NaNoWriMo Diary – Week 2 (November 2019)

Fri, 8 Nov

I had the worst nights sleep. Aria was up every hour – maybe she’s having a growth spurt. We had to wash & sterilise her bottles in the middle of the night as we ran out. We heard Evie have two seizures. And, I had a killer headache, borderline migraine.

In the morning, Rob was going to take Noah to school so I could have a little lay in but it’s hard to sleep with all the noise of people rushing around so I got up. Sadly Evie had a seizure while Noah ate his breakfast. It was the first time he has seen it.l, although we told him she is poorly, it really upset him. Afterwards he claimed he was poorly with a tummy ache and begged to stay home and watch Evie. I let the school know what happened as I couldn’t be sure if he was ill or expressing his sadness, either way he wasn’t going to be any good for class.

I had wanted Noah out the way as we needed to pack for our holiday and help my mum with how to care for Evie and give her medicine. We managed to get it down in time and Noah appeared much better now he had cheered up – phew (he’s usually ill in November).

We arrived at Forest Holidays. Unpacked, ordered pizza, got the kids to bed – Noah was a little tricky to get to sleep as he found the new sounds disturbing. Once they went to sleep my hubby and I enjoyed the hot tub.

Sat, 9 Nov

We woke up after a brilliant nights sleep and our first breast at our lodge.

We headed to the Forest Retreat and got details of the “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt!” trail. Noah read the map and lead us through the forest. He answered the questions, wrote down the answers and read us the field facts. I was very proud of him. We then returned to the Forest Retreat to claim our prize – a copy of the book that inspired the trail. We then stayed for lunch.

Aria was tired and fed, making her a happy content baby that agreed to go down for her nap. Once asleep, we let Noah check out the hot tub. He loved it. He was ready to get out just as the timer went off for 20minutes which is the max allowed for safety.

Afterwards, I tried to get on my laptop to write but it decided to do an update! Why does this always happen when you have limited time? Once done, I managed almost 500 words before Aria woke.

We had a chilled out afternoon watching Incredibles 2. We had dinner, put the kids to bed and then I spent time with my husband. I was then tired and read Crown of Conspiracy by Kara S Weaver before bed.

Sun, 10 Nov

Both kids slept like angels. I gave them breakfast but Aria was in a naughty mood and made so much mess. While I cleaned the dinning room & kitchen, she headed off to the bathroom to throw toilet paper everywhere and empty the bin. She brought me a dirty nappy she had opened to alert me to the next disaster.

We went for a walk before lunch where Aria threw away her hat – no idea where it is. We had lunch, she slept, Noah and I took advantage of the hot tub.

Now, I’m trying to write but do you think my laptop will turn on? It’s been charging all night and now… playing dead. I’m going to have to write on my mobile. Grrr!

Later, we watched a film, had dinner, put the kids to bed and enjoyed our last night here together.

Mon, 11 Nov

I didn’t want to leave the forest but it was time to travel home. Mum gave us an update on the cats and Evie had a bloody paws. It looked like she’d broken her back claws during a seizure. I rang the vet and as she wasn’t in pain and the blood was dry, we agreed to keep her home as bringing her in could cause more distress. The meds seem to be working.

We unpacked, I did laundry and prepared for work. I knew Ofsted were in so I wanted to double check my plan for the day except… where was my diary. I was in a blind panic, cursing myself for unpacking my handbag to use it for a day at the spa. It took me a full hour to figure out where it was. It was then dinner time, putting the kids to bed and then… going live.

Yes, tonight I finally did it. I logged onto World Indie Warriors Facebook group and did a live write-in. We chatted about our projects and writing and did three writing sprints. Once finished I was excited about my novel again and super proud of myself for braving the camera.

Tue, 12 Nov

Today was my long day at work. It felt even longer with Ofsted in as many people were tense, making sure their lessons were perfect. I think everyone did well and I’m silently confident.

Tonight I added over 1k to my word count. I would have liked to have done better but my neck is in pain (I think I slept on it funny).

Wed, 13 Nov

Today was my short day at work. It doesn’t mean I get more free time. As soon as I’m home I’m busy with the kids. Tonight, Rob & I we’re busy wrapping presents for Noah’s birthday. By the time always done I had no time to write.

