This post had a link to my YouTube video that show cased the books I read last year and included a link to the template I created in Canva for you to use.
My 2022 Goals
I really struggled to set my annual goals. We had a lot of germs in January which demotivated me. I kind of surprised that I’ve already completed 66% of my goals for the first quarter.
I had to give an update on how book two is progressing. Publishing Sky Heart is my big goal for this year. If you want to find out how it’s going, visit here:
I invite you to join in on my all the twos challenge. Read the second book in a series, or a second book by an author you’ve only read once. I thought this would be a fun way to celebrate Sky Heart (hopefully) releasing this year!
It’s free to follow me on Ko-Fi and be sure you don’t miss out on my latest news, or any freebies. You can buy me a virtual cuppa or merchandise from my shop, including a signed copy of my book.
If you know me, you’ll know I’m very naughty when it comes to returning books. In addition, I lose books! And, my youngest destroys books. Library fines are common.
But, during the pandemic my fines got to a point where they barred my account! ?
I was a bit scared & embarrassed to go into the library to pay my fines. But, as always, the local librarians were lovely. We sorted it out and I can borrow books again.
Ocean Heart never at the library…
When I released Ocean Heart last year, I approached my local library to recommend they stock a copy. And, they did!
It felt too good to be true. So, I searched using Suffolk County Libraries app to check it was really there. It was, but out on loan, with another Suffolk library!
A few weeks later, I checked to see if it was back. It had returned to Felixstowe but was on the Reserved Shelf.
When I paid my fines, I asked what the ReservedShelf meant. It meant someone had requested it! My book is in demand! And, it had already been collected! ?
I must say I’m relieved. I love my library and would hate them to waste money on an unwanted book. As a new author building my audience, I worried I might be too unknown. I feared nobody would be interested in Ocean Heart. It makes me so happy to see it’s always checked out.
If you want to borrow the paperback, you’ll need to reserve it. It is in their collection, but there’s a queue. ?
For students of Felixstowe Academy, there are a few copies available from their school library.
Ocean Heart on Overdrive App
Overdrive is an eBook app used by libraries. You can search for Ocean Heart and request a copy to read. I don’t think they’ve ordered the eBook yet but all you have to do is ask.
If you love reading eBooks, supporting your library, and supporting authors, get this app and start enjoying a vast range of eBooks for FREE using your library card.
Ocean Heart ISBNs
It’s easy to find my book searching by title or my name, but to be certain you found the right copy, use the ISBN.
There you have it, Ocean Heart is available for you to read for free using your library card. If it’s not currently stocked by your local library, just ask them to order it in.
I joined the Mighty Network back in 2019 and Elzevera helped me with self editing, Ocean Heart.
It inspired me to want to create my own Mighty Network and I set this as a goal at the start of 2020.
I have been exploring creating a Mighty Network. It is a social site for creatives. I’m currently a member of a Mighty Network by Willow Editing. I have been Beta Testing a self-editing course by Elzevera of Willow Editing.
I am considering the network as a potential way to share extra bits with my readers. I am also exploring it as a space to share writing resources as many of my followers are fellow writers.
But, I’d also decided to self publish Ocean Heart, and this was my priority and keeping me very busy. I didn’t have time to build my own Mighty Network. I ended up abandoning the goal to focus on my debut novel.
Early this year, I stepped back from my volunteer role with World Indie Warriors. I created their indie books brochure and eZine. Collecting all the info and publishing four times a year was taking over too much of my free time. When I started a new job, I didn’t have the energy to continue with both. It was hard to let go but I’m still very close with the members and support them however I can.
Now I’ve settled into my new role, I have more energy again. When I saw Elzevera call for help on Instagram, it sounded like a perfect new fresh challenge for me.
I applied to help, and we had a little chat about what she’d need me to do. From October, I shall be Elzevera’s new co-host. I’m excited to take on this new role.
Under the Willow is inline with my original Mighty Network goal. Elzevera’s created her network to empower writers to have the tools they need to self edit their work, and improve their writing craft in a supportive community.
If you want to join a supportive group of writers and improve your craft, please do come join us on Mighty Networks in Under the Willow
Kairos is book 2 in your The Syren Story series. Who is this series for?
This series is for anyone who loves mythology of Percy Jackson or Circe, and who is enchanted by the magical worlds of Holly Black or Sarah J Maas. My series contains fan favourite tropes such as enemies to loves, and the chosen one which woven into unfamiliar worlds with unsung creatures such syrens and centaurs.
Can you tell us more about King Kellan?
Kellan is the eldest son of late King Lachlan and Iseult, and a Descendant of Ares. Although this ancient tie to the god of war is generations old, Kellan is something of a warlord and is willing to fight hard, particularly if his family is involved. His act first, think second nature often lands him in trouble, but when he awoke from a dream about a syren, he didn’t hesitate to take the seas and find Wren.
