It’s Release day for Sky Heart a YA Romantasy

A broken heart is just the start of Kiely’s problems.

Keily’s boyfriend breaks up with her at Christmas and she’ll do anything to get him back, starting with a kissing dare. Her new wild lifestyle lands her in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Now she’s battling to stay alive, as she’s drawn into an ancient shifter war with werewolves and reapers. Bad choices and lies puts those she loves in danger. Can she master her new powers in time to save them, or will she condemn them all to darkness?

Getting over her ex is nothing compared to the battle that awaits her.

A dark tale of heartbreak, reapers and shifters, and learning to love again.

Where to buy

Signed copied will be available to buy from Stillwater Books in Felixstowe from 10:45 am on Saturday, 8th February. You can preorder it now, and it will be ready for collection tomorrow.

If you want a signed copy posted to you, you can buy this from my Ko-fi shop.

NB: At the time of writing, Sky Heart wasn’t listed on Amazon or but I am hoping that now that today is release day, that it will not be available there too.

Signed Copies at Stillwater Books

I’m not a salesperson. Every time I have to approach a bookshop to stock my book, I’m filled with nerves. There’s no way I’m even attempting to pitch if I have the kids with me, which happens whenever my husband has a weekend shift.

First, I waited until I had my copy of Sky Heart to check that there were no issues with the print quality. Then I had to wait for a weekend when I was free. When I finally plucked up the courage to go, I found the bookshop closed. A note was pinned to the door saying he was away on holiday. Nooooooo! But at least this explained why he’d not responded to my email.

,It had felt right to approach Stillwater Books first because they were the first bookshop to stock Ocean Heart. It was released during lockdown so I couldn’t have a traditional book signing. Together we managed to sort something out that worked within the rules allowed.

He should be back the following weekend so I braced myself to try again. Thankfully, when I entered the shop, it was quiet, so I didn’t have an audience. William was absolutely lovely. We got chatting about books, reading, genres, and stocking my books. He put my books on the shelves so I could take some pics and a short reel for social media.

It’s so silly that I get myself so worked up about approaching bookshops. From my experience, they have always been so lovely. There is this fear that they’ll say no, and I’ll have to leave with my tail between my legs.

I’m excited to return next Saturday, 8th February, around 10:45 am, with my signed books for his shop. There will be five signed copies of Ocean Heart and 10 signed copies of Sky Heart. If you want to make sure you get a copy, preorder by letting him know and he will put a copy aside for you to collect.

Visit Stillwaters Books website here:

If you can’t get to Felixstowe, you can order a signed copy from my Ko-Fi shop, or order from any good bookshop.

The Sky Heart Press Release

As you know from my self-publishing diary, I wrote a press release for Sky Heart. It took me a while to send it out to news outlets as I felt I ought to take a picture of myself with Sky Heart, my new book releasing on 7th February.

First, I had to wait to receive my copy of Sky Heart from the printers. Then I felt too tired to do it in the evening after work but felt too tired. And, when I finally got around to take some pics, they looked awful. It is so dark at the moment, with the bad stormy weather. All the pictures came out gloomy. I returned to the drawing board and used Canva to update an old picture of myself – the one I use as my author pic – to include Sky Heart.

It wasn’t until 26th January that I finally sent it out. Yesterday, on 31st January, I heard back from good old Felixstowe Magazine to let me know that they were including my Press Release for Sky Heart. I am so thankful to Felixstowe Magazine, who always encourage and support me in my author journey.

The article is live and can be viewed here: New Book Release “Sky Heart” by local Gal, Ally Aldridge

Sky Heart can be bought from all good bookstores. Check out the Sky Heart page for up-to-date details on all the places you can buy Sky Heart.

Signed copies will be available to buy from Stillwater Books in Felixstowe, on Saturday, 8th February from 10:45am.

Or buy direct from my Redfae PayHip store.

Book Review: The Guidal – Saving Light by Roxy Eloise

This is book three in The Guidal series.

Wow! This was another amazing book in the series. There is even more magic in this one!

The book starts with Aurora disconnected from her feelings. This makes her less sensitive to the feelings of Pax & Tayo, and unable to use her powers. Don’t worry, her friends stick by her despite her trying to push them away, and they help her reconnect.

