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I was lucky enough to get an ARC copy of this book via Net Galley. It’s release date is 14 June 2022.
About the book
Blurb of The Sea Women by Chloe Timms
My thoughts
I read an ARC from Net Galley and this is my honest review.
Wow! This book is dark and twisty. I’ve always wondered how people fall prey to a cult leader. How fears can control.
Esta lives on a patriarchal island where they fear the seawomen, and every challenge the islanders face is blamed on the sins of their women. Punished by god, they must repent to be saved. Esta sees through the lies and dangerously seeks answers to questions that if she was a good holy girl she’d ignore.
This book reminded me of the darkness of The Handmaids Tale. The way the book made me turn the page out of morbid curious that people could live this way. The history and characters are written so well, it was difficult to put down.
My birthday was back in November and my online writer friends clubbed together and got me an Amazon voucher. I didn’t spend it right away. I wasn’t sure if I might get books for Christmas. Plus my book Wishlist is insane so I took my time narrowing down my choices.
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Here’s what I got:
This Poison Heart by Kalynn Bayron
The Weavers by Ania Whiteley
World for the Broken by Elexis Bell
And The Stars Were Burning Brightly by Danielle Jawando
PREORDER: When Our Worlds Collided by Danielle Jawando
Romancing the Beat by Gwen Hayes
The Rural Setting Theasarusby Angela Ackerman & Becca Puglisi
The Urban Setting Thesaurus by Angela Ackerman & Becca Puglisi
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About the Author
I met Roxy Eloise on Instagram. She reads and reviews books on her Instagram channel. She has done a live reading of Ocean Heart.
She has an upcoming author event, where she will be giving a talk at Herts Book Festival on 7 May at Hertford Castle.
My thoughts
This book is set in a futuristic boarding school where the students train to become enforcers. Aurora was taken there at a young age and told she was an orphan. She has questions about that night but is not allowed to ask.
She gets coupled with Pax, giving them certain privileges like going out on patrol and competing in the tournament. Things get heated until they discover something that drives Pax to attempt to get uncoupled. Meanwhile, the cocky juvie Aurora has been allocated seems to know her better than herself.
As Aurora uncovers secrets about herself, she will discover there’s more to her than just being an enforcer.
This futuristic sci-fi had great world-building and characters. This book left me wanting more. Bring on book two.
Detective Fleet is on a cold case following the discovery of a body that is missing boy Ben from over 20y ago. The story is split between Ben and Fleet’s point of view, giving insight into what happened back then and now.
I don’t usually read this genre but I really enjoyed it. Every chapter unravelled more clues, it was fast-paced, with chapters ending in a way that left you needing to read more.
The body is found at a private school and during the investigation more bodies turn up. This amps up the feeling of danger and urgency. We all the twists and turns I didn’t see the ending coming but it is was brilliant. I loved how it linked back to the hiding place.
Perilune Karri Thompson (The Legend of Tena, #2) Publication date: March 8th 2022 Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult
A truce has brought the Grove peace—but things are not as they appear.
Deep within a secret rainforest, live the keepers of unknown spells—a lost Landaffen colony with the power to keep Laura from fulfilling her fate by setting a trap and using Prince Brell as bait.
But Laura has become more Landaffen than human, her abilities sharpening as she infiltrates the forgotten and unforgiving Grove. She must learn to control the colony’s magic before their powers are at their peak.
If she fails, Prince Brell will die, and the joining of both worlds will be incomplete. It is Laura’s duty. Her calling. Faith must be restored, and the enemy defeated.
With a broken treaty and imminent conflict bringing death and war, Laura must build trust and bring order . . . before the PERILUNE!
“You’re not supposed to be doing this!” I warned. “You’re breaking an agreement between kings.”
“An arrangement concerning a half-race is not a contract to keep,” Daveen said.
“What do you want?” I asked and took two steps backward, stretching out my arms to catch my balance as I lifted my feet from the snow.
“This is not about what we want,” Reenk said. “It is about what we need.”
I reached behind my back to grab the door handle, but I was too far away from the door.
“Why are you here?” I asked again. “What do you―?”
“You are to come with us,” Reenk said. She patted her sword through her jacket.
Daveen pulled a coil of rope from his backpack. He pulled his feet through the snow and stood next to her.
I readied my right foot to push off while keeping my eyes on theirs. With one leap, I reached the door. Daveen sprung forward, catching me by the arm with one hand and prying my fingers from the handle with the other.
I kicked behind me, tugging to jerk free, and fell to my knees. My backpack landed in the snow. Daveen yanked my arm, and I pulled him to the ground next to me. I rolled on top of him. Holding him down with one hand and using all my weight, I worked to get to my feet.
My coat collar wrenched hard against my throat, cutting into my skin. Reenk had me by the hood, and as she pulled, it became harder for me to breathe. I shoved my fingers between the top of the zipper and my neck, twisting away as I rose to my feet.
From behind, Daveen grabbed me around the arms and waist, holding me with such force, I was unable to move my arms or raise my feet.
The door flung open, but neither Laramiss moved.
Todd walked from the building. “Hey! What are you doing? Let go of her!” Todd screamed.
Daveen tightened his grip, and he and Reenk threw confused glances at one another.
Author Bio:
Karri Thompson, a native of San Diego, attended San Diego State University where she earned her bachelor’s degree in English and master’s degree in education. When she’s not writing novels and teaching high school English, she can be found nerding out at San Diego Comic-Con and cooking delicious meals for her family. Karri is the recipient of the San Diego Book Awards Best Published Young Adult Novel for 2014.
As a fan of her writing, I wanted to make sure you didn’t miss out on the giveaway ending 24 Feb and I wanted a chance to share more about Blessed Darkness.
Filled with grit and magic, this literary romantic fantasy will take you on a ride. A Blessed Darkness by @elexis_bell is out NOW! Get started on it today ➞
A Blessed Darkness Elexis Bell Publication date: February 22nd 2022 Genres: Adult, Fantasy, Romance
A dark connection. A deadly responsibility.
Sparks fly when Elairie, a mixed-blood elf living on the edge of society and serving as a night guard, meets her latest prisoner. Strange auras surround them, and a magical gravity draws her to him, despite what her associates might say about his race. But the connection they share comes with a dark side.
When Beluroan learns that he and his guard are Blessed Ones, hand-crafted by the Gods to stop a madman from recreating the Blood Magic of old, his veins run cold. Threatened with a return to the magical slavery such magic commands, fear grips him, and memories of his childhood Master fill his mind.
But together, their potential power frightens even the Gods. Can they overcome the prejudices marring their land and master their new magic in time to stop the man trying to enslave their country? Or will they succumb to their own power?
Filled with grit and magic, this literary romantic fantasy will take you on a ride.
I’m a nerd with a lot of hobbies and enough sarcasm and swear words to make a sailor blush, though, you’ll never hear a word of it if I’m not comfortable around you. I’ve been an introvert since birth. When I’m writing, though, words come easily.
At the end of the day, I just want to write stories that make people feel something.
???????? His life has been… difficult. To say the least. Born a slave to the Blood Magic, serving an especially brutal Master, he has a lot of scars, both physical and emotional. The worst of those scars come from the night that brought him freedom but stole his parents’ lives… and almost his. As a Blood Elf (formerly known as Fox Elves), he’s tolerated in small doses in society. Blamed for the Blood Magic and the atrocities it wrought during its reign, mistrusted because maybe there’s still a Master out there controlling them all, he’s often denied the means of earning an honest living. Even his Earth Magic, useful in construction and farming, only gets him so far. He earns less than Light Elves and often resorts to theft in order to provide for himself, his sister, and her two children. Meeting someone, let alone having a family of his own, hasn’t really been possible. Scrounging a living, stealing food, and hiding from Guards doesn’t allow much time for dating, and anyway, how could he hope to help provide for them when feeding his nephews is already a struggle? But when he gets thrown in jail for his thievery, he accidentally meets someone he could never dream of walking away from. Elairie and Beluroan are inescapably linked, created as one entity then split into two for the mortal realm because their united powers are too much for any one mortal to control. But the gift of their bond has a cost, a destiny written in blood. Blood Magic, that is.
