My plans for 2020

You may have caught my last post of 2019 where I reflected on how last year went. As I welcome in the new year it’s time to set new goals. Oh my, some of these are big!

I’m always looking for ways to improve myself and to start the year I am changing up how I set goals.

Publishing – Jewel of the Sea

This is the big project of 2020.  I have no idea how long things will take me as I have no benchmark to compare it to.  I’ve set these deadlines to help keep my on track but I will need to check progress often to adjust deadlines as I figure out what is realistic.

Here is my rough outline of all the different things that need to happen if I want to release my book by June.  I have a feeling that these goals are rather ambitious but there is no harm in trying.  

Publish Novel info graphic
JOTS = Jewel of the Sea; DITS = Diamond in the Sky

General Writing Goals

Here are my everyday writing goals. 

social media 2nd

Social Media

Blog (Word Press):  Aim to post once or twice a week.  

Instagram:  Aim to post to feed every other day.

Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr:  Continue to share links to my content on these platforms.

News letter:  Aim to send out my newsletter at least once every other month.

Writing 2nd


Jewel of the Sea: Aim to publish my novel by June.  See info graphic that breaks down activities required to achieve this.

Diamond in the Sky: Finish writing first draft in full.  Start editing. 

Festivals:  Attend festivals:

  • London Book Fair
  • Felixstowe Book Festival
  • YALC
  • Bradford UK Indie Lit Fest 
  • MK Lit Fest
  • Wow-Con

World Indie Warriors:  Continue to be part of this awesome group.  I loved making their brochure and if they’d allow me to do this again, I would love to do this.  

Personal 2nd


Crafts: Make time at least once a week:

  • Planner:  try different methods of managing my time and goals to find a method that works for me
  • Pocket letter:  write another pocket letter
  • Scrapbook:  Do at least one page
  • Crochet:  Finish Aria’s blanket… I know, I feel awful that I haven’t finished it yet.  I just need to tuck in the loose ends.

Read more:  Last year I set the bar low at only 6 books.  This year, I am going to double it and aim for 12 books.  I know that isn’t many to some people but with everything else I have planned… I have got to be realistic.  

Development 2nd Set


Editing course:  Complete the Self Editing course provided by Willow Editing

Resource book:  Buy and read a book to develop my writing craft.  

What are your goals?

I shall review these throughout the year.  I will likely need to check in on my big goal every month but the general goals I’ll do once every three months.  

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Suffolk UKPA Meet

World Indie Warriors Brochure

How was NaNoWriMo 2019

I got to tour Ingram Spark’s print facility

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Book Review: The Lost Prince by Julie Kagawa

I took my son to the library to exchange his books (or renewal and get more books).  Whilst he was struggling with the dilemma of  choosing his new books and returning books he loves, my husband pointed this book out to me.  I have always wanted to write a novel about faeries so this was to be a fun read and research into how someone else has done it.

The MC is a boy called Ethan Chase.  I don’t read many books with a male protagonist so this was a refreshing change and it was done well.   Skip to my final thoughts it you don’t want any spoilers.


 Ethan is aware fae exist and has a troubled past with them.   In the opening chapters he shares how they are dangerous and the result of their interference in his life has lead to him being expelled from schools and blamed for a fire he didn’t cause. 

Ethan is starting another new school. On his first day, he stands up for a boy being bullied, Todd. Nobody else can see that Todd has long furry ears but it is because he is a half-fae.  Ethan doesn’t want to be friends with Todd as he distances himself from all fae.  He also doesn’t like Todd’s wee fairy companion.

Ethan also attracts the attention of Mackenzie, who wants to interview him for the school paper.  He tries to push Mackenzie away as anybody that gets close to him always gets hurt but she is persistent.  


A  deadly new type of fairy are consuming fae and half-fae.  Todd asks for Ethan’s help.  At first Ethan doesn’t want to get involved but he takes pity and agrees.  Unfortunately, Todd is taken and now the creatures are coming after Ethan.  Ethan is at a martial arts tournament where Mackenzie is trying to get his story but during the tournament the deadly fae come for him.  Nobody else can see them.  Ethan runs.  Mackenzie follows.  

Ethan needs to keep Mackenzie safe. He makes a choice to use a special object his sister gave him to transport into the fae world.  They are greeted by a cat, Grimalkin, who knows the way to the Iron Kingdom where his sister, Meghan, is queen.   The journey is dangerous but when they arrive his sister wants to keep him safe.  They are sent to a room to ‘rest’ but feels more like prison.  When Ethan and Mackenzie get the opportunity to escape with the help of Keirran. 

On their mission to rescue Todd, there are a lot of truths uncovered which I won’t go into.  Their are fights.  There were some very interesting characters along the way.  I liked Kierran’s love interest and the exiled queen and the cheeky little gremlin.  