Meanwhile, we get to see more of the Kamalayans and the stakes rise. Aurora starts having dreams about the first Guidal and this reveals some of the history.

Beware, in this book Aurora suffers some hard losses. One that left me internally screaming NOOOOO at the book!

A lot happens in this book, and I’m desperate for the next one in the series. Really hoping for the return of a certain character.

You can buy this book from Amazon.

Book one in the series is The Guidal: Discovering Puracordis and book two in the series is The Guidal: Unearthing Secrets

You can buy book one (Discovering Puracordis) and book two (Unearthing Secrets) from Amazon too.

If you like the sound of this book, you might also like these:

My Self Publishing Diary

I thought it might be interesting to keep a diary on how I published my 2nd book in the Soul Heart Series. Many people are not aware of the amount of work that goes on behind the scenes.

During December, I was liaising with my Formatter and Cover Designer to get the final files for Sky Heart. To complete the paperback cover, my Cover Designer needs to know how many pages are in the final formatted copy of the book as this affects the spine size. My Formatter was keen to get this done before Christmas which she did, but I missed her email. By the time I saw it, it was after Christmas. My Cover Designer got the final paperback cover finished and back to me on 30th Dec, but I’d forgotten to send her the blurb – whoops. I sent that over to her on 31st Dec and she got the final copy back to me the same day.

Now, I have all the files to publish Sky Heart that should be it – right?

Wednesday, 1st Jan 

It’s the first day of 2025 and I’m up and straight on the PC uploading the files to the book aggregators. Basically, a book aggregator is a company that will print (or host the digital ebook file) and distribute your book to retailers. As I publish wide I have chosen to use a few aggregators. The aggregators I use are Amazon KDP, Apple Books, Book Vault, Google Play, Ingram Sparks, and Smashwords.

Ingram Sparks (print and ebook)

I started with Ingram Sparks because that would put both mediums of Sky Heart out in the world in one hit. Also, their website is not the easiest to use, and they take the longest to do anything. In addition, my Cover Designer had to make a cover file just for Ingram Sparks because they like to be a little more complicated than the rest.

Uploading the files went well – I’m pretty sure I did all right. Fingers crossed…

Book Vault (print only)

First, I uploaded it to Book Vault and came across an issue. This was my fault. Whilst I’d been waiting for the files from my Formatter and Cover Designer, I practiced uploading Sky Heart to Book Vault. When I went back to do it for real, I deleted the dummy version and then they wouldn’t let me create a new version as that ISBN had already been used. Eek! I sent a message to their Customer Services but as it is New Years Day, I’m not expecting a response.

Smashwords (ebook only)

Next, I tried Smashwords. This appeared to upload without a problem, and it was exciting to see it already listed for preorder.

Google Play (ebook only)

Google wanted me to update my pay information. This then caused an issue as I had to wait three days for the updated details to be verified.

Apple Books (ebook only)

I’ve been meaning to log into my Apple account for a few weeks as they emailed to say they are changing their terms and I have to accept them by some date in January. However, they would not let me log in. It kept saying my password was wrong. They’d send a link, let me change it, and still wouldn’t work. There are probably some mischievous cookies in the background, but I didn’t have time to investigate further, so I moved on.

Amazon KDP (print only)

Amazon has made self-publishing very easy for authors. Once logged I was logged in, it is very straightforward to add Sky Heart for preorder. I also got to order my first-ever physical proof!

A proof copy is the one that says ‘NOT FOR RESALE’ on the cover. I never got one of these for Ocean Heart as I didn’t know I could include the title in KDP until after it was already out in the world. I thought all books published via Amazon had to be exclusive to them, but it turns out the exclusive part is for the Kindle KDP ebooks. As Ocean Heart was already out in the world when I joined, I couldn’t get the proof copy. I always felt like I missed out on a self-publishing rite of passage but now I will have one with Sky Heart.

Update my website

With the release date set, I needed to update my website, so it doesn’t say Sky Heart is coming soon.

Set up Book Funnel

To distribute the ARC copies of Sky Heart I wanted to use Book Funnel. I used it for Ocean Heart and it worked well. My account had to be reactivated, and then I needed to create a landing page for Sky Heart to be downloaded by my ARC readers.