Thurs, 14 Nov

Today, is Noah’s birthday but I had an early start at work so he only had time for one card and present before breakfast Club.

I expected to be visited by Ofsted today as they have not yet seen me or any of my learners but they didn’t. Although, lots of my colleagues were visited. Today was my last day of work for the week so I will find out how we scored next week. However during my lunch break I wrote a few words and emailed them to myself.

I finished work late so when I got home it was dinner time. Noah waited for me before unwrapping his presents and having cake before bed.

I’m conscious that I am falling behind so I made sure I write tonight. Adding almost 2k to my total.

Week one total

Finishing the second week my grand total is: 14,783

To be on track I need to have reached 23,333 so I am behind.

I’m 9k behind so it is doubtful I will catch up in time to make 50k but the important thing is the progress I have made and will continue to make. I’m not giving up and even if I need a few more months, I will finish this novel.

Check back next Thursday to see my progress.

If you liked this, then you will enjoy:

NaNoWriMo Diary – Week 1 (November 2019)

Goals: Progress Since June 2019

How I edited my novel – 12 tips for self editing

Book Review: You stole my heart… Do I have to take your name?

Click my link tree to discover more ways to connect with me.@Redfae


NaNoWriMo Diary – Week 1 (November 2019)

Fri, 1 Nov 

This morning my mum had Aria but I wasn’t free as I was busy having a check up at the hospital.  I tried to jump on the computer to get some writing done before Aria was returned to me but by the time the housework was done, she was home.

I was worried I was never going to get to write today but once the kids were sound asleep I wrote an impressive 2,280 words before heading to bed to enjoy Crown of Conspiracy.

Sat, 2 Nov

My husband let me have a lay in today, except… I didn’t sleep. I was on my mobile making a start on my next chapter and almost got the first 1k done. Great start to the day.

Aria went down for a good nap this afternoon and I stole the opportunity to get writing. My word count is almost at the 2k mark.

I struggled to get the kids to sleep but I wasn’t too worried because of the steady progress I had made throughout the day. Once Aria gave in and went to sleep, I wrote some more but decided to go and read in bed instead of burning myself out too early in Nanowrimo.

I’m very pleased wit my 3,012 words today. I think this will be the daily count to beat.

Sun, 3 Nov

I didn’t have the best start today.  Aria decided not to nap and then one of my cats had a seizure.

Evie used to have seizures as a kitten and they thought she had epilepsy but the drugs she’d take would make her drowsy. As she was young and they weren’t often, the vet suggested we see if she grows out of it and she did. She’s been fine for about 7 or 8 years, possibly more. She’s fine now the episode has passed but I’ll take her to the vets tomorrow for a check up.

I was feeling sad about Evie, exhausted because I hadn’t had a break and in no mood to write. But after dinner, Jodie held a spontaneous writing sprint on Facebook. I decided to join in and after three 5 minute sprints, I had my first 700 words of the day. I ended on a cliff hanger. It got me back in the saddle and realised I can do this!

The kids went to bed well and I finished day 3 adding 1975 words.

Mon, 4 Nov

First job of the day was to book my cat into the vets. The health of my family (including my fur babies) will always take priority over my writing. It was only recently I realised that that rule should apply time too. Recently, I’ve also been making sure I’m taking care of myself too. Evie is booked in for 12:10.

The vet was lovely. She checked Evie over and took her bloods. Then went over how to care for Evie whilst having a seizure and when to bring her in as an emergency. I had a little cry when I got home as I’m worried about her but we’ll get the results on Wednesday.

Aria napped and I wrote 600ish words.

I was supposed to host the live write-in on World Indie Warriors Facebook page. Moments before I was due to go online Evis had another seizure. I was moving furniture to keep her safe, then sitting with her whilst she came around and I totally forgot about going live. Thankfully Michelle Raab jumped to the rescue and hosted the session (with a little support from Jodie, her son and a microwave). After the evenings events I just didn’t feel like writing.

Tue,  5 Nov

We had an awful night where Aria was very unsettled. I was up every hour and then had an early start for a long day at work.