They travel to the earth and are attacked again. They manage to escape to the in-between and learn how serious the problem is.  They visit Hyde Park to follow a lead but things get worse for the gang when the nephew is taken prisoner.

Something I really enjoyed was the slow burning romance between the Ethan and Mackenzie. There is plenty of conflict between them and good reasons why they hold back. I couldn’t wait for them to get together.  

The Ending

The build up to a battle where Ethan has to save his friends (and nephew) was worth it.  There were also some reveals that I hadn’t seen coming and I liked that the supporting characters were well developed too. 

Finally Thoughts…

There were a few times Ethan annoyed me.  He blames himself for Todd being kidnapped but I didn’t really see why it was his fault, after all, Todd was a fairy and hung around with the fae.  Ethan made it clear that doing that meant trouble was inevitable.  I got that he felt responsible for what happened to Mackenzie but she wouldn’t leave him alone.  She did bring it on herself too.  

What I loved was how all the characters were well developed.  You could easily tell who was speaking and they all had rich backstories.  There were plenty of magical creatures and I loved the world building especially the ‘in-between’ world.  

I hadn’t realised the book was part of a series (it’s book 5 in the Iron Fey series).  I was really pleased when I discovered that as I wanted to read more.  I wonder if some of the things that didn’t click with me is because I need to read the other books.  For example, I want to know more about Meghan and why she is the Iron Queen and why Ethan holds so much resentment for the Iron Fey.  

If you like this post, you will enjoy:

Why I love YALC

Book Review: Deepest Blue by Sarah Beth Durst

Book Review: Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard

Book Review:  Blind Tiger by Rachel Vincent

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Book Review: You stole my heart… Do I have to take your name?

This is a book I wouldn’t naturally pick up but Sarah Padfield-Neofitou sold it to me on the idea that it could help me with naming my characters. It certainly will make me think more about their surnames but there was more to this book than that.

What is it about?

The book is aimed at recently engaged, soon to be married couples. It addresses the different traditions and beliefs following marriage about names. It raises awareness that you don’t have to take your partners name and they don’t have to take yours and all the different options available to you both.

The book also has tips on how to announce your post-marriage surnames, things to watch out for like avoiding unfortunate initials.

The most eye opening part of the book was on how people judge others for their name decisions. You suddenly realise how many prejudices there are connected to a simple choice that doesn’t really affect anyone but the name bearer.

The real shocker I discovered is I have judged people for their choices and I’ve no idea where my ideals came from. I never thought I was a judgemental person until I saw myself in her words as that person.  I hadn’t expected to evolve as a person from reading this but I did and I’m a better person for it.  

Do I recommend it

I think this book would make a great engagement gift. When I got married I didn’t give a second thought to changing my name. It is what you do…

But now I realise how vast my choice was. I also think if I realised how difficult it is to officially change your name, I wouldn’t have bothered.  

I’m not sure I would have bought this book as a writing resource, although, now I have it in my collection I’m sure I will refer to it for inspiration when coming up with surnames.

If you liked this post you might enjoy:

Book Review: Save the Cat – Writes a Novel

Book Review: Envy by J D Groom

Tips on naming your character

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Useful hashtags for writers (part 4) – Interests

If you would like to read part 3, click here.

Here is a collection of other useful hashtags that are popular with writers.

General Writing Challenge hashtags

You could take part in challenges for writers like Nano and post progress updates on IG or do a photo prompt challenge and add any of these tags that are relevant.

#writerschallenge #writingchallenge #writingprompt #poetrychallenge #writingprompts #writingchallenge

Writers/Authors Supporting Each Other

These are great tags for when your post is aiming to help others.

#writingtip #writerstip #writingtips #writerstips

#writerssupport #supportingpoets #supportauthors #supportwriters #supportwritersandauthors #supportingauthors #authorssupportingauthors

#featurepoem #featuredpoet #featuredauthor #featuredwriter #authorspotlight

Tags for writers/authors that blog

If you are a writer that also blogs here are some general tags for you although you will also want to add some that are specific to the content you’ve created.

#Blogging #blog #blogger #bloggingforfun #writersblog #bloggingcommunity #bloggingsecrets #bloggingUK #BlogAnniversary #NewPostUp #amBlogging #BloggerofIG #blogginggoals #bloggoals #bloggingtip #bloggingyourway #Wordpress #WordPressBlog #WordPressBlogger #BloggingItUp #BloggingIsFun #blogaboutwriting #wwwblogs

Tags for writers that use Planners

I know many writers are stationery addicts and can’t resist a planner. If you are sharing your planner, here are some general tags although you may also wish to add tags relating to the type of planner you are using too.

