I joined Maci Dierking’s Instagram challenge with a mermaid bookish theme. Her Instagram is thebrightsidegirl and I felt the prompts were fun and would encourage me to post more.
Mermaid Marathon Reads
Click here to see my posts for Mermaid Marathon Reads week one. The challenge encouraged me to post everyday and that continued into week two (almost).
Current read
In hind sight, I could have used this for my Wednesday post as I currently have a few books on the go.
So that’s it for this challenge. But now would probably be a good time to remind you that Ocean Heart is currently half price in the Smashwords Summer Sale (July 2022).
I can’t wait for the holidays and to relax. My best friends wedding was a busy weekend but the lead up to finishing school has been crazy. I’m literally taking one day at a time.
This is a HUGE milestone. I can’t wait to see what my editor has to say. She is fabulous at slapping me with the truth in a way that doesn’t hurt and helps me make my story better. I know there will be a lot of work but I’m ready for it.
It’s free to follow me on Ko-Fi and be sure you don’t miss out on my latest news, or any freebies. You can buy me a virtual cuppa or merchandise from my shop, including a signed copy of my book.
I joined Maci Dierking’s Instagram challenge with a mermaid bookish theme. Her Instagram is thebrightsidegirl and I felt the prompts were fun and would encourage me to post more.
#MermaidMarathonReads – Week 1
The plan is to read as many mermaid books as you can for the challenge. As a slow reader I knew I wouldn’t achieve much in that perspective, but it was an opportunity to connect with other readers that love mermaids and discover more books.
I’m getting close to finishing my self edit and shared where I’m up to with the plot hole fixes.
Follow me on Ko-Fi
It’s free to follow me on Ko-Fi and be sure you don’t miss out on my latest news, or any freebies. You can buy me a virtual cuppa or merchandise from my shop, including a signed copy of my book.
I share my first chapter of Sky Heart. This has only been self edited and needs to go through professional edits but I thought it’d be fun to share a little of my work in progress.
I shared how I was progressing towards my NaNo goal, what has gone well and what I still need to work on.
Sky Heart Coming Soon
Follow me on Ko-Fi
It’s free to follow me on Ko-Fi and be sure you don’t miss out on my latest news, or any freebies. You can buy me a virtual cuppa or merchandise from my shop, including a signed copy of my book.
My birthday was back in November and my online writer friends clubbed together and got me an Amazon voucher. I didn’t spend it right away. I wasn’t sure if I might get books for Christmas. Plus my book Wishlist is insane so I took my time narrowing down my choices.
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Here’s what I got:
This Poison Heart by Kalynn Bayron
The Weavers by Ania Whiteley
World for the Broken by Elexis Bell
And The Stars Were Burning Brightly by Danielle Jawando
PREORDER: When Our Worlds Collided by Danielle Jawando
Romancing the Beat by Gwen Hayes
The Rural Setting Theasarusby Angela Ackerman & Becca Puglisi
The Urban Setting Thesaurus by Angela Ackerman & Becca Puglisi
This post had a link to my YouTube video that show cased the books I read last year and included a link to the template I created in Canva for you to use.
My 2022 Goals
I really struggled to set my annual goals. We had a lot of germs in January which demotivated me. I kind of surprised that I’ve already completed 66% of my goals for the first quarter.
I had to give an update on how book two is progressing. Publishing Sky Heart is my big goal for this year. If you want to find out how it’s going, visit here: https://ko-fi.com/post/Editing-Sky-Heart-G2G27Z8K9
I invite you to join in on my all the twos challenge. Read the second book in a series, or a second book by an author you’ve only read once. I thought this would be a fun way to celebrate Sky Heart (hopefully) releasing this year!
It’s free to follow me on Ko-Fi and be sure you don’t miss out on my latest news, or any freebies. You can buy me a virtual cuppa or merchandise from my shop, including a signed copy of my book.
This article contains affiliate links. To learn more, please visit my Affiliate Disclosure page.
There were a few books I started in 2021 that I never got around to finished. It was nothing wrong with the books, I just had a lot going on and then I lost where I was.
I hate the idea of logging a book as a DNF. It feels like quitting , especially as I really was enjoying some of these books. Some I still consider myself as currently reading. Hopefully, I’ll finish them in 2022.
Fish Bone Alley by David F Burrows
A satire historical detective novel. This isn’t my usual read but the author is a lovely person, and it is quite funny. The chapters feel like short stories so I feel this will be easy to come back to.
Court Out by Deb McEwan
This is marketed as YA Fiction but it didn’t feel like YA too me. It wasn’t what I was expecting, and that made it difficult to get into. I might try again with fresh eyes…
A Choice of Essence by Katelyn Uhrich
This MG Fantasy book is incredible. What I’ve read so far is amazing and I restarted it with my son. I have the eBook but I love it so much I might buy a physical copy too. ?
Fate of the Blue Moon by H B Lynn
This shifter fantasy book ticks all my boxes. It feels well researched and is a good grounding to the series. I have all the books so I want to get into this.
Forever Burn by Trinity Lemm
This complex college romance kept me entertained with my broken ankle. I stopped at a point where I was angry at the love interest, but as I have book two waiting for me, I’ll have to give him a second chance to make it right.
Empire of the Vampire by Jay Kristoff
This is truly the book I am currently reading. It’s really good but it’s a big book and as a slow reader it’ll likely take me until the end of 2022 to finish. ?
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I’ve set myself a challenge for 2022 to read as many book twos as I can. I often start a series and never get to the next book so I have plenty of choice. Join in with the hashtag #AllTheTwos
Check out the link at the end to get a free printable to track you books read!
I’m planning to publish book two this year. Enjoying amazing book twos is sure to keep me motivated to publish mine.
Here are ten, 2nd in the series, books I’m looking forward to reading in 2022:
Sea Witch Rising by Sarah Henning
You can read my review of book one, Sea Witch, here: https://lde.tuq.mybluehost.me/book-review-sea-witch-by-sarah-henning/
I am currently reading book one, Forever Burn, but hopefully should have a review very soon!
FREE Book Tracker
I created this freebie for my followers on Ko-Fi. It’s free to follow me there and in return you will updates on my writing, be able to buy exclusive merchandise, and access to my Freebies.
This project is set in the same low fantasy world of The Soul Heart Series. In fact, for readers of Ocean Heart they may recognise the main character, Denny.
This story is a prequel. It’s set in the 90s, back when Denny was a teen herself. It will cover how she became friends with Gwyn, started her Sparkle Cake business, and the highs and lows as a new mum.
I feel more prepared now I have created a title, cover, and blurb. Of course these are all just a work in progress, so could change but it helps me feel more focused.
I’ve started writing an outline. I intended for this to be a novella but I already have a sneaky suspicion this could become a full length novel.
I’ve also made a spreadsheet to help me track my word count. If this works successfully, I will look at making a version available to my followers on Ko-Fi.
The Goal
I’m going to aim for the big Five-O (50,000 words). If I don’t make it, I will still have made progress, but if I do, it’d make me so happy.
I’ve been struggling with motivation because Sky Heartis on hold until I can afford the professional services I need to move it forward. I’ve also been bummed out with all the germs (sick kids) ruining September, and fracturing my ankle ruining October.
I really want to get back into the habit of writing again. My ultimate goal for November is this: To write!
Are you doing NaNoWriMo? What’s your project, goal, and how do you prepare?