Work kept me busy and at lunch I went into town with my colleagues. When I came home I was busy with this kids as my husband nipped out for his dads birthday. Aria didn’t want to go to bed but after two bottles of milk she gave in to her weary eyes.

Then I was free to write but I hadn’t seen Evie all day. I found her hiding behind the sofa and wondered if she’d been scared by the fireworks or had another episode. I coaxed her out with her dinner then spent the evening snuggling on the sofa.

Wed,  6 Nov

Today was my short day at work but as soon as I was done I had my kids.

The vet rang to say the blood tests found nothing wrong with Evie. We discussed what to do next. They could do a scan but whether this finds something or not, the outcome will be to prescribed the same meds and this unfortunately is a trial and error thing to find the meds that work for her. We decided to go straight for the drugs and pick them up tomorrow.

Evie’s seizures have got worst. I think worrying about her is wearing me out even though I don’t feel like I’m thinking about it. I didn’t feel up to writing but wary that I am falling behind.

I sat at the computer and managed to write nearly 2k and posted it onto Wattpad.

Thurs, 7  Nov

Today, is my birthday!

There was a mad rush to drop off the kids and then my husband and I attended a spa for a day of relaxation. It was just what we needed. I made great progress reading my book.

When I got home I opened my cards and text & called people to say thank you.

I don’t know why but relaxing wears me out.I’m shattered. All I did this evening was check in on social media where I discovered some writer friends had shared my pics to help people discover me and my blog. They are good to me.

Week one total

The first week is done and my grand total is: 9,921 words.

To be on track I need to have reached 11,666 so I am a little behind.

Check back next Thursday to see my progress.

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What to watch – Shows with writers in

Book Review: Duet Rubato

Why I Love World Indie Warriors

Have you finished your novel? What is next?

Click my link tree to discover more ways to connect with me.@Redfae

My plans for the fourth quarter

You may have caught my previous post where I reflected on my progress so far this year towards my annual goal. As we enter into Autumn, I am evaluating where I am at and setting myself some new goals for the next quarter.

Social Media

Blog (Word Press):  I have enough post ideas to post twice a week but my new plan is to plan posts a month ahead and if I only have enough for one post a week, I’ll be happy.

Instagram:  Continue engaging with my new connections.  October, I am taking part in a photo prompt challenge and will be aiming to post once a day.  However in August, I trialled three posts a week and this was easy to maintain.  I think this is something I will be moving towards.

Twitter:  I still share content to Twitter and get involved in Twitter events but it isn’t my main social platform.  I’ll continue in this manner.

Facebook page:  Currently, this is not my main focus. I share content here. I think when I publish, I will use this platform for giveaways and live chats, etc.  

YouTube: It’s not only plucking up the courage to go infront of the camera but also to find the time and correct conditions (not exhausted or surrounded by kids).  Until my life calms down, this is being shelved. 

Tumblr: Share Instagram and Word Press content to this platform.


Jewel of the Sea:  Use feedback from Beta’s to improve novel.  Complete Willow Editing’s course and use what I learn to improve Jewel of the Sea.  Whilst saving for an editor, find out more about self publishing.  Query agents that show an interest.

Diamond in the Sky: Re-plot novel, edit existing version and write ending.  There’s a lot to write so I will be working on this for NaNoWriMo.

Tinsel Tiger: Research Literary Agents/Publishers of picture books and consider querying.


Read six or more books:  I’ve hit my goal of six books but I will continue to read more.

Self care:  Sadly, I’ve neglected myself. I think I would love to have a spa day, get my nails done, get my eye lashes done, maybe use a face mask.  Surely this can be achieve within the next three months.  


Willow Editing:  I am so lucky that Willow Editing has given me access to her editing course.  I really struggle with editing as I’m not confident in my use of English Language and the more I think ‘is that right?’ the more I second guess myself.  

Resource book:  During the last quarter, my goal was to buy another resource and I failed.  So, this time I will set:  Buy two resource books on writing!

What are your goals?

I shall review these again at the end of December.  I often feel like I haven’t achieved much until I acknowledge what I have managed to do.  Will you be setting any goals?

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My plans for the third quarter

#BoostMyBio for Pitch Wars 2019

Book Review: Save the Cat – Writes a Novel

My Books

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Are you starving your creativity!

