I finish the next edit, I’ll try out the Beta Readers site.
I entered Wattys 2019 and as I write this post I don’t yet know the results. They are released today! Wish me luck.
Finish & edit: Diamond in the Sky has been on hold but work on this is possible to start in July or August but I plan to give myself a little break.
I went back to the drawing board. I’ve got a new notebook and I’m exploring all the characters – even the side ones – to make them more real. I’ve also been use Save the Cat to work out the plot and beats as I’m struggling with how to put the pieces together towards Act 3 and 4. I know what I want to happen and can see certain scenes in my head but I need to put it together. The aestheticWIPup challenge this month has really helped me discover where the gaps are.
Tinsel Tiger (picture book)
EXTRA: I needed a picture book to enter a competition. I decided to edit a poem I had written into a picture book format and submitted it. I also pitched it during #PitMad.
I have pitched my picture book a few times but not had any interest. Is it the pitch or the story? I don’t know.
I have thought about researching agents and querying them. I love the story but I’ve not written a picture book before so perhaps I’m doing it wrong.
I’ve also thought about another poem I wrote that I think could be edited into a fun picture book.
Writing Course/Writing Festivals
Third Quarter: Attend writing festivals
I’ve attended a few Literary Festivals over the summer and they’ve been a wealth of information. Granted these weren’t free to attend but I made the most of what I got for my money:
Felixstowe Book Festival – Felixstowe
YALC Book Festival – London
MKLit Festival (blog post coming soon) – Milton Keynes
Wow-Con (blog post coming soon) – online
Working Together Course: Finish this course.
I’ve got a certificate and everything. *happy dance*
Crafts: Make time at least once a week:
Planner: continue to use Carpe Diem planner
Pocket letter: write another pocket letter
Scrapbook: Do at least one page
Crochet: Finish Aria’s blanket for her birthday
Over the summer crafts has taken a nose dive. I did take Noah to a local craft cafe to do some activities but the challenge is Aria.
This week she removed a painting from the wall, took the leg off a table and climbed up a chest of drawer to throw pens at us. If you restrain her (car seat, cot or a high chair), she just screams. Until Aria is more easy going, she needs someone to play with her so I can help Noah do crafts or even his homework.
In the evenings, I’ve been focused on reading/writing and it’s left no time for anything else. The local craft cafe also do evening activities for grown ups so once Aria is better at night, I’m going to a scrapbook evening.
Read at least four and a half books by the end of September(annual goal 6 books):
I’ve smashed this. I’ve finished my annual reading goal. This summer I have read Envy, The Deepest Blue (book reviews of the last two are coming).
I bought lots of books at YALC. I’ve also been sent some books by authors for me to review and I’ve borrowed books from the library. I’ve got ebooks on my Kindle. I’ve even got sample books and guide books from Ingram Spark. I’ve got more books than time!
I’ve almost finished You Stole My Heart, Do I have To Take Your Name and I’m reading The Lost Prince on loan from the library and got The Cruel Prince waiting on my Kindle.
That’s enough about my goals, did you achieve yours? Let me know in the comments. If you enjoyed this post, you will like:
Writer courses: Continue to take advantage of any free courses that come my way if I have the time to do these.
These have mainly been the workshops at the book festivals, etc. However, a friend on Instagram recently sent me access to her self editing course for me to review which I am eager to take a look at as editing is one of my major struggles.
Resource book: Buy another writing help book. I am considering the Emotion Thesaurus.
I downloaded a sample on my Kindle but haven’t looked at it yet. The other day someone posted on Instagram a picture of a book they are using for plotting and it looked awesome and now I want that one too. And, I’ve been toying with buying the Writers and Artists Yearbook but can’t decide if I need the children’s one or adults…
What’s next
I’m going to evaluate how I am doing and set some new goals for the next quarter.
Let me know how you are progressing towards your goals and whether you check in on yourself too?
If you’ve been following my blog you may have noticed that this year I’ve been really enjoying Instagram. I recently achieve 3,000 followers and I created next months #WIWOctober photo prompt for @worldindiewarriors.
My idea for this post was to share my personal collection of hashtags but as I started writing it I realised it was getting too long! So, I have broken it down into a series of posts.