#planner #plannersgonnaplan #lovetoplan #goalsetter #goaldigger #bigplans #schedule #myschedule

#plannergirl #plannergirls #craftyladdies

#plannermeet #plannermeetup

#plannertips #plannertipsandtricks #plannerinspiration #planneraccessories #plannerstickers #stickerfanatic #plannersupplies #planneraddict #planneraddicts #plannerdecoration #stickeraddict

Tags for writers that read and review books

I only discovered recently how important reviews are especially for indie books. If you can find the time, write a review, share it on IG and everywhere else to help it get discovered.

When tagging you may also want to tag the picture with the books genre, where you bought it and what media it is. See part 2 for bibliophile tags or part 3 for genre tags.

#Book #Kindle #kobo #ereader #books #audiobooks #ebook #ebooks

#tbr #toberead #tbrwishlist

#reading #amreading #readingnook #readinginunusualplaces #epicreads

#yalovin #iloveya #yabookstagram #youngadultbook #instabookstagram

#indiebookshop #indiebookstore #bookshop #bookstore #bookshelves #shelfie #amazon #waterstones #bookhaul

#library #librarylove #loveofreading #borrowedbooks #booksonloan

#bookreview #bookblogger #bookblog #goodreads

#bookstagramer #childrensbookstagram #yabookstagram

This is not the end of the series, there is more to come!

In the meantime, you should check out:

Two year blogging anniversary!

My new Carpe Diem planner

Handwrite to boost creativity

Book Review: Red Queen

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My plans for the fourth quarter

You may have caught my previous post where I reflected on my progress so far this year towards my annual goal. As we enter into Autumn, I am evaluating where I am at and setting myself some new goals for the next quarter.

Social Media

Blog (Word Press):  I have enough post ideas to post twice a week but my new plan is to plan posts a month ahead and if I only have enough for one post a week, I’ll be happy.

Instagram:  Continue engaging with my new connections.  October, I am taking part in a photo prompt challenge and will be aiming to post once a day.  However in August, I trialled three posts a week and this was easy to maintain.  I think this is something I will be moving towards.

Twitter:  I still share content to Twitter and get involved in Twitter events but it isn’t my main social platform.  I’ll continue in this manner.

Facebook page:  Currently, this is not my main focus. I share content here. I think when I publish, I will use this platform for giveaways and live chats, etc.  

YouTube: It’s not only plucking up the courage to go infront of the camera but also to find the time and correct conditions (not exhausted or surrounded by kids).  Until my life calms down, this is being shelved. 

Tumblr: Share Instagram and Word Press content to this platform.


Jewel of the Sea:  Use feedback from Beta’s to improve novel.  Complete Willow Editing’s course and use what I learn to improve Jewel of the Sea.  Whilst saving for an editor, find out more about self publishing.  Query agents that show an interest.

Diamond in the Sky: Re-plot novel, edit existing version and write ending.  There’s a lot to write so I will be working on this for NaNoWriMo.

Tinsel Tiger: Research Literary Agents/Publishers of picture books and consider querying.


Read six or more books:  I’ve hit my goal of six books but I will continue to read more.

Self care:  Sadly, I’ve neglected myself. I think I would love to have a spa day, get my nails done, get my eye lashes done, maybe use a face mask.  Surely this can be achieve within the next three months.  


Willow Editing:  I am so lucky that Willow Editing has given me access to her editing course.  I really struggle with editing as I’m not confident in my use of English Language and the more I think ‘is that right?’ the more I second guess myself.  

Resource book:  During the last quarter, my goal was to buy another resource and I failed.  So, this time I will set:  Buy two resource books on writing!

What are your goals?

I shall review these again at the end of December.  I often feel like I haven’t achieved much until I acknowledge what I have managed to do.  Will you be setting any goals?

If you enjoyed this post, you may also enjoy:

My plans for the third quarter

#BoostMyBio for Pitch Wars 2019

Book Review: Save the Cat – Writes a Novel

My Books

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Book Review: Duet Rubato

Author: Claerie Kavanaugh

Duet Rubato

I was fortunate enough to get an ARC copy of this book thanks to meeting Claerie through World Indie Authors.

Duet Rubato by Claerie Kavanaugh

What is the book about?

This is a second chance romance. I had never read one of these before but it means that two people with history meet up and fall in love again. This was also my first lesbian romance.

The book is told from both characters perspectives and alternates between them with new chapters. There is Catherine, the single mum and struggling to find work and there is Adaline who works as an assistant director at a struggling theatre.

How it starts

The book starts by us seeing Catherine navigating her childcare arrangements with her ex and feeling bad about still not getting her big break. Her ex, Grayson, encouraged her to go for a job at the theatre for a part he knows she would be perfect for. Due to an accident that damaged her leg and ruined her career, Catherine had reservations and fear sets in.

We then get to see the two women meeting for the first time since they went their separate ways as the audition is at the theatre where Adaline works. Of course the Director loves Catherine and offers her the part, forcing the two women to work together.