Today’s blog post has been written by G.C.Ramey and when I read it, I was able to relate to every word.

NB: His article is written in American English.

Write for the Sake of Writing

By G.C. Ramey

“Are you ever going to finish writing your book?” my wife asks as she passes by my office, noticing that I am reading Neil Gaiman’s Ocean at the End of the Lane for the second time this year.

“I’m hunting for inspiration,” I say, glancing back at her. “I think Neil might have hidden the secret formula in here somewhere.”

I can tell by her face that she is unamused. Her comment had a purpose to it, a purpose that couldn’t have been more obvious if it had been written across the side of airplane and flown directly through our house. Obvious or not I plan to ignore it anyway, but then she says it
plainly, “Stop procrastinating.”

Her remarks are well meaning. When we got married, she decided to take on the arduous task of keeping me straight, and in this case I needed just that. Although her comment was brief, the layer of hidden subtext rolled over me soberly and I knew every word that she had left out but meant to say, “Telling people that you are writing a book is not the same as actually writing one.”

That was the not so subtle kick that I needed.

I love writing. It’s the thing that I enjoy most in the world. The only thing that comes even close to it would be reading, but even then, why would I settle for a world created by the hands of another, when I have the power to create my own?

The idea of creation is powerful and even, at times, magical. Maybe it’s that faint desire to be like God— which would explain the typical bouts with pride that most author’s face from time to time— and maybe it’s just the joy that comes from expressing one’s inner feelings in such a physical and intimate way. Regardless, the appeal to tell stories is nearly synonymous with my identity as a person. It is who I am and what I was born to do. Even so, something strange always seems to happen. My identity has the habit of feeling more like a chore and less like a purpose, but why is that?

While I cannot speak for every writer who faces this, I can speak for myself. My current situation is one where I am constantly feeling the unforgiving push of deadlines. Whether it be from graduate school assignments, freelance jobs, or even just volunteer edits for my friends, I feel as if I am always burdened by the pressure to complete things. The part of my passion that suffers from the vice of procrastination is not professional productivity, but instead, my personal creativity. Because I am constantly meeting these professional obligations, I have forsaken my own projects. Of course, I defend myself by rationalizing that it is simply an act of maintaining proper priorities. I mean, deadlines have to come first, right? And my own creative expression can come with whatever time I have left. Maybe that is good in theory, but the problem is that by the time “leftover time” comes around, I feel so burnt out on the process of writing, that writing is the last thing that I want to do. It’s as if the joy is stripped away from it.

It’s quite a sad place to be. It reminds me of a story I heard a few years ago in college. In a small town, there was a baker who worked tirelessly at his craft to make bread for those in the community. Everyone who came to his bakery left well fed, and although he found joy in feeding
those who came, he began to grow weary because he never stopped and ate for himself. The demand for more bread continued, and the baker pushed onward. Eventually, he died of starvation, surrounded by plenty of food, all because his professional commitment outweighed his personal need.

With this in mind, I suggest something to those writers who have felt similar pressure. The suggestion is simple, write for the sake of writing. Whether it be a poem, a journal entry, a fun review of a book you love, or even that novel you continually put off writing, just do something.

Get back to the joy of writing for yourself. In this way, you can continue feeding the masses, without dying of hunger yourself.


G.C.Ramey is contributor for a sports news source ( and contributor for a sci-fi and horror site ( He is a masters student at the university of New Orleans. You can learn more about him by visiting his blog ( or Twitter (@gcramey).

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Reflecting on Camp NaNo July 2019

July has been a challenging month for my writing goals. For Camp NaNo I decided to make a start on book 2, Diamond in the Sky but it has been full of distractions! I’m hoping August will be more productive for my writing.

Distraction 1: Course Work

I needed to finish my coursework for the Working Together Community Course. I must admit I had been putting off the assignments to work on my writing and as the deadline to submit approached I had to prioritise it and get it done. I have really enjoyed volunteering and everyone at the school has been lovely. On my last day, I got a card from the teachers and signed by all the children and chocolates.

Distraction 2: Blog

I didn’t make any progress on my Camp NaNo project until day 7 and I quickly realised that I needed to do some more planning. Not only that but my blog was also in need of some attention. I need to write up about all the fun I had at Felixstowe Book Festival. I then spent the next few evenings prepping some posts.

