I’m not going to post an update every day as I think that will be too much.  I thought every 5 days would be better but I’ve struggled with that so it has turned into updates every 10 days!

The goal

My goal is to write 25k in 31 days to finish my novel titled Glide. I’ve called the project Diamond In The Sky as this is what I am considering renaming the novel as.

You can click:

  • here to see my post about setting the goal.
  • here to see my post covering day 1 to 5
  • here to see my post covering day 6 to 15

NaPoWriMo Diary

Day 16 to 20.png

Day 16

Pregnancy is really catching up with me.  I am so tired by the time I finish work and it is so hot in the evenings, all I want to do is lie on my bed and dream of owning a fan.

I did received some good news.  An article I wrote for a publication was accepted!

Day 17

So, today the good news got better as they sent me a link of how my article would look for my approval.  Plus, they asked me what I’d like to write next!

At work, I went to lunch with a group of colleagues.  It was sort of a leaving lunch because it is the last time we will all be in the office at the same time before I go on maternity leave, next week.

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I did manage to do a little blog writing on my mobile whilst I melted in the heat.  I went to bed early and didn’t do any NaNo writing.

Day 18

I have left the gifts to the last minute so Noah and I were up early doing crafts before nursery.  I was pretty impressed with what we did.

I had the afternoon off work to take him to his graduation party at the other nursery.  It was a lovely little party but I still don’t think he understands nursery is coming to an end.

I’m so busy with all the activities with his nursery coming to an end and everything I need to do before maternity that I haven’t the energy when I get home to do creative writing.

Day 19

Today, was my son’s last day of nursery – we were up early making crafts for this placement too. I had a busy day at work as my colleagues suddenly realised I only have two days of work left!

I did receive some very good.  My CIPD tutor let me know that all my assignments are now marked (including re-submissions) and I have passed.  So, I can relax and focus on my baby and writing.

On that note, I wrote 576 words.  I know it isn’t a lot but it is much better than the other days.

Day 20

This morning, Noah had another sports day – there is double of everything because he has a dual placement.  It was out in the sun with no shelter and no where to sit.  Noah wanted to visit his nanny afterwards but my feet were so swollen they looked like elephant trotters, so we had to go home so I could put my feet up.

It’s very hard to write upside down and it took me the rest of the day to get my feet to go back to normal.  I was also incredibly tired and fell asleep for 2 hours in the afternoon. I’m lucky my husband was off ill otherwise who knows what my son would have got up to.  As a result, I didn’t do any NaNo.

On a plus note, my husband and his best friend worked on building the nursery furniture which is a huge relief to see the room finally coming together.

July NaPoWriMo Day 21 to 25.png

Day 21

I’m 38 weeks pregnant today and booked in for some pampering.  I felt so relaxed and happy afterwards.

Sadly, I returned home to learn there is a problem with the wall stickers I ordered for the nursery as the seller is in America.  I spent the rest of the day coming up with a new theme for the nursery and looking for UK sellers that do the same sort of thing… with no luck and no NaNo progress.

Her walls will be white like the blank page on my computer screen.

Day 22

Today, I got straight on the PC and wrote 2k before doing anything.  I sent my husband off in the evening for a rock climbing experience day which left me alone with the PC once the little man was in bed and I got another 1k done.

I now have a fan!  Yay!  Thank you mother-in law.

Day 23

I started the day full of determination to get home and do some writing but at work they were having building work which resulted in the air con being turned off and on the roof their are seagulls and their chicks and they are aggressive – so we can’t open the windows.  By the time I returned home I felt like I was dying and wasn’t good for anything!  To make matters worse I felt like I was coming down with a cold – despite the heatwave… is that even possible.

Day 24

Yes, it is possible.  Today was my last day at work before maternity leave and I was streaming from my nose with my cold and sweating along with everyone else suffering in the heat.  Most of my colleagues were on holiday as they had to use it up before the end of July.  The one colleague that was in treated me to lunch for my last day which broke the day up and made it feel a tad more special.

When I got home, I couldn’t even put my son to bed as I was so ill and exhausted.  I opted to sleep on the sofa as I didn’t want to keep my husband up with all the nose blowing.  I was right – I didn’t sleep a wink.

Day 25

This was supposed to be the day that clawed it back!  I really thought I’d have all day to write but I’m ill, haven’t slept, feeling very pregnant and it’s too hot.  I spent a lot of time between household chores (nothing too strenuous) just roasting in front of the fan.  I am so glad that Noah had holiday club as there is noway I would have kept up with him.

I did manage to take some pics for my blog that had to be done as the deadline for a scheduled post is in two days.  I have struggled today but managed to add a few words to the count.


Days 16 to 20 were pretty poor – partly why I didn’t feel motivated to do a 5 day diary for that period.

I’m really pleased with my day 22 progress which shows what I can achieve if I have a fan and time and feeling healthy.

I’m also really pleased about my article getting published.  If you’d like to read my post about this achievement, please click here.

Fingers crossed I can crackdown these last few days and somehow still do this!  It’s not over yet!  I refuse to give up!  I just need days like day 22.

Are you doing the challenge? How are you getting on?

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