What inspired you to write this series?
I was walking along a coastal cliff walk with my boyfriend when I started talking about mermaids and the sea. As much as I adored the Little Mermaid growing up, as an adult it bothered me that Ariel was willing to give up her voice for a prince, so I began toying with the idea of a King who needs a syren’s voice.
Tell me about your writing routine?
I usually scribble ideas in my notepad throughout the day, especially on my commute to work, which I can type out and expand on in the evenings. I write with a cup of tea beside me and complete silence, I don’t know how other writers can work with music.
I tend to edit as I write which is viewed as a sin in the writing world, but I find rereading what I wrote the previous day helps me get back in the flow and I can tidy up typos along the way.
What is your greatest challenge as an indie author?
Marketing. Hands down, marketing. I had watched a ton of BookTube videos and done my research before diving into the indie author world, and I thought I was prepared, but no. Nothing can prepare you for how much marketing you have to do in order to get your book scene.
As much as I adore being an indie author, I would love the big marketing campaigns that some bestselling authors get! Imagine seeing your book in Times Square!
Can you share a short snippet from Kairos?
Sliding his forearms under me, he carefully prises me off the soiled garment, positioning me on the thick, plush sheepskin rug in front of the now roaring fire instead. He feeds my dress to the flames without hesitation.
“Hey.” I croak, watching the beading melt whilst the gossamer fabric billows out smoke, “I liked that dress.”
“I’ll get you another,” Kellan says, as he makes his way to the bathroom adjacent to his suite to fetch a basin of water, “Recover from this and I’ll buy you an entire wardrobe.”
“You’ll need clothes. Not me.”
My voice barely carries over the sudden ripping sound of him destroying yet another shirt. This time to make linen strips.
“I don’t need anything bar you surviving, okay?”
I nod, or at least I think I do. I don’t feel my body move. I don’t feel my body at all anymore.
Even with my eyes shut, the dancing flickers and shadows penetrate through my lids. I try to remind myself it’s just from the fire, but an ever-growing part of me fears it is Hades stoking the pits of the Underworld in preparation for my arrival.
Kairos by Naomi Kelly
Can you tease us with what you are working on next?
I’m currently working on a companion novel which features two characters readers will have met throughout the Syren Stories. This story will be able to be read as a standalone and will be the first book of mine to not be classified as YA. The tale will be jam packed with forbidden romance, magical creatures, a hint of smut and of course more magic and mythology than even Atlas could carry.
Where can readers connect with you and discover more about your books?
NB: Sky Heart doesn’t have an official cover yet. The image used is my Work In Progress cover.
Beta Readers Wanted – Sky Heart
What is a Beta Reader?
You get to read the full story before anyone else, and can help shape the future version with your feedback.
Tell me if you like a character or not. You can say if a scene is too slow or too fast. Suggest what to cut or add to the story. Basically share your thoughts to help me improve it.
This version has only been edited by me. It will have mistakes. It won’t be as polished as a final version that has been professionally edited.
What type of story is Sky Heart?
Sky Heart is book 2 in The Soul Heart series but has a new main character, Keily.
You can read Sky Heart (book 2) even if you haven’t read Ocean Heart (book 1). It is a complete story, however, it will have some spoilers for book 1 as it assumes you’ve already read it. In addition, it is part of a series so although the main issue is resolved in the story, there are things that will be unresolved as they are dealt with later in the series.
This site enables me to easily share Sky Heart with my Betas. It will also organises any feedback to make it more manageable for me.
Readers can share their feedback as inline comments, at the end of a chapter, and I can even ask readers questions about specific things.
If you want to help me but prefer not to use Beta Books that’s fine. Please still sign up using my Google Form and I’ll consider another option for you.
If you’ve read this far, thank you. I’m so pleased you’re interested. Please fill in my Google Form so I can send you details on how to access Sky Heart.
I’m so happy Ellie agreed to let me interview her as I loved her debut book. There’s a link to my five star review at the end. It’s really exciting to find out what went into making such an amazing book.
I loved Garden in the Sands. It’s not like any book I’ve read before. What genre would you say it is?
It’s interesting that you say that, as Garden in the Sands actually started as a MG fantasy story. When it came to self-publishing, however, I read lots about YA being an easier market to get into. Therefore I re-wrote it, adding Lira’s POV element. Overall I’d say it’s a YA fantasy re-telling.
Despite being set in the desert, it’s very reminiscent of The Secret Garden. Did you plan for it to be like a fantasy version of the classic?
Yes! A re-telling was exactly my aim. I adored Mary in The Secret Garden when I was a child, as she was stroppy and imperfect. She influenced Quil a lot!
There are two MC’s can you give a brief intro to each?
Quil is a human girl born into wealth and privilege that only serves to constrict her. Desperate to gain a shred of attention from her parents, she spent her childhood misbehaving. This led to being frequently sent away from home to learn to become a ‘lady’, something she has no interest in doing. The only ray of light in her life is her main, Sasha.
