The challenge was set by World Indie Warriors on Instagram. They created three #WIWBingo boards; YA, Romance, and Fantasy.
The aim is to read and review the books on Instagram and tag @worldindiewarriors
The goal is to get three in a line, and help indie books get seen.
I’m doing the challenge. I’ve already read some of the books on the board so I’ll be reposting them this month, and I’m hoping to read some new one too.
The challenge was set by World Indie Warriors on Instagram. They created three #WIWBingo boards; YA, Romance, and Fantasy.
The aim is to read and review the books on Instagram and tag @worldindiewarriors
The goal is to get three in a line, and help indie books get seen.
I’m doing the challenge. I’ve already read some of the books on the board so I’ll be reposting them this month, and I’m hoping to read some new one too.
The challenge was set by World Indie Warriors on Instagram. They created three #WIWBingo boards; YA, Romance, and Fantasy.
The aim is to read and review the books on Instagram and tag @worldindiewarriors
The goal is to get three in a line, and help indie books get seen.
I’m doing the challenge. I’ve already read some of the books on the board so I’ll be reposting them this month, and I’m hoping to read some new one too.
For the release of her new book Angeline did a giveaway. I entered and won.
The book is set in a post apocalyptic world, where it’s an eternal winter. I’d not long finished watching Snow Piercer on Netflix & it made me think about those people that didn’t make the Snow piercer train.
…It made me think about those people that didn’t make the Snow piercer…
Ally Aldridge’s Review of The Spine of Winter by Angeline Trevena
Main Character
The main character is a woman, that has found somewhere safe to survive with her brother. She is very reliant on her brother to take care of her. She rarely goes out in the snow. She mourns for the life that she has lost, holding onto little treasures from the time before.
This isn’t your typical summer read but I highly recommend reading about an eternal winter on a barmy hot day.
This novella was a quick easy read with lots of character growth. The main character starts off quite meek and reliant on her brother. This is good as it eases the reader into the dark world that now exists. It felt a built like a thriller the way the tension built. The setting is a character in itself and you can see why Angeline is a World building expert.
Obviously something terrible happens – it is a dystopia. This is the kick the main character needs to take action. It had a good satisfying ending that I’m not going to spoil for you. Give it a go – 5 stars.
Naomi Kelly is an author that agreed to a Behind the Book interview. During this interview she got me so intrigued about her syren, I had to read it.
The book is set in a fantasy world. Their are gods, magical beings, and humans. Those with magic have ichor in their veins, turning their blood purple.
Main Character
The main character, Wren, is a syren princess that has escaped The Seven Spikes, home to the tyrant queen (her mother). She doesn’t want to sing her lullaby to kill a man. She wants to be left alone.
Along comes Kellan, a warlord and descendant of god Ares. He has dreamt a syren will save his family & decides to kidnap the MC from the ocean. Kellan has inherited his lands from his recently deceased father.
Sexy Siren? Hot Warlord? An epic battle at the end? Yes! Yes! Yes!
This is the first book in Naomi’s Syren series & can be read as a standalone. Meraki has great Worldbuilding introducing you to the isles, syrens, gods, magic, and a whole cast of fantastical creatures.
Wren is a runaway syren princess. Kellan is the warlord that needs a syren’s song to save his family. He kidnaps Wren, but with her comes her tyrant mother’s wrath!
This story was so good and like no other. The world building is brilliant.
I gave it 4.5 stars, and highly recommend you go read it!
Kairos is book 2 in your The Syren Story series. Who is this series for?
This series is for anyone who loves mythology of Percy Jackson or Circe, and who is enchanted by the magical worlds of Holly Black or Sarah J Maas. My series contains fan favourite tropes such as enemies to loves, and the chosen one which woven into unfamiliar worlds with unsung creatures such syrens and centaurs.
Can you tell us more about King Kellan?
Kellan is the eldest son of late King Lachlan and Iseult, and a Descendant of Ares. Although this ancient tie to the god of war is generations old, Kellan is something of a warlord and is willing to fight hard, particularly if his family is involved. His act first, think second nature often lands him in trouble, but when he awoke from a dream about a syren, he didn’t hesitate to take the seas and find Wren.
What inspired you to write this series?
