NaNo Progress Diary (week one)

Thursday, 1st November 2018


The little one had me up bright and early but thankfully has breast fed. I probably should have tried making a start on NaNo even if it was just writing on my phone, instead I played Dragon Mania. There is still plenty more time today after the school run and house work… We’ll see…


Day one and I typed 939 words (daily goal is 834 words). I didn’t get to work on my manuscript until the kids were in bed. Plus, the hubby was out tonight so it was first time since Aria was born that I’ve I done it without help.

As I never found time to prepare, I also crammed in some character development and outlined the first three chapters. I wish I had a full novel outline but something is better than nothing.

I’m pretty impressed with myself. Today has been a good day.

Friday, 2nd November 2018


My husband was put this evening so I bathed and got the little ones ready for bed before I could make a start on my writing at 9:30pm. I’m pleased with the progress I made as I beat my daily goal of 830, with 1,326 words.

I am really enjoying writing it and could keep going if I didn’t have responsibilities. I need my sleep so I can keep up with the little ones tomorrow so that’s me done for today but I’m looking forward to writing more tomorrow.

Saturday, 3rd November 2018


Today has been a busy day. We visited family in the morning. Then, in the afternoon I got Aria to sleep and was able to support Noah with his homework (researching India and the Festival of Light). Then we visited more family and returned home late.

Aria has only just gone to sleep and I can barely keep my eyes open. I’m frustrated I did not get to write today but we did a lot of family stuff today which is good for the soul.

Sunday, 4th November 2018


Today has been a great day. Not only did I get some time to write this afternoon but I also got to write more this evening. I managed to add 2,276 words to my manuscript.

Not only that, but we also watched the fireworks together as a family. It’s been a great day!

Monday, 5th November 2018


I’ve had a busy morning with Aria. We went to a group and I got her weighed. She is now nodding off so I can get some lunch. I’m hoping to beat my word count from yesterday so if I get a chance to write before the school run, I will.


Famous last words… After, I typed the above, Aria woke up and went on a mad feeding frenzy where she kept emptying her bottles and crying for more. How could I say no when I’ve been desperate for her to get an appetite.

Now, she has finally fallen asleep, I can barely keep my eyes open. It’s an early night for me – sorry NaNo.

Tuesday, 6th November 2018


Today, has been nonstop but since my husband returned from work I have managed to have a bath and add 1,141 words to my project.

Wednesday, 7th November 2018 (My birthday)


It’s my birthday, although I’m not really celebrating it. This morning, I managed to hit my daily word count before lunch.


After my husband cooking me one of my favourite meals, eating cake and opening presents, we got the kids to bed and now I am back to writing and what a great way to end week one with 2,003 words.

Reflecting on week 1

7 days in and I’ve already written a total of 7,790 words.  I am really pleased with the start I have made towards my target of 25,000.  If I continue like this, I can easily achieve my goal.

In fact, I am only 3,876 words behind in achieving the NaNo goal of 50,000 words. To achieve that I need to write 1,759 words per day which I’ve proven I can do…

If you like this post, then you might like this one about the project I am working on for NaNoWriMo November 2018 or my NaNoWriMo diary post for Week Two.


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It’s my birthday month! Let’s do something great.

Facebook suggested that I could nominate a charity for my birthday and they would donate £2. I can then share it with friends and family on Facebook.

One of my best friends did this in September and I thought it was a great idea. As we’ve grown older we’ve stopped celebrating our birthdays or asking for gifts so I couldn’t see the harm in supporting a charity.

I don’t know if anyone will donate as I have never done anything like this before but I chose Save The Orangutans as my charity as I think it is so sad that their homes are being destroyed for palm oil and that they are now an endangered species.

Here is my donation page:

Earlier this year, I wrote an article on Organgutans for Ginger Parrot. You can click here to read it. I want to write for them again but life has been a little crazy since then.

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Wishing for a better November

Well, if you knew what was happening last month you would be seriously impressed that I managed to keep my blog going.

Not only that but I also:

  • Prepared for NaNo
  • Entered the Escalator competition
  • Organised my son’s 5th birthday party
  • AND, Did fun stuff in the half term

Some of the challenges I faced last month will become blog posts for others facing the same struggles.

The struggles of October

We ended September by attending a Christening. I couldn’t stay past dinner time as Aria suffers with bad colic roughly between 5pm and 9pm. I was just starting to get a good handle on it and I was going to write an article to share my tips on how to tackle colic based on what worked for us. However, the post never got finished as we faced a new challenge in October.

On Monday, 1st October, I took Aria for her 8 week vaccinations but the nurse wouldn’t give her the jab. She insisted Aria see a GP and made her an appointment for suspected jaundice. That was the beginning of a number of appointments leading to her being placed under Pediatric Assessment.

To this day, I am still unable to see the yellow that all the professionals can identify in her left eye. It resulted in a number of tests and hospital visits which I will write about soon. It has been a very testing time. I’m just thankful that it was never serious enough to be sent to another hospital or to require an overnight stay (yet). We have still not had a diagnosis and are waiting for several results. Her next assessment is mid November.

NaNoWriMo Preparation

As a result of the above, I am not full of confidence for NaNo. I barely managed to write my plot outline. I feel like life is fighting against my will to write. But, my children will always come first, especially concerning their health.

As always, I’ll give it a go because I strongly believe any progress, no matter how small, is better than no progress at all.

My wishes for November

I hope that Noah has a lovely birthday party. That Aria starts gaining weight and feeding better. I’d love to achieve NaNo. Most of all, I wish for good health for my family. And, it would be nice to go to a firework display.

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