When she finds herself sent away from the palace and charged with entertaining the sickly prince, she finds she’s not the only one in the world with problems.
Lira was born into greatness too, but as a demi-god this involved learning to wield a sword to prove herself. She rose to the challenge, and when the story starts she is a great heroine. She feels trapped, however, the link to her long dead human mother setting her apart from the other gods. She can’t help but watch the misery of life below in Miran. When a chance arises to break the curse that’s punishing the humans for their king’s crimes, Lira risks all the help them.
Quil learns to garden in the book – are you green thumbed?
I certainly try to be, but it’s a process of trial and error!
Lira is a demi god and fights mythical beasts – did you do a lot of research on this for your novel?
I studied Classics at university, so I’ve loved the mythology of Ancient Greece and Rome for a long time. I knew many of their stories already, but some of the beasts needed some extra research!
Who is your favourite God/Goddess from mythology?
Definitely Athena. She’s so strong and not cowed by any of the males in Olympus. She’s who Lira is based upon.
What can we look forward to from you next?
My next book is and MG adventure fantasy set in Cornwall, where I live.
Where can we go to discover more about you and your books?
Instagram (@ellie_mitten) is where I like to connect with other writers and reads :)
We discussed what the week is all about and those involved. We talked about how we became indie, our experience, and tips for those considering it, and to help those already with books out.
Were there any bloopers?
Going live is terrifying as there’s a fear something will go wrong. But, it builds skills in handling these. Here is what happened:
Kids: I had a few issues getting the kids to bed, so I was cutting it fine when I logged on. I used Stream Yard several times last year for my book launch without issues so I wasn’t too worried as I know it’s super simple. But…
Camera & Mic undetected: I logged on and Stream Yard couldn’t detect my camera or microphone- WTF! This is not what you want when you are about to host a live event. I switched browsers and it still wasn’t happening. It must be my laptop, because when I tried my mobile, it worked!
Unprepared: I wasn’t prepared to go live using my mobile. I had my event notes on my phone – eek! I also didn’t have a stand ready. Although my hubby snuck one over to me a few minutes in when he realised I was struggling to keep it steady. I think I did a good job of keeping the questions going without my notes.
No Link/On screen text: Next up, one of my guests hadn’t got the link to attend. It was in our group chat but for some reason was hidden from her. I accidentally added her cry for help to the screen for everyone to see. I didn’t realise until way into the stream, so you can see it for most of the live.
Lagging & Crashing: Cassidy’s iPad kept lagging making it hard for her to keep up with the chat, and we were rabbiting on. It also kept dropping her. She switched to her laptop and then it was much better.
Here are my Instagram pics introducing each of my guests:
I’m really excited to be involved in this event, especially as so many incredible indie authors are taking part. This year, I’m one of those authors.
What am I doing?
I am streaming live to my YouTube channel. Join me on Tues, 15 June at 8pm (GMT+1), where I will be joined by these awesome Indie Authors to chat about why we love being Indie.
Last year I was the lucky winner of a place on Pagan Malcolm’s course, Story Seller Academy.
This course came at the perfect time for me. I’d recently decided I wanted to self publish my book and the course is perfect for that. This course is all about publishing and marketing your book.
The first module is on mindset and although it sounds a bit hippie, this one is vital. I had previously caught some of Pagan’s free taster sessions on Facebook. Those samples had already empowered me, so doing the full module was next level.
Launching my book was new and scary, and self doubt was already caressing me with her familiar fingers. This module helped me get my head back on track, and to catch self doubt in her tracks before she got her nails into me.
The course covers everything you need to do and consider when self publishing a book. It’s like having someone hold your hand through the process.
Not only that, but there are modules to cover what to do after you publish and other income streams to consider.
There are masterclasses with tips and walkthroughs on how to do a wide range of things. Pagan shares her own personal experiences, including mistakes she has made so you don’t have to.
The course content is shared using videos of Pagan delivering presentations. These are timestamped so if you need to jump to a certain section you can.
Pagan also shares resources to support the content like ideas content ideas for your book launch on social media.
This is a self paced course which means you can study when you want and consume as much content as you like. This was ideal for me because when I gained accessed I didn’t have time. When I did have time, it was all there waiting for me to indulge.
Pagan allows forever access so I can log in and revisit content whenever I need a refresher. She also updates content and adds bonus material. It’s like the course that keeps on giving.
This course has been a real benefit to me and I would recommend it. The flexibility is exactly what I needed to work around my other commitments.
Pagan is a great teacher and really approachable. She was genuinely interested in how I got on with her course as she is continuously improving what she does.
I’m confident her courses will only get better and better over time.
Although I won a place on this course, I was not required to write a review. I was compelled to write this review to help my blog readers discover this awesome course.