I was walking along a coastal cliff walk with my boyfriend when I started talking about mermaids and the sea. As much as I adored the Little Mermaid growing up, as an adult it bothered me that Ariel was willing to give up her voice for a prince, so I began toying with the idea of a King who needs a syren’s voice.
Tell me about your writing routine?
I usually scribble ideas in my notepad throughout the day, especially on my commute to work, which I can type out and expand on in the evenings. I write with a cup of tea beside me and complete silence, I don’t know how other writers can work with music.
I tend to edit as I write which is viewed as a sin in the writing world, but I find rereading what I wrote the previous day helps me get back in the flow and I can tidy up typos along the way.
What is your greatest challenge as an indie author?
Marketing. Hands down, marketing. I had watched a ton of BookTube videos and done my research before diving into the indie author world, and I thought I was prepared, but no. Nothing can prepare you for how much marketing you have to do in order to get your book scene.
As much as I adore being an indie author, I would love the big marketing campaigns that some bestselling authors get! Imagine seeing your book in Times Square!
Can you share a short snippet from Kairos?
Sliding his forearms under me, he carefully prises me off the soiled garment, positioning me on the thick, plush sheepskin rug in front of the now roaring fire instead. He feeds my dress to the flames without hesitation.
“Hey.” I croak, watching the beading melt whilst the gossamer fabric billows out smoke, “I liked that dress.”
“I’ll get you another,” Kellan says, as he makes his way to the bathroom adjacent to his suite to fetch a basin of water, “Recover from this and I’ll buy you an entire wardrobe.”
“You’ll need clothes. Not me.”
My voice barely carries over the sudden ripping sound of him destroying yet another shirt. This time to make linen strips.
“I don’t need anything bar you surviving, okay?”
I nod, or at least I think I do. I don’t feel my body move. I don’t feel my body at all anymore.
Even with my eyes shut, the dancing flickers and shadows penetrate through my lids. I try to remind myself it’s just from the fire, but an ever-growing part of me fears it is Hades stoking the pits of the Underworld in preparation for my arrival.
Kairos by Naomi Kelly
Can you tease us with what you are working on next?
I’m currently working on a companion novel which features two characters readers will have met throughout the Syren Stories. This story will be able to be read as a standalone and will be the first book of mine to not be classified as YA. The tale will be jam packed with forbidden romance, magical creatures, a hint of smut and of course more magic and mythology than even Atlas could carry.
Where can readers connect with you and discover more about your books?
World Indie Warriors is a nonprofit organisation that has a mission to bring indie authors together so they can collaborate and help each other. They are a lovely bunch and a joy to work with.
Over on Instagram @worldindiewarriors have created a reading challenge for indie books.
Readers are encouraged to get a line of three by reading books on the bingo cards.
When readers post their review, WIW would like readers to tag them in it.
My debut novel Ocean Heart is featured on one of the bingo boards!
Fantasy books to read this summer!Romance books to read this summer!YA books to read this summer!
If you want to join in, you might be interested to know that Ocean Heart is available to borrow from all good libraries. The library might need the ISBN to order it in. You may find this pic useful.
Ocean Heart ISBN
As a supporter of indie authors & indie books, I already have a few of the books ticked off the bingo card, but no lines.
I’ve been meaning to post the first three chapters of Ocean Heart online ever since I published. I wanted people to be able to sample the book before they buy it.
Amazon does allow a peep inside but not everyone shops with Amazon.
I decided to post Ocean Heart to two places:
Ocean Heart on Wattpad
I’ve been on Wattpad for years but I’ve struggled to get seen amongst all the voices there. I liked how easy it was to use.
I’ve had an account here for years but never really used it as I didn’t find it as user friendly. I recently got encouraged to give it another go as it’s being revamped.
So far, I am impressed. It’s a lot more user friendly appears to be more social and engaging than Wattpad. I’m looking forward to their new app coming soon.
Both the above sites are currently free to join. Writers post their stories (content) and readers enjoy it, comment, and rate it.
I also included in the books about when Ocean Heart has been given away free. This isn’t something I can do all the time.
Ocean Heart by Ally Aldridge ISBN
I also reminded people that Ocean Heart can be ordered in by libraries. If you have a library card, you can borrow and read Ocean Heart if your library stock it. If they don’t, you can ask them and they’ll need the ISBN.
I hope you enjoy the chapters enough to treat yourself to a full copy. I also look forward to connecting with you on either platform or social media.