Send out ARC

First, I downloaded the details of the people who had signed up via my Jot Form. Some people had signed up a long time ago, and there were some other who’d applied more than once and I had to remove duplicates. Then I drafted an email to send out the Book Funnel link to them all.

Write & send newsletter 

Next, I wanted all my newsletter subscribers to know that Sky Heart finally has a release date and invite them to read the ARC by sharing the Book Funnel link with them.

Post on Social Media

Then in Canva, I worked on a few posts to spread the word that Sky Heart is releasing on 7th Feb. I posted two to Instagram and scheduled one for tomorrow.

Can you read Sky Heart before Ocean Heart.

Thursday, 2nd Jan 

Book Vault

I’m very impressed. Yesterday was New Year’s Day, but Book Vault has already got back to me with a solution to my dummy issue. They reinstated the dummy book and advised me to edit it with the actual book details. Book Vault is a straightforward site to use.

I tweaked my cover slightly in Canva as I needed to add a barcode to the back, as Book Vault doesn’t do this. I’m a huge fan of Canva, find it easy to use, and love the inbuilt apps. Yes, there’s even an app to create a barcode using your ISBN in Canva. I love this because I can add my logo to the barcode.

All the files uploaded without any issues. I checked the eCopy of the book. It looked good, so I approved it. Then I ordered a print copy to double check everything is correct.

Smashwords – Premium catalogue issue 

Smashwords had emailed to say my ePub had failed their checks to be included with the Premium Catalogue. This is how I get my ebook included in Kobo+ and Apple Books, etc.

Deep breathes…

The jargon reasons don’t make sense to me, so, I send the details over to my Formatter. She is a wizard at fixing files.

Update PayHip with Sky Heart

One of the features of using Book Vault is they have an app where you can include your books on your own website. Most websites hosts will charge you for having a shop on your site which doesn’t make it cost effective for me.

However, Pay Hip don’t charge me for having a shop. Towards the end of 2024, I created a Pay Hip store to sell Ocean Heart direct to my customers. This means I make more money as I don’t need to give a portion of my money to a retailer, plus Book Vault handle the distribution. Now, Sky Heart is approved on Book Vault, I can add it to my Pay Hip site.

Add Sky Heart to my Ko-Fi store

People often want a signed copy and can’t always attend the events I am at. For this reason, I created a Ko-Fi store as it includes a shop. Ko-Fi takes a small commission, but it’s been so useful I feel it is well worth it and has been one of the main sources or sales of Ocean Heart. And, now Sky Heart has been added to the shop.

Closed my Sum Up shop

At events, I use Sum Up to take payments. Sum Up comes with a free website shop where you can sell directly to customers. Late last year I decided to set it up. It lists the same products as my Ko-Fi store. I worry it confuses consumers by having two places you can buy a signed book from me. So for now, I have decided to close this shop.

Update Book Funnel for Ocean Heart 

Today, I decided to revisit the old Ocean Heart page on Book Funnel. This is a page that lists where you can buy Ocean Heart. I found out you can list where the paperback can be bought, so I added these links.

Update Books2Read pages

Working on this reminded me, I used to have an Ocean Heart Books2Read page. Checking this I discovered that you can now add paperback links here too. So, I worked on updating this.

Then, I created a Book2Read page for Sky Heart. It was cool to see that it is already available to pre-order from a few places already!

I’d not realised I have an author page, so I made sure the details on here were correct too.  

Update website

I decided to update my website with the Books2Read link as a button, then deleted all the other buttons linking to places to buy Ocean Heart that were already covered on the Books2Read Ocean Heart landing page. This reduced the number of buttons on my book’s page and made it look much cleaner.

Then I updated Sky Heart’s page the same. As the ARC copies had now been sent out, I removed the button to the Jot Form allowing ARC sign ups.

Friday, 3rd Jan 

Ingram Sparks

I received an email from Ingram Sparks to let me know the ecopy proof was ready for me to check and approve. Everything looks fine, so I placed an an order to check it over. I paid extra to get it here faster because Ingram Sparks is the slowest.

Smashwords confirm payment 

Smashwords emailed to request that I check my payment details are correct, so I logged in to confirm they are still the same.

Amend “But” button on website to “Buy”

Last night, I was checking the changes on my website had updated correctly and discovered I’d made a typo. I had created ‘But Ocean Heart’ button instead of a ‘Buy Ocean Heart’ button. It was quick and easy to fix. Phew!