??????? She’s unusual in her village. Of mixed blood, she has attributes of Light Elves and Fox (aka Blood) Elves. All thanks to a Blood Elf rapist taking a liking to her Light Elf grandmother during what came to be known as the Blood War. Given all the prejudices that carried over from the war, her mixed blood means she lives on the edge of society. She’s not completely ostracized. She even has a decent paying job, but it’s one that keeps her on the fringes of society. As the night guard at the local jail, most everything in her village happens while she’s asleep. Not that she minds. Interacting with other people is often exhausting, also thanks to her mixed blood. From one conversation to another, she has to gauge whether to fade into the background or let herself be seen depending on who’s around, and she’s gotten good at reading a room. Of course, her Aura Magic helps with that, too. She lives with her mother, having lost her father to the Blood War and her grandmother to old age. Though she’s not opposed to the idea of finding a partner, especially now that she’s in her early twenties and most everyone else her age has partnered up, no one has ever drawn her in. Until now. Until Beluroan. Until they meet, and sparks fly. Literally. In a strange, shared aura that burns and jolts around them. But neither of them know the truth of their bond. Or the sacrifices it may require.
Excerpt 2
I spur my feet to action, dragging myself into the room. Again, my heart falters at the sight of him, at the strange familiarity of him. I barely keep my jaw from falling open.
Leaning back, propped up on one elbow, he sits with one foot drawn up to the edge of the cot. Oh so casually, he examines his nails. His vest gapes, falling open to the side, and his shirt clings to him.
But realization dawns on me.
He’s messing with me.
His chest rises with a deep breath, and he glances up, rewarding me with a coy smile and confirming my suspicions. I balance the tray in the only horizontal opening in the bars. Without a word, he gets up and slinks toward me with an almost feline grace.
He takes the tray gently and sits back down on his cot.
Settling in at the desk, I take a long drink of the cool water. We eat silently, and I’m thankful for the time it affords me to calm my nerves. But I glance at him too many times as I eat.
And more often than not, his eyes linger on me.
He eats slowly, controlling his pace. But it makes me wonder.
Does he not usually get this much food in one meal?
My heart clenches, though I’m sure he’d bristle at the pity.
Then, it hits me, as if all the stone and earth Luxitore ever created were falling down upon me, as if Jemarie were taking all the wind from my lungs…
Does he have a family?
No necklace of eternal bonds peeks out from the open neckline of his shirt, but given the scar on his chest, it may have broken when the magic hit him. My stomach plummets, and I tell myself it’s only out of concern for his possible family. With him here, they may not have food.
It isn’t because he’s attractive. It’s because his family might be starving.
But I know better. It’s both. The two concerns mix, curdling in my stomach.
I finish my food shortly after Beluroan. Gathering my tray and cup, I move to take his. “Would you like more food or water?”
The simple question surprises him. After a moment’s hesitation, he says, “Just some water, please.”
Has no one ever shown him simple kindness?
The lightning scar glares up at me in answer, making my own upbringing seem privileged. People turned their backs on me all the time, but no one turned their magic on me.
He hands me the tray, then drains the remainder of his water in one long pull. My eyes linger on his neck, but I force myself to look away. Reaching through the bars, he passes me the cup. Our fingers brush, and gentle warmth flows between us. His hand lingers, and my breath hitches. Swallowing, I pull away.
But I still feel his touch.
Heat rushes to my face, and he drops his gaze quickly.
I dart from the room, tripping over myself to get to the relative safety of the cold storage, or even just out of this room. I barely notice when I bump into the desk in the front lobby.
I rush down the stairs and drop everything on the table in the corner. My hands shake, sloshing a few drops of water over the rim of Beluroan’s cup as I refill it.
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About the book
Blurb for Romancing the Beat by Gwen Hayes
My thoughts
This book breaks down a romance novel into beats. The beats are plot points that are expected in popular romance stories. It helps you identify if your romance novel has all the right ingredients.
It’s good but brief. I’m glad I read Save the Cat first as it’s similar but that book goes into more depth. This book was like a romance appendix to STC. I don’t think this will be a resource book I turn to very often now I’ve read it.
