If you want to read part 6, click here.

Seasonal Hashtags

If you are still struggling for ideas on what to post then use the seasons as inspiration.

Colder months

During the colder months you can post pictures of books with candles, blankets and hot drinks. Post pictures of writing indoors with a hot drink.

You can post pictures using harvest as inspiration in autumn including root vegetables or fiery and golden leaves.

Leading up to Christmas recommend bookish and writer gift ideas. Use Christmas decorations in flat lays.

#winter #winterreads #snowday #bookishcandles #evergreen #allwrappedup #booksandblankets #snowflakes #snowangels #icicles #uptosnowgood #sweaterweather #snowhappens #winterwonderland #letitsnow #snowmuchfun #winterwonderland #fallingforwinter #morejacketsplease #tistheseason #minttobe #doyouwanttobuildasnowman #sleighallday #snowflakekisses #frostymornings #moremugsandhugs #babyitscoldoutside #hellowinter #snowplacelikehome #staycozy #wakemeupwhenitssummer #keepcalmandsnuggleon #itsasnowday #snowlife #coldweather #winteradventures #winterweekend #butfirsthotcoffee #frostyfriday #winterfun #gotsnow

#autumn #autumnequniox #fallvibes #blusteryday #hellofall #fallsosoon #unbeleafablefall #goodbyesummer #cuddleseason #fallfoliage #pumpkinpatchseason #pumpkins #pumpkintime #leafkicker #iloveautumn #fallforyou #fallingforyou #newleaf #loveleafs #bundleup #whatthefall #autumnsky #autumnevening #youautumnlovethis #leafingsummerbehind #instaautumn #beautifulnature #beautifulautumn #orangeleaves #herefortheleaves #dropitlikeitsfall #bootsaremadeforwalking

Warmer months

During the warmer months you can post pictures of reading or writing outside, perhaps a book by a pool with a cool drink like a cocktail. In flat lays you could decorate with fresh fruit and fresh flowers.

With spring there is new life. Get out to farms to see newborn animals, meadows to see wildflowers.

Recommend books to take on holiday. Attend book festivals – check out my calendar.

#spring #springshowers #springreads #springequniox #springflowers #instaspring #saltairsandinhair #girlsjustwannahavesun #beachplease #sunsout #seathebeauty #lettheseasetyoufree #seastheday #letsgotothebeach #betteratthebeach #sunglassesselfie #beachvibes #hangingwithmybeaches #instabeach #forshore #sunrisetosunset #restingbeachface #whaleyoubemine #whaleofatime #letsgetnautical #keeppalmcarryon #hightidesgoodvibes #wateryoudoing #springtime #tropiclikeitshot #happinesscomesinwaves #wavehello #seayounextwave #namastayatthebeach #youmesea #sunshineinmypocket #swimsuitselfie #mermaidtime #sandytoessunkissednose

#summer #summerreads #holidayreads #writingoutside #readingoutside #beachreads #summerdays #summertime #endlesssummer #summerfeeling #summermood #summersunsets #youhadmeataloha #summertimefun #sunshine #summerselfie #summergoals #dontworrybeachhappy #thosesummernights #thatsummerfeeling #flipflopseason #sandleseason #paradisefound #flipflopfeet #mermaidforeachother #mermaidlife #mermaidhair #mermaidhairdontcare #poolselfie #sunkissed #summerdaze #sandsunsummer #ilovesummer #hellosummer

This is the end of my hashtag series.  I shall create a post with the collection all together to make them easy to find.  

In the meantime, you would love:

Day 18 – Sunshine

Sun protection

The Beast From the East

The Best Children’s Books for Christmas

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