Update LinkTree

Billie Eilish offers this cool underwater background for LinkTree if you subscribe to her newsletter. I’ve wanted it for ages and decided to do it. Now my LinkTree has the cool Billie Eilish background.

My LinkTree includes a shop that has links to buy Ocean Heart and merch. So I updated the shop to include links to where to buy (preorder) Sky Heart.

Update my Facebook shop

I only recently found out that I can have a Facebook Shop, and I have been slowly adding my TeeMill merch. All the Ocean Heart clothing is already on there and I can tag these in my Instagram posts. I decided to add my Sky Heart merch.

Whilst logged into my TeeMill store I spotted that it is a FREE Shipping weekend. I quickly created a post to share this on Instagram. I decided to do a post with Sky Heart merch so I further promote the upcoming release and link the merch in my Facebook shop.

It’s not user-friendly and although I can tag products on Instagram, I don’t know how to find the link to my shop to share with people.

Saturday, 4th Jan 

Google Play

Got bored of Google Play waiting to update my payment preference and reverted back to my old payment method (this is for them to pay me). Uploading my book to Google Play is Free. I made sure that the two books are linked as being part of the same series.

CanvaPreparing Marketing

Most of today, I worked on creating reels and posts for marketing. This mainly consisted of looking at old content and repurposing it. There are lots of drafts that have never been posted, so I looked at whether they could be updated and used.

Sunday, 5th Jan 

Wrote a press release 

When I did the pop-up stall at Dunelm in Bury St Edmunds, someone said we should use local press more to promote our books. They are right. So, today I worked on writing a press release. I’ve never done one before so I did ask AI what I should include and I hate it say it, AI was very helpful.

Updated media page

I have a media page that I have attached to emails with all the information about Ocean Heart. I used this as a template to create a media page all about Sky Heart.

DIY Bookcovers – create 3D renders 

This is a brilliant site that creates 3D images of your book that you can use to create marketing posts. My Cover Designer includes a paperback and ebook 3D render as part of her package. I used this website to create some alternative 3D renders and uploaded them to my brand images on Canva.

Buy Teemill Merch

I took advantage of the Free Shipping deal and ordered some of the Sky Heart merch. I have a jumper and a T-shirt on its way to me.

Sky Heart Teemill Products

Mon, 6th Jan

Book Vault confirms the dispatch

Today I went back to work so it was lovely to start the day with an email from Book Vault to let me know that Sky Heart had been printed and dispatched. It was on its way to me.

Research Local Presses

When I got home I researched local presses contact details. I’m not sure when to send the press release. Should I wait until I have a copy of Sky Heart and take a picture of me holding it?

Tues 7th Jan 

Book Vault Paperback Arrives

I had to wait until I got home from work to see it, and then wait until the kids were in bed so they didn’t get their grubby fingers on it. It was worth the wait. Oh my gosh, it’s beautiful. I made sure I recorded an unboxing video.

Unboxing Video

Then I edited the footage and created a reel for Instagram. For YouTube I did it in landscape and added it to my Ko-Fi shop listing of Sky Heart so people can see how the paperback looks before ordering their signed copy.

Weds 8th Jan

Amazon confirms the dispatch 

Started today with a notification that Amazon has dispatched Sky Heart.

Amazon Paperback Arrives

I got home from work and my proof copy has arrived. I’m tired and need a break so I didn’t take any pictures and didn’t post anything online.

Thurs 8th Jan

Bought a new Wrapz for my phone

To celebrate Sky Heart coming out I decided to create a new Wrapz for my phone. It was easy to create with the tool on the Wrapz website. All I had to do was upload one of the files my Cover Designer created for me as part of the package to use for marketing. Designed a new wrapz for my mobile phone to promote Sky Heart.

I need to get a new case too as mine has a slight crack but I’m waiting until pay day. The crack has been there for a while and I’m not too bothered as I know my phone is okay underneath. However, I want my new wrapz to look good so its motivated me to replace my broken case.

Designing a new bookmark

I decided to order some more bookmarks but when I went to order them I decided that I’d like to re-design. Then I ended up on Canva creating different variations using the pdf size guide template from Vista Print. I couldn’t decide on which one I liked so I’ve left the designs to think about and will finish the order another day.