I am going to start off with tags associated with writing communities I have connected with via Instagram.
Tags for writing communities
There are lots of people looking to connect on Instagram. Here are some of my favourites and tags associates with them:
World Indie Warriors
This is a great group for any creative or indie looking to collaborate and make meaningful connections. This supportive group share tips, resources and support each other’s growth.
Follow @worldindiewarriors and join their group on Facebook. Use hashtags: #wiw #worldindiewarriors
Founder @michelleraabwrites also encourages the use of the hashtags #readersheart #everyonehasastory
Hustling Writers Community
This group is aimed at anyone that aspires to be an author but has to juggle writing alongside other commitments making your dream the side hustle. There are people working full time, studying, parents, carers etc but they are all dedicated to squeezing writing in wherever they can.
Follow @midnightstarlightwrites and become part of her group on Facebook. Use the hashtag #hustlingwriterscommunity
Fellow Creative Minds
This is a networking group to connect creatives together. There is a good mix of artists, writers, musicians, etc. If you would like to meet fellow creatives follow @lizthewritingwiz and join her Fellow Creative Minds group on discord. Use the hashtag #fellowcreativeminds
Authors Challenge 2019
Follow @debratorreswrites and pm her to take part in her monthly challenge. She will add you to an IG chat group so you can get to know other authors taking part in the challenge.
Use the hashtag #authorschallenge2019 and post pictures for the daily picture prompt.
Tags for Wattpad
One of the most popular online platforms for sharing writing is Wattpad so it is no surprise that people are posting to IG about it. You don’t have to follow @wattpad but it is a great way to stay up-to-date regarding the platform.
If you are a Wattpader (reader/writer) here are some tags you may find useful.
Today’s blog post has been written by G.C.Ramey and when I read it, I was able to relate to every word.
NB: His article is written in American English.
Write for the Sake of Writing
By G.C. Ramey
“Are you ever going to finish writing your book?” my wife asks as she passes by my office, noticing that I am reading Neil Gaiman’s Ocean at the End of the Lane for the second time this year.
“I’m hunting for inspiration,” I say, glancing back at her. “I think Neil might have hidden the secret formula in here somewhere.”
I can tell by her face that she is unamused. Her comment had a purpose to it, a purpose that couldn’t have been more obvious if it had been written across the side of airplane and flown directly through our house. Obvious or not I plan to ignore it anyway, but then she says it plainly, “Stop procrastinating.”
Her remarks are well meaning. When we got married, she decided to take on the arduous task of keeping me straight, and in this case I needed just that. Although her comment was brief, the layer of hidden subtext rolled over me soberly and I knew every word that she had left out but meant to say, “Telling people that you are writing a book is not the same as actually writing one.”
That was the not so subtle kick that I needed.
I love writing. It’s the thing that I enjoy most in the world. The only thing that comes even close to it would be reading, but even then, why would I settle for a world created by the hands of another, when I have the power to create my own?
The idea of creation is powerful and even, at times, magical. Maybe it’s that faint desire to be like God— which would explain the typical bouts with pride that most author’s face from time to time— and maybe it’s just the joy that comes from expressing one’s inner feelings in such a physical and intimate way. Regardless, the appeal to tell stories is nearly synonymous with my identity as a person. It is who I am and what I was born to do. Even so, something strange always seems to happen. My identity has the habit of feeling more like a chore and less like a purpose, but why is that?
While I cannot speak for every writer who faces this, I can speak for myself. My current situation is one where I am constantly feeling the unforgiving push of deadlines. Whether it be from graduate school assignments, freelance jobs, or even just volunteer edits for my friends, I feel as if I am always burdened by the pressure to complete things. The part of my passion that suffers from the vice of procrastination is not professional productivity, but instead, my personal creativity. Because I am constantly meeting these professional obligations, I have forsaken my own projects. Of course, I defend myself by rationalizing that it is simply an act of maintaining proper priorities. I mean, deadlines have to come first, right? And my own creative expression can come with whatever time I have left. Maybe that is good in theory, but the problem is that by the time “leftover time” comes around, I feel so burnt out on the process of writing, that writing is the last thing that I want to do. It’s as if the joy is stripped away from it.
It’s quite a sad place to be. It reminds me of a story I heard a few years ago in college. In a small town, there was a baker who worked tirelessly at his craft to make bread for those in the community. Everyone who came to his bakery left well fed, and although he found joy in feeding those who came, he began to grow weary because he never stopped and ate for himself. The demand for more bread continued, and the baker pushed onward. Eventually, he died of starvation, surrounded by plenty of food, all because his professional commitment outweighed his personal need.
With this in mind, I suggest something to those writers who have felt similar pressure. The suggestion is simple, write for the sake of writing. Whether it be a poem, a journal entry, a fun review of a book you love, or even that novel you continually put off writing, just do something.
Get back to the joy of writing for yourself. In this way, you can continue feeding the masses, without dying of hunger yourself.
G.C.Ramey is contributor for a sports news source ( and contributor for a sci-fi and horror site ( He is a masters student at the university of New Orleans. You can learn more about him by visiting his blog ( or Twitter (@gcramey).
In the same way a song can make you think of a person, place or time, it can also inspire writers to develop chapters. Music can bring chapters, characters and moments to life. It is a great aid whilst developing your story.
The connection writers develop for their creations is personal, like a parent to their child. This is why sometimes criticism (no matter how constructive) can hurt. But, this post isn’t about that. This post is about the connection writers make with music.
Writing a novel is a long process. You develop a relationship with the characters, their environment and experience their highs and lows. I struggle with writing horror because I frighten myself. Then I can’t sleep!
In the same way a song can make you think of a person, place or time, it can also inspire writers to develop them. Music can destroy writers block and bring to life chapters, characters, places and moments.
Currently, the song that is really inspiring me to write a horror – if I can get over my fear of my own mind – is Ruelle’s “Monsters”.
I haven’t given up on this idea. Originally the idea was for the MC to be haunted by a demon (a mix of the urban legend of Slender Man, the manga character Orichimaru from Naruto and the Goblin King from Labyrinth). Although I am still struggling to get the outline right, I am now swaying towards this novel being part of my shifter series.
My story’s playlist
As I edited Drift, now Jewel of the Sea, for the umpteenth time, I created a playlist for the chapters. This playlist was added to Wattpad using YouTube links as I worked on improving the story. Some songs have been there since the start whereas others got added as the story developed.
Taylor Swift – Everything Has Changed ft. Ed Sheeran
Leona Lewis – Run
Mazzy Star – Fade Into You
Lykke Li – Little Bi
Hunter Hayes – Invisible
Christina Aguilera – Beautiful
Evanescence – Bring Me To Life
Birdy – Wings
Coldplay – Yellow
All Saints – Pure Shores
Angel Olsen – Windows
Wilco – Kamera
Seafret – Skimming Stones
Lauren Aquilina – Ocean <related chapter now cut>
Dorothy – Gun In My Hand
Katy Perry – Rise
Ellie Goulding – Starry Eyed
Ed Sheeran – Give Me Love
John Legend – All Of Me
Safety Suit – Anywhere But Here
Demi Lovato – Stone Cold
The Paper Kites – Bloom
The Ligthouse and the Whalers – I want to Feel Alive
Amer Run – I Found
Evanescence – Bring me to life
Ed Sheeran – Thinking Our Loud
Sometimes I hear songs and they inspire me to write (see 7, 8, 14 and 15). They draw up pictures and feelings in my mind and drive my imagination wild.
Other songs, I hear after I’ve written the story, usually whilst editing. They remind me of the vision I had and help me focus on what I need the chapter to deliver (see 12, 13, 20, 22 and 24).
I’m not a fan of editing. I spend way too much time being critical of my writing and ripping it apart. I don’t enjoy the process and if I could afford to pay someone to do it for me, I would! Having a playlist does make it a little more enjoyable and you can create one of all your favourite songs to keep you motivated.
When I first started writing Drift, “Starry Eyed” by Ellie Goulding was playing on the radio and resonated with the way the story felt to me.
Once I finished editing Drift, I found that the song that resonated with the overall feeling of the story had changed. The song is now “I Want To Feel Alive” by The Lighthouse and the Whaler.
