Thursday, 22nd November 2018
Admittedly, I have not done any writing this evening but my plan is to get my blog posts written and out of the way so I can focus on just novel writing for the rest of the month… Wasn’t quite as productive as I hoped.
Friday, 23rd November 2018
Guess who is ill now? Me! I have a cold and I think Aria knows as she has been impossible to settle tonight. She has finally gone to sleep and I’m shattered. Just wanted to quickly update my diary before going to sleep. I didn’t even get to grab some Black Friday bargins.
Saturday, 24th November 2018
I’m officially full of cold. I finished a rather lengthy blog post (Christmas Gifts for writers – coming soon) and once the little ones were in bed, I actually got to write.As there has been a bit of a break I was slow to get strarted but once I got going I really enjoyed it and I’m enjoying where the story is going again as my characters are now on a quest for dragon’s fire.To finish my 25k in time, Dabble worked out I needed to write 1,432 words but I managed to smash that and wrote 1,571. I love how Dabble’s interface clears whilst you are typing on your manuscript making it void of distractions. I also loved how it notified me that I had met my daily goal so I didn’t have to keep track of how many words I had typed.
Sunday, 25th November 2018
I’m not sure what has gotten into Aria tonight but she wasn’t in agreement to go to sleep. I have only managed to just get her down and now I am too tired to write – Boo!Monday, 26th November 2018
Shamefully, I didn’t manage to do any writing today. Aria carried only waking up every hour last night so I am shattered today. It has taken its toll on me and together with my cold I am in desperate need of an early night.Tuesday, 27th November 2018
Wow, what a busy day! This morning was the last parent maths class. I then hurried over for the first day of baby massage class. I then went home for lunch and decided to skip the baby singing group which Aria loves because I needed a chance to breathe.Then, I picked my son up from school. Had dinner then went to a Tropics Ambassador event (I am interested in joining). When I got home it was late and I had to start the battle with Aria to get her to sleep.There was barely a moment today to even think about my story, let alone write. I wish I had written more yesterday.Wednesday, 28th November 2018
Aghhh, I am feeling the pressure of Christmas coming and birthday parties, so I had to cram in a bit of online shopping before writing. I also don’t want my blog to go radio silent, so in the background I have been drafting the outline of some posts.I’m pleased to confirm that I also managed to write. I added another 1480 words to my word count.Reflecting on week 4
I am so tired, I feel like I am running on empty at the moment. Any energy I have left I am spending on my children. I have found that keeping a NaNo diary is makng me feel more unaccountable for my word count because I really am cringing everytime I have to explain to you guys why my daily word count is zero. I’m also finding Dabble great at helping me see how many words I need to write each day to achieve. It is really motivating and also after skipping a few days I can see the impact of my actions (or lack of it).
I don’t join contests, for all the interruptions that life brings. Plus, I like having spontaneity be my muse. You seem to be keeping up with the dictates of this contest, even with the little one unwittingly being a gatekeeper.
Thanks so much. I think my life would prefer a more spontaneous approach too as I have no guarantee when I’ll get time to write.
I don’t join contests, for all the interruptions that life brings. Plus, I like having spontaneity be my muse. You seem to be keeping up with the dictates of this contest, even with the little one unwittingly being a gatekeeper.
Thanks so much. I think my life would prefer a more spontaneous approach too as I have no guarantee when I’ll get time to write.