After a little plotting and scheduling, I was ready to write and decided to sign up to Mandi Lynn’s #10kWritingChallenge. I knew there was no chance I could write 10k in one day with my other commitments but I knew if I aimed high, I would achieve something great. I wrote 2,792 new words for Diamond in the Sky. I was back on track for my Camp NaNo goal.

Turns out Mandi Lynn didn’t make 10k either. She vlogged about her struggles and celebrated the words she did achieve. She encourages people to sign up to next months 10k challenge and win a pin.

Distraction 3: Important dates

The end of July and start of August have some important dates for me.

Husband distractions: It is my husband’s birthday month. I needed to sort out his gift and I wanted to take him out somewhere child free. I arranged for his sister to babysit. I also got Aria to print her feet in his card and Noah to write a personal message.

Valerie Patisserie

Also, last month, my hubby got a little neglected as the end of Jewel of the Sea got closer, so I promised to watch Stranger Things with him – which was awesome.

Noah distractions: My son was finishing his first year of school (Reception class).

I think it is nice for kids to make their teacher a card or gift so I had to come up with an idea and organise the craft.

We got to go to Noah’s first sports day. I also decided to arrange a night out with the playground mums and get the ball rolling on some summer play dates.

Aria’s distractions: Aria’s first birthday is at the start of August. I have been busy arranging her cake smash and splash and worked with the photographer to create a very personal experience (more coming soon).

I’ve also been planning her parties. Yes! That was ‘party’ as a plural. She is a very lucky girl.

Distraction 4: Pitching

SFFpip was this month. It was my first time taking part in this Twitter pitch event and I got a like by a publisher! Naturally, I have then had to research them to decided if the feeling is mutual.

If writing up about Felixstowe Book Festival was my distraction at the start of the month, then YALC was my distraction at the end. The closer the date got, the more excited I became. I went to bed early the night before and barely slept a wink. I can’t believe it, I pitched to two agents – one of them I have stalked on Twitter for years – and they both asked me to send them Jewel of the Sea – Aghhh!

Now, my distraction is trying to write the perfect query letter. As I have mentioned in previous posts, I’m pretty sure my letter stinks and is why I get rejected. I feel like an excited puppy chasing my own tail and equally terrified that when I bite, I am going to get hurt. I need to conquer my fear and be brave.


I was in two minds whether or not to do Camp NaNo as I knew I had a lot on already this month.

With a grand total of 9,886 words, I think it is pretty impressive what I achieved despite all the distractions. If I hadn’t given it a go, I may not have written anything this month.

I also feel the challenge has kept me in touch with my novel so when things calm down in a few weeks, I can dive straight back in.

How did your July writing goals go? Did you do Camp Nano?

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My plans for the third quarter

Felixstowe Book Festival – The Publishing Industry

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My plans for the third quarter

You may have caught my previous post where I reflected on my progress so far this year towards my annual goal. As we enter into Summer, I am evaluating where I am at and setting myself some new goals for the next quarter.

Social Media

Blog (Word Press):  To continue to post at least twice a week keeping to my content schedule as much as possible.  

Instagram:  To maintain the new connections I have made and continue to engage with them and share content about my writing.

Twitter:  Continue to share links to my content on Twitter and connect with writers on the platform.

Facebook page:  To brainstorm how I can use this to connect with more writers.

YouTube: To be brave and get in front of the camera and start sharing video content.  

Tumblr: Share Instagram and Word Press content to this platform.


Jewel of the Sea:  Enter into the Wattys.  Put novel out to Beta Readers.  Take part in September’s #PitMad.  Work on my query letter.  

Diamond in the Sky: Re-plot novel, edit existing version and write ending.

Festivals:  Attend festivals:

  • Felixstowe Book Festival
  • YALC
  • Wow-Con


Working Together Course:  Finish this course.

Crafts: Make time at least once a week:

  • Planner:  continue to use Carpe Diem planner
  • Pocket letter:  write another pocket letter
  • Scrapbook:  Do at least one page
  • Crochet:  Finish Aria’s blanket for her birthday

Read at least four and a half books by the end of September:  I have read three books so far this year.  I’ve started two books I have just not been able to get.  I will most likely buy new books at the festivals.