Perhaps it’s a result of how the story has evolved or how my music tastes have changed over the years. The bottom line is, music fuels my imagination. It certainly makes editing more enjoyable.
Please share your playlists with me
If you have a writing playlist, please share it with me. I would love to listen to and to know why those songs made your playlist.
Here is an infographic of the goals set for this year showing whether I have achieved them yet or not:
Social Media
Consistently Post: Post twice a week to my blog, post three photos/videos a week to IG, share content to Twitter, Tumblr and Facebook. Brainstorm how to use my FB page more.
I am really pleased with how I have done here. I have managed to keep up with my blog schedule. I have also posted daily to IG. In addition, I have been networking a lot on Twitter this past month and my connections have boomed.
YouTube: Start making YouTube videos.
This hasn’t happened. I am no longer scared, I just want to do it but it is actually really hard for me to get the right conditions to create a video. I often have kids around or it is late and I am tired.
Online Events: Take part in Twitter and Instagram events
Woah! I only just finished editing Jewel of the Sea in time for the June #PitMad Twitter Event. This deadline gave me the kick I needed to cross the finish line.
This month I am doing the #authorschallenge2019 on Instagram. Last month I did the one week #StorySnippetsChallenge which was so popular it had now become a Saturday event called #StorySnippetsSaturday.
In April, I took part in the Camp Nano. More about that later.
I am planning to take part in PB Pitch on 20 June 2019.
I smashed this goal. I have not only finished Act 2 and 3 but also Act 4. That’s right, Jewel of the Sea is finished. You can read it on Wattpad for a limited time.
Finishe & edit: Diamond in the Sky has been on hold but work on this is possible to start in July or August but I plan to give myself a little break.
Scarlet House
First Quarter: Start novel #NewYearNewNovel
This was my Camp NaNo project. I used Save the Cat to write an outline for the first few chapters and set myself a goal of 15k. I am please to say I achieved it!
EXTRA: I needed a picture book to enter a competition. I decided to edit a poem I had written into a picture book format and submitted it. I also pitched it during #PitMad.
Article Writing
All year: Submit to Little Mum Mag & to Ginger Parrot
I still don’t have time for this at the moment.
Writing Course
Second Quarter: Take advantage of free opportunities to learn
An advert came up on Facebook to join a group to work on pitches ready for #PitMad. It was a week long course, each day we were set a challenge to help us develop our pitch.
The course was brilliant and I really like my pitches. Here are my favourite two for each book.
Love struck, misfit, redhead discovers she's a mermaid. Being in the middle of a love triangle awakens Mariah’s dormant weather powers and gives a dangerous new meaning to the status ”It’s complicated!”
Love struck, misfit, redhead discovers she’s a mermaid.
Being in the middle of a love triangle awakens Mariah’s dormant weather powers and gives a dangerous new meaning to the status ”It’s complicated!”
#PitMad#PB VELVETEEN RABBIT for Christmas decorations. A tiger made of tinsel comes to life and has all sorts of fun. A story told in rhyme to inspire the imagination of children.
A tiger made of tinsel comes to life and has all sorts of fun. A story told in rhyme to inspire the imagination of children.
Second Quarter: Flexible work request
I had to put in a request to change my hours and attend a meeting with HR to persuade them to agree to the change. The meeting was a success. When I return in the autumn I will have the hours I want. I’m very happy with the outcome.
All year: Crafts
I am ashamed to admit I have not found time for crochet. I hope to finish Aria’s blanket by her birthday. I still haven’t done even one scrapbook page. think I need to set a night aside for crafts.
On a positive note I tried something new and created my first pocket letter for a friend. I wish to do another and write a blog post about it.
All year: Journal/Planner
I bought a Carpe Diem planner and find it very therapeutic to see my monthly and weekly plan. The stickers are aesthetically pleasing. I do find the layouts restrict me from doing what I want. I’ve searched for someone selling dotted paper but nobody does for this planner.
Read a book every two months
I’ve finished Red Queen and posted my review. I have completed Save The Cat (review to come) which is a theory book.
I’m currently struggling go get into a book at the moment as I’m so focused on finishing up my novel and have limited time but I am making slow progress.
Working together course (be able to effectively support my son’s school)
I had my first volunteer session and it went really well. I still get nervous when I go in to help but each time I go it gets easier. The children are wonderful and so enthusiastic about technology.
PitMad Challenge (Facebook Group)
This was a private group that you had to request to join. It involved a 7 day challenge during the week leading up to PitMad where Kathy Ver Eecke helped authors to develop their pitches with daily lessons. It was incredibly good. I cannot fault the woman and I am so thankful for everything I learnt on this course.
What’s next
I’m going to evaluate how I am doing and set some new goals for the next quarter.
Let me know how you are progressing towards your goals and whether you check in on yourself too?
Here is an infographic of the goals set for this year and whether I’ve achieved them or not:
Social Media
Blog: Keep up with two posts a week. Start including links to my previous posts within new posts. Rework old posts to give new life & build an advice collection.
Posting twice a week has proven more challenging than I expected but I have discovered the IFTTT app. This app is able to convert Instagram posts into draft blog posts. When I have struggled for time this has been a game changer. I highly recommend it.
I have also revamped old posts and started referring readers with links to previous content they may like.
Instagram: Try to post three photos/videos a week
I have been posting two to three times a day! I have over exceeded this goal. I’m so pleased with myself and connected with lots of cool new writer friends as a result.
New: Discord (new) & Facebook Group (new)
This wasn’t in my plans but a lot of IG writing groups have invited me to their Facebook group and discord channel so we can chat more easily as IG limits chat groups to 30 people. I have also created a Facebook Page of my own which I hope to utilise in the near future.
Online events:
Twitter: Take part in Twitter events like #PitMad or #AskAnna
As I’ve ripped Jewel of the Sea apart I have nothing to query. #WriteMentor did a pitch event to earn a place on their rolling course with a mentor. I didn’t win but I gave it a go as I’ve worked hard on improving my pitch.
“Mariah has a magic-meddling mum, and about to discover she’s a storm summoning mermaid that needs to gain control of her emotion-connected powers ready for the impending battle with the powerful, unstoppable death crows!”
I’ve also taken part in IG events like monthly photo prompts and joined #FellowCreativeMinds and #HustlingWritersCommunity. If Aria wasn’t unwell I would have also got more involved in #STCExperiment – there is still time.
YouTube: Try making a video once each quarter, working towards once a month
I still haven’t braved the camera. But, I took baby steps and made two Instagram story videos which has helped me feel more confident. It is still something I am keen to do and I’ve started following more writers on YouTube. I really enjoy their content and they help inspire me to create my own.
About: “24. Writer. Reader. Full-time final year Creative Writing graduate. Full Time Ride Operator in a children’s play centre. Books are my passion, especially YA fantasy fiction. Email me at [email protected]. I’d love to chat with any of you guys! “
About: “A channel to give help, support and encouragement to creative minds everywhere! I post twice a week. Once on Wednesday, usually a reading your writing, and then I post another video each week at a random time. To join the growing creative minds community, join our Discord and follow lizthewritingwiz on Instagram. Happy Creating! ?”
About: “I’m an author of science fiction and fantasy novels, as well as a writing coach over on Patreon, and obviously, a youtuber! (AKA authortuber :) This channel also used to be dedicated to music, so if you look back far enough you’ll find some fun songs.”
About: “Hello friends! My name is Brittany Wang and I’m an aspiring author currently working on my YA Fantasy Novel. If you’re looking for writerly insights as well as writing community, you’re in the right place and I hope you’ll subscribe so you don’t miss a thing! If you’d like to interact more with me and my writer’s community, join our Plotter Life Writer’s Facebook Group and come hang out with me on Instagram where I’m active daily!”
I feel I should mention Pagan as although she’s not on YouTube she does post videos to Facebook and helped me with advice on how to get started. Click here to read about my review of her Facebook Group.
I have been fortunate enough to get some feedback on my novel that has helped me see what I need to do.
I’ve also been following the principles in Save the Cat Writes a Novel. It has really helped with pacing. If you have not read it, you are missing out. Once I’ve finished the book I will write a review.
It started out well but once I realised the extensive edit needed to finish Jewel of the Sea, I decided I needed to focus completely on one project.