With February being the month of romance it’s the perfect excuse to make a list of some of my favourite romance novels:
Forever by Judy Blume
YA Romance
This was a high school favourite, and certain pages were well read. I keep meaning to buy it so I can read it again as an adult. Would I love it as much now as I did then?
Night Flame by Catherine Hart
Historical Romance
I loved this story when I was younger. The main character is a redhead. I’m not sure how historically correct the Native American Indians are portrayed but Night Hawk was hot!
Bridget Jones Diary by Helen Fielding
Comedy Romance- Diary
Bridget is struggling with her weight, trying to cut down on wine and smoking, a disaster at work, and desperate to find her Mr Right. Her confessions told via her diary entries is a relatable and entertaining read.
The Secret Dreamworldof a Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella
Romantic Comedy
I read this book when I too was struggling with store cards. It not only was an entertaining read but it got me to deal with my problems before things got out of control like in this book.
Stray (Faythe series) by Rachel Vincent
Fantasy Romance (werecat shifters)
I loved every book in their werecat shifter series, and the spin-off books. The relationships are pretty steamy but I also loved the world building.
Silver Silence (Psy Changelin series) by Nalina Signh
Fantasy Romance (Psychic abilities)
This series was pretty steamy and unique. The characters had psy abilities and I really enjoyed how they were described and brought to life.
A Court of Thorns & Roses
Fantasy Romance
This story was like a beauty and the beast retelling, where the beasts were the dangerous fae. It had a great romance and the deadly games at the end were brilliant.
Agent Undone by Cassidy Reyne
Romantic Suspense
I read this whilst following the Epstein trial of human trafficking. The story has an agent trying to catch a trafficking ring, and a love interest that is a girl on the run from the trafficking ring.
Joy’s Summer Love Playlist
YA Romance
This book blew me away how the most tiny details were used to bring emotions and feelings to life. It was so vivid. The characters were so well developed and real.
Blind Date by Debbie Ioanna
Comedy Romance
This light hearted story about disaster dates was even more entertaining because of the cat. I have book two on my reading Wishlist for this year.
There are so many more books I could add to this list, but I shall end it here. Have you read any of these? What’s your favourite romance read?
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About the book
Blurb for Forever Burn by Trinity Lemm
My thoughts
Tatum & Axel have a complicated past. This bad boy romance is a rollercoaster ride of their ups and downs as they figure out if they work or make things worse. On top of that, girls are throwing themselves at Axel, and Tatum has a persistent creep.
There were points when I thought they’d never get a happy ending, but I kept turning the page after every drama. It led to a satisfying ending that definitely left me wanting book two!
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There were a few books I started in 2021 that I never got around to finished. It was nothing wrong with the books, I just had a lot going on and then I lost where I was.
I hate the idea of logging a book as a DNF. It feels like quitting , especially as I really was enjoying some of these books. Some I still consider myself as currently reading. Hopefully, I’ll finish them in 2022.
Fish Bone Alley by David F Burrows
A satire historical detective novel. This isn’t my usual read but the author is a lovely person, and it is quite funny. The chapters feel like short stories so I feel this will be easy to come back to.
Court Out by Deb McEwan
This is marketed as YA Fiction but it didn’t feel like YA too me. It wasn’t what I was expecting, and that made it difficult to get into. I might try again with fresh eyes…
A Choice of Essence by Katelyn Uhrich
This MG Fantasy book is incredible. What I’ve read so far is amazing and I restarted it with my son. I have the eBook but I love it so much I might buy a physical copy too. ?
Fate of the Blue Moon by H B Lynn
This shifter fantasy book ticks all my boxes. It feels well researched and is a good grounding to the series. I have all the books so I want to get into this.
Forever Burn by Trinity Lemm
This complex college romance kept me entertained with my broken ankle. I stopped at a point where I was angry at the love interest, but as I have book two waiting for me, I’ll have to give him a second chance to make it right.
Empire of the Vampire by Jay Kristoff
This is truly the book I am currently reading. It’s really good but it’s a big book and as a slow reader it’ll likely take me until the end of 2022 to finish. ?