
What theme is heavily portrayed in your story?

My work in progress, Jewel of the Sea, has romance, coming of age and friendship but one of the strongest themes is metamorphosis.
Mariah begins as a shy girl that hides behind her best friend but by the end she has matured and started to blossom into a young woman. In addition, she starts out unaware she is a mermaid. But, by the end she has mastered turning into a mermaid and controlling her emotions that trigger her weather manipulation powers.
Tell me about what theme is strongest in your story. 

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 This is my pic for day 15’ s prompt #womenwritingfiction #wwfchallenge2019
Image from #Unsplash by artist Karina Vorozheeva

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Does your story have an antagonist/bad guy?

Creating a Catchy Novel Title

My best kept writing secret of last year (Happily Ever Author)

I did #FebWritersChallenge

Do you keep notebooks of story ideas?

I use the Simple Note app for jotting down ideas as I always have my mobile phone with me. 

I do have physical notebooks but tend to use them more for development. For example when I sit down to flesh out an idea. This could be for jotting down research or for when I outline my plot or character development like their backstory. I also jot down useful tips I’ve picked up from reading blog articles or watching videos by other authors. 

How about you? Where do you keep you story ideas? 

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Image from Unsplash by artist Aaron Burden @aaronburden

If you enjoyed this, you may enjoy:

Apps for Writers — Ally Aldridge

Do you use Pinterest?

Handwrite to boost creativity

More than 10 Affordable Ultimate Gifts for writers

Click my link tree to discover more ways to connect with me.


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Does your story have an antagonist/bad guy?

I always feel that a well developed antagonist can be both good and bad. Most people have a reason for their actions. It depends of the perspective.

For example, Fallon is quite mean to Mariah. Some could accuse her of bullying. She keeps pushing Mariah until she triggers her weather manipulation powers.

However, in Kya’s story, Fallon is her best friend and she’s protecting her from the heart ache of seeing Jace and Mariah together. In Kya’s story she is more of a heroine.

Does your villain have a good side?

Here’s my pic for day 14’s prompt #womenwritingfiction #wwfchallenge2019

Collage made with images from Unsplash artists Becca Tapert, Riccardo Mion, Courtney Clayton, Kings Cichewicz.

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Do you use Pinterest?

This is a screen capture of my board ‘Story Inspiration’. It’s where I save stuff I’ve found on Pinterest that sparks story ideas.

I have loads of boards. I have boards for character development, cover designs, mood boards, etc. I save useful articles for tips on writing, blogging, vlogs, etc. I’ve got boards with useful crafts, recipes and hair tutorials. I have used it for my sons homework, party planning and decorating rooms.

It is quite clear that I love Pinterest and find it incredibly useful. I haven’t used it much for socialising although I hope to get better at that.

Click here to view my Pintrest board.

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Do you have anything published?

Do you have anything published?

I had to dig out these pictures as they were taken in 2010 when my short contemporary romance was printed in the Scribblers Anthology. The proceeds of the sale went to charity, I think it was the East Anglian Childrens Hospice.

My first article was published when I just a kid by Leyton Orient in their fanzine. Over the years I’ve written a number of blog articles on a wide range of topics (writing, gaming, sex, fashion, conservation, etc).

My dream is to be a published author. I’ve lost count of the number of years I’ve worked towards this dream. One day, I will see my novel in a bookshop, I just feel like it is what I am meant to do. How about you?

#writerslife #instagramwriters #me #booklaunch #redhead #writersofig #writerschallenge
#aspiringauthor #writerscommunity #redheadwriter #discoverunder3k #fellowcreativeminds #ampublished

Here’s my pic for day 11’s prompt #womenwritingfiction #wwfchallenge2019

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Instagram For Writers — Ally Aldridge

I did #FebWritersChallenge

Handwrite to boost creativity



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My everyday makeup

I’m in such a rush in the mornings that my makeup routine has to be quick. The best way to speed things up is to reduce the number of products that I use. Currently, these are the makeup products I use everyday.

Nui Cosmetics

I use their liquid foundation in the shade Intense Kanapa (RRP £42). What I like about this product is you can build it up. It also dries to give a natural matt look. 

Vapour Organic Beauty

I love all vapour products but have to budget buying them. This concealer in 010 (RRP £24) is my favourite as it gives full cover but is soft and creamy so doesn’t look dry and caked on. I think the moisture helps imperfections heal faster too.

Tarte Cosmestics

I have two palletes and this one has more subtle colours which is perfect for day time as I don’t want to look too done up for a school run. This pallette is Rainforest of the Sea volume III (RRP £30).


This mascara in shade Abyss is black and waterproof (RRP £15.49). With all the changing hormones post pregnancy, this has been a blessing.


I love these lipsticks and my current shade is Noble (RRP £25). It’s a brick red (slight orange tone to it). Not only do I use this on my life but I add a little to my cheeks as a sheer blush and I’m good to go.

Here is me in my everyday make up. My hair is a mess as I’ve been running around with the kids and Aria likes to pull hair and put banana in it. A mums life is oh so glamorous -lol.

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Happy #LittleMermaidDay – Check out these mermaid beauty products!

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I did #FebWritersChallenge

The challenge was on Instagram and set by @marielipscombwriting.

I enjoyed the first challenge so much that I decided to give it another go. Here are the highlights from February:

My top three photos from the challenge

These pictures are the ones that recieved the highest engagement on Instagram.

Day 1 #CurrentlyReading

This video clip was viewed over 200 times. It was one of the rare occasions when Aria wasn’t asleep on me so I was able to relax and read my book.

Day 13 #MCsHair

I created this layout using images from my Pintrest board on my main character Mariah.

Day 25 #WhoDoesYourMCAdmire

For this image, I used Unsplash to find an image of someone that looks like Kya. Mariah doesn’t really look up to anyone but she gets envious. Kya is someone she compares heself to and wishes she was more like.

My favourites

I really love how these challenges encourage me to share my writing with my instagram followers and on day 18 I got to post my favourite scene. Initially, I was going to share the underwater kiss as it is the scene that sparked the whole story. As I was looking for it, I decided to go with the moment before when Mariah’s life is changed forever.

Day 18 #FavouriteScene

March Challenge #WomenWritingFiction #WWFChallenge2019

This month I have decided to go with another Instagramers prompts. @Courtnimax has created the following Women Writing Fiction Daily Challenge for March 2019.

I hope you find these examples of the images I posted for February’s prompts interesting and inspiring. If you are a writer on Instagram please connect with me as I would love to see how you share your writing on the platform too.

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Instagram For Writers — Ally Aldridge

I did #JanWritersChallenge

How to work with your social media platforms

Day 5 – Photograph

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Handwrite to boost creativity

I recently enjoyed a blog post on the pros and cons of writing by hand. It got me thinking about how I like to write.

Many people find it beneficial to write by hand. They feel the connection between the pen and paper and their words flow more clearly.

As a teen, I always wrote my stories in a notebook. I liked to write my ideas in the back and then fill it from the front, chapter by chapter. I liked to write in bed and my sheets were covered in ink stains

It wasn’t until I decided to take writing seriously that I began creating at a PC. I have never quite found a digital way to develop ideas that works like the back of a notebook but I do prefer writing on a computer. It’s easier to read than my handwriting, and editing is neater. Once finished I can easily prepare it for submissions.

Since switching to write electronic I haven’t used my notebooks for writing until recently.

Recently, I had an Instagram challenge to write somewhere different. It was a challenge to also boost creativity and it worked.

In fact, I enjoyed writing in my notebook so much I have since used it again. It makes developing my story and exploring ideas so much easier. Moving forward, I think I will continue to use it this way. Perhaps, treat myself to some new stationery…

Who was the inspirational blogger?

It was Rachel F Walton from the blog Wordlander. Click here to read her blog post ”Can writing by hand boost creativity?

Rachel enjoys writes fantasy, horror and sci-fi. She currently had two ebooks published and is working on a trilogy that sounds like my cup of tea.

What to watch if you love mermaids!

Someone said that they can see my novel Jewel Of The Sea as a series on Netflix. That really would be a dream come true. I have so many ideas for the world I have created, I am sure I could come up with more stories.

On that note, I thought I would share with you my favourite TV Series that are about mermaids.

Mako Mermaids (2013)

This is the story of three mermaids that are banished due to an incident with a human boy. They have to adapt to life on land whilst tracking the dangerous merman before he discovers the trident.

The Australian shows off the beauitful country with a funny and entertaining show that you can watch with a little one around.

H20: Just Add Water (2006)

Three girls are transformed into mermaids when they visit the mysterious Mako Island. I like that they each have powers as well as the ability to shift.

When I was pregant I got emotional seeing Phoebe Tonkin and Claire Holt as young actresses in a series together because I am a fan of the Originals and they are in there together. It was sweet to think they have been friends from childhood to the present day.

Siren (2018)

If you want somethings a lot more edgier, check out Siren. The story is about the fishermen over fishing and causing the Sirens to have to venture further to get food. It results in one getting caught. Her sister then comes to land to find her but although she may appear human, she is anything but.

Tidelands (2018)

The main character is shrouded in mystery. She returns to her hometown where her family (especially her mum) don’t really welcome her back. She then gets involved with a group that are half-sire, half-human and starts to uncover the secrets around her life.

Bubble Guppies (2011)

This is a sweet cartoon about the guppies which are mermaids and mermen going to school under the sea. It is for young children so you can enjoy it with the kids.

Any more…

I really do love mermaids. If you know of any more shows that I might love please let me know and I would love to hear your thoughts on the above shows if you have watched them too.

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