Diamond in the Sky has been put on hold for now.
Scarlet House
First Quarter: Start novel #NewYearNewNovel
This did not even happen even a little bit. I was struggling with time for my other projects so something had to go and this is what got the chop.
My plan is for this to be my Camp NaNo project next month. I shall use Save the Cat Writes a Novel to have an outline ready for April.
Article Writing
All year: Submit to Little Mum Mag & to Ginger Parrot
I have been so tied up with my own projects I have not had time to write for others.
First Quarter: Get my bodacious body back (diet & exercise programme to achieve a more healthy me)
This has gone so well. Eating paleo has been a life style choice and I hope to write blog post to share more. I feel more healthy and my figure is looking great.
All year: Scrapbooking (my son is now 5y old and I still haven’t started his. I need to do this).
I haven’t had time to do this. At the moment I can’t see when I will have time which is sad as those memories are precocious. I showed my son my baby album and he loved it. Maybe if I print his pictures at the very least I can put them in an album.
All year: Crochet – I learnt to crochet in 2018 and if I don’t want to lose the skill I need to keep practising.
Well… I still haven’t finished the blanket. How embarrassing is that! I hope I finish it before Aria turns one.
All year: Journal – I’ve always wanted to get into it as I love the creative way of expressing yourself and being organised.
I have tried a few times but over think it. I’m going to a meet up at the end of the month with some local planner girls. I am hoping these women will share their wisdom with me and help me get started. I want to use it to help me organise my writing.
Read a book every two months
I’ve read Rebel of the Sands (review coming soon) but I am a little behind target. I’ve started Red Queen but doubt I will finish it by the end of April.
Working together course (be able to effectively support my sons school)
I have now started this course. I feel nervous about volunteering at the school (first volunteer session is on 27 March). It is so silly but I am scared of the little kids (lol). I feel supported by my peers and the staff at the school and I am sure that once I have done it, I will feel better about it.
I feel this course and the experience will boost my career. I would like to work in a school as the hours would be good for my children and there is also the aspect that once I am published, I would love to visit schools in Suffolk and inspire the next generation of writers.
New: #WriteMentor
This wasn’t in my plans but when the opportunity to try it out for free came up, I went for it. For February, I was fortunate enough to be part of the exclusive private Slack group for writer #WriteMentor. I need to write a blog post for you to truly appreciate how amazing this opportunity is and why when I return to work I plan to subscribe as a paid member.
What’s next
I’m going to evaluate how I am doing and set some new goals for the next quarter.
Let me know how you are progressing towards your goals and whether you check in on yourself too?
Writers starting out often are juggling other responsibilities. They may be a student with assignments gobbling up their time, or full time employed to pay their bills, or a parent with young children that demand their time. Whatever their hustle, they still want to write.
Every time life gets in the way of their dream, they feel like a failure. Plust writing can be quite lonely experience with nobody to talk to when things aren’t working out. Often, you will feel like you are the only one struggling to find time to write unless you find yourself a writing group.
This group encourages everyone to support each others achievements no matter how small. Sabrina sets weekly goals that are easy to achieve but help people to keep writing and moving onwards. Currently, there is an Instagram daily photo challenge #hustlingwriterscommunity.
Why did Sabrina start the group?
I asked her and she said:
“I wanted to start the group because I was sure there were people out there, like me, who hadn’t quite met their writing goals yet. People that dream of being full time authors but are still needing to work other jobs or study before they reach those goals.
And, I wanted to create a space where we could sympathise and encourage each other, as we all have similar struggles and similar goals. Social media tends to make everything a bit of a rat race, so I wanted to create a nurturing space, where it’s ok to not be perfect and productive 100% of the time.
I often beat myself up when life gets in the way. There’s comfort in knowing people are going through the same things, and I hope that other people in the group feel the same comfort and encouragement”
Well, I certainly feel that Sabrina met her goal here. With the support of her group, and her passion to write, I hope she achieves her dream one day soon to be a published author.
Sabrina Sheldon likes to write YA Fantasy Romance and loves all things Fairy Tale. The best place to find her is @midnightstarlightwrites on Instagram.