Published on YouTube on 27th December 2024

Which is your favourite app for tracking your reading journey?

I have used Goodreads for years. I started using Story Graph this year, and very recently I started using Fable.

I thought I’d share what each is like and if I have time, I’ll also do a longer YouTube video comparing them. There is another reading app I use too called Litsy. However, at the time of writing, I cannot log into that app so shall not be covering it.

Which of these is your favourite? Is there another one I should check out?

Fable Reading App

Published on YouTube on 1st January 2024.

I actually finished one more book after making this video and before the year was out – 2023 total was 25 books, that’s an average of a book a fortnight. I’m really pleased with that.

Fable Reading App

I discovered this app via Lemon8 but was reluctant to download another reading app. But, I kept seeing it, so in December I decided to give it a go. This app is VERY new to me. Initial reaction is I wished I downloaded it sooner. It has a really good community. It literally is a social media app just for readers.

I joined my first book club. We are reading IceBreaker by Hannah Grace. I’ve new been in a book club before but it’s fun to try new things.

The round up on this app asks you to pick your top 5 books to make a summary image. Oh my gosh, picking just five was sooooo hard. I’d struggle to pick only 10, but 5! Aghhh!

Blood Moon – Borrowed from the library. Thought it would be about shifters or vampires, but it’s a teen romance with coming of age themes like starting your period.

Scythe – This is a dystopian with a lot of gore. The world building and characters is epic, I loved the whole series.

The Diseased Ones – I’m currently reading this series but this is book one. It’s about a society that has put lawed super powers as a disease that must be irradiated. Think Marvel, seen in the future.

The Guidal – Another futuristic super power series. This one has a more magical feel, and more romance. There’s so much to love, and the series gets better and better.

Trouble – I checked this out as the author was one of YALC’s ambassadors, and the book blew me away. It’s a dual POV romance with coming of age themes like pregnancy and bereavement.

Sometimes my Top 5 also included Making Trouble by Rachel Churcher #dystopia , The Girl Behind the Glass #fantasy by April Grace, and Glass House #paranormalromance by Rachel Caine, Hunger Games #yadystopian by Suzanne Collins.

Fable: Follow what I’m reading on Fable–it’s free!

Story Graph

Published on YouTube on 29th December 2023

What is Storygraph?

Someone on Lemon8 mentioned Storygraph earlier this year and I checked it out. I wasn’t ready to give up on Goodreads so decided to use both apps.

What I love about Storygraph is that it shares stats about your reading. Without this app I’d say I don’t tend to consume audio books, but it turns out I’ve finished more audio books than print books. I’m not surprised to see ebooks is my top medium.

I do read non-fiction but I don’t record it. The fiction genres chart shows I mostly ready YA and Fantasy, which is no surprise. And, I noticed I’ve been very into dystopia this year, however, I was surprised Romance wasn’t higher. I don’t tend to like books with no romance.

In the app, you can click on any of the chart segments to see more. For example, I can find out which books I read that were fast paced, or that I rated five stars. I think it’s fun to see my reading habits in charts. It’s been interesting.

Do you use Storygraph? Here’s my profile for Story Graph:

Good Reads

Published on YouTube on 28th December 2023

I’ve used Goodreads to track my reading for years.

I love how you can set a reading goal, and how at the end of the year it shares your stats. I set my yearly goal at 18 books. I am a slow reader and it can take me a month to finish one book! I didn’t want the challenge so hard that it was unrealistic and demotivating. I ended up reading 23 books and there’s a chance I could finish one more before the year is over.

I like tracking my progress on my current reads and seeing the percentage complete is rewarding for me. I love writing reviews so I can reflect on what I liked about the books. I’m good at choosing books I love which is why my ratings are high. I don’t force myself to read a book that doesn’t appeal to me. Most my reviews are 4 to 5 stars because I love them. 😍

I’m not surprised that Hunger Games is the most shelved book as it’s had so much publicity, whereas a Soul of Glass and Fire is a less well-known indie book. I’m going to continue using Goodreads, and will likely set my 2024 goal at 18 again, because it worked well this year.

My Goodreads: