I am releasing the chapters so quickly now as I am just excited to get them out there. The readers on Wattpad are posting the more encouraging comments. One even compared one of my chapters to Percy Jackson!
This chapter is very upbeat and happy. It felt good to write something that wasn’t full of drama but it still has lots of feels.
Here is a confession, I have never been on a real first date. You know the sort where you a guy takes you out to get to know you better. I was too young for my earliest boyfriends and then I fell for Rob who was my best friend and have never looked back. Mariah and Jace’s romance is inspired in parts by memories I have of crushing on my best friend.
Some people believe you have to write what you know but I believe that you should work with what you know to create something new. I’ve never had lightening powers but I know what lightening is and I can imagine how it might effect my body if it was part of me.
Does your novel contain things you have never experienced?
As I get closer to releasing the ending on Wattpad, I get more nervous. I have put a lot of time and effort into my novel (I’m talking years) and I really want people to enjoy it.
Originally the ending was the new midpoint. My early version left ended on a cliff hanger as I wished to my readers wanting the next novel. But, then I realised that is really unfair on my readers.
So, I cut a lot and added a lot to make a new ending. But, I still wasn’t pleased with the new ending. It fell flat from how I saw it in my head.
I will confess, I do struggle with endings. I don’t like saying goodbye to my characters. But, I rewrote the ending and it is so much better. I pray my readers feel the same.
The new version is a whole story – no cliff hanger ending. I have hidden elements within the novel to enable me to write a sequel for those that wanting more. My plan is that by delivering a good debut that keeps its promises, my readers will want more and they will become fans.
How many times have you changed the ending of your novel? Have you read a good novel that was spoiled by a poor ending?
Today, I released another chapter. Mariah is starting to get suspicious of her mum. Head over to Wattpad if you have an account to have a look.
I am cross with myself that I haven’t celebrated finishing editing my novel. It is because, although it is finished I know I need to get it into a suitable format and then I will be looking for beta readers. Then, I will have to edit again and it feels like it is never ending. In addition, I would like to give the new content another once over…
The task of querying is on the horizon and that is putting me off doing anything. Instead of formatting I am researching agents. Anything to delay querying. This time would be better spent working on my query letter which I am certain is what holds me back.
On a more positive note, here was my Instagram post about celebrating triumphs no matter how small. Writing this post did help perk me up. I really should listen to my own advice.
So, all the chapters are finished now although I’d like to go over the new content once more as I find when the writing is fresh it is hard for me to spot my own mistakes. Then, I will be putting the manuscript together and preparing to query.
Today, I attended a live workshop with Kathy Ver Eecke called Secrets of Getting a Book Deal. I sat there with my notepad taking notes on the 20 things that writers do wrong when querying. This webinar was a sales pitch for her paid services but she spent an hour demonstrating her wealth of knowledge and answering questions. She made some brilliant points and if I wasn’t on zero money right now, I would have been very tempted by her offers. Would you pay for help with getting a Literary Agent?
Editing is coming to an end, just in time for PitMad. I have been working hard on my pitch which I will share with you in a later post.
I am now getting the final chapters of Jewel of the Sea finished and saving them in draft to be published on Wattpad. I didn’t want to overwhelm readers by doing it all in one go.
Does your personal life affect your novel writing – any tips for dealing with that? Anyone doing PitMad this month?
This is the first book in the series that I have read and I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. The funny thing is I first heard about this book at YALC 2017 when they were promoting it with #RedQueenForADay but it had taken me almost two years to pick it up to read.
Please excuse the silly picture, I was not feeling very photogenic after the long train ride to London.
What is the book about?
The book is set in a world with two species of humans. There are those with red blood who are treated as a low class species and those with silver blood who are treated as nobles and have super power type abilities.
How it starts?
The MC, Mare, is a red blood. She lives in a family that are struggling to get by and she hasn’t got a job to be able to contribute to supporting her family. Mare is a thief. Eventually, when she comes of age she will be sent to war, to fight for the silvers on the front lines with a high risk of being killed.
Mare’s best friend is due to be sent away very soon and Mare decides to help them escape but first she needs to get enough money to pay for their travel. The risks are high so those that could help them escape have set a high fee.
Mare’s sister has a good job where she makes fine clothes for the Silvers. Mare tags along with her to get into the city. Whilst there a terrorist attack takes place causing bedlam. Mare panics and tries to pick a pocket but gets caught. Her sister takes the blame to save her and has her hands broken, resulting in losing her trade. The girls return home with very bleak prospects.
An unexpected request comes for Mare to come and work at the palace. This will save her from war and give her family money to survive but she will have to leave them behind.
The middle
Early on, Mare discovers she is different from other Red Servants when she accidentally manipulates lightening. She earns the nickname Little Lightning Girl and the attention of the Queen.
The Queen fears that news that a red could have powers will encourage the rebels so she marries Mare to her son and concocts a story about how Mare is a silver that was raised as a red.
Mare is watched by the Queen’s guards and the cameras in the palace. She has to keep up the ruse but despite falling for the princes (both of them), her heart is still red and wants revenge for her kinds spilt blood. Under the watchful eyes she seeks to join the rebels and take down the silvers from the inside.
How it ends
I don’t want to spoil it for you but there is a big battle where the odds are not in Mares favour.
She is placed in an arena for her execution where, for entertainment, selected silvers will use their powers to torture her before her end. Mare will have to battle them all if she is to live.
Final thoughts…
I wish I had read Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard sooner. If you like powers, submersible world building and a touch of romance then give this YA Fantasy is worth a read.
Can you guess my next read? There’s a sneak peak in the photo.
Last week, I was a little distracted and didn’t get as much editing done. I was feeling anxious about my flexible working request to reduce my hours. Today, I had the meeting with HR and it couldn’t have gone better. I was almost dancing out of the office.
I feel like a load has been lifted off my shoulders and can now relax and focus on my novel. As a result, it is only Tuesday but already I feel this week is being so productive. This is the second chapter I’ve edited and I’ve already made a start of the next chapter. Plus, I have been working on my Pitch for PitMad (Pitch Wars).
I probably won’t take part in PitMad on 6 June as I don’t think my novel will be edited in time, however, it doesn’t hurt to get my pitch ready. You can join the PitMad Challenge Facebook group and get help from Kathy Ver Eecke on your pitch.
Does your personal life affect your novel writing – any tips for dealing with that? Anyone doing PitMad this month?
I tried to edit this chapter yesterday but something strange was up with Google Drive and it left me feeling a little paranoid about whether it would save my progress.
It kept saying there was an error when it opened my documents or tried to create a new one.
Everything seems back to normal today and I got it finished. Have you ever worried about technology losing your work?
Here, in this blog post I am going to collate and share all my snippets in one place that I posted during Monday, 20 May 2019 to Sunday, 26 May 2019. These are snippets from a work in progress so may change by the final edited version:
Reflecting on the challenge
I really enjoyed this challenge. It made me think about different parts of my story. I’ve lost count of the number of times I have edited my manuscript but I was still checking over and fine tuning the snippets before posting.
Most of all, I love sharing my writing and this was a great opportunity to give my followers snippets and tease them into wanting to read more. I think using snippets like this would be a great way to promote a published book too as it gives people a taste of your writing and the story, like a little appetiser.
It was great fun seeing what others writers were working on too. Writing a novel can be lonely but taking part gave a sense of being part of something bigger – I was not alone in my writing journey. It gave something to connect with other writers over.
I was flattered when someone commented on how much they liked the way I presented my snippets. This was a huge compliment as I am no professional. They are all created for free in Canva. On Thursday, I created my image in Canva and then used the Video Typer app to animate my text – again this was free.