The middle

Due to the girls history there is a lot of old wounds that were never tended to. It creates a lot of drama, misunderstandings and heartache. It was like reading about a car wreck, you could see the damage and the pain but you could not look away. It was gripping.

Both of the girls have fears that they need to overcome. As Catherine’s fear is affecting her ability to deliver her role, Adaline is assigned to help her overcome this. It comes to light that Adaline is an amazing singer and due to her own fears has given up on letting herself shine on stage, resigning herself to backstage duties.

How it ends

Without spoiling it, the two women get themselves in a real pickle but through love they manage to pull themselves together, overcome their fears.

What did I think

I really enjoyed the conflict from their unresolved history and the ending left me with happy vibes. There were some strong feels throughout the book as the couple went through highs and plenty of lows as they made their way to their long awaited Happy Ever After.

I think this novel will appeals to fans of these genres but also anyone who loves the theatre as there are references to famous plays made between the characters and inside jokes.

I would consider reading more second chance or lesbian romances again and more novels by Claerie Kavanaugh.

You can find out more about Claerie and her books by visiting her website or connecting with her on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or YouTube.

If you enjoyed this, you will also love:

Why I Love World Indie Warriors

Felixstowe Book Festival and My White Knight

Book Review: Lion’s Share

Book Review: Red Queen

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My plans for the third quarter

You may have caught my previous post where I reflected on my progress so far this year towards my annual goal. As we enter into Summer, I am evaluating where I am at and setting myself some new goals for the next quarter.

Social Media

Blog (Word Press):  To continue to post at least twice a week keeping to my content schedule as much as possible.  

Instagram:  To maintain the new connections I have made and continue to engage with them and share content about my writing.

Twitter:  Continue to share links to my content on Twitter and connect with writers on the platform.

Facebook page:  To brainstorm how I can use this to connect with more writers.

YouTube: To be brave and get in front of the camera and start sharing video content.  

Tumblr: Share Instagram and Word Press content to this platform.


Jewel of the Sea:  Enter into the Wattys.  Put novel out to Beta Readers.  Take part in September’s #PitMad.  Work on my query letter.  

Diamond in the Sky: Re-plot novel, edit existing version and write ending.

Festivals:  Attend festivals:

  • Felixstowe Book Festival
  • YALC
  • Wow-Con


Working Together Course:  Finish this course.

Crafts: Make time at least once a week:

  • Planner:  continue to use Carpe Diem planner
  • Pocket letter:  write another pocket letter
  • Scrapbook:  Do at least one page
  • Crochet:  Finish Aria’s blanket for her birthday

Read at least four and a half books by the end of September:  I have read three books so far this year.  I’ve started two books I have just not been able to get.  I will most likely buy new books at the festivals.


Writer courses:  Continue to take advantage of any free courses that come my way if I have the time to do these.  

Resource book:  Buy another writing help book.  I am considering the Emotion Thesaurus.

What are your goals?

I shall review these again at the end of September.  I often feel like I haven’t achieved much until I acknowledge what I have managed to do.  Will you be setting any goals?

If you enjoyed this post, you may also enjoy:

My plans for the second quarter

Camp NaNoWriMo Diary (middle to end)

A local girls guide to Felixstowe Book Festival

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My plans for the second quarter

You may have caught my previous post where I reflected on my progress so far this year towards my annual goal. As we enter into Spring, I am evaluating where I am at and setting myself some new goals for the next quarter.

Social Media

Blog (Word Press):  To continue to post at least twice a week keeping to my content schedule as much as possible.  

Instagram:  To maintain the new connections I have made and continue to engage with them and share content about my writing.

Twitter:  Continue to share links to my content on Twitter and connect with writers on the platform.

Facebook page:  To brainstorm how I can use this to connect with more writers.

YouTube: To be brave and get in front of the camera and start sharing video content.  

Tumblr: Share Instagram and Word Press content to this platform.


Red Dresses (formerly Scarlet House):  To start writing a new novel.  I shall use Camp NaNo to make progress towards this goal in April.

Jewel of the sea: To edit Act 2 and hopefully begun editing Act 3.


Working Together Course:  Complete this course and decide what my plans are as my maternity leave comes to an end.

Scrapbook/Journal: Start using a planner to get more organised.

Read at least three books by the end of June:  I have already read one this year so I just have two more to go to get back on track of my goal of six books by the end of the year.


Writer courses:  Continue to take advantage of any free courses that come my way if I have the time to do these.  

Save the Cat Writes a Novel:  Finish reading this fabulous resource on novel writing.

What are your goals?

I shall review these again at the end of June.  I often feel like I haven’t achieved much until I acknowledge what I have managed to do.  Will you be setting any goals?

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Reflecting on Goals set in January

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Spotlight on Spring Literary Dates calendar

A little post on how I am doing…

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