Writer courses:  Continue to take advantage of any free courses that come my way if I have the time to do these.  

Resource book:  Buy another writing help book.  I am considering the Emotion Thesaurus.

What are your goals?

I shall review these again at the end of September.  I often feel like I haven’t achieved much until I acknowledge what I have managed to do.  Will you be setting any goals?

If you enjoyed this post, you may also enjoy:

My plans for the second quarter

Camp NaNoWriMo Diary (middle to end)

A local girls guide to Felixstowe Book Festival

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Jewel of the Sea – Chapter 29, 30 and 31

I am releasing the chapters so quickly now as I am just excited to get them out there.  The readers on Wattpad are posting the more encouraging comments. One even compared one of my chapters to Percy Jackson!

Have anyone compared your novel to another?

Click here to read chapter 29

Click here to read chapter 30

Click here to read chapter 31

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Jewel of the Sea – Chapter 28

Jewel of the Sea – Chapter 27

How to prepare for NaNoWriMo? #amwriting

Article writing for publication

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Jewel of the Sea – Chapter 28

This chapter is very upbeat and happy.  It felt good to write something that wasn’t full of drama but it still has lots of feels.

Here is a confession, I have never been on a real first date.  You know the sort where you a guy takes you out to get to know you better. I was too young for my earliest boyfriends and then I fell for Rob who was my best friend and have never looked back.  Mariah and Jace’s romance is inspired in parts by memories I have of crushing on my best friend.  

Some people believe you have to write what you know but I believe that you should work with what you know to create something new.  I’ve never had lightening powers but I know what lightening is and I can imagine how it might effect my body if it was part of me.

Does your novel contain things you have never experienced?

Click here to read chapter 28

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Jewel of the Sea – Chapter 27

Jewel of the Sea – Chapter 26

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My baby girl. This post contains cute baby pics!

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Jewel of the Sea – Chapter 27

As I get closer to releasing the ending on Wattpad, I get more nervous.  I have put a lot of time and effort into my novel (I’m talking years) and I really want people to enjoy it.  

Originally the ending was the new midpoint.  My early version left ended on a cliff hanger as I wished to my readers wanting the next novel.  But, then I realised that is really unfair on my readers. 

So, I cut a lot and added a lot to make a new ending.  But, I still wasn’t pleased with the new ending.  It fell flat from how I saw it in my head.

I will confess, I do struggle with endings.  I don’t like saying goodbye to my characters.  But, I rewrote the ending and it is so much better.  I pray my readers feel the same. 

The new version is a whole story – no cliff hanger ending.  I have hidden elements within the novel to enable me to write a sequel for those that wanting more.  My plan is that by delivering a good debut that keeps its promises, my readers will want more and they will become fans.

How many times have you changed the ending of your novel?  Have you read a good novel that was spoiled by a poor ending?

Click here to read chapter 27

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Jewel of the Sea – Chapter 26

Jewel of the Sea – Chapter 25

My best kept writing secret of last year (Happily Ever Author)

A Group For Writers with a Side Hustle

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Jewel of the Sea – Chapter 26

Today, I released another chapter.  Mariah is starting to get suspicious of her mum.  Head over to Wattpad if you have an account to have a look.  

I am cross with myself that I haven’t celebrated finishing editing my novel.  It is because, although it is finished I know I need to get it into a suitable format and then I will be looking for beta readers.  Then, I will have to edit again and it feels like it is never ending.  In addition, I would like to give the new content another once over…

The task of querying is on the horizon and that is putting me off doing anything.  Instead of formatting I am researching agents.  Anything to delay querying.  This time would be better spent working on my query letter which I am certain is what holds me back.

On a more positive note, here was my Instagram post about celebrating triumphs no matter how small.  Writing this post did help perk me up.  I really should listen to my own advice.    

Do you find you are great at giving other people advice but struggle to swallow your own truth pill? 

Click here to read chapter 26

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Jewel of the Sea – Chapter 25

Jewel of the Sea – Chapter 24

A little post on how I am doing…

Spotlight on Summer Literary Dates calendar

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