Fri 9th Jan

Received Revised ePub File

My Formatter emailed me today to say she had fixed the ePub file to meet the requirements set by Draft to Digital (Smashwords). However, I was busy with my children after work and once they went to bed I didn’t have the time or energy to try it out.

Sat, 10th Jan

Uploaded Revised ePub to Smashwords

It was super easy to update the ePub file in Smashwords, and then the green PASS notification lit up.

Smashwords then asked if I wanted to include Sky Heart as part of a series. So, I created the Soul Heart series and made sure the book order was clear. This will help when it is sold at retailers to know the two books are linked and which order to recommend reading.

Now my books are in the premium catalogue, I don’t need to worry about uploading Sky Heart to Apple Books as Smashwords will do it for me.

Update blurb

I then decided I wanted to tweak the wording for the blurb. The change won’t affect the blurb on the paperback as I will leave that as it is. I have amended the last sentence in the blurb on Amazon, Book Vault, Google Play, Ingram, and Smashwords as these are my major distributors.

Order copies of Sky Heart

I wanted to visit bookshops today and see if any would like to some signed copies of Sky Heart ready for the release. But, today my husband has plans so I have the kids with me. My kids are amazing but they are not the sort of child that will be calm and quiet while I am talking to someone. Approaching bookshops always makes me nervous even those I’ve worked with before so having my kids tag along just adds to the anxiety. Instead, I decided to place an order for Sky Heart from Book Vault ready for any pre-orders.

Facebook shop

This morning I decided to write this very long blog post about the first 11 days of publishing Sky Heart. When I was adding images and buttons to the post I thought I’d see how to get the link for my Facebook shop. I ended up spending hours on it. Uploaded some Redfae products, and added the Sky Heart paperback and ebook (although the books won’t show as they are from a different site). I still don’t think I have got it right but it can be a project for another day as I have things I need to get done.

Perhaps, I will allow myself a day off tomorrow to rest and enjoy a good book…

Book Review: Daughter of the Moon Goddess by Sue Lyn Tan

This is book one in the Celestial Kingdom series.

I’m not familiar with the Legend this story was based on, which made it a new and fresh idea for me. I listened to the audio and loved the world-building and powers. For me the main character and love interest were a bit plain and about midway I sped up the audio hoping to get to something more emotive and passionate but the characters are very reserved. I still enjoyed the story and was pleased I tried something different.

Here are some other books you could check out:

Book Review: Stardust by Neil Gaiman

I always loved the movie and didn’t know it was based on a book. Once I discovered this, I borrowed the audio version from Borrowbox with my library card.

This was one of the best audio books I have ever listened to. There was a main narrator, and every character had their own voice. The story was as magical as I remember. It is a perfect modern fairy tale that will be loved for many years to come.

If you enjoyed this, you might like:

Folk of Air series by Holly Black

Published on YouTube on 1st September 2024.

I read these books for free. Let me tell you how. 😍

A few Christmases ago, I got a Kindle. We have a Prime account and with Prime you can borrow books to read for free (and then return to borrow more). In the Prime library was Cruel Prince.

Book two, The Wicked King, was not available on Prime. I checked to see if I could borrow it with my library card and found I could! It was available on the Libby app. Using my library card, I borrowed the ebook, and they had Queen of Nothing, so I borrowed that straight after.

I also used my library card on Borrow Box (audio books to borrow using my library card) to listen to The King of Elfhame, which is a prequel to this series.

I loved these books so much I wanted them for my shelves. I requested them as gifts for my birthday, Christmas and Mother’s Day. They only cost £10 for the paperback boxset from The Works, but alas, I did not get them.

My kids often get book tokens as gifts but I always forget to have them with me and end up using my own money to buy their books. So, I decided it was time to pay myself back and get the hardback editions from an online shop that gives back to high street shops. As I had the book tokens, it cost me less than £5 for all three books.

I love my new books. They look beautiful next to my stunning Hunger Games hardbacks, which I got from Dial Lane Bookshop, Ipswich, as a gift from my hubby for my birthday.

Follow my bookshop affiliate link to get your hardback copies of:

📕The Cruel Prince:

📗The Wicked King:

📘 The Queen of Nothing: