Spring Spotlight
Spring is when the calendar starts to get busier. As we get closer to the summer there are more festivals. Now is a good time to enter competitions.
In April #WriteMentor will open for potential mentees to apply for mentors. In May, there is The Bath Festival. If you prefer online events, be ready for #PitMad on 6 June.

I’m going to take this opportunity to remind you about the calendar I have been updating with literary dates and made accessible to all.
Google calendar
I created a public Google calendar so you can see everything I have added. If you want to copy an event then you too will need a google calendar (it is free with a free Google email account).
[googleapps domain=”calendar” dir=”calendar/b/3/embed” query=”height=600&wkst=2&bgcolor=%23FFFFFF&src=redfae7%40googlemail.com&color=%232952A3&ctz=Europe%2FLondon” width=”800″ height=”600″ /]If you like this, you may enjoy:
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